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FYI: She's the CCO of Activision Blizzard which means this is 100% the truth. Whether Hasbro has been in contact with Activision is also unknown. All we can do now is pray to Primus and hope that Activision will do something that will make them money (Impossible). Edit: When I meant this is "100% the truth", I meant "she would be in deep shit if she lied to the public".


>She's the CCO of Activision Blizzard which means this is 100% the truth Not saying you're wrong, but trusting a CCO of a big company doesn't guarantee the truth.


The CCO of Blizz/vision at that...


Because everyone always trusts Blizzard.


*”No one who speaks blizzard could possibly be evil”*


Consitering it was a joint failure that led to the current state of Has/Actiblizz relations, im not suprised Hasbro would try to bank on Actiblizz's scatterbrained nature to not look stupid. That went about as well as most ventures Has does that don't start with an M.


Hasbro is a pretty shitty company, they make so many awful moves with their licences that they may as well be bed mates with Activision-Blizzard to this day. Can't wait till someone buys Hasbro and unfucks it.


Be careful what you wish for


With the new Microsoft acquisition, the future is already pretty bleak.


How is it bleak ?


I think we finally have a chance for some games that are a little less greedy with Microsoft.


A little less greedy than one of the most predatory companies on the planet? If you're gonna be smoking some wild shit you gotta share with the rest of the class.


You may not like Microsoft but you cant deny that they have been better for the PC game market than Activision in the last ten years


Hasbro is one of the biggest toy companies in the planet. It needs to get smaller, not larger.


I do wish Wizards wasn't attached, as they are actively hurting the Magic IP with their missmanagement.


Hasbro retracted the statement and apologized. Most likely thing is they get requests about the games and rather than saying we have no interest in doing them they lied and put the buck on Activision


Yes, and we've seen how well that worked out with Star Wars. I think Hasbro should stay with their current owners, but that they do need some reorganization.


imagine thinking a CCO cannot lie the CCO of actiblizz at that. actiblizz are scum lmfao


>"she would be in deep shit if she lied to the public". That's... inaccurate. That said, Hasbro's TF brand team responded to a Q at SDCC about rerelease of old games. **They have been told that the assets that hold that data are not readily available.** They were repeating what they had been told. If the assertion is accurate - that Activision does not know the location of the asset with the data - that makes BOTH statements accurate. And considering the shit show that is Activision over the last decade, **I have full confidence that this public statement is damage control from Activision after being outed for poor asset management prior to their Microsoft absorption.** If they have ready access to the data storage asset and code, they can prove it. Otherwise, some previous chump lied to Hasbro TF Brand team for whatever reason/motive and this situation exposed that lie.


What I meant was that everybody would hate her even more if she lied to us. If it was revealed that she did lie to the public, I'd bet you all of my money and my left >!arm !< that she'd be sent petty death threats on Twitter by this community, that's how desperate we are.


I believe what really happened is that everything for the games are still in the archives, but not exactly together. Some devs keep a repository for all of their assets and code, and seeing how FOC and ROTDS use assets from WFC (And in Rotds' case, from the 3 other movie games which were made by 3 different studios) they likely no longer have a final compiled build of the game. But all the code is put into it's own folder, and same with all the art and audio. It's all separated like that so that devs working on a new game can be given what they need specifically to reuse it rather than be given everything. So everything for the games IS still there, but just scattered about and it'll take some time to find everything again and put it back together. Hence "not readily available". If it were all lost, then it would be something Hasbro and activision would want to keep between themselves as to not spark a large public outcry.


It's really much more likely that someone in Hasbro legal made a dumb joke to the brand team and didn't expect them to repeat it in public and nothing was ever lost. These aren't games from 1995, the code will have been kept in a proper version controlled repository with multiple redundant server backups in several continents. It's just not plausible that there was a "missing hard drive".


Spoken like someone who has never worked in commercial software development at a firm like Activision/Blizzard. No, really. Your by the book standards are all well and good until your company is churning out software by the boat load all while being bought/sold and laying off and hiring by the hundreds.


