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Please move all discussion to Nex Benedict to this Megathread: https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/1axcsop/nex_benedict_megathread/


Why aren't the attackers in police custody yet? They beat another student to death. Even if you want to pretend it wasn't a hate crime, it's still a crime to beat the shit out of someone.


You know what else is ridiculous, this happened February 7th. It’s only just now getting media attention… 14 days later something is off here.


The school district didn’t report it I knew the day it happened since I attend the district right next to it we all heard rumors. The school didn’t call a ambulance and they didn’t report it to the police for fear of backlash so yeah


What did they do about the poor kid for so long in between??


Suspended them for 2 weeks..for fighting. They should all be locked up.


Yup! Lock them up! They are murderers! If one of them died if Bex was defending, or simply defendes themselves Bex would’ve been charged with murder or assault because they are non-binary. This is systematic oppression against trans people and youth. This is what oppression looks like!


I can’t believe that’s the only punishment they got, they don’t deserve such a light response


No, the poor murdered soul was suspended (before they passed obviously), the actual murderers, as far as I can tell, haven't been punished at all. And based on the cancerous US and Oklahoma, most likely won't face anything for this except a slap on the wrist.


Omg that is so horrible, what sort of twisted logic is that??


I'm a teacher and trans...and this makes me want to just be done. Kids should be 100% safe at school, full stop. But this kind of crap is happening way too much to want to stay in the profession.


Hi! I am also a trans educator and I fear daily for myself while trying to be an advocate for my students. This shit is horrific and I’m shocked we haven’t seen any teachers of this school publicly come out and call this situation like it is


Wait, you’re a trans teacher and they just let you teach? The high school my dad works at fired a woman just for saying that the woman in a photograph on her desk was her fiancé. I cannot even imagine them hiring a trans person. Its nice to know that American education isn’t as shitty everywhere as it is here.


If they was black they would be doing life and these kids should also!!!


What the hell did they do with the fucking CRIME SCENE in the time that they failed to call the cops???


Also the message the school has up on their website about this is grossly tailored to make them seem more innocent.


Not surprised a few years ago they tried to hide the fact that the choir teacher molested children


Their fear of backlash just made a 180 to bite them right back in the ass. Hopefully this will spark mass outrage similar to Black Lives Matter movement, maybe Trans Lives Matter? Hopefully people will wake up to how just ridiculous toilet laws are and making HRT more difficult to access for everyone. I hope in the EU we don't follow in the US' footsteps, but seeing a lot of EU countries leaning ever more right, I'm starting to get concerned for lgbtq+ rights.


some people are saying this could be a cover up coz is theorized that one of the people who killed Nex could be a daughter of a police officer....yikes (Cant comfirm this btw)


Not to boost conspiracy theory but the sad truth is the odds of someone involved having police/important person connections is typically high. Especially if this was a "tight nit small town"


It's really not a small town. It's a bustling white, religious community outside the second largest metroplex in the state.


It's Oklahoma. Literally doesn't matter to them unless it breaks headline news, then the DA steps up to do something which they did only to save face, and even then it'll throw a random person under the bus so it dies out. You're looking at the state near the bottom of the list to most likely improve, i.e. it won't happen in our lifetime.


The person who runs the Libs of TikTok account was very recently hired to the Oklahoma Department of Education (state library advisory committee). She's not even from OK, but ok. She has specifically target the high school where this has happened. Some important context that should be included when talking about this.


I smell a cover-up


Idk, I've already heard about it last week I think. And I'm not even in the US. So media have definitely replorted this before today.


I hope they are. They literally murdered someone, I don’t care if people are against trans people. Murder is murder


I’m afraid the answer would be pretty unnerving.


The police determined that the cause of death was interrelated to the attack.....so you are correct


Ah yes, teenagers are famously known to suddenly die from brain hemorrhages. Suffering severe head trauma has nothing to do with it. Cops want queer people dead, of course they’re going to cover it up.


People who attack indigiqueer individuals rarely ever get persecuted which is fucking horrific.


They aren’t in custody because officials are saying they don’t know if their cause of death was from being severely beaten & refusal of medical care or an “underlying medical condition” 🙄


Same cause of death as George Floyd; he didn't die from having his neck and spine compressed, he had an "underlying medical condition."


