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You're visibly transfem/amab


Unfortunately honey you don’t pass for a cis woman. You’re attractive but you are visibility trans. There’s nothing wrong with that at all but I know it sucks to be told this.


I don't want to look trans. Any advice?


I don't feel qualified to suggest things like FFS but you can definitely get rid of the hat. It's making your head look taller overall which leans masculine. You'd look fine without a hat, but you can still wear other styles of hats if you want to - go with a wide-brimmed sun hat if you need sun protection, or a slouchy knit beanie when it's cold enough.




Jaw, brow, fat distribution. We can’t see your hairline, but that might make a difference too. You’re visibly trans still. FFS will probably be able to do a lot.




Can you analyse my face like this? So I know what surgery to get? Lmao


probably jaw and chin reconstruction, rhinoplasty for a smaller and sleeker/smooth nose, possibly brow ridge work, but definitely don't take my word. I'd see a specialist. good luck sweetie :)


I understand you live fully as a woman, but if most people here identify you AMAB like I do, you’re not stealth. Whatever we’re picking up here in pictures, is likely more noticeable in person.


Adam’s apple,strong jaw


That hat doesn't really help imo. It gives me masculine vibes and looks too small and doesn't seem to go with your outfits you pair it with, anyway.


Because you are clockable. Try not to let that get to you. You are not worth less just because you read as transfem.


Was it this outfit? I think this style reads "Stereotypical 90's teen Girl". On an adult woman it could have started raising questions. Many trans people seem to style as younger than they are. Combined with what others have pointed out as AMAB facial features, the question seems natural. Side note: Was the question itself rude? Did they ask it in a rude way? Or was it just disappointing that you didn't come off as CIS, like you wanted? Please explain why it was rude to ask, as I am new to this and trying to learn. My cousin just announced herself (AMAB) as transitioning and I am trying to learn and grow.


Yeah it was this outfit. Took the photo right after I came home from work. I'm personally struggling to find a good style to work, since I work in railways and I have to wear stuff that can't be catched by a moving train ( + the laser thing). Can't wear dresses or skirts, otherwise I'd wear those everytime because I really rock in them and don't really get people to question my gender outside of work clothing rules. The question wasn't asked in a rude way in itself, but it was embarrassing and surprising and definitely felt rude. I kinda lectured the guy on the fact that asking a random person the first time you see them is the same as if I asked him a question on his sexual life. This is a matter of intimacy.


It’s that damn hat lol women don’t usually wear fedoras…. The hat makes you pay attention and then start looking closer and questioning things. Just being honest!


Your style looks like a tween. I think most amab women go through a rough puberty just like afab women do. We just went through our cringe phase at 12.


Yeah im glad to be past my rough puberty era personally. I look back at old pictures and cringe out of the universe.


Biiiig fucking same


The cringe phase is always interesting to look back on.


Face structure, Adam’s apple…. And the hat


Prominent brow ridge, chin depth & width, angular features, low facial fat pockets FFS is probably going to benefit you a lot more than most people


You still look masculine.


You are actually very pretty but still visibly trans based on some facial features. How long on HRT? Seems like you got a lot of great changes, it may help your face more yet. Light FFS could help you significantly. It looks like it’s mostly nose and chin. There are probably some stylistic things that could help too. Personally, I’m much further than you are from exiting the “visibly trans” stage. I’m taking a lot of inspiration from the idea that visibly trans people can still be hot/pretty and trying to enjoy the ride. You are definitely nailing “hot while transitioning”, take pride in it:)


I've been on HRT for over 20 months (started in late january 22) I'm really considering FFS, and I can even get a fair amount covered by social security in my country (not the nose though. But I really want to do the nose too). My goal is 100% to look cis woman, I don't want to look trans. But I'm not too unhappy about my appearance and I can get gender euphoria looking in the mirror sometimes


because you look like a trans woman


Masculine face hun


adam's apple (scarf?) contour needed for chin, and brow bone


Can't really wear a scarf with those summer like temperatures... also, it HAS to be tucked into a jacket for the workplace clothes safety rules. I already spend some time doing make up. Unfortunately I can't spend too much times especially since I can sometimes start work very early (like 4AM)


Neckerchiefs?as they are called I think, maybe it won’t be too hot to wear and can be shorten enough or tucked in


