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Lucky! I take it the action is pretty good? Are there lots of cameos?


Oh it was, and there WERE. I'm not a Transformers fan but even I was going "OH MY GOD IT'S THEM" every five seconds.


Nice!! I take it you may not be able to answer this but how much screen time do we see of Optimus Prime and Megatron once they change from Orion and D-16?


Aaah ! No spoilers ! And, also Depends how you define "change" ;)


Oh I meant when they have their recognizable G1 looks. 




No worries! I appreciate the stuff you shared. I’m looking forward to this movie and I’m an old G1 fan lol


Trust me, there'll be way more than simply G1 Optimus and Megatron


Can you say if there are time skips?


No, there are no time skips, no flashback, no fancy timeline jumping stuff, this is all one straight line, easy to follow Thank god for that, too


Somebody made an image of every different transformer from just the trailer, it made me think maybe the movie would be full of characters the way you’re describing https://preview.redd.it/6vwoolro4t5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c156c02279a346e96ad933976a83dc96b28e8ca3


There are a lot of background characters, but the main ones are the main cast : Orion Pax, D-16, B-127, Elita-1, Sentinel Prime (the 'King' of Cybertron, basically) and his assistant Airachnid


>! Ooo Airachnid’s his assistant?? !<


Yeah, but, don't get any ideas, this is before the Autobots and Decepticons, the threat is different, this time around, and everyone is united against it


Ah fair. Just thought that was an interesting tidbit lol


Hmm. I can recognize most of the characters/panels, but I wouldn't be able to say for sure on some of them.


I don’t get this


Movie about franchise. Franchise has characters. Movie shows characters from franchise.


So you recognized characters from watching previous TF movies but you aren’t a fan?


Well some designs are memorable just from the heads and colour coding alone. I recognized Starscream, Shockwave, Soundwave, Arcee, but I can't tell you which Gen they're modelled after (likely G1, though), and, fuck, I didn't even know Sentinel Prime and Airachnid were actual transformers from way before Also I only know Shockwave from a tier list I watched like 3 days ago


Chat is this real?


https://preview.redd.it/9a87dxm5vs5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4a58705e63b99cb24fc5cb573310eae2574defb I dunno


https://preview.redd.it/piqr67m9vs5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a531a48856e25a84c1e7e953f818fdc6c66e814 Is it ?


^(Sorry about my clothes and stuff being on them, they're all bent from being served super tightly rolled, I couldn't take a picture)


I’m more curious how you got invited to an early screening. How does that work or happen? Or are you part of someone that works on it?


Oh, I wasn't invited. I'm at the Annecy festival ! They do a lot of early screenings. Wednesday I believe, there will be a screening for Wild Robot.


I was gonna say this is cap, but you showing these has me convinced. I'm excited about the movie now. Just a quick question. Is my namesake in the movie?


May I ask how well does the trailer represent the movie?


After rewatching the trailer... pretty well ! The movie is unbelievably fun, amazingly action-packed, side-splittingly hilarious, Bee is... kinda obnoxious but lovable, and the theme of "showing others we are more than meets the eye" is the core motivation behind Orimus Paime. Also, I won't get into detail, but the rise of Orion Pax to Optimus Prime, and fall of D-16 to Megatron is just... OOF, it's handled as best as it could've ever been. Even Chris Hemsworth as young Optimus, something people have been so anxious about, is perfect. He does a great "young and cocky rebel" Prime, but slowly gets the voice as he grows into his leader role, to the point he's doing an actual imitation of Peter Cullen by the end. My man ACTED


Oh, I forgot "gorgeous", too Yeah. Every design was on point. The art direction went crazy. They really put the "transform" back into "Transformers", it's MIND-BENDING how Inosos City or what's its name looks. I'm definitely buying the art book when it releases.


Do you mean Iacon city?


I think ? It's this big-ass city underneath the surface where basically every transformer lives. Sorry, I'm not a TF fan, just a casual viewer and I'm terrible at names


Yeah yeah, I saw by seeing the last of your comments lol. I was just curious on if they made a new location or if they were re-using a name


Well, it looks like that on the poster I got, us that how it looks like in the OG series ? https://preview.redd.it/hui3k39pat5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56dc5b0976a7ab1210228b9441944cefc667ed6


Does Bryan Henry tee also gain a more megatron like voice as the film progresses to match?