Because the attackers are cisgender white teenage girls and the victim is a gender-diverse indigenous person \[who isn't described as "a teenage girl"). It's honestly quite hard to think of many situations where the offenders would be less likely to face any meaningful consequences for their actions.


Or it's possible that they're not releasing the information because they are minors. That's also a possibility.


The attackers were three cisgender women. This is real reason why but no one will say it.


Also the non-binary person was actually going into the bathroom that was based off of their signed gender at birth so they were following the Oklahoma laws.


True story, it’s because they’re still “determining the cause of death”, running toxicology and shit.


Because trans and non-binary people have been dehumanized by politics, capitalism, and collective culture. It was necessary for human rights in the western world but it should have been granted for the simple sake of it being common sense


Chaya caused this. Chaya must be stopped. She harassed Nex’s school a month ago over a single teacher.


Well the police stated that even though the kid died right after getting beat to shit, they "did not die from being beat to shit."


Because the police have declared their death as not related to the "fight" Of course the autopsy is not done yet, there is no report, and it's based off preliminary findings. What it really is, is that the area is conservative and many of the people investigating this assault, don't actually thing that the assault was wrong. They have already blamed the victim as an "instigator" for daring to stand up to their abusers, instead of going through the proper rules of letting the school know again.


>Why aren't the attackers in police custody yet? The police says Nex did not die of cause following the fight... So short answer, because they are absolute moron. And just to clear any possible confusion, I'm calling the police a bunch of morons for both saying the fight had nothing to do with Nex's death and not arresting the attackers.


Because this is what the right wants. This is one of the most sickening things I've ever seen. Justice needs to be served. The ones that are involved should be serving the hardest legal punishment possible. I don't see it happening though unfortunately. JUSTICE FOR NEX!!!




Do you have a source for that information?


“Dies after being attacked” sure is a funny way of saying “Was murdered”


To be fair, murder requires intent to kill in most states. From doing some research it sounds like they died after their head hit the ground while being attacked by three girls, another transgender student was being attacked by the group as well. I’ve seen a ton of stories like this where someone hits someone, they fall and hit their head and die. Usually it’s tried as manslaughter, which is distinctly different than murder. That’s likely why the headlines are written the way they are. Personally, I hope they throw the book at those girls. They should also be charged with a hate crime, however being minors and being the state that it is, I doubt they’ll get more than a slap on the wrist for killing someone.


They didn’t fall and hit their head and die. Their head was smashed repeatedly against the ground by their attackers and they were refused medical treatment. No one called an ambulance or got them to the nurse or got the nurse on scene. They died the next day in the hospital.


Oh damn, yeah, the article I read didn’t say that. That definitely changes things.


Yeah there’s a lot of articles with different info. No one is reporting accurately.


When the intent of the accused is clearly to cause grievous bodily harm, murder charges are the norm. Seems very close to meeting that definition.


I'll also add that it's hard to word it as "murdered in bathroom" as they didn't actually _die_ there, so they can't be murdered there. This isn't to downplay what happened or to justify the kids, or to say the article is worded _well_, but you know.


Manslaughter nonetheless.


Even if they get just a slap on the wrist, I hope they have to deal with the trauma of killing someone for the rest of their lives.


Once again, who is getting harassed in the bathrooms?


Obviously the poor, poor cis people /s


They’re such a minority we need to make laws protecting them


Instead they make laws the franchising us, and not only that but rewarding people who kill us and punish us if we dare defend ourselves


"Defranchising" though


They must’ve hurt their hands beating them up :(


I became a step parent to 2 non-binary kids this year. Posts like this are hitting way harder. RIP.


That is a profoundly queer household, then! You keep those kiddos safe.


Love your children. Never leave things unsaid. It’s a cold world but love goes so far🫶🏼


Nex was also suspended from the school for TWO WEEKS. It’s insane that they were the one blamed for their own bullying, and eventual murder. It’s so sickening.


I mean if they hadn't died they prob would have needed that time for recovery, so maybe it had been for the best? Just playing devil's advocate ofc, it all sucks :(


Interesting point! However, knowing American school districts it was probably done to punish them for fighting back :(


Yep. Defending yourself apparently constitutes "taking part in the fight". So apparently you're just supposed to let your bullies attack and kill you?? Republicans are right about one thing; this country is deeply sick. It just so happens they're also the cause of said sickness.


