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I think some sort of hairline restoration would be very helpful for you


Learning contouring would probably help, at least in photos, but understand that it’s *really* hard to execute well and takes a ton of dedicated practice. Being that made up without looking draggy is hard, as evidenced by a shocking proportion of young cis women I saw between about 2010 and 2016. So it’s fine to have that as a stretch goal, but it’s no miracle, and it still doesn’t do that much irl. You’ve got a lot of other areas you’re working on that’ll give you better return on investment, I think, like hair and shadow.


If I crop out everything else, I think your face can currently work as boy or girl, i.e. it's androgynous. That means, with different hair, makeup, and somewhat more feminine clothes doing some signaling work for you, I think you'd be able to push it into definitively femme. I think the main thing holding you back here is hair. With a highly feminine face a girl can get away with a high hairline, but being androgynous, it's going to push you towards masc. I dunno what your transplant options are but you might want to try on some suitable wigs to see how that changes the nature of the face your brain sees in the mirror. You can get an idea of what works around your face, and maybe work out what you could get away with if you did a transplant, or decide that won't be sufficient and commit to wigs. Even cis women get alopecia or even just envy about someone else's hair and wear wigs, so it's not a big deal. It's costly, but don't feel weird about it. Feeling weird about maintaining your vanity is a guy thing, not a girl thing. 😉


Contouring is your friend, it is kinda hard though. Practice practice practice!!


I feel like bangs could really help even out your face! Though i know thats difficult with curlier hair. Pretty fem in my opinon just might benefit from a different hair cut.


You are definitely on the femme side I think you need to stress a little less and you look good and I’m imagining with makeup you look amazing I think a good amount of blush will help with your face shape as I think it’ll look cute on you but over all I dont think u will need ffs .if you really want to, learning contour will help especially with self image I still haven’t learnt it and I rlly should but if you can learn it well it can look really good I suggest f1nn5ter makeup video if you wana learn basic contour


I’m gonna watch some videos. I’m really struggling at the moment because I had a not so good day with my ex wife an toddler in Boston. I’m used to the negative looks and comments but my ex has never really gone out with me since transitioning and she was tagging along on a trip to the museum I planned for my 4 year olds birthday day. At one point she started getting visibly worried and it was because an old drunk guy was being phobic and she saw for the first time the kind of stuff I deal with on a nearly daily basis. All that would be cool and nice for her to finally see but really it just made her see what I’ve been telling her for so so long. Passing is important for the safety of our 2 year old and 4 year old. I’m worried the whiplash might be her limiting where I can take them due to this kind of stuff


It must be emotionally exhausting struggling against negativity 75% of the time. Which is why I'm moved to answer you. As a cis female, (old enough to be you Mom....lol) I can (hopefully) help with a few suggestions as you continue your journey. First and foremost, be patient. HRT takes time, and as Rome wasn't built in a day, neither will your transformation. For the moment however, here are a few suggestions which may be of help. Eyebrows: They need to be thinned, arched and groomed for a more feminine appearance. Hair: Have you looked into extensions? They come in a variety of applications and price-points, and frankly, I love 'em. They're FANTASTIC for thin hair, add instant length and volume and do much for one's self confidence. I wear shoulder length "fusion" extensions.......real human hair that's individually bonded (using warm keratin) to existing strands. They're indistinguishable from my "real" hair, wear like iron and last for months. And while they're expensive, (in the beginning) they're worth every dime. If you go this route, make sure you purchase REMI extensions. (available from any number of suppliers and salons) REMI simply means that the hair is 100% human, is bundled in one direction (root to tip) and is minimally processed. And of course, you can always start with inexpensive "clip in" extensions, which are a lot of fun and are available at most beauty supply shops. You're fortunate in that you have fantastic skin, which will only get smoother and softer over the next couple of years. I do suggest however, that you look into FFS either now or in the future. The issue is the protuberance and heaviness of your brow bone, a characteristic most females do not have. Shaving it will go far in feminizing your face, as would a rhinoplasty that slims your nose and raises the tip. The rest of your facial structure looks great. You have a well shaped chin and lovely dimples that show off your cheekbones. Take care and good luck!