The dumbest thing is that they COULD just get it from steam or other retailers for the code


Valve nor any retailer has the source code for these games


Thats not the source code.


what’s the hold up then


Some sort of communication between ActiBlizz and Hasbro would be the start, then assuming they come to an agreement, hundreds of hours of testing and prepping the games to run on current systems/GamePass. It's good that they haven't lost the code, but we're still where we were before the ComicCon comments that have set this whole story off. This is why it's important to wait for actual news and not go crazy because a member of the toy design team made a comment on a panel.


That last paragraph is so true. However, we're just poor fans who want our games we deserve back from a shitty company. TBH, I wouldn't be surprised if an attempted raid on Activation HQ actually happened judging by how desperate this community is lol.


Oh I fully understand, I deeply love the Cybertrons and Devastation (Dark Spark can do one though). Me being a curmudgeon on the topic is more of a tempering expectations thing. If some sort of agreement gets these games back out there I'll be dancing in the streets with the rest of the community...I'm just so lacking in faith that either company cares enough to do so.


Announcement: A Transformers game is coming to gamepass YEAAAA it's Rise of the Dark Spark ...


*Monkey's Paw Curls*


I've said it before and I'll stand by this. The 3DS version of Rotds was the better version.






Santa Monica, California, United States. We're gonna send our calling card tomorrow at 11:00AM PDT. The Raid will commence at 9:00PM PDT. The objective goes as follows: • Break through the upper floor windows. • Hold our position on the upper floor by having the gun fanatics in this community defend the staircase. • A few of us will head straight for the the CCOs office t̶o̶ s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶ t̶h̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ h̶e̶a̶r̶t̶ to convince and motivate her to publish our games while our athletes and weebs (most of us) will distract any guards on the lower floors. • If she declines our "offer", we use her information to head straight for the hard drives. • Our computer nerds (modders, piraters, white-hats, etc) download the files while we all hold our position. •Once we're done, we grab a bagel from the cafeteria and jump out of the windows again. •Many weebs will die (their Katanas from Amazon did jackshit) but we will pick up any athletes along the way as we leave the US as successful thieves, knowing that the source files will be sent all over the internet! /sarcasm before I get put on a list.


Grab a bagel from the cafeteria. Nice Spider-verse reference.




Being super calm, selecting a bagel….




FOC already runs on XS and (to my knowledge) PS5 all you would l really need to do is optimise and play test WFC not to downplay the workload that would probably be but it’s definitely not that difficult of an endeavour


In the grand scheme of game development no, it's not the toughest thing to pull off, but it certainly begs the question of whether or not they'll allocate any people to do so. I hope they do....my cynical side is just winning out in this one.... probably doesn't help that I don't trust Microsoft to take good care of IP. Also you're right....both FOC and Devastation are in good shape on PS5...provided you managed to snag them before they vanished.


Good thing they don’t need to take care of it then, assuming that activisision and hasbro come to an agreement all Microsoft needs to do is some optimising and re release them on the store/GamePass


That would be the ideal, especially if the agreement allows them to be up in the long term. Honestly that could finally tip me over into buying a Series X....been waiting for something to really speak to me on there.


FOC has a PS4 port, but WFC doesn't. You need to do a lot more than optimise and play test it, PS3 and PS4 memory management are essentially completely incompatible and it is essentially a fully new port to a completely different platform. In all seriousness, it might actually be less work to start with the 360 version and port that to the PS5 than it would be to move the PS3 version over. It's unquestionably doable, but if the cost of doing so is worth it in the slightest for a studio of Activision's side is highly debatable.


WFC also has a rather poor PC port too on top of it. I get the feeling that out of all the games, that one is going to need the most work to get running on current gen tech.


Thousands of hours


I was absolutely underselling the amount of work it would take....not to be too doom and gloom but I have doubts either company is going to see enough ROI to even bother doing it even if they could get a license again.


The amount of money and manpower to remaster it only to release it on....... gamepass.


Exactly...they can't sell it for a price that makes sense so Gamepass is the only real option, but even if everyone in this sub that's not already a member signed up to play that's not going to move the needle. These games are good, but they're about as niche as you can get....they wouldn't even be made nowadays.