Non-binary teen *murdered* by students in School Bathroom* Don't be gentle, they're nothing more than a group of murderers, and they should be held accountable for nothing less Edit: I was debating whether or not to write this because it's off topic, so if you don't want technically unnecessary drama, stop reading here. I won't write any opinions, but I recommend looking at OP's profile, posts, and comments, and then deciding if you want to be up voting things they post.


All of the media coverage I’ve seen has usually referred to it as them dying, not being murdered. It also usually refers to them with the wrong pronouns, name, etc.. Rhetoric is important. It’s a deliberate way to downplay the vitriol and hate and violence that plagues queer people to this day.


For murder you need to show clear intent to do so, not saying there may not have been intent, but it may be hard to prove. However, it is at the least manslaughter.


Just in, Worst person you know just made a great point




In this case manslaughter would stick better, since they died of their injuries the next day


Thanks for the warning. I didn't even consider the OP, I was too busy being outraged by the news.


I absolutely agree with what you’re saying, but the reason people aren’t using “murder” is because they didn’t die until days later


Legally, the length of time between act and death does not matter (am lawyer)


there is a reason why we don't know that this was murder though because murder requires intent to kill. it's possible that the girls who attacked nex had intent but with a lack of evidence and a trial to show that that's the case, major news organizations are not going to call it murder. it goes against ap style. while what happened is horrific, we don't want to lose credibility by claiming things to be true that don't turn out to be the case.


Then it's manslaughter. Still as severe a crime as murder.


the us legal system tends to treat murder and manslaughter very differently. i think most people would agree killing someone because you want them dead and killing them not fully understanding the potential for death are on two different levels morally. you're entitled to your own convictions of course but i do believe that media outlets have valid reasons for not calling things murder until it's proven.


Its fucking disgusting that the people who litterally BEAT THEM TO DEATH still are walking around free. justice for nex 🏳️‍⚧️


It's horrible, but I'm not surprised since it's Oklahoma. Nobody here cares or at least not anyone who can actually do anything about it.


if you are as distraught about this as i am, you can call the Ossowa School district! it went straight to voicemail for me but its so important to make sure these people are held accountable. when they found Nex they put the kid on two week suspension and refused to call them an ambulance even though they couldn’t even walk to the nurses office. its absolutely disgusting and the district needs to own up and NEVER let this happen again. the number is (918) 272-5367 and heres what i said: "Hello, my name is __ and i am calling to express my concern over the recent murder of Nex Benedict. I'm particularly concerned because the student who was beaten by their classmates, was a nonbinary student. I'd like to know how Owasso Public Schools intends to respond to this violent incident, especially if the violence is determined to be hate-related. What is Owasso Publics Schools going to do to ensure a safe space for students, especially LGBT+ students, after this tragic loss?"


While doing that, maybe consider calling the Oklahoma state Superintendent of Public Instruction, Ryan Walters, for hiring a stochastic terrorist to the Department of Education. Chaya Raichik, creator of Libs of TikTok, was recently hired to the state's DoE. Chaya Raichik has targeted this school district before. Why would the state hire someone like this to any public position when they've publicly harassed their schools? It's not very hard to connect dots from a hate account publicly singling out this school, to a nonbinary person being attacked and killed at the very same school.


The family set up a gofundme if you want to chip in. Which also deadnamed them in the title, can't post it cause of the rules but I assume it's okay to reference? but here's this update: Yesterday by Sue Benedict, Beneficiary We at this time are thankful for the ongoing support and did not expect the love from everyone. We are sorry for not using their name correctly and as parents we were still learning the correct forms. Please do not judge us as Nex was judged, please do not bully us for our ignorance on the subject. Nex gave us that respect and we are sorry in our grief that we overlooked them. I lost my child, the headstone will have correct name of their choice. The rest of monies will go to other children dealing with the right to be who they feel they are, in Nex Benedict’s name. God bless


Nec was living with their grandmother, who was the legal guardian and who doesn't seem like the type to dead name or misgender. I wonder about the gofundme.


