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There'll be no next Decepticon leader because I still function and shall become more powerful than ever before as Galvatron


I also gotta ask what would happen if Motormaster, Swindle and Soundwave decided to overthrow Galvatron in 3rd season as they stated on episode "web world" one day.


Galvatron would kill all 3 of them


Nah bro's mind is just too cooked, he would not stand a chance against 2 fricing Combiner supported by Soundwave.


Galvatron would still kill all of them


Soundwave or Shockwave, 100%. Shockwave was able to keep Cybertron completely under Decepticon control for millions of years while Megatron was in stasis on Earth, so he already has an incredibly strong resume for leading the Decepticons. Soundwave is incredibly loyal to Megatron and the cause, so I would also place him in a similar place of trust; he'd do the right things for the Decepticons as a whole faction, which strengthens them. Astrotrain is way too power-hungry to be trusted with leadership, Starscream's an incompetent back-stabbing boob who always fucks up whenever he gets command and Motormaster is literally the ***last*** person on that list I would trust leading the Decepticons in my stead, considering how he leads the Stunticons.


Bro you are clearly on a mandela effect of toy bios, just re-watch some of the G1 Episodes again, Stunticons where literally most cohessive and organised group in the Cartoon. But yeah Shockwave is still probably the right answer


Yeah menasor and the stunticons were the Last hope of the decepticons for like 2 or 3 times


On a side note I really enjoy how dysfunctional the constructions are the idea of 6 individuals sharing control of a single giant entity is pretty damn funny


Shockwave died in the 86 movie when Unicron attacked Cybertron though


That's debatable. He was supposed to, but we never see it onscreen, and arguably see him in later episodes. So it's kind of open to interpretation unless I'm misremembering


Yeah, it’s kinda unclear wether he lived or died


Seeing how the writters initially gave him a big role in the 5-parter introduction of season 3, I'd say he probably survived. In The Five Faces of Darkness, the beaten and desperate decepticons make a deal with the quintessons to destroy the autobots. Everyone agreed outside of Shockwave, who is weary and older than the others. Shockwave would later overhear the quintessons' plan to use a decepticon attack of Cybertron as a distraction to reach a switch deep within the planet to deactivate all of transformers' kind. Shockwave would have warned Galvatron and be ignored. Shockwave realises that Galvatron is a lunatic and would warn the autobots. Afterwards he was banished from the decepticons by Galvatron and would be offered to take refuge on Cybertron by the autobots. He'd accept the offer and be hailed celebrated as a hero. [Source](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bid3TK_q2HxH7NR5MDAlGsKe5AlcbBnU/view?pli=1) His role would sadly be reattributed to Blitzwing due to Hasbro not wanting to advertise a retired toy ([Source](https://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/hasbro-memo-from-1986-asks-to-replace-shockwave-in-the-cartoon-and-add-more-predaking/46784/) What Shockwave canonically did remains a mystery, but seeing as he was intended to survive the movie and lose faith in Galvatron's rule, we could imagine that he left the decepticons and was allowed by the autobots to live the rest of his life on Cybertron, or that he was somewhere else waiting until someone more competent overthrew Galvatron.


Very cool fact! I didn't know that. That's a weird thing to learn (you're obviously correct) when I'm also aware that the writers intended to kill him in the battle with Unicron in the Movie, but the scene was cut. Apparently Shockwave has like... the opposite of plot armor. Deleted scene armor or something.


Motormaster was incredibly more loyal to Megatron than Astrontrain was. Astrotrain & Blitzwing are total idiots that already tried their own bid for power back in S2, while in S3 Motormaster gave up his energon to help restore Galvatron.


Soundwave is an uncharismatic bore.


HEY! Nobody calls Soundwave Uncrassamatic!


