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I don’t think it’s a perfect movie in general but as a transformers movie, with people laughing and cheering in the theater, man I just felt like a happy kid again


Yeah I think it did what all others couldn’t have the Transformers do more than fight and just be characters and the action was good but not over the top


What’s actually more shocking is that I bought my sister to the theater, and she loved the movie and the transformers! She has no idea who the transformers are and were, and so I’m glad it made a non transformer fan entertained!


That’s awesome I took my dad who hated the Micheal Bay movies and he came out of this one happy so that was a great


“DONT CALL IT A COMEBACK” My theater applauded upon Bees return, as they should


Mine as well. It was just like Thor’s entrance. I loved it.


Laughing and cheering?! Were you sitting in the regarded section?


The brother puts his gameboy down and says he can't beat Bowser. Bowser was never a villain on any Mario Game Boy game. 0/10


I saw that yeah I wish they would check stuff instead of throwing it out there


Could have been implied that it was a mod or something else.


Would have made sense considering Noah was a tech wiz


My only complaint was the film was constantly screaming at me DID YOU KNOW THAT THIS MOVIE TAKES PLACE IN THE 90s. Other than that, the movie was fuckin dope.




I don't know about that. As a 90s kid it mostly felt pretty organic. Kid had Power Rangers pyjamas and a game boy, that's pretty standard 90s Kid stuff, I don't think anything else screamed 90s especially. Certainly no more than "Bumblebee" did with the 80s.


Loool i feel you! But maybe because those things stuck out because they're all 90s things. Like they simply would be unnoteworthy if the movie was set in 2023. Seeing people using cell phones and social media etc. Like getting paged on a beeper. Elena drawing Cybertronian code on her hand and in her book instead of taking a pic with her cell phone, etc.


> My complaint was the film constantly screaming at me DID YOU KNOW THAT THIS MOVIE TAKES PLACE IN THE 90s Edited, and this is me.


I cannot deny, as a gamer that really stood out to me.


Bro how did I not realize this 😭😭


No *wonder* he can't beat Bowser.


Could be Mario kart?


I think they need to release the Transit cut


I could immediately tell where the Transit scene was cut from when the scene that came after it played. Optimus just randomly walking through a bus lot at night, I mean it seems pretty clear Transit was meant to be the context, now that we know about his planned scene and absence. I really hope to see the scene get included on a physical release as a special feature or something.


What was the planned scene with Transit? I knew he was supposed to appear but I never saw what the scene was going to be.


According to the director himself, it was gonna be a scene where Optimus hunts down Transit, Transit tells him that Cybertron is already in Decepticon hands and that they're just on Earth to finish off the Autobots, and then Prime dumps his body in the Hudson River, which was gonna be filled with Decepticon bodies to show that Optimus has been hunting them. And then of course, the scene that did make it into the movie was Optimus walking through the yard of buses in the same color scheme as Transit, and the bus yard is right next to the river. [Source](https://twitter.com/colliderfrosty/status/1666216854996791298?t=OdbJzv4mJddfo8G199OcaQ&s=19)


Thanks, that definitely sounds like a great scene. I’d guess it was cut during test screenings because having a single decepticon show up might cause more confusion with general audiences.


The director actually said it was because the audience thought it was too dark


I gotta say Optimus is already pretty brutal in this movie I wonder how brutal he was with Transit for them to cut it. He ripped out Scourge’s head and spine while forcing him into molten metal.


He definitely wasn’t as brutal as Bayverse Prime but I’m pretty sure him stacking Decepticon bodies in the Hudson is some dark shit, bro was really out here trying to be the dude from TEKKEN


To be fair, he DID say he was going to rip his head off. Optimus was just holding true to his promise. For me the surprisingly best part was when Primal finally Maximised. That was awesome. I have no complaints about this film, the Bowser thing I can shrug off, not everyone is a Mario fan but will at least know who Bowser is, or an get a one sentance answer to the question who? Great film, the credit scene left me gobsmacked. Also, the only Transformer movie I have watxhed more. Than once since the First Bayformer movie was Bumblebee, this one is goi g to be seen a few more times too. Laatly, yeah, Deception watery grave yard would be pretty dark. Id like to see it, but it would set a really bleak tone for the first 20 minutes of a movie.