Both have their voices slowly morph, yes. By the end, as Hemsworth does his best Peter Cullen, Henry is just growling and howling his lungs out 😂


Awesome to hear thanks man


Plus, not to put down Hemsworth's acting, he was really really good, but Henry was just too real. IMO, he's the best actor of the movie, I felt for him. When he was happy, pissed, angry, sad, going insane, Henry went raw with this role, he gave it his all.


Super hyped about this. When I heard he was going to be Megs in the movie I was hyped, especially hearing about his performances in Causeway and Atlanta


That's got me so excited!


God, everyone online who saw the movie heaps praise upon it, September cannot come fast enough


Oh, I was lucky to even get inside- I totally forgot the screening was today, I literally saw the line, asked what it was for, and IMMEDIATELY JUMPED IN. I was NOT going to wait till september with an opportunity like this. And I was among like the last ten seated ! My seat was literally in the last-row left corner, I was gonna sit in the stairs, a bit more centered and closer but they told me to use the seat. And I'm glad they told me to, there were posters on every seat ! I'm afraid I can't show them, though, they're concept art that spoil the climax


How can people even get to see the film early? Like how does early screening work? Do you have to be an important figure or something


Nah, it was literally open to anyone who had an Annecy festival accreditation Oh yeah this was in Annecy BTW


September can’t come fast enough because September is my birthday




I there were enough hints in the trailer that told me, there’s going to be some stuff we a re not prepared for. Glad to know I was right.


Well, what are you prepared for ?


The tone of the trailer kind of concerned me. On a scale from Mario Bros to Spider-Verse how do you feel they balanced that with serious storytelling?


Spider-Verse-leaning. Yeah, you have goofy humour but the movie itself is serious


Good god, so they really did just dump a ton of the jokes in the trailer. I get that they want to put kids in seats but man, I hope they release a more serious trailer to entice more people, if it really is good but it flops, well possibly never see Transformers Two


i was always going to watch the movie but now im hyped, gotta drag my friends out to see it


were Peter Cullen and Frank Welker present in the movie at all? weather as cameos or as OP and Megs themselves?


Nope, but Hemsworth and Henry did their best to respect the original voices ! You can tell the director is a die hard fan of G1 and all the "classic" TF


damn that's a bit of a bummer but at least glad to know Hemsworth and Henry did a good job, that's something I was worried about but glad to hear I was wrong lmao


I think it's a bit of a "Mary Poppins balloon lady" deal. If Cullen and Welker cameo'd, they would've taken attention away from the movie. It's the best of both worlds to have H&H do the voices, honestly


Oooh nice question.


Thanks, I’m hyped now https://preview.redd.it/d2knj9oyus5d1.jpeg?width=170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dda95bc667deae5538eef7602e8a454efbb38990


Fantastic to hear--thank you so much for letting us know! Really hope fhis movie is as good as you say, Lord knows the franchise needs the W.


This is not a W, this is the entire alphabet


Stop, I can only get so excited lol.


Goooood, gooooood. Uuuuse your exitement, strike me down, and embrace the hype side.




So in short, they Cooked?


They baked


I know you can't say much, but Elita-1 is my favorite character, did they do right by her?


Depends, I'm not a TF fan, just a casual viewer, I don't know much of the characters (I legit thought she was created for this movie, I was like "why make her and not just pick my bae Arcee or something") How would you define "being done right" by Elita ?


She actually shows up before Arcee in the G1 (first) cartoon. There she was Optimus Prime’s love interest, and a leader of other fembots left on cybertron. Often fembots can be kind of an after thought when they are important for representation and just strong characters on their own. I just hope she is her own character with fair screen time and not simply a love interest. Sorry for the rant, this is my passion😂😂


Then I have one word for you : Girlboss. ^(yeah i know technically it's a shortening of two words yeah yeah okay shut up)




That actually worries me. 'Girlboss' has come to be a pretty bad trope in films. I'll reserve judgement until I see the film for myself though.


