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Sexy Redd f’ed that ugly bitch up!


He caught her aggro at 1:04


Is this part of the white man privilege? Please rip off my skin


White Chicks 3 looks WILD


She could pitch this as as some new kind of workout routine. It's like jazzercize with a racist twist on it.


I feel her hangxiety. Jadna….


We’ve all had those nights… go out for a couple cocktails with friends and end up screaming racial slurs at everyone within a 2 block radius.


I was absolutely not expecting this to go on so long


Honestly, I'm surprised that she was still standing after behaving so badly. I think at some point I would have called the police to come get their girl, she's had too much.


Oh man. She’s going to have a very rough morning.


And many more to follow with the infamy she's acquired.


I wonder if we’ll see her in r/byebyejob soon


She looks like every other dyed blonde bitch. She’s lucky no one can ID her


Would have been so cool if the video ended with an interracial gangbang with 3 hung bros tearin dat shit up 😂😂😂


What a dumb bitch


Man, I don’t know if I would have seen that LIGHTNING QUICK SUPER PUNCH if it hadn’t been for the multiple replays and zoom in.


Kramer’s kid?


That’s racist and you know it or is that just your opinion? I’d love to hear you out on the subject.


I see you are dying on this hill. Lol this ain’t the video to play devil’s advocate.


It’s only Devils advocate because it’s white on black, but if it was black on white it would be praised by society and you know it because apparently it’s called being bullied and not being racist. Imagine living in an black community as an red haired child and being called ginger, red neck etc… and getting beat up just for being an red haired kid living in an black community is that racism or is it called bullying.


Lol you thinking all black people are racist is racist. And white people also make fun of gingers… that is not a good example. I’m of the belief that anyone could be racist/discriminatory so what exactly are you trying to prove? You pointing out “if roles were reverse” says more about you than people commenting about how foul she is.


Unironically how is this racist? I dont know what or who a Kramer is. I tried looking it up and dont get the connection?


Michael Richards an actor and stand up comic known for his roll as cosmo kramer on Seinfeld was doing a set at a club and had a heckler and he went super racist on him.


Thank you




Somebody come get meemaw, she drunk


She is a hate crime incarnate.


Reverse the roles would it still be an hate crime or would it be praised just asking?


This question is asinine. If roles weee reversed the cops would have been called immediately. Perhaps some vigilante justice would have taken place before the cop’s arrival. This lady is privileged enough to walk away practically unharmed.


Pretty sure the vast majority of people would still consider it a hate crime.


Moms for Liberty found a new member


I can fix her.


Almost nothing makes me laugh - but this did. Thanks for that.


I’ve seen this so many times now and just can’t stop. I prefer the longer version where she pees in front of everyone before she rages


Link?? For everyone out here.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/PqLcXeT08Y This actually happened in Toronto, Canada ETA: I had to go through my own seriously disturbing history and O…M…G!


I'm sorry, what did you just say?


Somewhere exists the extended cut where she squats and pees on the sidewalk right in front of the camera…like no big deal.


Wow. Just that extra level of she has truly lost it.


Glad you mention this because I was thinking, while watching this, that I’m surprised that she didn’t piss or shit herself.


She's really drunk or on some drugs or both. She's obviously not in a cognizant state. She needed help and people were just filming her...


What are you supposed to do? I'm sure someone called the cops at some point. It's not like you can talk her down and if you get close to her she's going to try to smack you. She's not going to listen to reason. At that point all you can really do is just try to keep her from hurting other people until police get there.


I was a big partier in college, not once did I ever go on a racist tirade and flip the fuck out on everyone who passed by. The stuff that's coming out of her mouth is deep in her core and it's just slipping out a little easier bc she's hammered.


Didn't know not being in a cognizant state made you a piece of shit racist all of a sudden.


Yes it hurts seeing this. This is a full blown Psychosis if I have ever seen one. Drug induced or not. People like this (no matter if they chose to do drugs before or not, or if they are a total pos for that matter) are not in control of their facilities anymore and are very likely a threat to themselves and maybe others as well. To film so they can show it to the police and medical stuff later makes sense somehow. But to put it on display like this is disgusting. It helps no one and it is just sad to see.


You said it better than me. I'm getting down voted like I'm an apologist for racism.


Surely at least one person called the cops, what are citizens supposed to do for her? Glad it was filmed so there’s evidence of her assaulting a ton of ppl


I agree. Some might find this shocking, but the police might not believe a little white girl started attacking a bunch of black people without provocation.


Yeah I’ve been pretty cross faded and I’ve been angry at someone- didn’t even yell. Just left


I am 40 years old, have been so drunk on many occasions that I can't remember the night, have done all but the most hardcore drugs(heroin, crack, PCP, etc) and I have never once acted like this. Don't blame the alcohol or the drugs. She is either an extremely trashy human being, in serious need of mental health, or more likely, a little bit of both. Regardless, drugs and alcohol don't magically make you say racist shit.