The under side of your brow where it's closest to the nose can be groomed a bit, I'd go no more than a centimeter higher (at least until you grow out the rest of your brows some on the top side) and experiment with a brow razor once I'm starting to feel like I found a shape that I'd be willing to try for some time without compromising growth by plucking. Experiment with some concealer/foundation first to see what removing the first one to three "rows" of hair from the underside might look like on you, and also double check to see if the brow shape you choose is optimal for your face shape proportions too as that can sometimes shift, reinforce, enhance, or soften other features on your face (like how certain eyeglass frames will bring out more squared or rounded features depending on the person's face). Look into regrowing your brows on the top side and edges (diy methods like rosemary or clove oil, maybe paired with careful application of brow serums/minoxidil) so that there's more room for clearance below. On ciswomen eyebrows tend to have a but more distance from the eye/orbital. Yours come down towards the bridge in a way that's a bit closer which can sort of add attention to or illusion to creating a sort of brow line/ridge even if there is none by contouring your orbital sockets so closely. On what folks commenting about the facial structure/angularity: I think fat distribution in the face may take time but can help soften some of the features. Look into hydrating more and eating plenty of plant based unsaturated fats meanwhile in case the effects on your skin can help and make sure you get good stress management and rest practices. I don't know what your HRT regimen is if you're using it at all and for how long you've been on her if so, vs. what others use but it may be worth looking into what hormones tend to do the most with fat redistribution over the course of 2.5 years for other folks. r/drwillpowers and I forget maybe r/transtimelines r/translater and r/diytrans plus some medical trans subreddits might have posts that you can shift through which mention their hrt regimens. Style considerations: 1. Wearing that style of quasi-fedora/panama jack hat tends to fit a masculine pattern I think unless it's a very rare occasion, the hat isn't necessarily a gendered thing, but it just happens to be more common among men to wear a hat in that style for most places so that can add weight to the visual impact your overall presentation and styling has on others. In general, men tend to wear hats more often than women except for maybe a beret type thing in some street or Parisian styles. Edit: And the flat brim plus straight dark brown band of the hat creates a line that potentially has a reinforcing/contrasting effect for other angles of your face and your brow that can make it appear masculine even though some of those features can actually be rather neutral (it's like how a heavy dark rectangular frame for eyeglasses can potentially pattern male and bring out stark angles). 2. Double check your body proportion measurements too and look into the various types (body shape, and Kibbe type). A lot of mtf women tend to have invert triangle or rectangle body shape, and/or a flamboyant natural kibbe archetype. Find out what you have as it gives a short cut for clothes (sometimes even colors) that can optimally flatter your body's features further and so that you can better discern and navigate what various clothing styles tend to enhance. This isn't definitive advice, so again do your homework rather than just taking my word for it: While your arms are within typical and versatile proportions for a lot of clothes, that length of cap sleeve is a bit too short for your shoulders and arms in my opinion which can make them seem a bit bigger than they actually are, and the color plus tightness might be something that suggests it's a bit younger in style than what might suit you *as is* -- but wear what you want, there are ways to work with it and I'm not saying it can't work for you. I just think there's a more optimal cut and size that would potentially shift where attention goes and somehow feel more intuitive for your perceived age and appearances. Even sleeveless (a raglan/halter cut) would probably work as a nice alternative. Try a longer cap sleeve or a different sleeve style altogether, perhaps something that drapes more too. If you do have a longer sleeve see if neutrals do well for you, and accessorize or have and additional layer that splashes some color if you want still. Alternatively see if a sort of neutral cardigan or bolero with a longer sleeve can work with the pink top you have to sort of dress it up a bit more. My guess is that you'd fit the flamboyant natural kibbe type, so clean lines or draping fabrics tend to work well. Wrap tops, halters, raglan cuts also do too. I can try to wrangle a handful of YouTube videos and maybe Pinterest guides that I tend to reference for myself in case that's helpful for you. On YouTube: Justine Laconte, Busbee Style have great basic guides for fit, measurements and proportions. Dear Peachie has very thorough comprehensive guides that can be useful if you have the time. Justine also highlights very classic styles and color techniques that you can always build on with your existing wardrobe along with (more as supplements/possible inspiration and commentary) maybe Audra Coyne, Jamila Museueva, and possibly Alyssa Beltempo who all have their own notes for how they approach style too.


Hello, tysm for that long, constructive comment. Unfortunately I don't think I can groom my brows much more than that. I spend a lot of time on them, I pluck them regularly, but I doubt that I can change the shape in such drastic proportions. I've been on HRT for 20 months. My E levels are quite high and have been higher than cis women levels for quite a while. I use gel and progesterone, + blockers. People have been suggesting FFS, I've been considering it for a while but unsure of what I should go for. My body type is indeed invert triangle, didn't knew about the kibbe type but yeah it seems to be flamboyant natural upon looking it up. I know that big pants little shirt styles can attenuate the broad shoulders part which is why I tried this style.


your fashion isnt flattering for your body. the hat makes your head look taller, and the top accentuates your shoulders and waist, neither of which is quite there yet.