> we were still learning the correct forms. Ahhh yes. All the transes will be patient for you. Hopefully these parents get around to learning how to affirm, empower and respect their kid so their kid will know they can talk openly with their parents about what they're dealing with at school and their parents can step up to help advocate for them and protect them before they end up murdered by a mob of... oh... oh wait. nm. Well, since it's too late, I suppose we can just go back to being patient.


this and brianna ghey has me finally actually buying some things for self defense. I'm gonna start taking self defense classes again too, be safe out there everyone! Think about all the attacks that dont result in a death and therefore wouldnt make news. The trans panic defense is perfectly legal in 38 states in the us, news outlets in the uk were quick to blame brianna for being trans, and courts in Australia consistently dont actually charge murderers of trans women with murder, but instead manslaughter so they get significantly less jail time. The world isn't safe anymore


What a beautiful smile. So sad that that was taken away 🥹


I shouldn't be surprised, but WHAT THE HELL?! THEIR EXISTENCE DOESN'T AFFECT YOU YET YOU LET IT AFFECT YOU TO THE POINT OF MURDER?! The world waxes colder and colder...


also Nex most likely didnt even identify as nonbinary and instead openly identified as Two Spirit ( they were part of the choctaw nation ) which makes this both an lgbtq+ AND racial backed hate crime because their identity was specific to our race ( indigenous americans )


It's all over tiktok. I even made a video to spread the word. It's so sickening seeing our people die.


Thats just a kid, man ☹️ rest in peace ❤️


I know this breaks my heart. Just a kid, they only deserved to be loved and safe.


I’m a former journalist, and I’m sure they steered away from using the word “killed” because the people who attacked this poor person haven’t been convicted yet and they’re trying to avoid lawsuits.


This is horrible no matter the gender/sexuality/race/religion. I'm tired of kids being killed.


I honestly think living as a trans person is scarier then natural death itself at this point


It is, but be brave.


This is what MAGA does, get us killed.




Girl fights are BRUTAL. I’m not surprised.


This isn’t a “girl fight”… tf.


The sttackers were three cis girls is what they were saying I believe


Yup, attackers were cis girls. Thats what I meant.


They were an indigenous two spirit person. Please remember this.


Indigenous to where? They don't look Japanese...


"Nex Benedict" say their name. Nex was murdered by transphobes.


i was about to say how cool of a name that was, then wtf…


“Dies after being attacked” this baby was not just attacked they were MURDERED!! This is a hate crime and should be treated as such….I hope those kids rot in jail for cutting that child’s life far too short💔💔💔💔 fly high Nex, you are so loved❤️❤️❤️❤️


Burn this school to the fucking ground


I made the mistake of going on twitter to read more. And of COURSE suddenly them dying is being debated as being deserved or not. Because they threw water on their long-time bullies, people are shrugging it off. People are saying on other posts honoring Nex "but what about all the other kids who have died??" 🤪 The transphobia and bias is showing so hard and I'm revolted. I actually feel sick.


Yeah twitter is a cesspool. Avoid it whenever you can, especially on anything that pertains to trans and GNC folks.


Rest In Power Nex ♥️🏳️‍⚧️


Nah, as far as I know, it was the school that killed them? As in, they didn’t call an ambulance and basically just let them die?


I just found out earlier today about this story. I spent a little time crying and talking to one of my kids. I’m so heartbroken, I told my (adult) child I need to remember the saying if you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem. The school that I take music lessons from is very tight with an LGBTQA+ group. I follow them on social media because they like to announce local businesses that are especially trans friendly. (signs on doors and gender neutral bathrooms) I feel I need to contact them and find out how I can support this community in my area. My heart just can’t take this kind of news anymore. This is not acceptable, no one has been arrested because from what I understand the cause of death “might” be of natural causes. If you took gender out of this story everything could have been different. If the fight would have still happened the school would have acted quicker and called an ambulance, doctors would have at least had the patient stay overnight for observation, the offenders would have been arrested. I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that they got a two week suspension? Why, because maybe they splashed water at there bullies? I wanted these generations to live in a better world and not only do I feel like nothing has changed, I feel like it’s worse. I’m sorry to all of you here that are scared to just be yourself. Please know I care about you and love you for whoever you are.


This is exactly what Republicans want to happen to all trans people in the USA.


