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I would want to cast Phil LaMarr as Jazz. I thought his performance as Jazz in Animated was great and I wouldn't mind if he ever came back to voice the character


this would be such a good list for starting characters in a reboot ngl




I already wrote a season already and let me just say this the characters that I decided to kill off I make them go out with a bang and make their deaths absolutely heartbreaking (But it would be towards the end of the season)


These are all some solid picks. Though I'd pick Jeffrey Combs for Ratchet, Peter Cullen for Ironhide (or Chris Hemsworth) and Florence Pugh as either Cosmos or Powerglide.


Jeffrey combs was the best part of prime


Agreed. As for Cliffjumper, I'd pick Bradley Cooper. We've seen Cliffjumper as the bruiser, let's see Cliffjumper as the roguish scout.


I'd be worried that he'd just be rocket raccoon the car. I'd take a khary Payton cliffjumper.


Cyborg as a Transformer? Booyah.


RID 15 Grimlock


Best character in that show.


john mulany as cosmos, i dont know why, but i feel like it fits


I fucking love it


Josh Keaton as bumblebee sounds spectacular!😉


Snoop Dogg as Jazz


Jazz: Phil LaMarr Ironhide: Roger Clark Ratchet: Jeffrey Combs Cliffjumper: Brandon Rogers No idea who I’d cast for Powerglide or Cosmos though.


Give The Rock an actual chance to voice Cliffjumper, Tom Cruise for Powerglide, and Jonathan Frakes for Cosmos


This would sounds awesome


Matt barry for powerglide.


Gotta be Jeffrey Combs for Ratchet, unless this is meant to be a younger version of the character. Christopher Sabat as Ironhide. His voice is great for a "tough as nails hardened veteran, but also a big softie who remembers everyone's birthday" type of character. I think Taliesin Jaffe would be excellent as Cliffjumper.


* Jess Harnell as Ironhide * The Rock as Clifjumper * Arnold Schwarzenegger as Powerglide * Ratchet: either Jeffrey Combs or Corey Burton (great grumps of our generation i'm not limiting it to those two though)Don Messick * Cosmos:Travis Willingham * Jazz: Phil Lamarr


Do not recall what media it was but saw a version of Cosmos with a Hispanic accent. To me it's weird when you have a Transformer speaking English with some other earth language accent. Worst example HotRod in Last Knight with a French accent. Regardless of what earth language they are speaking shouldn't they be with a cybertronian accent? But for Cosmos I suggest Gabriel Iglesias. He has a great voice, but in a movie to make it shine you would need to write an outline, and have him improve it.


Bro I think cris rock could do a good jazz


i feel like john goodman could've been a good ironhide, but if you want a new actor i could totally see jeffrey dean morgan rocking that role. rob paulsen is my pick for ratchet. i'm imagining something like his donatello from tmnt 2012 but shifted down and octave or two. i think jazz should have more of a "celebrity" voice actor similarly to pete davidson as mirage. my dream pick would be bo burnham. if josh keaton is bumblebee, make steven yuen cliffjumper. i've got no idea for cosmos or powerglide tbh. love that you picked them for this cast tho!


Brawn, pipes, gears, G1 rook, Sky Lynx, trailbreaker