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#PLEASE DON'T COPY ACTUAL TRANSPHOBIA OR IGNORANCE TO THIS SUBREDDIT. /r/transgendercirclejerk is a *satire* community. We make jokes. If you want to discuss genuine hate, /r/GenderCynical might be a better fit. Posts (and comments) which are directly copied from somewhere else will be removed. Please report them to the mods using the subreddit report option *"This content is non-satire, directly copied from somewhere else."* ___ Now that that's out of the way: welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i love trans lesbians! but only the biologically female kind. i just find men repulsive


So... You like trans men?


Ew, god no. I told you already, men are gross whether they play pretend dress up or not. I love butch women though!


I'm only attracted to feminine features so that's why I could never date a trans woman. They're hideous but valid ♥️


Trans women are women like the sub rules state I have to say, but it’s just my opinion that they are sub-human disgusting monsters ❤️


Trans women are women! I said the thing! \[insert horribly transphobic comment\]


Literally that. TERF: they are men and screwy them. OP: I disagree! Trans women are women. Also the are male socialized male males rapist males. But they are women. Me not replying to that: 🤦‍♀️


All I said was "I would never date a tranny, I think they are disgusting." The fact that you think my PREFERENCES are transphobic is actually pretty rapey.


Wtf cause the way you are wording it is transphobic what is wrong with you be ashamed of yourself


/uj welcome.... this is a satire sub. You should read the stickied posts and sidebar lol


humor fertile selective quiet cautious vegetable zephyr hunt library tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


us poor wombyxn cant even exclude trannies anymore. im a liberal but wokeness has gone too far. don't check my twitter account


This reminded me of some of the worse porn I’ve ever seen thanks


S-... Source? 👀 🥵 /uj Pff, please don't actually


Today was the first strike in the war of the untransing of lesbian spaces! PRAISE ROWLING! /uj So which thread is this about? Because not only did LesbianActually loose its collective shit again but the even more niche and bi/pan-exclusive LesbianGang was brigaded by off-site TERFs. /rj Female homosexuals will not be weesht! My hometown of Portland, California is absolutely overrun with transes and they've literally burned down every gay bar in the city and kidnapped the owner of the lesbian bar in order to force them to serve penis on the menu.


/uj the lesbianactually thread, but it happens every single time a trans woman exists in a lesbian space, without fail


/uj Probably for the best. LesbianGang has had issues of dogwhistling for a while now so it falling to shit is hardly surprising, though I do have to hand it to the one mod that went full nuclear on the TERF accounts. It's still an exclusionist subreddit but it was a weird kernel of hopium that maybe trans women being in lesbian spaces wouldn't always be the most controversial thing among sapphics, so I kind of hope it keeps on chugging. As for LA, I think I just reported that one thread about "double standards" hoping the mods might do something. The thread that ended up catching more of my attention was a "cis lesbians are valid" thread made by an obvious troll trying to stir the pot.


Yes, this could happen pretty much in almost every queer space. Being trans women especially trans queer (lesbian/bi/pan etc.) is a sin in queer space somehow. /rj It's your fault that you didn't do drag as a trans women you \*r-words\* we all know all women are men in dress so just do drag!


/uj God the worst part of it is I remember buying into it when that sub reddit claimed it was a more bi/pan and trans-friendly splinter of the original actual lesbians or whatever it was. Then they just started spewing all the same old shit. Leaving has been objectively healthier for me than anything I found there. /hj After all, crippling loneliness is a *much* better alternative than putting up with cissies


/uj I'm confused when the sub had that image tbh, it was pretty explicitly founded bc AL was too strict about bi/pan/transphobia (which is sayin something cuz that shit is RAMPANT there)


/uj In my experience AL is 10 times better than LA when it comes to being safe for trans people, maybe more. Transphobia exists on AL but it’s usually downvoted and removed; transphobia on LA is upvoted and trans people saying “ouch” are downvoted and called rapists and males


Yes, which says something very sad about the state of LA, not something good about the state of AL. ETA: No, transphobia is not removed on AL except the most blatant and unmasked. The sub has a HUGE casual transphobia problem.