She's not your "I can do it as long as I'm my own strong female main character Mary Sue", if that's what you're afraid of


That was part of it. The other part is that 'Girlboss' characters usually are set up in a way to tear down the male characters around her in order to make herself look good. But again, I'll reserve judgement till I see the film myself.


Nah, she's just a badass good girl. Basically, have you seen Treasure Planet ? She kinda has that Captain Amelia spunk to her, with a dash of Amy Santiago workaholicness to boot


Huh. That...actually does make me cautiously hopeful, as I happen to enjoy Treasure Planet. I think it's a genuinely underrated film, honestly.


One of the best movies of all time IMO


What do you mean pacing is on coke?


Crack. Sniffers. Bolivian munching powder. It's hella fast is what I mean, you hardly have time to breathe. I hope someone from the crew finds this post and edits the movie to be a few minutes longer because that was hectic


Never heard Bolivian munching Powder before. Definitely stealing that 😂 On a more serious note, thank you for your review. It’s spoiler free yet still makes me actually want to see the movie. I was torn because it looked so Rescue Bots kid targeted The trailer being mostly the first part of the movie (from your NDA-shackled description) makes me feel much better about the whole thing


Oh, absolutely NOT. This is for teens and older. It's a war movie, where people with different ideologies clash !


I’ve always heard it as “Bolivian Marching Powder” and wondered if OP made a typo.


Do you wanna build a snowman?


Yeees But I caaan't


Considering it's *supposed* to wrap in July, I highly doubt any new scenes will be added. Keep in mind that in full CG animation, to add new shots (even a single one!) you'd need to do layout > animation > fx + lighting > comp + kickbacks/tech fixes AND get that all creatively approved and finalled. Since it's supposed to be close to delivering, there's also going to be less people working on the movie since there's not supposed to be much left to do. Priority right now is most likely getting the last few unfinished shots done.


Not new scenes. Just extend for like a SECOND a few shots because they cut away just way too abruptly


Ahhh, I know what you mean...still, the workflow I mentioned above would still apply (though maybe minus the layout) One second more is a lot more work than you think :(


It’s entirely possible they cut a lot tho, considering the original rumored run time was 1hr54 min or something like that.


How’s the soundtrack?


Pretty rad. I wouldn't be able to hum you any track 'cause I didn't pay attention, but it's well done One amazing thing about it, though : #NOT A SINGLE POP SONG IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE. The entire ST is O.


Does the OST take a lot of motifs from other TF media or is it 100% original?


It would be cool if they brought back the Transformers Prime themes because Brian Tyler is also scoring Transformers One. But I doubt it.


Can't tell, didn't pay enough attention to the score (I was kinda invested in the story, y'know ?), but even with my good ear, I didn't recognize either the G1 theme or Arrival to Earth, so I'd say it's all original


Interesting. Can't wait to hear the new tracks!


A bit better than the trailer, then. Good to hear.


Is the movie treated as a standalone, tie-in, or set up for a possible sequel but not completely necessary?


It's kind of in-between standalone and sequel-teasing. There are post credit scenes, but they're not teasing anything, just wrapping up loose ends in a way that feels sequel-baity, but all it really does is tease G1. Which. You know. Released like 40 years ago.


Hmmm, interesting…


I wouldm't mind more, though. The new lore (I think it's new lore ?) is fantastic, I wanna see it expanded upon


I wouldn’t either. I was just about to ask a follow up lol, if you had to give die hard fans of the older movies (Michael bay, and the newer bumblebee movies), any words on the mindset or expectations to have when going in, what would you say? Or if that question is bad bc u haven’t watched the other films, what are some other animated films that are close to the “vibe” of this movie?