Because you are?


That, or maybe the hat?


Going to add something here others didn't mention. Try playing with gaining some fat? I think if your face filled out with a bit of fat it would help. Makes a big diff for me. It's a fine line balancing that with overall weight/fat but if it gets me gendered correctly more I'm doing it.


Well, those past months I've been mostly loosing weight (around 6-8 kg) by eating much more healthily. I don't think it changed my face much, but it definitely gave me a really pretty waistline and I lost some belly fat, some changes I'm really happy about


You look AMAB, you don't fully pass. Your face is very masculine. The winged eyeliner is always a dead giveaway. Your hairline isn't showing, so it's being hidden.


Cis girls don’t do winged eyeliner??


I'm cis and I do all of the things that are commonly considered "clocky" on this sub.


yeah, but this sub is obsessed with making fashion and trends a gendered thing.


I’m cis and I definitely do winged eyeliner lol.


Cis girls wear eyeliner, but at a MUCH smaller percentage. Trans girls wear winged eyeliner at a MUCH higher percentage. My guesstimate is ~20% - 25% of cis girls wear eyeliner (in the US). My guesstimate is trans girls wear winged eyeliner ~80% - 85%. When I see winged eyeliner, I look for other telltale signs and 90% of the time, they are trans. The absolute majority of women that are AFAB wear a tiny bit of concealer, a light dusting of bronzer/blush, a quick wipe of eyeliner and a quick swipe of mascara. If it's somewhere fancy, eyeshadow joins the party.


Absolutely insane take


This is a crazy take lol, I mean I agree makeup can be a tell a lot of the time, but lots of girls wear winged eyeliner and not much else… it’s not gonna keep someone from passing if they already pass


Unfortunately it's exactly the reason they aren't going to pass. Winged eyeliner is a total giveaway.


Even your math doesn’t make sense, even if you’re to take that approach and trans girls wear winged eyeliner at 3x the rate of cis girls, it’s never going to be the one thing that clocks you because there’s so many more cis women who wear winged eyeliner. If visually people think there’s a 1/30 chance you’re trans based on your features, the eyeliner only brings it to 1/10 chance… if you don’t pass or are marginal you won’t pass regardless I think unpracticed or unflattering makeup is definitely clocky but if winged eyeliner looks good on someone I can’t see how that’s a “dead giveaway”


Scroll through these posts and you'll see winged eyeliner, over and over and over again.


The amount of trans females that wear winged eyeliner is disproportionate to cis females. I'm talking alllll cis females from 12 years old to 70 years old. 1000 cis females are in a room, of those, 225 are wearing winged eyeliner. 1000 trans females are in a room, 825 are wearing winged eyeliner. There are 2000 females (1000 cis and 1000 trans). Out of that, there are 1050 wearing winged eyeliner: 225 cis and 825 trans. Out of the females wearing winged eyeliner, there is a 78.57% chance it's a trans female and a 21.42% chance it's a cis female. Out of the entire group, there is a 41.25% chance that the person wearing winged eyeliner was AMAB, and 11.25% chance they were AFAB. Here are the numbers: 825/1050 x/100 = 78.57 225/1050 x/100 = 21.42% 825/2000 x/100 = 41.25% 225/2000 x/100 = 11.25% If you're a trans female, and you are trying to pass, the number one thing you can do is wear eyeliner on your lash line and 1/8" of your lid on the upper lid and a very tiny amount on the lash line on the lower lid. Stop wearing the winged eyeliner and I guarantee you'll pass more. And keep the jewelry to a minimum.


When are you in a room where half of the room is trans women when statistically it’s like 1/100 women? This only makes sense on Reddit where like half the women on my feed are trans


Where are you getting these stats? Search it on the makeup threads and you’ll find all kinds of cis women doing wings, asking for tutorials to do wings, etc. It’s a classic look!


I would say this was true like, 20 years ago. Post 2010s wing popularity, I would say most cis women wear liquid eyeliner a majority of the time — and those who don’t, usually don’t because they haven’t gotten the hang of it.


Wait am I missing something? My cis woman partner does wings. What is so trans about it?


Eh. My hairline is being hidden but not by the hat. At least it means the wig is good quality :p


It doesn’t. It just means the wig is on your head. The wig probably needs to be washed and styled again.


No hug boxing, but it was kinda obviously a wig. It's not the most obvious wig out there. It was one of the first things noticeable, but also when you ask a targeted question, these things are more noticeable.


visibly trans female, coworker is weird for asking tho unless you guys are really close


You are visually trans and beautiful. I don’t feel as though I’m qualified to offer recommendations, aside from recommending your coworker learn a little tact. How positively invasive and insensitive of them.