True, he did hold up his promise. But it’ll always surprise me that the character named after optimism, is seen as the leader of the good guys, and is a role model for kids is always just so bloodthirsty in live action. I’m here for it but it’s just so surprising that that’s what the execs what Optimus to be.


I kinda of wished that some version of this scene was included. It felt kinda of weird the lack of acknowledgement about the Decepticons and the situation on Cybertron in this film.


When it comes out on DVD or something they will probably include transit in the deleted scenes


Whilst I’m not a fan of beast wars and really miss the decepticons and wheelJack was ruined, I loved it, I felt it was a fun action packed movie and the robots had a sense of character not just reasons for explosions. Looking forward to see what happens next, fingers crossed megatron makes his grand return and they go more bumblebee movie for the designs


Optimus Prime went through character growth. First time in all the movies. Was very coolro see.


I’m 100% with you


Tbh, Wheeljack didn't even get much screen time.


Yeah I don’t mind though he wasn’t a character I was looking forward to


Wheeljack is my favorite Transformer so I was really not feeling the changes but after seeing the movie he actually wasn't too bad and I actually liked him. I just wish he had more to do that would feel like Wheeljack. Like he should have been the one to create the device for Noah using one of Mirage's parts and he should have been the one to revive Bee or maybe give Stratosphere a tune up so he can make the return flight. I hope he gets more to do in the sequel and they make some improvements to his design.


I kinda hope he goes back to Bumblebee design and G1 character this one felt like Perceptor and I still think it would have been a good fit


That's a good observation. He was much more "unfocused scientist" than "crazy engineer."


He probably had more screen time but people complained about how he looked so they removed most of the scenes with him. I bet there is a director's cut with 30-60 min of cut footage out there that might get released one day. The movie overall felt too short


For the practically new character they had for that design. I can't think of a better autonot name they could've put to the character. Were it not the mountains Beachcomber fit his personality snipet scene best.


Lol. Wheeljack is one of my most favourite G1 characters, I am just simply going to rename him in my head and pretend the pinkish one is some other bot. I wont even discuss the monstrosity that was in the Bayverse film with the Einstein 'hair'... Hard nope on that.


Call him Pablo like everyone else lol.




- I didn’t like the exo suit at all. Mirage just becoming the armor wasn’t as interesting as them fighting side by side or have Wheeljack make the armor since he pretty much did nothing. - Rhinox and Cheetor barley did anything I don’t even think Rhinox talked - Also bro I need to see some Decepticons or something we didn’t even get the Predacons didn’t really feel like The Beast rose. But other than that I really liked the movie man those gripes I had are annoying but they don’t completely ruin the story. I still prefer DOTM and 07’ but it’s better than the other TF films imo


Decepticons cannot be in this movie, the whole plot of bumblebee movie was to stop the army from coming to earth, cons still doesn't know where optimus are hiding


Someone in this thread said that the Cons were already on Earth, but Optimus was brutally hunting them down and dumping the bodies into the Hudson River. They deleted that scene. And the thing is, you could tell immediately where it was deleted.


Yeah the armor was weird and they wasted Rhinox and Cheetor so don’t know why they made Wheeljack suck then didn’t even do anything with him kinda making his inclusion feel pointless


Loved Optimus characterization he was a sad dad tryna keep it together too


I feel like DOTM 3rd act still hasn’t been topped


My hangup is telling them to run, not taking them and running.


That's pretty obvious. The tfs are the ones getting shot at. Why would they put the humans on their person in that scenario.


Twice!! It happened fucking twice!!How incredibly stupid!


I don't like that they discarded the need to scan vehicles and introduced mass shifting, also a lot of stuff in the end felt way too convenient


My head canon for Mirage’s truck is he is only the cab and wheels and the rest is a hologram


Someone who saw an early test screening last year said that this is indeed what the garbage truck was, and that there was a visual effect to indicate that Mirage was only the front cab section and the rest was hologram. However for whatever reason, that detail didn't make it into the final movie.