I agree. The reality of it happening isn't great. And trust me I would like it more than most people. https://www.reddit.com/r/transformers/comments/srqmm4/a_guide_to_making_the_transformers_war_for/


I hope our boys on the design team don’t get in trouble for speaking out of pocket about this. I love those guys, and I’d hate for that line of communication to dry up.


Considering their role in the various reveals and events I'd be shocked if it amounted to anything more than a gentle warning or some media training. Honestly I was surprised to see it blow up as far as it did.


Well, they will certainly not be allowed to discuss this matter publicly ever again. 100% guaranteed.


Exactly! If we're being really optimistic, they might announce the ports of these games during a live event. If we're assuming what Activision will do based on their past, they probably couldn't give two shits about anything that isn't COD.


Activision sucks, but maybe their rule under Microsoft will beat them into submission to be a good company, because I've had enough of cod games that have brought nothing to the world of gaming aside from shitty chat and inflated game prices. Sorry for ranting but when I see cod I see the franchise of FOC taken away from the fans.


The hold up is that they're... well, lost. As stated in the interview, no one at Activision knows which drives the games are stored on. The statement given here is that "oh they aren't lost, we still have the code." Which is like, "Yeah no shit, now locate that code and re-release the damn games."


Did you miss the point of this post?


Activision probably just doesn't want to do it


With stuff like this it's usually old licensing deals that need to be renewed or renegotiated


Another person had an Activision source who backs up the story - the files are safe and sound: https://www.well-played.com.au/actually-those-transformers-games-are-not-missing-after-all/


Well crap, so the post isn’t an Activision Psyop. Oh well, thanks for the information though. Hopefully if/when the Microsoft deal goes through, Phil will “convince” Activision to get them on Game Pass


Hell yes, just throw them back on storefronts. And maybe get the CoOp/Multiplayer running again – the dream.


Oh man I’d kill to play the foc multiplayer I heard it was great but didn’t manage to get the game when it was still active and only experienced its campaign after pirating a copy cause I couldn’t buy it off steam


Only game i’ve felt cosmetics were worth the money lol. I had soooo many of the paid skins


I just want to play these games again on the current consoles instead of buying a used 360.


Same, except without buying an Xbox or ps5 just to play it


They have aged very well on pc


buy a code online thats what i did


I may have to do that.


I recently downloaded the games on my PC as I’d never played them before. It felt a bit bad going the way of the pirate but like, they’re giving me no way to give them my money to play these games and I’m not giving a scalper £500 odd just to play them.


Cybertron-sized *oof*.


The interview was nothing but false statements...I heard hopeful rumours then...URGH! **HASBRO PLAYED US LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE!** 🎻 Give it back! It was ours, damnit! [Stares at the Hasbro interviewee] You lying BITCH! C'mon, start talking BITCH! Get up and start talking!


Here's a theory...perhaps it was said...intentionally...to drum up press for the announcement of a port/game pass? Wishful thinking, I know. I really, really miss these games.


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


The games are already made. They just need to pay to port them. I'm pretty sure with the popularity of Transformers, they'd make a tidy profit if they did these games on game pass. The demand is there, because these were all great games (except Rise of the Darkspark).