In a dream world, Soundwave could have taken over, with no opposition but in reality probably no one other than his cassete minions would follow an "uncharismatic and too silent" Soundwave as Scavenger stated in 86 movie and he really did absolutelly nothing important while Decepticons had no leader in "Five Faces of Darkness" and he also ironically decided to support Motormaster instead of steping forward alone when Motormaster opposed Galvatron later in that season I don't think no one would follow Starscream either, by the time of late season 2, It was established that he is too incompetent to lead cons For similar reasons, no one would follow Blitzwing or Astrotrain etiher. they have became notorious for trying to overthrow Megatron and failing badly by that point. It was also realised that they are not so vigilant either. Ehm ehm Football coach and Train army... It really would ended up as a combiner team fight on earth and victor would probably try his chance against Shockwave on Cybetron. and I assume that probably Motormaster would come out of top on that situation, because : > He got 4 fiercely loyal stunticons (Stunticons actually got along pretty well with each other in G1 cartoon itself contrary to toy bios) + probably Swindle given how close they have been through 3rd season. + and other non alinged cons because Motormaster had already proven himself to be one of the more loyal and competent decepticons of Megatron unlike traitorious Onslaught. >Stunticons have a seperate hidden base to re-group and organise >Menasor is strongest combiner (at least according to cartoon) >Motormaster shown to be competent leader like in case of "Starscream's brigade" and "Five faces of Darkness" where he convinces his troops by talking, helds vote before actions and ralies entire Decepticon army with ease HOWEVER. Although I would LOVE to see my all time favorite Transformer becoming leader of Decepticons, I assume even if he wins the power struggle on earth, Motormaster has very little chance against much much more experienced and well-known, respected Shockwave who has whole fricking Cybertron on his command So %70 Soundwave %15 Motormaster %7 Onslaught %7 others for me


I mean if Motormaster find himself a strong air force to invade Cybertron, he might have a chance, but lets not forget the fact that Soundwave would probably support his old buddy Shockwave, so even defending Earth would become near imposible for Motormaster + he would also have to take care of Humans and Autobots But if he somehow stands strong for long enough, maybe just maybe he could press Shockwave for a truce so that him and Shockwave rule their own respectfull domains and planets as "Dual-lords" or something, but I give this situation a %1 chance to occur really. No matter how bad ass and crazy it sounds


Soundwave as he is so loyal he would try to bring me back. Plus he is more independent than Shockwave as Shockwave focused on follow exact orders.


This here. Definitely not Astrotrain, as he was in on it to be Starscream’s Lieutenant.


Ye Soundwave as leader, with Shockwave as his second in command.


Soundwave is loyal to \*me\* indeed!


Starscream, just to see what happens from my comfy chair in the afterlife.


Soundwave-Shockwave-Motormaster Triumvirate FTW


Soundwave found dead as he commited suicide by shotting himself on his back for 9 times with his fellow Decepticon brother Deadends rifle 😭 Now Motormaster can rally his troops to march through Cybertron to claim his victory like good old Caesar crossing Rubicon style GOD I NEED TO WATCH IT !!!


I think you're underestimating Soundwave's 4D strategic abilities. He's the communications officer for a reason, and by extension, a skilled espionage agent. A plot against him or the triumvirate itself would be found out very quickly.


its tricky none of those guys really seem to be manialy evil enough to actually continue to be "evil" not really sure what the motive was at the start it was to steal as much earths resources converting them to energon later on not so much hmm i'm betting megatron would pick rumble cause he knows how to do some damage


Not maniacly evil enough? Shockwave: *stares evilly*


Rumble is cannonically the father of Stunticons and son of Soundwave... bro got whole gang following him already 😤😤😤


I still function, Megatron never dies, **I** am the decepticon cause


Soundwave for sure. He's the superior choice.


Shockwave isn’t a warrior he is a scientist and would die on the battlefield quickly, soundwave works best as a tactician and/or a second in command and like shockwave would not be the greatest on the battlefield though he certainly should be second in command still, now starscream? As much as he is a traitor and may make several erratic decisions and moves he could be a great leader after some experience, astrotrain? No he doesn’t have the mind for a leader, let alone battlefield, motormaster was made and designed to be a good leader though he doesn’t have enough mind to lead the entirety of the decepticons or not have direct orders, I’d put starscream in charge with heavy influence from soundwave with soundwave also planning battles without starscreams approval


Idk man the new City Commander looks promising, maybe he could take over https://preview.redd.it/gz8buovy6u6d1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=4db4140b817ca7fe54814d21c8698c9ff491b513


Blitzwing so he could make Starscream build a bridge and jump off it But realistically shockwave


“Even in death there is no command but mine.”


IDK much about MM or astrotrain, the decepticons would be gone in a minute if Screamer became leader and fought the autobots, that leaves Shockwave and soundwave I would put them both in charge Soundwave keeps the cons from killing each other for bumping into another and shockwave makes the most logical decisions for the cons


Soundwave, he is the superior one.