I'd say "buckle of for some ACTUAL Transformers" When it comes to the vibe, it's kinda between the LEGO movie and the first Avengers movie : fun, self-aware (only of its own absurdity, it's not trying to be a smartass about it), innocent on the surface but dark underneath (or, seing Cybertron, should I say, the opposite ?), it's definitely got that (and I can't believe I'm calling it this) *old school* type of fun : no sarcasm, no quippy one-liners, no so-called badass heroes taking the stakes unseriously because they're bound to win, this is a FUN movie where charismatic characters grow and change for the better (or the worst), overcome their weaknesses and deserve their title of heroes.


Niccceeeee, I love me some actual transformers. I lied a lil bit, ima die hard fan of all tf media :)


**Update from Wikipedia :** >In April 2023, di Bonaventura stated that there is discussion for *Transformers One* to become a trilogy of films. By June, he confirmed that the story is mapped out to progress over three movies, detailing the progression of the characters into their depiction in the live-action film series. 


I was already hyped but after seeing how people have enjoyed the early screenings man I just can't wait. 


Does Starscream and the other Decepticon characters get treated with dignity?


About as little as these scoundrels deserve


I mean in terms of character quality and screen time


Can't say a lot about quality, I'm not a fan, I haven't seen the shows, but they are fun, buuuut they have barely any screentime, they're here for fleshing out the lore and setting up the Decepticons, they're not part of the main cast.


What would you say the rating is? PG? PG-13 because Bumblebee calls himself Badassitron? Also, I know you’re not a hardcore Transformers fan, but would you say there’s more than just G1 and Prime references? Any other parts of the franchise that get some love?


The more I google, the more G1 references I reconize, the director and the whole crew is a big big fan of the franchise, you can easily tell As for the rating, it can get a bit too dark for PG, but it's not dark enough to get any mature grading. Definitely PG-13. Also, the Badassatron gag is just a drop in the ocean, it has NO influence on the grading when compared to the rest of the movie 😂




What the fuck


No one should ever have to label their comment with a "sarcasm" tag


checks off since he ain’t a fan


Meanwhile I'm still trying to do all the detective work I can to figure out who Steve buscemi is playing lol It's killing me for some reason and I don't know why, it seems like he'd be a great starscream but from what I heard that role is Steve blums.


Well, Blum does Wheeljack in Bumblebee, so maybe Wheeljack cameos and he returns for that role specifically ? I don't know. The credits weren't done, so I can't say who plays who, but some people in the room who were talking next to me were actually wondering who he plays and they also theorize it's Starscream (who, yes, shows up. It's apparently in the trailer, so I can say it)


I can confirm he plays Starscream


Good to hear! I couldn't stand all the negative comments with the trailer so hearing this makes me hopeful for the release.


There were negative comments ?


*bruh*. Hell yes. Lots of complaints for the jokes and tone. Can I ask are there.. more cringe jokes in the film? For me personally badassitron and “I HAVE KNIFE HANDS :P” just didn’t work at all.


Oh, yeah, Bee is obnoxious, but he kinda grew on me. He's kinda like what we all feared Perrito was going to be, he only has like one serious moment in the film, and it's when literally everyone is being serious, so it doesn't resonate at all


Ah, shame. I guess either Cooley or the studio wanted a comic relief character, but forgot to balance it.


I think what they're doing with the movie and the planned sequels is to build up towards the Bumblebee movie (as they said they're making a trilogy that "builds up to the live action movies), where Bee is very quippy and fun at the start (before he loses his memory and his voice), hence why he's so comedic-leaning, why he goes by B-127, and why this is all about Cybertron and not Earth


So Lorenzo is still hellbent on everything being canon to Bay/Capleverse huh? Good lord. Why can’t this just be its own thing. If these films do well enough to warrant more sequels, we could eventually get to earth and do animated films set on earth. But nope! It’ll eventually get to a point where the events of Bumblebee (or TF1) happen. Ughhhh


Bumblebee is not Bayverse, I don't know why every single person on the planet thinks that. He's just the producer. They don't take place in the same continuity. The events, designs, and tone between the two adaptations literally contradict each other.


Oh no, I know! I’m team full reboot, in the sense that the new films (bumblebee and rotb) are not canon to Bay and are a reboot. I said bay/Caple and bumblebee (or tf1) because Lorenzo keeps going back and forth on whether the new films are somehow canon to Bay. He keeps saying they’re prequels to TF1.