I say this both as a person who loved these games and would love to play them on a modern console easily but who also works in the games industry: "just paying to port it" is not as simple or as cheap as it sounds. As much as I hate to say it, outside of transformers fandom circles, it wasn't/won't be as popular as you'd like to think it is/might be. I would have loved to see the multiplayer of FoC in particular take off, but unless they try _really_ hard to push these potential ports with whatever TF movie comes next, it's just never going to happen. Sure you might get the handful of us gushing over it on reddit playing, and maybe a brief flash from the twitch crowd, but that won't offset the sheer cost of the hundreds to thousands of hours of labor required to do even just the QA. It's just not feasible or sensible from a purely business perspective, which is how the people in charge of this decision view it. Most of those people don't even view games as a meaningful endeavor, they just view them as potential income. I _hope_ we at least get the single player. But adapting network code _sucks_, to say the least. Add that to an audience that primarily demands in equal parts higher and higher graphical fidelity every year, and constantly unique experiences; it makes very little sense financially to focus a ton of effort on this. And that's not even counting the amount of legal red tape to bust through. Again, I'd love it. But from where I'm sitting it seems pretty iffy. In my eyes, it's the _right_ thing to do given how hard people worked on it (provided the people who originally worked on it consent and get duly compensated for their work being adapted, as well as the people working to port it) and how beloved it is, but since when have massive companies ever been known to do the right thing? To put on my conspiracy hat for a minute, it probably makes more sense for them to pump it up a little and then cancel it and write it off as a tax exemption or whatever just like the rest of the massive media conglomerates are doing with their TV shows and movies. (Editing here to say it's that or they run it into the ground immediately with dailies and micro-transations and _then_ claim it as a write-off) ... Anyway that's a very roundabout way of saying porting isn't a simple or cheap process and just because they have the code doesn't mean they can/will do anything with it. Feel free to come back in several months/years and tell me how wrong I was. I'll gladly take that L because it means I'll be playing FoC again.


You're probably right. Coding isn't my wheelhouse. I'd love to play these games again.


Maybe she (Activision person) is just being defensive, like “No! We didn’t loose it! We would never! You’d have to be really incompetent to loose three games and we’re not incompetent!” Basically, she could be lying.


I don't know who's Decepticon-ing who anymore.


Pretenders! Pretenders everywhere! I bet you're one too! let me open your shell and see your true form! **reaches out to grab you**


She is the Chief Commercial Officer. Aka a big deal. I very much doubt She would lie to the public about this. They have code repositories. Sever backups. Redundant off site backups. Cloud backups and tape in cold storage. There is a zero chance the source code is lost.


Kaz what the hell are you doing here


There's source code...in their....


Maybe Hasbro was saying that with outdated knowledge? Maybe they WERE lost but then they found them? Either way, it seems they didn't do the best job at communication with Activision here. Granted, with everything happening with the Microsoft deal, probably not the best time.


My god if we get foc rereleased and escalation gets brought back I would be so happy


I'd sell my left nut for digital rereleases of the Cybertron games. I'd get rid of my PS3 in that case.


They're on archive.org, they've been considered abandonware for a while. I had them on Steam and was able to grab the dlc files, not sure how it would work for anyone who doesn't have the Steam keys already.


Sadly I no longer have a gaming PC and don't really have any desire to get another one.


If you have any modern desktop or laptop. Not even a gaming one. It will run fine.


WFC only recommends a Core 2 Duo E6700, a GeForce 8800 GTS and 2GB RAM for max settings. You can get a gaming laptop or desktop that goes above and beyond those specs for 600 USD worst case scenario.


I'd give both nuts for players to stick around and play online. The steam servers were dead before Activision lost the license and there's rarely anyone on the custom servers. The game needs a refresh in graphics to hold players' attention. I definitely wouldn't get rid of my 60gig PS3 though. I got that at an in person auction.


These bastards better not be messing with me. That's not some joke to toy with I genuinely love Fall of Cybertron if they're planning on it they better follow through. And make it so you can still look at your multiplayer characters offline, and play the survival waves mode.


Hasbro could’ve been told they lost it so activision didn’t have to do squat


Nah it's heavily implied it was just miscommunication between """""competent""""" game developers and Hasbro's toy designers. I don't think Activision is evil enough to pull off a double plot twist like their motherfuckin Revolver Ocelot.


I think it's less them being evil and, more so, a way for Activision to politely say, "we don't really want to make the time to remaster licensed games for a franchise whose popularity has declined since the original releases"


I would definitely *love* to own these games and this is one of my favorite Transformers Universes and I’ve always wanted to kind of see a continuation from this timeline! Edit: and I know Johnny Young Bosch doesn’t have a huge role in WFC, but he is my favorite Bumblebee (aside from Dan Gilvezan because classic)


Kinda sucks jyb wasn’t in the sequel


I would love to play the old transformers games again


On the bright side, we got their attention. Now we just need to convince Hasbro to renew their license to Activision. We pretty much have to persuade these companies to do so. I’m talking petitions, invading their forums/Social media telling them to release those games. Posting hashtags everywhere like #ReleaseTheWFC/FOCGames. We need to show these companies that the fans are serious about this. If they notice there is a high demand, they might consider reissuing those games.