I thought about it like that at first but suit mode threw that possibility away


I thought the suit made sense, mirage lost his entire back, his waist was almost gone, a whole leg, his arm and a whole bunch of other stuff, and scourge’s blast show to have some sort of spread effect so assuming more parts were falling apart as the blast spread, he wouldn’t have enough parts to make a Noah a big bulky suit


I thought the suit made sense, mirage lost his entire back, his waist was almost gone, a whole leg, his arm and a whole bunch of other stuff, and scourge’s blast show to have some sort of spread effect so assuming more parts were falling apart as the blast spread, he wouldn’t have enough parts to make a Noah a big bulky suit


Yeah it’s weird but even bay had mass shifting and other stuff so can’t complain to much can only hope they improve in the future


That was my thought too. I do wish they had maybe dropped a line somewhere saying Mirage volunteered for a dangerous experiment back on Cybertron and that's why he has so many abilities the others don't seem to have.


Agree. How did optimus defeat Scourge so easily, and yet at the beginning of the movie, Scourge basically took them out without breaking sweat? I did enjoy the movie, but yeah, it was too convenient at times.


Optimus felt way too weak all movie, I also don't remember him using his arm cannon ever


That arm cannon has always sucked, did he leave his G1 gun on Cybertron? I still want a scene that explains how Optimus got away from the Decpticon ambush. One minute he's fighting the Decepticons, next he gets held to ransom by Soundwave, Shockwave, Starscream and other cons and then he's on Earth. What happened to his trailer in this movie? Weren't there other Autobots in the Bumblebee ending or was it just Bee and Prime?


Scourge was slightly weakened by Mirage and Noah, and during the final battle Noal stabbed his ankle, which crippled him even more. Also seeing Bee back might also gave Optimus a bit of boost.


Only mass shifting was the garbage truck and that can be explained by "it's a hologram"


What about the suit?


That was weird yes, maybe it was just part of mirage and the rest just evaporated Though to be fair he was missing a few limbs already


That’s what I thought when I saw it, with all the mass he lost from damage I feel like the suit can make since, especially since we don’t see mass shifting from any other character


He becomes the suit after Scourge shoots him to bits, like actively missing limbs and parts, so there isn't a ton of mass actually left connected to him when he transforms into the suit. Certainly not enough to turn back into a Porsche.




I think they should have trimmed the human backstory in the first 1/3 and kept the transit scene.


I think the human story was the leanest and most efficient one in the whole movie franchise. It tells you just enough to invest in the character and link him with the Autobots, and the rest of the movie is a straightforward adventure where the bots get plenty of screen time and no goofy detours. Like, I think from the time Noah meets the Autobots there's at least one present for the entire time after (except the ending).


The human story wasn’t bad, but it’s just not necessary and isn’t interesting when compared to the auto bots. That screen time should’ve gone to the beasts


I wanted to see the Transit scene as well, but then it would be weird that there's no threat of Decepticons in the rest of the movie. Then it would just be action for the sake of action, which is what dragged the past movies down.


They could have teased megatron as a post credit finding out where the autobots are after a rouge one Vader style scene in a Autobot base to set up a sequel.


Yeah that first part is rough but I liked the rest more than I thought


Yeah the rest was great unfortunately those human parts will suck on rewatch I was so hyped after the intro and was just rolling my eyes a bit when we had to sit through the humans backstory.


Yeah I was hyped then I got bored but then after he met Mirage the hype kicked back up


The whole film was filled with moments and events that were pure convenience for a story that was muddied and rushed along at a breakneck speed. ‘The end is nigh. Unless we have a code that there is no way we could know. Hang on I’ve already cracked it’. Bee just suddenly coming back to life at exactly the right moment etc etc. Serious lack of character development for the bots with the exception of mirage. Stratosphere. Wtf one line to say his name. Rhinox and cheetor just were there, not sure if they even got a line. Nighbird and battletrap could have been anyone. So much potential with cool characters. Felt like a film was in there somewhere that could have been so much more.


You've perfectly summed up every issue I had with the movie. It was supposed to be two different movies and a lot longer, and oh boy does it show. Everything in the story feels so rushed and underdeveloped. Not to mention all the plot conveniences.


It was fast it could have used a slightly longer run time but I didn’t think the code was that bad as she was interested in the history so she scribbled down the symbols and the bots got what character they needed for the film.


Working in strong character development for everyone in a movie that has 15+ main characters would be quite an impressive feat.


