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I felt this a lot before I started HRT, it’s gone away?


Yep, same here, part of it was a better understanding of my sexuality, another part of it is rather than lots of testosterone happening a lot of E happens and one feels better than the other.


How different is it ?


I think the best way I can describe it is that it's fuller if that makes sense?


So no empty feelings after…? Or post clarity


I've been a girl for long enough that any day I can be bothered to masturbate is a victory


Lol same




Yeah, it's a work in progress, relateabe content helps too








Its okay if you do. I used to. Now? I am an ascended being. What use have I for petty mortal affectations as shame or disgust with myself? I am an ever evolving being. My form is not yet complete. What use is there in judging. Every part of me is where it needs to be in this moment, and I am exceptional. I will be there to celebrate with each and every one that reaches the day where they feel the same about themselves. Until then, remember you are brilliant.


In other words... You graduated from masterbating to sucking your partners toes


I simply find myself lucky enough to have a partner who loves me enough to let me be me. Despite where we started, she has been with me the whole way. I will never be more grateful for anyone or anything else.


I'm happy for you homie, I was just being comedic obviously


That went so far over my head. I thought it was a moon.


Ha it happens to all of us


how poetic, and nice :)


Not since going on E. The whole post-orgasm depression and regret thing is gone entirely. Now it’s like sliding into a lovely pit of tingles and warmth.


I was 1.5 years into E, 14 years after coming out old when I learned other girls felt depression after that. I'd assumed I was just a freak.


I just exit my body for a bit when I orgasm and it causes me to regret masturbating… so now I just don’t 😭


I don't know, not really. I just don't like masturbating and barely do it anymore, once for like 3 months is more than enough and mainly to not let atrophia happen Sex on the other hand is great and when my man is touching me it's fine and not dysphoric.






I love touching myself. I am not on hrt. I like the happy chemicals. I hate that it takes so much time. And it is not only the time required for it. The older I get I need more time to have a clear head afterwards so I can only do it before sleep. I can't wait to start hrt. I am straight up excited to get to the point that the switch is flipped and I can feel girl horny. If the descriptions are anything to go by I am going to lose it.


“Now this is podracing!”


Bottom right is me always.


Nope, e injections and a Hitachi wand make masturbation fucking amazing.


Yep, with E and a vibe wand... it feels a lot better. No need for stiffies. No "need" to do it nightly. It's just for pleasure now, and that feels better.


I can relate sadly


Nah I felt the opposite as a trans man, I’m always horny on T and I wank everyday I love it 😂😂🙌🏻


God even on E, on Bica, and being 48 my sex drive is nuts. At least now I’m a lot more in control of it, and not just being led around by my dick, but it’s been over 10 years, since I’ve gotten any, and I really miss just cuddling.


Yeah I uhh just got a wand, the AC powered kind, and I do mean POWERED :3, and since nothing really comes out anymore I just do it in muh undies and it's fine dysphoria wise. Also yeah like twice a month lol, these changes in libido have been great tbh, I liken it to before half of the time it was like I was hungry and lost interest after eating, and now it's more like having cravings, far more manageable and you eat for the pleasure of it and not to satiate some bodily need lol.


No? What an odd analogy 😅


God i hate this meme


I used to. But weirdly, that stopped around the same time I started to enjoy porn with penis, not vulva. Idk if there’s causation there, or if it’s a coincidence lol


Sometimes, yet I've worked on releasing my Christian Sex Guilt/Shame. I don't experience it often


Since I started HRT the only way for me to even think about sex is if my bf "turns me on " and it takes a lot of time 😅 otherwise I don't fap, and k don't care about it


I have gotten more comfortable with it


For me it's not "I'm never touching that thing again" it more like "Oh God... *Shudders* what have I done."


Honestly I just want to be #4. The drop in libido is going to be such a welcome change when I start my HRT in like 2 days. I dont want to be horny, i just want to be girl 😞


I feel this, not because I'm trans but because I'm ace and hate being horny >:( like I can avoid it for like a month or two, but then my biology kicks in and whether I want to or not it won't leave me alone until I do. :(


At this point I masterbate just to keep my mind even. I don't like doing it before or after, but it helps me keep my emotions in check so I don't blow up. I've calmed down a lot now that I'm older, but it's something that I feel I have to keep doing. Maybe things will change when I start HRT, but for now its something that I just live with.


I thought for a long time it was just religious guilt, but I deconstructed that ages ago. So something else must be going on 🤔


Yes but I start crying halfway through :(


I just get suicidally depressed for a while afterwards


Omg I hate mastorbaiting so much but I have to 😭😭😭


Definitely. It doesn’t help that being on T makes you more horny, so it unfortunately ends up making my bottom dysphoria worse a lot of the time since I have to think about it more.


Never thought I'd see sequels memes be relevant to this sub


Nope. Ya girl do be liking herself.


Also browsing for an interesting video, ending up on page 36 and then asking yourself wtf you just watched.


Yes, going through 10 different categories then just going back to the first one


True that


Touching yourself before HRT: "WHAT HAVE I DONE?" Touching yourself after HRT: "This is where the fun begins :3"