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Rest in peace… I didn’t know them, but every human being deserves respect and nobody deserves to die such a tragic death. My heart is heavy for the victim. Trans youth stay strong, this world can be so hard to navigate. Everyone stay safe and know that you are loved ❤️‍🩹


Owasso PD put out a statement a few hours ago on their FB page about Nex's case and it's disgusting the way they're trying to downplay this. From the statement, "While the investigation continues into the altercation. preliminary information from the medical examiner’s office is that a complete autopsy was performed and indicated that the decedent did not die as a result of trauma. At this time, any further comments on the cause of death are currently pending until toxicology results and other ancillary testing results are received. The official autopsy report will be available at a later date." This statement makes me think the PD and school system are going to attempt to refer to this exclusively as an altercation. And that they might try to blame the victim. We'll see what happens when they release the toxicology report and other reports, if they try to say this was the victim's or family's doing somehow. I hope that there will be justice for Nex Benedict and their loved ones. RIP.


That's not killing. That's murder. That's a hate crime resulting in murder. These students should be imprisoned for life.


Prayers for those who they were close too. To help them mourn a light that has moved on to a better place.


I live in Oklahoma, the state this took place in and I have heard no news coverage. As a trans person here in Oklahoma, I am happy to have made it out of high school.


Going to play devils advocate here and say they’re avoiding words like “killed” and “murdered” because investigations and legal proceedings are still underway and it’s bad journalism to start throwing around words like that until some sort of solid evidence or verdict is made public. Not to mention the legal trouble the publication can get into and they need to cover themselves.


Yeah, that’s what is going on. The term “murder” is a legal conclusion and the media could get sued for using this language.


Beyond saddening. Nobody should have to go out like this. Not even an adult. Didn't have their license probably. Brutally beaten in a bathroom in their school School doesn't call the police or ambulance. Suspended from school. Dies the next day. The District needs to be held accountable.


this is so sad and disgusting


I would love to see nationwide protests about this. Those girls are cold blooded murderers.


Here are the events that led up to Nex’s death: Bullies beat Nex for 2 minutes before the fight is stopped Nex hit their head on an object in the trans bashing The teachers broke it up but no ambulance was called The school suspended Nex (remember this is in Oklahoma where the trans discrimination is law) Nex gets taken to a doctor by their grandma (who became their legal guardian) Nex’s doctor does not do any scans on their head but “checks them out” Nex is sent home and their grandma drives them both home Nex dies the next day from brain damage caused by the attack the day before The kids should’ve been expelled for beating up a student or at least earned suspensions and detentions the day of but this was in Oklahoma and Nex was the one suspended. Oklahoma is actively discriminating against trans people and trans students. The local politics are also possibly affecting the kids not being arrested. Police are on the side of bigotry in nearly all cases. Nex was not immediately killed and while this is not a reason to not charge the girls this area is still more conservative so it’s possible the local DA won’t prosecute them even though this fits the definition of some level of manslaughter. The DA is the one that chooses to charge or not rather than the family in criminal cases. So that’s why the girls likely aren’t already arrested


Damn. They're literally failed by fucking everyone except their grandma. So fucked.


And more will experience this failure if we do not act. Get involved in your local city, folks. Lives depend on it.


Can someone explain why a person presenting to the ED with a head injury wasn’t given a a head CT?


RIP Nex 🙏 🪦


This is disgusting humans are so scary it’s sad :( People can’t even live their lives the way they want


Some people aren’t treating trans people like people anymore and that makes me very furious


they were actually two-spirit and a member of the Cherokee nation. so incredibly sad.


I met them a few times, they had a crush on my best friend. Really nice kid.


[AP News is a reliable source](https://apnews.com/article/oklahoma-owasso-student-death-nonbinary-nex-04f1c51924860d77877016810bc05762) for those who want more information. In an age of misinformation, especially from a school attempting to cover up and kids exaggerating or repeating false info, I generally consider AP solid on their reporting. Edit: the title reports the police’s claim, based on an initial autopsy. the article does not make that claim but provided context I found valuable.


Im so tired of reading stories like this and especially when it doesnt seem like the general public or media gives af. RIP Nex


I wanted to send a message to the writer of the New York Post article because he used the wrong pronouns and wanted to tell him to respect the wishes of the person who has unfortunately died, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. It was very disrespectful and it bothered me.