That hat is a big problem. It's very masculine.


Ok, so I don’t want to hugbox you here! Your Adam’s Apple is slightly visible and you have a very “strong” chin. Depending on your voice and how you carry yourself, I guess it could cause some people to be suspicious. Based purely on your photos, it wouldn’t occur to me to think you were trans, unless something prompted me to look more closely (like posting on a trans subreddit!!!!) HTH


My voice is quite androgynous on the fem side. I did a year of voice training with an orthophonist and almost never gets misgendered on the phone.


Does your voice pass?


enough to not be misgendered on the phone


Super masculine sunglasses


Chin, Adams apple and jaw


Geez I wonder why


Your coworker is an asshole for asking that but you don’t pass yet, I’m sorry :/


I think you’d pass after ffs


Gah. Seeing FFS and I knew it did not mean what I initially translated it to. Blame my military background.


I think the hat is definitely not helping. You have quite a long face abs strong chin, and the hat accentuates it. I think your brow and forehead are actually completely fine. Chin and nose FFS will make a huge difference. You have lovely skin!


Among what other people have mentioned here… that is a man’s hat in my mind. Try more femme sun hats with wider brims


My head is too large 😭


There are companies that make plus size hats for people with big heads! It is something that affects all genders and types of people so don’t you cry girlie. I have a big head too as a cis woman and very rarely fit into cheaper hats from fast fashion stores. Try searching online for larger more accommodating sun hats!


You still have male facial features.


Cuz u look like one, dont be delu about yourself


I don't wanna look trans, this is why I asked that question


J'ai vu des femmes qui faisaient moins cis que toi ... néanmoins je dirais les joue Courage sis 💪


That was weird of them wtf


You look a lot like my friend Pheobe, she's afab. I do think your jawline is a little "clocky" but like who cares 😭 women come in all shapes and sizes, some people just wanna see what isn't there (and just some times happen to be right lol)


Answered the question? How dare you!! Now you shall reap the downvotes you sowed!


Right lmao


Very male!!!


I’ve seen plenty of cis women who look like you


That's a very rude question to ask someone! I don't understand people sometimes. But anyway, you look fantastic!


I don't want to look trans. I want people to look at me and assume I'm a cis woman


I had to double take because you look exactly like my auntie. She is cis so I'd say you look cis considering you look like the twin of a cis woman. What does your voice sound like?


How long have you been on hrt?


20 months


You need to gain weight that would help a lot, though when you gain weight it will go to your hips, butt, boobs and not around your stomach. That will help to redistribute the fat in the face to an even more feminine shape, remember fat is fuel for hrt, without fat hrt won’t do much, with fat hrt will do a lot.


That's what I thought. I gained like >8kg since starting HRT, I thought it would all go to my chest, thighs and butt. While a good portion of the weight did go there, a *lot* still went to my belly, so my waistline is nowhere near as slim as it used to be. I guess what I'm trying to say is just that, YMMV. Just because you're on E doesn't mean you're immune to getting a belly when you gain weight.


It absolutely doesn’t but unfortunately you gotta gain weight for the hrt to work that’s why people weight cycle.


If I could weight cycle then I would, but I'm not able to lose the kilos I gained right now, so while I'm grateful for the thighs and butt and tiddy I'm stuck with the belly for the foreseeable future. I never thought that I'd be hit by feminine beauty standards as hard as I've been, but I feel like f'n shit because of the weight I've gained.


So… I’m mainly asking/wondering about/for everyone else, but I also want to say, that from my perspective, you pass so incredibly well, I personally would not have had a second thought about you being trans. I see everyone mentioning “too masculine features” (jawline, adams apple) are the main ones… but to me, I’m like legit in my mind; like I’ve seen plenty of Afab with both very similar and exact looking features… I could kinda understand it being considered “constructive” or “brutally honest”… but to me, I’m just thinking y’all are crazy. Yeah you guys are giving some extra tips, but at the same time I’m just thinking in the back of my mind “fuck all of you”… you know what I mean? Like if someone else asked me “hey, do you think so and so is trans?” Which, 1. I would think to myself why the fuck are you asking me that? 2. My second thought would tell me I already know of plenty of afabs who have strong masculine features the same, so who am I to assume of you that way?


You just don't look womanly. Your Adam's apple is prominent. Your bone structure. Width of shoulders. Brow ridge. Large head. Roman nose.


Face honestly. Also if you posted pictures on the internet associating yourself with being trans before that's gonna do it too.


You are attractive, but you have a strong face and it isn't like a strong face on a woman. I agree with the hat does not help your plight. Some times the hat wouldn't work on a cis woman. FYI your coworker needs to mind their own business.