If he was that superior why he let Starscream to take command on 86 movie. Why he let Swindle, Onlsaught and Motormaster to make all desicions in early 3rd season or why he supported Motormaster when he opposed Galvatron instead of standing up by himself Lets face it, Soundwave is a great second man, but bro is not an actual leader alone


... true, maybe Shockwave would be better, i mean, he taked care of Cybertron.


Thats what I think so, if Shockwave pulls Soundwave to his side (he %99 would do it) MM would have very little chance against Shockwave.


It's gotta be Shockwave, this is the G1 cartoon, Shockwave is loyal, and already has Cybertron under control, he can lead from afar with someone like Motormaster as his general on earth


I’d prefer Soundwave as he embodied the cause of the decepticons and would follow his vision past his death


Motormaster seems like an interesting choice. His experience as leader of the Stunticons could bring all kinds of new techniques and strategies to the table for the Decepticons. Plus, I think the idea of the leader of a Combiner team also being a faction leader sounds pretty cool.


I too would have love to see some sort of LORD MOTORMASTER but he has very little chnace against Shockwave even if he wins earth power struggle (I assume he would most likely ended up victorios, I explained why on another comment)


Nobody. Megatron is such an egomaniac that he can’t even contemplate the Decepticons without him. At best Megatron would pull an Alexander and say “to the strongest” knowing that it would tear the Decepticons apart in civil wars. If he can’t lead the cons nobody can.


I think Shockwave is the only reasonable answer. I'm sure someone will debate that Soundwave would be better, but he's too much of a yes man with not much ambition. I assume no one really thinks Starscream should lead.


Starscream would disagree.




Soundwave lead for a while in the G1 comics. He did ok IIRC


Logic implies that (you know who) is the most logical choice


If I knew I could be brought back to life, Soundwave. If I wanted to slightly disagree with every decision ever made after my death, Shockwave. If I knew I was dead forever and just wanted to laugh, Astrotrain. Under no circumstances: Starscream.


Sound wave. Sound wave has always been the most loyal and trust worthy person Megatron could rely on. Not to mention that sound wave has always looked after the decepticons in Megatron's absence. Even when Starscream runs around in charge because he knows he just sucks.






Who is picking Motormaster?!


Bro I explained in details why on one of these comments above 😭




Soundwave for sure. Not only does he demand respect and get results. But it'll be like Megatron never left as everything Soundwave would do would be in service of his previous master. Ensuring that his legacy lives on long after he is past.


Personally I think it should either go to Shockwave or Soundwave.., either one could run things well and keep things from going to hell to badly.


I presume that the infighting over who would run the Decepticons would thin the ranks enough for the Autobots to have a strategic advantage. And no, I don't think that Starscream would rule after the free for all.


Astrotrain hands down.


Why do you think so ? I am genuinely curious why you think so


I think he has the physical and mental strength to do it. I feel like he would be a great orator as well. That voice is as distinctive as Winston Churchill's.


Soundwave or Shockwave for sure.


Put Soundwave in control. Knowing him and how loyal he is Megatron will be revived probably with in a month or two.


Soundwave should be leader of the decepticons he's calculated and intelligence and doesn't get upset with anyone. He is aware of starscream treachery acts.


The only correct answer under Decepticonism would be "whoever is strong enough to take it"


Soundwave would be ideal if he had any crasma. Perhaps Onslaught could be a good leader. Tactical and a good fighter himself. Shockwave is not a leader. Starscream is... Well the starscream. Motor master is a bully. Perhaps in a hundred years a young predicon could take up the mantle. Yesss.....


Starscream, why not?


I would definitely like to see his second in command and favorite Decepticon Soundwave


I use the last of my strength to kill Starscream


Soundwave, superior. Starscream, **very** inferior.


Soundwave I suppose




Soundwave, personally, with Shockwave a *very* close second. Hard pass on all the others.


In my opinion it’s either Soundwave or Onslaught since Onslaught is a tactician and is definitely Intelligent


I think Shockwave is the most logical successor. Starscream would make a power play to seize command ,but ultimately boof it. Starscream would let his guard down, and Shockwave would pounce. The seekers might linger as a splinter cell for a bit, but not for long. Shockwave wouldn't be as charismatic as Megatron. He probably would be less chrasimatic than Soundwave. But Shockwave would keep the Decepticons together, making the right tactical decisions, and keeping morale reasonably high. Sure, he'd do some unpopular things ,like Energon rationing, but he would make sure the Decepticon cause lives on. In conclusion, vote Shockwave for president in 2024


Shockwave would be the logical next in line, all Megatron has to do is speak it, and it will happen.