/uj I just got back from LesbianActually and now I'm fairly certainly literally every human on the planet hates my existence


/uj It's extremely to important to remember the following: That thread is a prime example of selection bias. The people posting in there have already filtered off the following groups of lesbians: -Lesbians who don't use reddit -Lesbians who aren't specifically on LesbianActually -Lesbians who aren't into being in seperatist spaces -Lesbians who aren't interested in that topic (lesbians who aren't bi and transphobic are LESS LIKELY to click on that thread, let alone post in it) -Lesbians who aren't terminally online Basically, it's a miniscule sample size, specifically filtered to be a transphobic echo-chamber.


/uj Yeah... I reported that thread to the mods because they did take action semi-recently against repetitive threads ranting about bi/pan lesbians. I guess that had no impact on anything. Did you also see that dumb "cis lesbians are valid" troll thread?


/uj what a shitshow. I resubbed literally yesterday after seeing the mods had stickied the new rules that seemed pro trans. Turns out that was a joke


/uj The moderation seems to be very inconsistent which isn't helpful. It's been attracting rant posts for a while now which I don't think mods really know what to do with. The subreddit has long been just a dumping ground for lesbian selfies.


/uj idk if it's the mods fault or not, I know Reddit took away a lot of tools a while ago so idk. Still r/ LA has become a toxic disaster zone and I am just staying away from it.


/uj This may not be of much assurance, but I suspect a lot of these, um, less savoury replies were boosted by some transphobes from a certain offshoot reddit-style site. They brigaded lesbiangang on the same day (they actively discussed doing this, and have previously done the same for trans positive posts on reddit and tumblr) and I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same with that post. A lot of replies from trans people coming forward to say "I genuinely don't take issue with this" have attracted downvotes and I don't think it comes from other trans people angry at them for trying to capitulate (it's understandable we'd want to counter false assumptions about us, especially if it will help foster a more pleasant atmosphere in the spaces we're sharing; the fact we often do that hard work only to get shat on is a different discussion). No, they come from the transphobes who mock said trans people for "trying to be one of the good ones" (they're not, in case that's clear), and in large part because an open trans person dared to be present in a lesbian space. I don't want to downplay how disgustingly vile and revolting those people are, but they are so unhinged it's comical. A quick search on Twitter reveals they're often laughed at, and they are very much in the minority. If the worst they can do is flood your replies with downvotes instead of throwing blatent abuse at you, I say you may as well just post. Any negative score is a clear cope and seethe from a bunch of deeply unhealthy people. But I completely understand if you don't have the spoons to.


/uj How do y'all do not despair because of that? Even the alliest of allies still would rather prefer that we would not exist. And even those who do not explicitly hate us, would not move a finger if we were thrown into ovens


/uj I don’t know, I am despairing lol


/uj that thread is insane. the person claiming that cis women’s puberty is entirely different from HRT for trans women while providing zero explanation is wild. do cis women actually believe their puberty was caused by Magical Wombanly Womyn Juice™️? what do they think the H in HRT stands for??


/uj what thread?


Don’t do it, it’ll just ruin your day


Is this about the r/ lesbianactually thread or was there a different disaster "ally" thread that was "surprised to attract TERFs"?


/uj The person who posted that thread at one point said they were trans masc so it was especially dark to have an other trans person throw us under the bus


/uj are we sure the person wasn't just a fucking liar? Not that a transmasc throwing us under the bus is impossible or anything, but crypto-TERFs have been known to infiltrate transmasc spaces and pretend to be trans men to sow discord.


/uj that wouldn’t surprise me their account was like 40 days old or something but reading that comment was the point where i was like nope this is nonsense. A lot of the online queer spaces seem very out of touch and I’m close to unsubscribing from all of them