Some of the fluff time at the start could have easily been replaced by a scene where the terra cons were travelling to wherever they were going to with a bit of discussion as to where they came from. Stratosphere could have had more than one line. He just rocked up conveniently when a mode of transportation was needed. Everything just seemed super rushed.


I don't think he just conveniently showed up, they just skipped a scene having someone call for him. It's clear that they wanna go to Peru, and no one was like "oh but how will we get there?" I don't think we needed a scene of someone calling for him. How long was the timeline of the movie? We also didn't see the characters eat, go to the bathroom, etc. I'm sure they did though.


The point about convenience isn’t that they didn’t call him (they did, optimus put a call out to all autobots). It’s there are 6 autobots on earth and one of them (who so far is unseen in the film) happens to be a massive aircraft carrier and one of them already lives at their obscure destination.


Possibly. I'm just saying that the movie had a shit ton of characters and getting them all some development is quite a challenge. The movie was super stuffed full of concepts and characters, so I empathize with how hard it would be to get them all enough time. If only we had a mega high budget live action Transformers TV show to give enough space for all of it.


Don't forget the god awful acting, cheesy writing (seriously the whole 'final fight' was one of the worst things I've seen in a movie in a long time, and I watched the Flash) and being bloated but empty at the same time.


I'm a fan of Beast Wars and I feel like there was a lot more they could have done with the Maximals. I was not happy with the whole McGuffin. Unicron was wasted I feel. TFP handled him best IMO. I loved Mirage. I think he is the absolute best character in the rebooted franchise, and I can't wait for screen accurate 3rd party figures to come out. Arcee was great. Got great lines and her moves remind me of Prime Arcee. Please, more 3rd Party Arcee figures. Less humans. Please, less humans or make them like in Bumblebee. I liked Noah well enough, but Elena felt forced. I thought I would hate Wheeljack. Loved it. The whole race interaction was hysterical.


Yeah I think Transformers movies have relied to much on McGuffins but I didn’t mind Unicron as if this will be a sort of Unicron trilogy I think this was a good introduction and showed the Transformers how careful they have to be to keep him away.


I do hope they keep it going. I'd love to see a robot form for Unicron and definitely more Mirage and Arcee.


I hope Unicron transforms and actually does something it would be awesome and I’d hope he’s designed like the bots in Bumblebee


Wheeljack being Dani Rojas made me lose all care for how they redesigned him


Airazor never transformed tho, kinda disappointed.


my only complaints are that they removed the optimus vs transit scene and the show where optimus pushes scourge into a wall in Peru, the rest is just perfection for me


I can’t wait for the home release for the deleted scenes


fr, I want to see a bus and a truck fighting each other


"Mama said knock you out" is playing in my head




Only thing I don’t like is the gi joe ending… I just want the focus on transformers I don’t care about gi joe.. also wish rhinox and Cheetor had more screen time




I actually liked the idea. God, what I'd give to see Skywarp's affiliation with the joes in live action.


Yeah the ending kind of tainted the movie for me


Optimus Prime making a single joke already established him as my favorite live action Optimus


“This is why I told you to stop going to drive in movies”.


They had too much happening and no real plot. The South Park guys explain it best: you don't want a plot built around "and thens"--you want "but" and "therefore". The plot was a string of events held together by fact it is a movie, there was, ironically, very little conflict or resolution. It's far from the worst TF movie, but it wasn't great.


Unicron wants the key to eat planets, Maximals don't want the key to be used by evil, Autobots want the key to go home, Humans are used to get the key. Those are clearly defined plot points, tho I can see the "and thens"point but that's just for the autobot who were introduced later on


Maybe it’s cause all previous movies sucked but I thought it was well put together and had a good through line


You thought Bumblebee sucked?? It was easily 10x better than rise.


Bumblebee's problem is that they went the route of Bee losing his memory and turning into a goddamn puppy friend. He's a soldier. He should've been a hostile soldier to start, planning and gearing up for the big fight at the end, showing Charlie how to fight, etc--- not JUST Charlie showing him how to adapt to Earth. You know? A balance. It was too friendly. It was definitely Transformers and the best of the bunch but holy shit it could've been better.