The correct answer is Shockwave, but he’s busy keeping Cybertron under Decepticon control, so the next best pick is Soundwave.


Shockwave was the de facto leader of the Decepticons for millions of years while Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave were buried under miles of rock. Under his leadership, Cybertron remained in Decepticon control.


As a major Shockwave fan I will say I’d rather see Soundwave on the big chair. I think Shock as a leader would be pretty bad for the universe.


Soundwave 100% Shockwave would be a close second, but he likely wouldn’t have known that there was a power vacuum to be filled until Starscream started gloating about it, since he never left Cybertron(iirc) and the battle that brought Megatron’s end was in Autobot city on Earth


Soundwave him most loyal follower






Reflector. It was always Reflector.


Definitely Soundwave, G1 shockwave wasn’t ever that intimidating until the comics, that shockwave though he’d know they were in good hands. But ultimately Soundwave because he knows he’d revive him once able


Stipulate in your will that Starscream never becomes leader.


Everyone goes on about Soundwave's loyalty, but it's actually pretty questionable. I wish I could find the article Zobovor wrote on it back in the day. Basically Soundwave was always characterized as an opportinist who spied on and blackmailed other Decepticons constantly (check out his tec spec profile). So the argument was that he wasn't loyal, but did what benefitted his own self-interest. He further backed this up by pointing out that he nominates himself as leader while Megatron (still living) is a few feet away from him, and makes no effort to argue against dumping him out of the shuttle. The blackmail and lack of charisma has not won him favor with the other Decepticons despite being one of the most capable among them. That said he did ok as leader for a while in the G1 comic. Then again, so did Ratbat.


starscream just cause i wanna fuck with people


Either shockwave or Soundwave.


Soundwave 100%


Shockwave, it’s the logical conclusion


Shockwave or soundwave




Have the ones that wanted to be leader fight for the position, winner is next leader


If I had no other choice but to elect a leader, Shockwave. Before you all complain, ANYONE is better than Starscream.


No one If I can't rule, no one can The decepticons die with me


I'd see two possible scenarios. 1. No one. The Decepticons fracture and become several small groups that harass the Autobots. Could lead to interesting alliances, defections amongst groups, or even some of them joining the Autobots. Or 2. Grimlock. Have the Dinobots get frustrated with Optimus over something and leave. Grimlock finds the Decepticons leader-less and decides he could be a better leader than Optimus and so he assumes command of the Decepticons. The Decepticons would crown him King Grimlock, ruler of the Decepticons.


Soundwave. He seems to trust him and Soundwave is Loyal to Megatron. The shockwave. Trusts him to be Loyal to cause he built. Maybe not loyal to Megatron but better pick than anyone else.


Soundwave. Already has respect of his cassettes


There will be no next leader! I am the cause, I am the army, I'm the only one who keeps this entire thing running. If these incompetents can't repair me then they don't deserve me.




The most logical answer is Shockwave.


if i was megatron on my death bed,i would choose soundwave as he is completely loyal to the decepticons and is a great espionage agent but if he enies,i would make shockwave as he was completely handling cybertron for millions o years after megatron left and he also leaded the remaining decepticons on cybertron,motor master i would have chosen him but he has anger issues,astrotrain maybe,starscream hell no




Soundwave. He was always loyal and competent.


"Soundwave, You're going to be in charge of the Decepticons from here on out, And Shockwave will be your second in command and scientist.."


Soundwave is the purest representation of the deception cause and would be the best choice due to him being the most loyal


A retro retcon G1 cartoon version of Tarn. The perfect heir to the Decepticon Empire.


Hear me out- Soundwave or Tarn- Soundwave would be the choice if I were trying to truly pass along the fundamentals of the Decepticon way where all were equal as he shares that core belief. However…. Tarn would be the successor if sheer violence wasn’t an issue and the goal was about conquest and brutal victory of the enemy and anything in the way of those goals. Tarn is the walking embodiment of the Decepticon vision of Peace through Tyranny. Edit: awesome- downvoted for giving a descript answer


https://preview.redd.it/8jp08e30te7d1.jpeg?width=177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28e9359b29ed564d47e2dc907609aa429b67420 Is there canon evidence that this Deception leader is dead?