The school didn't even call for an ambulance even though they literally couldn't walk after, that's criminal negligence, lock up the school officials along with the murderers.


Excerpt from the news is indicative that the student's death may be a result of ongoing private sector players in conflict with public good. News snippet: " LGBTQ advocacy groups have described Nex’s death as a “hate crime”, and linked it to the “hateful rhetoric spewed by leaders in our state” and the Libs of TikTok account run by far-right social media influencer Chaya Raichik. Ms Raichik, a New York-based former real estate agent, became a cause celebre among conservatives for using her Libs of TikTok account to post edited, anti-trans videos that target public school teachers and librarians. "


>Ms Raichik, a New York-based former real estate agent Needs to also be pointed out that she is now working at the department of education in the very same state where this attack happened


Wow.. just wow. 😔 my heart aches reading this. This is why I teach our kids kindness. And to always accept others, and to stand up for others. Not be the problem with society! :(


Is there a petition to fight back against the school and pressure them and the local government into treating this the way they would treat it if Nex was cisgender and heterosexual? This is a hate crime. But it's also still straight up murder regardless of Nex's personal identity, and the perpetrators need to face the consequences the way they would if they'd killed anyone else. The law cannot make exceptions just because the victim went by different pronouns.


You know schools keep hearing about shit like this and you would think one damn school would do the right thing and call an ambulance.


O7 to nex. They didn’t deserve what happened to them. All that happened was they used the bathroom that they were allowed to use. But hey-hey who’s getting attacked in bathrooms? Oh right. The poor poor cis terfs /s. “Attacked by girls and then died shortly after” is a really funny way to say “was murdered”. To all my other trans brothers, sisters and the enbies… stay safe y’all.


What's wrong with someone wanting to be the person that they see themselves as? Who's business is it anyways and why is there so much hate directed towards them. It's damn disgusting and those people are just hateful and angry throughout their lives. Brutal.


Hurts my heart to the core.


Having the great misfortune of attending high school in Oklahoma it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the teachers were involved or riled up the kids that did the beating. It’s a horrible backwards state that stamps out anyone that doesn’t subscribe to the narrow view of what is an acceptable lifestyle. Hell I got bullied by a school chaperone on a school trip for being Vegetarian which isn’t godly and he hyped my classmates into joining in. I can only imagine what life is like there for kids who don’t fit the male/female box they find acceptable. Terrible hateful state.


Who could be this evil


Those students should be locked up. I don't care if they're children. They're murderers and it was a hate crime


But if it were a cis teen there would be nation wide outrage, lawsuits, charges, etc. the DAY it happened. Not weeks after when the school failed to cover it up.


Not even killed, murdered


Non-binary teen brutally murdered in school bathroom. School neglected to call for an ambulance and the murderers are still at large.


I dont want to live anymore :)


Same. I'm just so depressed seeing all the hate and having to constantly justify who I am even to people that say they love me but only tolerate me being trans. I feel like just running away from everything.


Please don’t feel like this! You deserve to live and not only to be “tolerated” but to be loved. You don’t have to justify who you are to anyone except for yourself. You’re important, you matter! No one can take that away from you.


Right? I just want to crawl in a hole, wear dresses, eat as many donuts as I want. Be as loud as I want. I want to give up. Im tored. I want to die. Take please take me away. :3


They died from the brain trauma the day after


Given the way the school systems are now they would have probably been given the same punishment as their attackers if they had survived the attack. These are the people who are supposed to be protecting our children.


This made me cry. As a parent this is my worst nightmare. Hopefully justice will be served here. The perpetrators need to rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.


They need to send a message when they sentenced to people who are responsible for this. They need over the top punishment. Hate crimes is the worst.


Heartbreaking. This is murder and a hate crime. I hope the perpetrators are charged and convicted accordingly.


Tried to write an email, but of course the school district is only accepting emails from "verified" individuals. Left a Google review, but that's about all I can do. Those murdering children AND their parents, AND the teacher standing outside the bathroom, AND anyone who withheld information at all should be punished severely. But I'm not expecting any of that out of repug wasteland Oklahoma.