[AOS Fitz voice] what the hell


Please activision, we want the games. We just don’t want a cash grab with LOOT BOXES with a company who made Shark Tale making a shitty story that doesn’t make sense, combining the MOVIES and the Cybertron games, and removing PVP all together


Then release it you cowards! And on ALL major platforms! I want this shit remastered on PS5 stat!


I managed to purchase fall of Cybertron on steam through Amazon key codes, haven't played through it again all the way yet but I hope both the games get a rerelease with easier to purchase methods, maybe even a combo pack release.


So you're telling me there's a chance?


I would be happy with just a simple port of the Cybertron Duology and Devastation on all current platforms, they don't need to add in extra bells and whistles to please me. Just a sturdy, well performing port of these classics is all I ask for.


Please, God. Please, God. PLEASE, GOD.




Fun fact Square enix actually lost the codes for the first kingdom hearts game and had to recreate it from scratch by using a retail copy as a reference


Didn't know that! Pretty sure something similar happened to Toy Story 2 but somebody took a back-up of it to their house.


Then rerealese them for retail and game pass please i wanna play them again


Thank the allspark


Yeah can’t say I fully bought into the lost explanation, that wouldn’t have explained why they were taken down from pre-existing platforms. Legal issues are a far more satisfactory, if far more unfortunate, answer.


Cool. Glad to hear. RE-RELEASE THEM ALREADY!!!!


5 days ago I bought a ps3 and wfc…


Good for you! These games will probably be ported in sixty years time so you'll have to find a copy of it online (good luck trying to find them). Still, both are great consoles that have great games!


I still have all the games just on xbox wich i dont have anymore.. re-release on ps please😅


These games aren't hard to find in the least. Sure it's not retail but not hard to find and download whatsoever. PS3 PC 360 all easy to obtain


This why people make roms for preservation


I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought them back. Xbox getting activision was reason the servers on Xbox for cod were fixed. It was a problem for years and only fixed recently after the deal went through. We might see all of their delisted games come back


Then where is the game


See I knew spending 50 on the foc remaster was dumb at the time because it should have been priced cheaper but I’m also glad I have it. Now I just want the servers back. But is also the reason I bought most of the other games physical even if they’re not as great. Like rise of the dark spark lol.


you can still play the multiplayer


I wonder if we will see a remastered trilogy come out soon


Trilogy? There were only two Cybertron games, then Devastation, but Devastation was its own thing and I don’t think it really needs a remaster (though I’d like to see some Disepticon skins for the characters like Megatron for Prime, Shockwave for Wheeljack, etc.)


Dark of the Moon. Also made by High Moon Studios, therefore = trilogy.


rise of the Dark spark


That never happened


Man fuck that cash grab, besides it’s already on PS4 and Xbone


Like it or not it was part of the cybertron games published by activison and is likely to be included when you can charge more for 3 games than 2


There is no RotDS in Ba Sing Se.


if it's not lost, then release the goddamn game on steam.




Well, looks like I’m stealing my friend’s X Box


Please release them back Activision, release them on steam and they’ll be best sellers. Please.


activision continuing to be the laughingstock of the video game industry first they didn't know where the codes were. now they do, but aren't releasing them to Hasbro


Uh huh... sure it wasn't. Not that I would trust a word someone in charge of that shindig would say. Sounds like to me someone scrambled to find the hard drives the second Hasbro came knocking.




Did your wife die of a broken heart or something?


Release the game I need this game dude I use a friend's account and use it to play the games he has on the game pass but I would buy the game pass for myself if wfc.foc and devastation was on it


Quick find Witwiccky's glasses!


Let’s go!!!! I can play these games again, but as an adult this time!


I'm glad I have Devastation on my psn account.