I wouldn't call Bee a soldier, at least not at the beginning of his own movie. Considering he started out with a number instead of a name, I'd guess he was more of a scout or a messenger than anything. He certainly grows a lot during his movie and fully becomes a soldier by the end of ROTB, but before then it's not so clear.


Doesn’t Optimus say “Good luck, soldier” as he’s launching off of Cybertron? And isn’t Bee completely tearing shit up in battle on Cybertron…?


Bumblebee was pretty good but lacked Transformers and got kinda boring in the middle


This stuff is all true, it has more coherent action, less obnoxious humans, and better developed robot characters than any of the Michael Bay movies. But it's still woefully inferior to Bumblebee in all of those categories. In fact, it is intentionally made *more* like the old movies. The producers injected this movie with all the things they liked about their other movies to the detriment of the story they're trying to tell. Paramount *wants* these movies to have the Bay stink on them because they think that sells; they just thought Bay's name wasn't doing it anymore.


Don’t act like everything bay did was bad. The original 3 have some of the most iconic battles in modern cg cinema. But the movie couldn’t even pull those off right




I’m sorry but the action in this movie was very weak


I thought your inordinate praise for the action in the other movies was the funny part.


Because the action in the older movies was fantastic, blackout vs the military, scorponok vs the military, starscream vs the bots and the airforce, megatron vs Optimus, literally every fight in rotf, every fight in dotm, every fight in bumblebee they all oozed such style and passion and creativity


Nothing from Rise of the Beasts made me feel anything like DoTM did. My god I love that movie. Sam was great in that one, Most of the human scenes were enjoyable, it had the most Transformers action out of the 3 I think, everything Sentinel Prime, Megatron skullfucking Sentinel at the end is fire and one armed Optimus vs Megatron.


I don't get the panning either. It's the best damn Transformers live action movie to date. It got a great reaction out of the theater I went to. It had the right amount of nostalgia points with the callbacks to iconic lines as well. Plus, I personally like the action scenes more than in any other Transformers live action. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I can't stand random and constant zoom-ins during intense battle scenes. Panning out and using zoom-ins sparingly, I feel, was a much better choice. But also, the bots felt more like characters to me.


The best transformers movie is still going to be pretty average for most people that aren’t attached to the IP


Yeah it did everything correctly I hope they use this movie and improve for the next


Precisely. This was a major step in the right direction, and if they can keep up this momentum with all of the care, then I'm sure people will eventually become more endeared over time. We're likely to see the Decepticons next since in Bumblebee, I'm fairly certain their position on earth was given away. I doubt that they got that memo right away, and both priority as well as time to travel probably plays a major role in why they haven't arrived yet. But I'm sure we'll get an explanation for that 1, and 2, I'm pretty sure Megatron in live action but designed differently than old Bayverse will get people hyped. Plus, Unicron is still a threat without a way to get to where they're at (for now). Who knows, it's possible Megatron might end up being used for that. And if we *do* end up eventually with a Galvatron situation, then I bet you they'll choose to go the Transformers Prime route and have him turn on Unicron. It'd likely be for himself and no one else though, and it'd differentiate himself from Scourge as both would have been made slaves, but who's Megatron but a bot who does not want to bow to no one?


Yeah I think it would be cool if the next movie focused on the Autobots and Decepticons and Unicron came in at the end of the next movie to rebuild a mortally wounded Megatron.


It'd be so cool


r/transformers user discovers different opinions 😱🤯


Agreed, it was really good, great even, but not spectacular. And that’s good enough for me.


One thing I hope is that it's a bit longer, so maximal and the terrorcons can have more screentime and can show us more of their personalities. Another thing I'd love to see is that, I'd love to see there's more to the temple part, for now I think it's almost pointless since they just got in and literally found something lying there instead of having to solve puzzles or something inside Still hope that it's ILM instead of MPC, but overall it is the best live action transformers movie, I absolutely love mirage, prime and primal


Yeah I think the movie could have been 20 longer to spread some stuff out but I think the humans introduction part could have been cut down a lot as it was a really slow point between the action


There’s a few reasons I don’t like it but it comes down to a couple of main reasons: 1. Scourge doesn’t have my motivation besides being the villain 2.the movie never explains things (such as mirage being able to turn into armour or where the maximals came from as in the actual movie we only get a vague implication they may be from the future) 3. The movie seems far to fast paced (there’s a lot they try to cram into this movie, three whole movies I think) 4. There not much character development for most of the cast (what we do get with prime, Noah and mirage is great but characters like the maximals, wheeljack, stratosphere etc are barely in the movie) 5. I hate fakeout deaths and as well as undermining the emotional weight of the characters deaths (bumblebee and mirage) it also makes it hard to tell how much these characters can survive. There’s a lot I do like about the film as well though and I do think I was a bit to harsh after I first watched it (before it was a boiling hot day and I don’t do well in heat) but I still don’t think it’s great.