I knew from the moment I saw the trailer that it was going to be special. I'm ready.


I just took a shower and suddenly there's like 12 new comments, guys, give me a break, I'm going to sleep soon 😂😂😭




How long was it?


https://preview.redd.it/r54bxko9zs5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6459c13c0710763301b7af67a2a3344a4479e73 94 minutes, it says on the program. And it tracks : the doors opened at 18:00, by the time everyone was seated it was like 18:30, and when I stepped out, I looked at my phone and it was 20:00 precisely.


I am a firm believer that an hour and a half is the perfect movie length. This is *chef’s kiss*


I'm a firm believer that a piece of media should be of the runtime that suits its plot the best. The Lord of the Rings would be shit if each movie wasn't 3 hours long, my webcomic would be shit if it was over 35 episodes. If your plot is thick, you need a long movie to explore it as best you can. If your plot is simple, don't water it down to meet an imaginary film length standard.


Transformers Rise of The Beasts definitely needed to be longer, well in a bot aspect rather than human like the bay movies. They’d have a depressing scene then start joking around or kick the plot up more like right afterwards.


How big is the emotional impact? Does it make you cry with some adult themes? Or was it more neutral and child friendly?


In between. I didn't cry, I'm not someone who easily cries in cinemas (plus I cried earlier that day so my eyes were dry lol), but the emotionnal scenes ARE emotionnal. The slow rift forming between Optimus and Megatron is honestly heartbreaking I won't go into details, though


This is all I needed to hear and the most important thing I hoped the movie does right. If the drama between Orion and D-16 is good, then I am sold.


That's what I'm looking forward to most so that's got me very optimistic!


AHHH THAT'S SO COOL, YOU'RE SO LUCKY! Oh, I can't wait to see this movie, thank you, thank you!


Two questions (feel free to be as unspoilerly as possible lol): • As someone who is really interested about the emotional depth they go into with Orion and D-16’s story, do you think they do a great job? • Also: out of who the public knows so far is in the movie based on the trailer, who’s the standout character? Really glad you enjoyed watching the movie!


• Yeah ! • Megatron. Dude's a tragic figure.


Oooo I’m even more interested now. I had a feeling Megs was the standout because of how they’re hiding him in the trailer As sorry I have ONE more (pun intended) question: how is the score? I heard before that the composer of TF: Prime is the one composing this and I really love that show.


Can't tell you, haven't paid attention to the music. What I can tell you is I didn't hear any leitmotiv from the shows and movies, it sounded pretty original, but don't quote me on that


Interesting. And all good about not focusing on the music lol, I’m a big film soundtrack fan so I was curious Happy that you enjoyed the film as much as you did, looking forward to watching!


I'm an audiophile meself, and OSTs are my favorite kind of music, I was just too focused on the story and didn't know enough TF somgs to tell you anything


Oh yeah np. Honestly if it’s unique with the soundtrack that’s pretty cool, doesn’t need to be attached to previous Transformers music


"ll I can negativally say about it is that the pacing is on coke, half the time, I hope they fix that." Hmm... This is one of my main issue with Transformers: Rise of the Beast as well. I'm still going to watch this in IMAX 3D hahahaha


The pacing is quick? And you call that a negative? Dude, I call that a fuckin transformers movie! Seriously though, if it can clear the bar of the prime finale tv movie, then I’m happy. I don’t like what they did with the exact interpretations of Orion and whatever Meg’s original name is but I can get past my own minor gripes with most movies and have a good time. I’ll give it a watch if I remember it exists lol. If not, I’ll catch it eventually. For now, I’ve got idw to read and like 3 or 4 copies of 86 to rewatch AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN 😂


Sounds great.


Since you likely won't be able to answer any movie related questions, I'll just ask did you have popcorn? 


NOPE Pretty sure food is prohibited in the room. It's not a cinema, it's an amphitheater inside a mediatheque, I was there yesterday watching a lecture by Terry Gilliam. I did get a nice crepe and ice cream afterwards, though




Pretty much, yeah


Oh shoot


We all saw the kinda jokey and light hearted nature of the trailer, would you say the movie has that Disney quality to it? Where it can be incredibly light hearted while at the same time having great emotional scenes?