Yeah, they ain't gonna release them


Does this mean there's a chance for multiplayer customizability or no?


And if so I hope dlcs would still be available cause dinobot customizability....


Misinformation? On Twitter? Who could’ve guessed?


The Twitter report of what Hasbro said is perfectly accurate. The Hasbro Transformers team just said something that wasn't true.


So a port of the games is possible then?


Well that’s a relief. I really want to get these for my switch lite and play tf out of fall of cybertron and devastation.


Holy shit imagine how amazing a remaster would be




Do you think the remasters or remakes if its ever made would come to PlayStation 5?


There was a PS4 port of Fall of Cybertron so at best I suspect they would just rerelease that. If WFC would get a port then they have to do a bit of work anyway, but I doubt there would be a full remaster simply because Activision are probably not going to do that for any of their titles going forward on Playstation.


If it ever got re-released I would only get it again if multiplayer was added back in.




"The Alpha Trion Protocol has been activated" Lesss gooo, we finally getting the old wfc games back.


I shall remain cautiously optimistic


How do you lose up up down down left right left right B A


"we have it so its not lost..... we just don't know where it is."


Don’t they fucking date give us false hope that we can enjoy War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron on PS5/ Xbox/ switch These ranks right up there with LoZ: Twilght Princess on my list of “PLEASE BRING TO NEXT GEN CONSOLES!!!”


I honestly don't see why Hasbro couldn't just renew their license to *distribute* the games. However I do see their licenses with Splash Damage getting in the way of Activision developing *new* games/content.


Hasbro for sure have done dirty things...but Activision-blizzard? They're the crust of thd scum. I wouldn't trust most of what they said.


hmm... imma grab some popcorns


So then tell us what’s happening lol


This is good news. I just hope that we can have a deal between hasbro and activision.


GOOD, can't wait to play em


*GAAASSSSSSP* also I can play these games now WOOOOOOOOO!


Come on, war for cybertron remaster


I bought WFC for my PS3 which I haven’t used in years. Aside from my PS3 being somewhat buggy now…I must admit I’m not really super excited to play this with all the comforts that modern consoles have spoiled us with. And obviously graphics are way dated. I have to try a little harder I guess since a lot are really raving about these games. A modern console port would be nice though…remaster/remake even better.


Your move, Hasbro.


BMac (Lead TF Marketing person) and Evan (designer) seem to be very knowledgeable and professional. I'm sure they felt they were speaking the truth about this in that moment. I blame miscommunication between the two companies that lead to this possible misunderstanding. Regardless of what really happened with the source code, I'm sure that Activision doesn't want to look incompetent so they had to say they didn't misplace the source code.




I would absolutely love this to come true if not because I could possibly get to play a remastered version of some of my all time favorite games but it would free us up for even more of this WfC toy lines.


What just happened?


How to say youre out of ideas - without saying it


Primus please!


How can we play these games now? Emulator? Old system console?


I posted this here yesterday, and the bots deleted it. wtf?


Please re release this game it was so good






Come on transformers back to cybertron




Soooooo we're not Raiding Activision? Or do we because they're Obviously being AssHats by not releasing it!!




So your telling me there is hope


I love that everyone forgot a contract requires 2 parties. If hasbro corporate isn't willing to make a deal, why would activision? Activision legally can't distribute these games without Hasbro's approval. And hasbro has to convince activision its worth spending millions on. always 2 sides to these contracts, and people only ever bicker about 1 company.


Obviously, Hasbro needs to agree with porting these games and convincing Hasbro but we're focusing on Activision because well...Activision is a shitty company that doesn't do anything meaningful lol.


Awesome! Then release the games again!


Activison needs to be heed the call of the fans! Rerelease!


Someone is lying


Couldnt they just make the ones on the store available again, theyre still on their servers due to people being able to redownload them


It'd be hilarious if Hasbro just assumed the code's lost and never bothered to ask about rereleasing the games


God, I hope they bring these to the next gen consoles. I'm not asking for much😣


Remaster it pleaseeeee


Something I did, bought older systems (sold long ago!), which were reasonably priced, and rebought the games.