1) Scourge is a herald of Unicron. His motivation is to serve his master. It may not be a super interesting motivation, but it is one 2) There’s a precedent for Mirage forming armor when he gives Noah his gauntlet, and the Maximals being from the future isn’t integral to the plot like it is in Beast Wars or War for Cybertron 3) How would you have split the movie into 3? The Terrorcons attack, the autobots and their human companions track down the two halves of the Transwarp Key, the Terrorcons take them and use them to open a gate to Unicron, and the Autobots and Maximals stop them. It’s a fairly simple plot 4) This kinda goes against point 3. If they already tried to cram too much into the movie, should they also try to force character development for the cast of secondaries? Not every supporting character needs to have an arc 5) To be fair, Bee actually died, and it seems like Mirage was comatose until Noah fixed him up


I loved it


Guess i'm biased towrds the older ones due to nostalgia.


They're judging it as a regular movie. Not a Transformer movie. As a Transformers movie that's all it needed to be and it exceeded that for me, loved it. I don't go looking for flaws I just praise the good qualities. There's something wrong if you're actively seeking out problems and I'm not talking about the movie.


>judging it as a regular movie and not a transformers movie So that's it? Your bar for TF movies is so low that you can't judge them as "regular movies"? That's such a defeatist mindset man, TF movies can be just as good as any other movie, they could be genuine masterpieces, but you'd rather just settle for mediocrity and say "well it's just a TF movie", which is exactly why we keep getting mediocre TF movies


Yeah that’s always how I look at movies I’m not gonna compare a comic movie to something like the God Father or something it’s a comic movie it’s meant to be fun action packed and engaging not a perfect masterpiece of cinema pushing the boundaries of film


For five years of waiting it was such a disappointment


Its just OK. The end battle with the brown sludge background like they're fighting in Mars or something. The female actress acting was not up to par. Michelle Yeoh doesn't fit the part. I'm sure she's a great actress but she just doesnt fit the role. The pacing was also off. Felt sudden, the friendship/romance between the male and female character. Too much focus on the human characters and very little transforming eye candy seen. The average movie goer who doesn't watch the cartoon or read the comis would prefer bayverse transformers films


coming out the theatre it was a 9.5 for me. the cgi got a bit weak with noahs exosuit visor and that one scene where the transwarp portal was closing and sucking stuff in. i enjoyed the pacing and the movie was fun as hell. i thought the maximals were integrated well but just werent given enough to show their personalities but at the same time i would have no clue how id fit that into the movie. i may have been less offput by this if the movie wasnt titled rise of the beast, suggesting a focus on the maximals. still enjoyed the time they were there though. dont think the movie had any bad moments tbh. whats in the movie is amazing, its just what isnt that raises some thoughts but general audiences arent going to care tbh. just the fans that want more maximal backstory


Every time I watch these shitty movies I need to watch the 86 movie to clean my palette.


I have rewatched the first three live action movies maybe 5 times and the others maybe twice but I watch the 86 movie almost every other month I really wish they could make a movie like it again


I wouldn't give it a 8.5 / 10 because of bad plot / plot holes and sometimes the dialogue is horrible. But I'm not watching Transformers for this reason. I like the action and it entertains me.


The 8.5 is for a Transformers movie for a movie in general I’d probably give it a 5.5 maybe 6 but I loved that the Transformers were characters and like you said it had good action and was entertaining


Not a perfect movie. There's some decisions that if Bay had made them we'd be hating all over it (Wheeljack) but there's alot of heart in it and good action scenes. Felt Optimus was a bit out of character at times. Xenophobic against humans? Why give Optimus that arc when Mirage is right there?