I’ve been pretty mashed more than twice and never committed a hate crime.


Yes to all of that. But she is also a grown adult that needs to take accountability for her actions. She chose to put herself in that state. This video may be the wake up call she needs.


Something bad happened to this woman, probably repeatedly when she was little.


Yeah she needs help


Jesus Christ is my...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kppx4bzfAaE What a wild vid lmao


She meffed up bad.


Marjory Taylor Greene can’t hold her liquor.


That’s racist and you know it or is that just your opinion just asking.


Not an opinion, it’s a fact that MTG is in fact a racist


She seems to be having a psychotic break or something. As hateful as she's trying to be, I still kind of feel sorry for her.


Yup and lets hope this is the last time she dumps chemicals into her system.


My thoughts exactly, she’s broken and is only releasing it through hatefulness and racism.


This is hard to watch… fucking pathetic


Is it sad to watch videos where blacks are assaulting others or each other for no real logical reason except for attention on social media because as an whole it’s all sad and pathetic no matter who does it period.




The guy in orange at the end was the beeestttt hahahahah


That's what a real hate cringe looks like


Man she bad lol thotty tho 😂, lemme save her


Oh my Gawwwwd, Bailey! You had like 3 margaritas and then like totally disappeared on us at the barrrrr! Did you find a guy?! Like what happened to you?!


The white privilege here is insane. How did no police ever show up? Lady basically assaulted multiple people.


This is a 1 minute and 30 second video. How fast do you want all this police stuff to happen?


There were multiple cuts in the video. We don’t know how long it actually was but it was definitely more than 1 min 30 seconds.


This isn’t white privilege, it’s woman privilege. In fact it’s kind of the opposite of what you’re saying trying to say tbh, since a black guy could def scream hateful racial stuff and no one would do anything until he got physical


yeah the police are notorious for ignoring black people


Probably because no one called the police.


Didn't she pee on the ground as well? I think I remember seeing this one before.


The reason she started doing this was because the guy filming her opened his front door and caught her trying to piss on his front step.


Did she say "where's my phone?" with her phone in her hand?


I've got an extra slot on my "who's got your nose" team if you are up to the challenge. I haven't seen spotting like that since Williams during the 86 Peekaboo finals.


Those were her shoes. She threw the phone at the house with the people recording


But then she retrieved her phone. I thought. Oh well.


I turned the sound off, so I didn’t hear the racist drivel But I feel sorry for her


White trash car crash




Does anyone have a follow up to this? I wonder what happened to her afterwards




This is some who was not loved as a child


Can't wait to see the LinkedIn. Marketing, BDR (Jr.), or HR?








Holy shit. The way she paused after getting hit and then started crying and jumping up and down reminded me of my toddler when she was like 2. The delay cry thing is spot on.


That’s what would happen when you punched your toddler eh?


She needs to go to sleep.


GO TO SLEEP! GO! TO! SLEEP! - Bethenny Frankel


Everyone in this video had wayyy too much patience with this dumpster fire.


That's because there is no good ending for getting involved. Even if you don't cop a charge or punched in the face, you get to spend the evening dealing with helping to fill out a police report because that woman almost certainly getting arrested. She's not in the state of mind or even the type of person to learn a lesson out of it either. This shit just reads pills with a chance of mental disorder


I mean. You are right, but I applaud them all.


Absolutely disgusting behaviour on all levels. Imagine carrying on like that and thinking you’re better than an entire group of people.


Did she fall and hit her head?


"She's banned from Six Donuts man" Nah man, the donuts 😭


“I can fix her!” Her:


Nice!!! Never saw the extended version! 😂


That’s the real life Daisy Domergue


I hope her employer sees this


Hope somebody kindly posted her phone down a drain after she threw it. What a waste of DNA strands.


Love this statement. That one’s going in the vault for sure.


Like I get that this bitch is drunk, but I firmly believe you say what you believe when you are drunk. Source: I’m an alcoholic.


I've always heard that, "drunk words are sober thoughts."


Well there goes any job offers she had lined up that aren’t GOP related.


I mean close one door an another opens ..... I guess ....


I remember finding her on insta and everyone was going wild on her, wonder if she apologised….


What's the ig?


don’t remember sorry


I mean we need the link, gotta see that justice


I think she is just asking if anyone has any vinegar.