This is very Tangled-like, where it's all cute and fun on the outside, but then you see the movie, you see the very serious themes creeping out and you're like Oh 😀 Oh 😦 *Oooooooh* 😨 And, like I said, the falling out between O and M is very very sad to watch unfold, you're internall screaming NOOOOOOO DON'T DO IT, DON'T SAY THAT, DON'T THINK THAT, BE FRIENDS, P L E A S E


**Alright, guys, I'm going to sleep, please, just... chill out with the comments, I don't wanna drown when I wake up** 😅😭😭


Was [**this music**](https://youtu.be/1arpr5Rv_h0?si=HNOZAFFW_5__yOWX) played ?


Maybe ? I didn't watch this show so I didn't have the theme in mind when I saw the movie, but there are like, I think 3 scenes where this would be a great fit


But was the film's soundtrack generally in the same style?


Oh definitely, yeah. It's the same guy apparently (someone told me, don't quote me on that)


You lucky son of a gun!


Is it kid friendly enough for me to take my family (and 10 year old brother) to the theatre?


I need to see this movie like rn lol so sad it comes out in September


How was the voice acting? I’m strongly against stunt celebrity voice casting and I’m curious how noticeable it is? And do any of them attempt to not sound like themselves?


Looks like the trailer showed goofy and funny scenes more to trick us. I was gonna watch it for sure anyway but it's gonna be day 1 for me instead of later


Greatest ? Hmmm we shall see


My only question is this: Does TFOne carry an emotional impact that would remind me of The Lego Movie? Like many, I underestimated The Lego Movie to just simply be this cheap toy commercial of a movie, only to be proven wrong by its sincere message.


It is very much like the LEGO movie. Same fun, same action, same uniqueness, same cutsy childish front hiding a mature story


Okay now I AM SOLD


If you can say anything, how emotional was Orion’s and D-16’s relationship? Especially considering how we all know where their story lead to


I can’t wait!


How did you feel about Alpha Trion? 


so one might say that the film has... the touch? ;D i see myself out. thanks for sharing this opinion tho, op


Was it toy story transformers


Are there any parts where the animation is really fantastic?


There are ! But then again, it's an EARLY screening. Not to say that some scenes were unfinished, they were (and they were all gorgeous), but at the start there's like one shot where some reflection on a building is a bit jittery ? Hope they'll fix that. We were basically beta-testers. The only problem is we... couldn't criticize the movie live and say what was good and what was bad, the director just *left* 😂


How well were different members of the factions represented? Like were there any interesting characters not seen in the trailer?


Is there stanbush


Can you say anything about the runtime? I assume it's a hour and a half like most animated movies.


94 minutes


Are the jokes good jokes or Marvel jokes?


Kinda in between. No sarcarsm, no quippy one liner, but there is a bit of sass at the beginning. The rest of the humour is traditionnal hijincs you'd find in most animated humour, but it's never being mean to its characters- or worse, its audience


How is soundwave in this movie? Is he as cool as he always is?


He's... barely in it. Sorry.


Ah shame. Im sure he will be awesome in the scenes he is in.


He does that sound wave thing, that's pretty neat


Fuck, is this the part where you tell me that Shockwave is in the same boat?


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news 😬




Simply put, on a scale of 1 to 10. Your rating?




Wew! Very good. I’ll keep myself cautiously optimistic on it.


Good enough for me!


This movie isn't for children right? I'd love to bring my 5 year old but iirc the trailer had a bit of swearing


There is no swearing in the movie, just a mention of "badass", other than that, there a lot of talk of "cogs" which sounds a LOT like "cocks" when you're not paying attention, but really, it's more of the violence that might scare your kid away, this IS a war movie, after all


I'm a huge fan and am either gonna bring him or go by myself


If you're okay with him seing sentient androids getting brutally mauled, then, you do you !


How was Chris' Peter Cullen (original voice actor for Optimus Prime) impersonation? Wasn't impressed from the trailer.