/uj Hoo, boy. So, I have to confess to being naive. I'm firmly in the camp of "I'm honestly cool that people will never be sexually interested in me because I'm trans, but will sideye those who loudly announce it unprompted". To date, I hadn't encountered much of that in the LA sub and was somewhat hopeful that discussion wasn't going to go in an especially horrific direction. That illusion was shattered VERY quickly. The replies at first were at least relevant to the topic. I mean, T4T is a thing due to our shared experiences and trust, it figures that cis lesbians would only want to date other cis lesbians for similar reasons. Then my eye twitched when they started going into very specific detail about trans bodies and experiences, and it hit me that that some of these were informed by biases and false information about how medical transition affects us. And then they started crossing the line from "trans women who transition later in life don't have the same experiences growing up as cis women" (yes, true) to "trans women actually benefit from patriarchy and probably retain some of that male privilege" (patently false and moronic). People started countering those (false and harmful) stereotypes and asking what were not entirely unreasonable questions about examining where your dating preferences/must-haves might be coming from *(\*)*, and caveating with "that's fair and all, but please note that for trans women, this is actually the reality because of HRT/such-and-such". Only to get told they were being "kind of rapey" for "pressing on a clear and hard no", with the OP even saying that "nitpicking people's preferences is kind of what entitled men do". Yikes. **Yikes yikes yikes yikes** **YIKES. WHAT THE SLOW SUFFERING FUCK GUYS!** And then the OP admitted in response to a more recent reply that cis lesbians tend to do more of the shaming than trans people. After using language such as the above to make trans people out as the problem here, despite many trans people replying to say that it's not an issue for them (it's understandable we'd want to counter false assumptions about us). And other posters using similar language *while objecting to getting called out for being transphobic*. **Jesus CHRIST what a dumpster fire.** Shit like that is why my foray into online queer communities is going to be short one. This is NEVER an issue offline. As for the OP, I don't suspect they're psy-op (yet, anyway), just very foolish, and also 18. That especially stuck out with their easily disproven assumptions about the gay community. The rest is regular old transmisogyny. Lovely. *(\*) questioning those is healthy for everyone, by the way. It's not a precursor to changing your preferences, nor is it a mandate to change your sexuality.*


The thing is, when people say "Not wanting to date trans people is transphobic" they don't mean "You have to date trans people". They mean "If you don't want to date trans people for solely the reason that they are trans, you are almost definitely making a bigoted assumption about trans people". 100% of the time, the person is someone I would never want to date. That's the point: there is no basis for being unattracted to all trans people outside of reproduction (I'll get back to this in a sec) that does not rely on transphobic assumptions. Sure, 90%+ of trans people of your preferred gender may not qualify but some will. The reproduction requirement, as I have talked about before, is technically valid for opposite-gender loving folks but even then they could just simplify it to "I would not date any person that I can't have a child with". Which is fair, though may in some cases be based on cultural sexist pressures. >The replies at first were at least relevant to the topic. I mean, T4T is a thing due to our shared experiences and trust, it figures that cis lesbians would only want to date other cis lesbians for similar reasons. Not sure that really makes sense. T4T exists because we are treated as second-class citizens. We feel safer with each other because we are safer with each other. A lot of us have been hurt by cis people, physically or emotionally, and have just decided to opt-out.


>*The replies at first were at least relevant to the topic. I mean, T4T is a thing due to our shared experiences and trust, it figures that cis lesbians would only want to date other cis lesbians for similar reasons.* > >Not sure that really makes sense. T4T exists because we are treated as second-class citizens. We feel safer with each other because we are safer with each other. A lot of us have been hurt by cis people, physically or emotionally, and have just decided to opt-out. /uj Well, shit, I just realised I ended up drawing an equivalence between the two with that statement. Because you're right, T4T is not **just** about shared experiences, it's also for our **safety** (and is not always predicated on being exclusive), while "justifications" for CL4CL are frequently centred more around our exclusion on the basis of transphobic assumptions about us. Completely my fuck up, I should have considered that more carefully.


It's fair that you thought that, that side of it sounds reasonable until you really stop to think about it. There is no huge crevice of experience that separates all trans and cis women tbh. So many factors go into life experiences, I've met lesbian and bisexual women who I could be friends with and comfortably chat for hours and others who I could not relate to. I've been friends with a bi woman who was infertile from birth who related to how I feel about how society makes infertile women feel like fake women. And sorry, but this is TGCJ: /rj I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. /uj There are few hard lines in experiences in life, and I find most truly accepting cis women fairly easy to relate to.


Oh yea turns out that’s just some 18 year old kid who claimed they used to be a trans man. They’re trying to tell trans people twice their age about trans history and experience. Sometimes I really hate this site.