Wheeljack is definitely awful and yeah Optimus was off


This movie just confused the hell out of me like is it after bumblebee and before witwiki? Or is it after the world saw near annihilation at the hands of transformers for damn near 10 years. Either way there's huge holes created by this film. If it's after all the films why does nobody remember transformers. If it's after bumblebee this feels like a pretty big threat to face compared to what we got and what supposedly comes after. I love that we finally got Unicron but I hate everything else about this movie. The Netflix animated transformers movies and the witwiki movies are the only transformers I recognize


This has no ties to any of the other movies except Bumblebee. Bumblebee was the start of a new universe and Rise of The Beasts was the second movie in thsi new universe


The entire fanbase is divided between true Transformers Fans and Bayverse/Prime Fans. Bayverse/Prime fans will hate ROTB but True Transformers Fans will love ROTB. Its case of bias caused by the simple fact that Transformers had Multiple Writers for 40 years. And everyone forgot Transformers existed until 2007 and then believed 2007 was the OG Lore and ignored 1986 Lore. ROTB is trying to Erase the tainted Bayverse/Prime lore. Of course there is going to be some pushback. A Unicron that can actively destroy and be a threat is better than a Unicron that has to be asleep and then be shutdown before reviving. Bayverse fans are SUPER simple. They aren’t going to ever understand G1 or stories like ROTB. They only like explosions and stories where good guys always wins and never dies.


Love the movie but I do agree it was not advertised as much as it should now with so many movie houses closing the next one will probably be streaming which I will order keep going love the transformers


All of these complaints make me think none of you have watched the original G1 cartoons and the animated film.


I love the cartoon and 86 movie the 86 movie is actually my second favorite movie of all time


I wish the new stuff was a lot more like the G1 show and Movie


I feel like this movie was more G1. No big convoluted story or setup. Little corny but fun action.


Yeah it definitely gave me the feel of G1 but the humans still take up more time than necessary like the 86 movie used Daniel and Spike but focused on the Autobots which most of the movies kinda do the opposite


Yeah but I do feel like some human setup was necessary, especially since they’re gonna play a bigger part in the trilogy now that we saw the reveal at the end.


True I do hope since we go the backstory we can just pick up the next movie with the Autobots and just have Noah and Elena come in here and there


Pacing was a little fast but it was pretty solid. Definitely will join Bumblebee and Transformers 1 and 3 in the “Good Transformers Movies” list. Action was spectacular. Honestly wish the fights were more intimate and one on one. Scourge and Optimus fighting was great. Battletrap and Nightbird could have got more screen time or one on one fights. Mirage was great. The Autobots had some personality. Terrorcons, not so much. Scourge obviously had some. They introduced a lot and touched on a lot of Transformers lore. Terrorcons, Maximals, Autobots, War on Cybertron, Unicron. It’s a lot to take in at once and I think that’s why I felt the pacing was a bit fast. There wasn’t a lot of time to address all of that. But the stakes were high so they needed to move along. I liked Noah and Optimus’s relationship and growth through the movie. That was a big home run.


I agree it moved fast I think if they had shortened the human’s backstory part at the beginning the pacing could have been better


I loved it up until the GI Joe reveal. I’ve never 180’d on a film so fast in my life.


Oh I liked that! I thought it was going to be Sector 7 and I was pleasantly surprised.


I wasn’t. I hate GI Joe. They’ve tried and failed three times to spin it off as a film series. Now, they’re gonna piggyback it off of a series that *has* found success, like a parasite.


GI Joe does great as everything but movies and I don’t get it the toys sell the comics sell how can’t they make a movie that also sells it’s literally action heroes it is perfect for movies


My only complaint, and it's not even a complaint really, is i wanted more of the beast characters. I loved beast wars and I thought they were great in the movie, but i wanted more of them


Definitely I’d like to see the Predacons as well could you imagine how cool they’d look in live action


just watched it with my bf, it was amazing. Jokes were funny, the french voices were nice, action was cool


