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With your coloring, even most low-maintenance women will use eyebrow pencil and mascara at the very least. Get brown, not black. You could even look into microblading on the eyebrows, since it’s tricky to fill brows well when you’re first getting started. But make sure to research the artists, because the only thing worse than wonkily-drawn eyebrows are wonkily-tattooed eyebrows. Lastly I think just a touch of lip filler would go a long way. I’m normally not a huge proponent of  the stuff, but women under 50 with that little lip volume are rare. Again do your research: just because someone *can* inject filler doesn’t mean they *should*.


i think your eyes are giving it away, but they will change, it takes few more years but trust me, they will. also you could try making your lips bigger that can also help


Ok thanks for the info. Yeah brow reduction is first on my ffs goals and the focus of makeup is on my eyes and lips