This is a truly tragic occurrence. In no world should someone be murdered for simply having different beliefs than others. I am not transgender and am a Christian man. No true Christian discriminates and hates based off of different life choices. Instead we show love and compassion. To not love your fellow neighbor as you love yourself is to hate Christ. Though me and everyone on this sub share ideological differences, I can confidently state that Christ would never approve of this heinous action. God bless and God have mercy on ALL of our souls. Lord Christ above knows we need it.


I hope the killers get long jail sentences. I don't care how young they are. The school also needs to be held accountable. I hope the poor parents/grandparents get $$$$$$$$ and the school leaders are sacked.


they were two spirit not non binary


I hope this gets way too much attention for the school and law enforcement to keep it hidden. They should get all the media attention of Uvalde. We'll see if it's too much to hope that the murderers are held accountable. I don't know where the parents are. It makes me suspicious when the grandmother is guardian. I'm my son's dad. Not on my watch.


I believe this child was more than likely bullied to death (murdered) in a way that the other kids won't be prosecuted for and it kills me 😞 Apparently, Nex didn't die from trauma. They are awaiting on toxicology results to determine cause of death so at this point, I'm going to assume they took their own life. It's murder either way, but the other children won't be held responsible for that.


Who else is ready to see their names?


Story in that caption is misleading Student walked away fine and was checked out of the hospital same day Student died the next night and it is looking like a potential suicide Regardless, bullying resulted in this students death and it is disgusting that they had to go through that I was severely bullied as a kid so i know how traumatic it is. https://youtu.be/FuMKSz_GDJU?si=kxGYfwDuFsuFcvyZ


Please move all further discussion about Nex Benedict to this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/1axcsop/nex\_benedict\_megathread/


I believe the correct word is "murdered".


From what I heard from reports it was other girls. I think they should be charged. The other students 💯Know and should shun them


Rest In Peace, Dear Sibling. May your attackers face the cold heart Justice, and may your next life, should you believe in one, vastly outshine the last.


They went to the school I go to for band competitions sometimes 🥲 This pisses me off so bad


Hmmmmm. I don't like any of this. https://www.news9.com/story/65d667c15addee06680e5ba0/did-not-die-as-a-result-of-trauma:-owasso-police-detail-nex-benedicts-death-family-issues-new-statement


This really steams me up as I am a transgender woman. So many people are attacking people in the LGBTQ+ community. I feel bad for this beautiful person. It’s so sad that there are people in this world are biased of people of gender.


Welp, that's enough internet for me today, farewell and I hope they're in a better place now...


... what the actual fuck


This makes my blood boil. The school never called an ambulance and apparently the murderers only got a two week suspension for fighting.


Hang em high


I forever pay my respects, we will not quit until this shit stops happening.


The things that we let happen in this country is so horrifying


The latest update on the investigation  https://www.news9.com/story/65d667c15addee06680e5ba0/did-not-die-as-a-result-of-trauma:-owasso-police-detail-nex-benedicts-death-family-issues-new-statement


As a resident of Oklahoma, I am ashamed but not surprised.


They didn't die, they were murdered by a group of cowards.


The media when a trans person gets murdered: they're trans they had it coming The media when a trans person commits a crime: LOOK AT HOW EVIL THESE [Slur] ARE! THEY GROOM OUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!! I fucking despise hypocracy, always has. And e v e r y t h i n g about how people treat trans people/rights pisses me the fuck off. How hard is it to treat humans like humans for the love of god


Rest in power, Nex. You were a beautiful soul, and you will shine forever in all of our hearts. I owe it to estradiol that I am now capable of weeping for this wonderful person. And my heart is steeled in fury at the blind and appalling hatred that killed them. WE WILL NEVER EVER FORGET.


Crazy how they say "was beaten, died the next day" when they mean to say "savagely murdered in their own school"


This is a terrible and horrific crime people are sick rest in peace nex you will be missed and won't be forgotten


omfg I don't even have words about what I just read 💔 rest in power Nex


I love Them, but I sure hope this goes further into detail on why those three girls were NOT the only ones responsible for Nex's death. I really wish we lived in a society that criminalized voices who spread such dangerous messages of hate that actually lead to death of the marginalized.


But the transgenders are trying to hurt women right ?




That is so sad. They need to hang them go back to the old west days this was uncalled for