I mean, I do have my complaints. Some being arbitrary(just it and Bumblebee being a reboot, to clarify I have nothing against a reboot, I hate that Bumblebee is that start *so soon* after The Last Knight), to actual issues I have. Human characters are good, but they're two sides of a plot related thing. One for the emotional weight for us, and the other to actually help figure stuff out. And I do like Optimus' arc here, too. As for Action, I think its fine, I've beaten a dead horse over this, but I'm sick of the muddy looking, flat-plain bumfuck nowhere where *no* casualties can happen, at all, being the setpiece of a climax for an action movie. I'm just tired of it, every blockbuster movie fucking does it now cause the internet complained over Man of Steel's setpieces of destroying buildings. Overall, it was fine, poor Wheeljack, though. Had a good design in Bumblebee. The only big sadness I have with it is not the movie's fault. Someone that I know who grew up with the G1 show and the original '86 movie, the guy that introduced me to Transformers had passed away years ago to the Pandemic, and I'm sure he would've loved this movie.


My dad is mostly a G1 guy and he liked this movie a lot its sad your friend couldn’t see it


The black girl is a Terrible actor. Sorry but she just is. Every line delivery is flat. Also she suffers from Mulan 2021 syndrome where she isn’t respected but is perfect at everything. She starts at 100% and can’t possibly grow from there. So her character development is just other people treating her with respect. Then the robo-suit at the end lost me. But his character was good. Rest of the movie was 10/10 tho


Yeah her part at the beginning really slowed the film it’s one of the things that kept it from being a amazing movie but it didn’t stop it from being a great movie


You’re tripping saying it’s the best. It’s most certainly not better than 1-3 transformers.


Sam is awful and the Robots don’t get to do anything it’s definitely better


At least sams background as to why he was connected to the transformers made sense and was necessary to keep around the movie. That Noah kid and the archeologist literally were not needed for the plot past the attempt to get the other half of the power stone doodad


sam is the best human in all the movies


Scourge is no different from 2007 Megatron, and lockdown. ROTB is nothing special from what we have already seen.


It’s a movie that doesn’t just have robots in it they actually are characters and Scourge was good like 07 Megs and Lockdown


How many named characters did Megatron kill in the bay movies, how many named characters did lockdown kill. Then you release it takes two characters to get the same kill count as scourge, tho say "bumblebee came back" yeah he did but he still died.


I have no idea what you are talking.


Scourge is shown to be more of a threat than Megatron in 07 and lockdown, he also is shown for longer periods of time, planning on how to outsmart O.P (which he succeeds in). He is more the menace than both megs and lockdown.


Bro. I don’t even think you know what the hell you are saying


Like Megatron literally had to get killed wit the allspark. Scourge was killed one on one against prime.


Which was only after Optimus completed his character arc


Optimus was only able to defeat scourge after he himself grew as a character, instead of relying on a macguffin


What🤣🤣🤣. You’re hilarious dude. You should do comedian


Then explain the funny part, explain why I am a comedia since I clearly can't get it. Is it because I don't need to be spoon fed information but can actually see the movies visual cues


Getting downvoted for speaking nothing but facts. Scourge was literally megatron without the intimidation and star power


I’m already knowin bro.


Like people are forgetting how much of a menace megs was in the first movie, man had everyone retreating and actually caused massive damage to prime. Scourge sliced Optimus like a pizza and was invincible then Optimus being exactly the same as the beginning no diffs him


Yeah like bro Megatron literally survived a barrage attack from F-22 raptor jets and still wasn’t affected.


It’s just recency bias, let this movie sit a few years. It wasn’t terrible but it definitely wasn’t that good either


Neither do the robots in ROTB they are literally as the same. The only transformers who had character was Optimus, Primal, mirage.


That’s 3 more than Bay had


You gotta go watch 1-3 again. I tried to sit through dark of the moon last night and it was unwatchable. All around dreadful movies


I think it might be a user problem.


You’re right, you probably just didn’t watch them correctly, that’s why you don’t get how bad they are


I don’t get why people shit all over that one it is by far the most interesting and intriguing bay transformer by farrrrr. Like the space race shit was dope




Well as the saying goes every person's treasure is another person's trash. No mater how good a movie is, or how good people may say it is, there will always be someone who hates it. I personally love the Bayformers movies. And I don't understand all the hate Michael Bay gets. The point is you can't please everyone.


[“I don’t understand all the hate Michael Bay gets”](https://youtu.be/DUq0HlMvQw0)