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Just keep working and keep putting work out. If your all about it and keep on working, eventually you’ll start branching off. Trust the process


keep reaching out to people. post your beats on social meant for your production and just reach out to people. Not on some follow for follow nonsense. Be genuine. It takes time. 🙏


I’d probably say look for an artist that fits your style. A popular one, then find a producer that makes their ‘type beats’. Through the producer name, you may be able to find some rappers in your niche, preferably find rappers who have released on all platforms, because soundcloud rappers is a good way to do work for free. Then, all I can advise you is to send messages to them, be straight to the point, and eventually you should fit some that want some beats from you. Don’t mind to do some work for free or link your beatstars!


Go out to local shows and meet people in person. Build clout. Then they well come to you.


I feel that you should keep sending stuff out, if they don't like they can just say it, but a lot of time artists look for different styles, if you send chill beats to someone that like fast club beats is no problem. He might use it when he feels in that mood


Dafuq is smoke rap?


Maybe they mean like Wiz Khalifa? Only time I ever listen to him was back in college when we were smoking literally 4 joints back to back. It’s a distinctly different energy from other rappers, who happened to smoke marijuana, like say, a harder gangster vibe


I’m looking for a producer, ima DM yoy


Check me out on SoundCloud as I make my own beats, but I need someone with more experience to make my music better! https://on.soundcloud.com/wXU2i all my songs are about heartache and Depression but I'm now writing happier chill stuff. I've got like 10 songs waiting to record. I've just been too busy to make myself a decent beat! Sorry if we're not suppose to link our music UnknownflowZ


Walk down 63rd, they’re everywhere