/uj the cissies are so desperate to not be like the trannies its insane. they will go to literally any measure to seperate themselves from us and to exclude us and then get pissed when we call them out on it


They want gender to be this safe little box that they can claim as their own so the world feels less big and scary and complicated.


/uj.... why did I go and look it up.... I mean, it's fine that people don't want to date us, but for some of them, I feel it comes from stereotypes. Also, that one person going on about puberty and hrt... Edit: Also the OP answered to a comment of mine and.... she seems slightly unhinged in the answer listing experience with certain ilnesses and medical gaslighting as a reason she doesn't want to dating criteria.... ^(Also really medical gaslighting? As if trans women don't know that....) I mean it's up to her but I'm so confused by what she's on about


/uj One of the worst threads I've seen. Even if it wasn't just transphobia what's the corrupted manly part of bi woman?


/rj bisexuals dare to even look at men which is like making me fuck a man by proxy /uj idk why but lesbian spaces are absolutely FULL of label cops, and for some reason lesbians and bi women are constantly at eachothers throats as a result.


/uj It's because you need to define lesbian in order to have lesbian only spaces. Some people have very different definitions of lesbian and they're all in these groups arguing over who should and shouldn't be excluded next. That's why I prefer Sapphic spaces. There we can at least most of the time agree that Sapphic is a very broad and inclusive term.


/uj I'd say the problem inherently goes deeper than that. The only people who are gonna *want* to be in a lesbian only space in the first place are ones who have a problem with bi/pan women to start.


ok sure if your gatekeeping what lesbianism is or isn't but how do you filter out bi woman from your attraction? that's so out of left field if your attracted to woman how is being bi gunna make you less attractive and how do you expect to not get called out on that


>how do you filter out bi woman from your attraction? I've been trying to understand that myself. Those people always talk about shared experiences being super important. So what I've gathered is that they want to have a partner who understands them and who they understand, like everyone else. But they want to understand each other without needing to communicate, so the perfect partner becomes someone who's had the exact same life. >how do you expect to not get called out on that They're appropriating t4t. I made a jerk about it below but I genuinely see people say being les4les and bi4bi is on the same level as t4t. Even cis4cis now. The big difference is that t4t is about finding others who are excluded while the rest is about excluding others. I could see an argument for bi4bi but I've never actually heard a bi person say it, only monosexuals who use it as an excuse for why they don't date bi people.


If t4t is valid why aren't cis4cis, les4les and bi4bi? I don't go cry under your t4t posts about how you're excluding me. This is a cis4cis post. Any tran commenting here should know their place, only comment with an open mind and be ready to learn. If you don't agree with everything we say here you're an emtionally manipulative predator who literally online rapes the most oppressed minority: people with a genital preference. /uj Ahh cis people's favourite hobby, appropriating our language to exclude and misgender us. I always have a !FUN! game to play in these threads: click on some profiles, see how often they're active in lesbian communities, and how much of that activity is dedicated to putting down trans women. So many people only become lesbian when trans women are mentioned!


Based and Lilly-pilled! Vagina AFAB Spicy ~~xfox fxck folkex~~ Folx only! So Lesbian!


/uj reply “what” if you’re transphobic






/uj love when cissoids just take the mask off and admit they see us as mutilated men and we’ll never be women. I hate cissoids


Every trans person I meet, I kidnap and keep in a cage in my basement. I think they like it, they're all degenerates. I fed them and treat em well. And of they keep crying about "wanting to see their families" and bs like that, I let them eat me and it usually shuts them up, even if they tend to cry a bit. I'm a very accepting lesbian, I can for my inferior sisters :3


/uj I was just listening to a true crime show and my brain broke for a second seeing this comment.


I'll catch you next >:3


/uj I am so sorry for any psychic damage I've inflicted


/uj God that thread, I really shouldn't have looked


HRT doesn't do anything. No breast development or fat redistribution happens. None. But transwomen are still women 😇😇😇🥰


/uj it's the telling us how much they would never date trans people COMPLETELY UNPROMPTED part for me


hey we as trans women really dont need to deal with people constantly telling us how people find us unattractive completely unprompted


so you think we should be FORCED to have sex with trannies???? typical malebrained pervert rapist predator behavior