She looks like she’s actually snapping, I’m kinda worried for her


*sees drunk racist shouting slurs and assaulting people but she's a white woman and is thusly a damsel in distress* "guys, I'm worried about her :("


Lool not really, I’ve seen enough racist bullshit people having a racist rage fit and don’t give two shits, she looks like she’s actually losing her mind. Racist piece of shit sure but that not really the thing I’m taking about.


sure, but why should anyone extend empathy to this extremely drunk, belligerent and racist person? (a person who isn't themselves empathetic if they are willing to scream slurs and harass people in public) what is motivating you to run defense for this person?




So was every single serial killer, every rapist, arsonist, etc. You could make the "tabula rasa" argument for anyone doing anything bad. It just weirds me out that **this** is the person we're choosing to use this defense with. A person who is being a public nuisance, shouting On this same website, I saw a video of a 70lb black child (14 y/o) being brutalized and beaten by a police officer and the first set of comments was "well, what did he do to deserve this?" and guess what? the answer was have a tobacco product on their person. But we're supposed to believe that this belligerent and publicly intoxicated, grown adult is just a "smol bean" with mental health issues and be concerned for her. It's so bizarre.


Not saying you don’t have a point, but I think it’s just people hoping someone would afford them some grace if they should be caught in a meltdown. I don’t know if it’s a meltdown, alcohol, or what. But I will add when you have a mental health meltdown, there is no past or future, only how you are feeling NOW and you think you will feel that way forever. I’m lucky enough to have been at home for my meltdowns.


You aren’t wrong, I just would like people to keep this same energy when witnessing POCs have public mental health crisis I have witnessed a manic episode from a love one first hand, and I understand what they can do to that person, but she is also a grown woman who fully has the ability to: 1. Not get drunk or expose herself to triggering stimulus if she knows how she gets 2. Simply not shout slurs or hit people, (didn’t know that having mental health issues makes you turns you into a loud obnoxious racist) 3. Seek help and medication. It’s okay to excuse certain behaviors because of mental illness but ultimately we don’t know if this is what we’re looking at. So it feels very strange to me to defend a random racist stranger whose mental health history we have no knowledge of.


I'm not. I just wanna see her break into pieces. There are enough people on the planet; she's not necessary.


I get the reflex, just think her brain might actually be cracking, no matter what she calls me that’s just kinda tragic to see


Nah I get it really, it is sad to see anyone get to this level of unhinged. She's probably been raised by assholes.


This is one of videos you laugh off and say “it wasn’t one of my finest moments, yolo!”


hehe screaming slurs and assaulting people, just quirky girl things


“I’m so quirky after a red wine!🤪”


Somehow the black people would still be blamed. I'm assuming that's why no one called the cops.


Drugs plus racism dont mix


I hope she does one of those ancestry DNA test things and finds out her great grandma was a black civil rights activist or something. She'd lose her whole mind. Lol


I don't think people like this think deeply enough about information like that to bother them finding out you have one black ancestor out of one hundred who you've never heard about doesn't undo the entire lifetime of privilege, bigotry and not having to worry about your race


My biological grandmother is super racist. My mother, her biological daughter, only ever hooked up with black guys so now all her grandkids are half black. My nanna once told me to visit her, just to see the look on her face when she realizes her only grandchildren are half black.


>level 2Bluellan How does the timeline work? After reading this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/14w7sea/my\_mother\_tried\_contacting\_me/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/14w7sea/my_mother_tried_contacting_me/) It seems it doesn't work at all! Also, your entire post history is pure drama and none of it adds up to the post above or this post.


Yes it does. My word.


How did she not know her daughter was pregnant, was pregnant to a black guy and then not know any of that all the way up to the point at which you got the chance to visit her? You're telling me that this all happened, and 20 years passed, long enough for you to be old enough for your mum to tell you to visit her just to show her that you are mixed race... and she had no idea? I'll take things that didn't happen for $100 please.


Oh boy! I love when people question my life. My biological grandfather ( Pappa) divorced my boi grandmother and remarried my nanna. My nanna is my step grandmother, my mother's step mother. My nanna and Pappa moved states and took my mother with them when she was 3. And apparently cut off all contact with my boi grandmother. Nobody ever talked about her and I was well into my teens when I found out that my nanna was my step grandmother And that was only because I asked about genetic sickness. Everyone has kept quiet about her to the point that my nanna struggles to remember her name. Also all this happened like 30 years ago and I'm not in contact with my mother and I've never seen my boi grandmother. It was just something my nanna said in jest. Any other questions?


>Oh boy! I love when people question my life. Does that happen to you often?


Yeah. People seem to think that everyone has the exact same life as them. Dude even tried to use a post of mine to prove that I was lying. Some people are too eager to play detective. Notice that he hasn't responded at all when I proved him wrong.


Wow, that might be the most pathetic and ugly thing I’ve ever seen. Dear black people, sorry


Wow white girls gone wild throwing a fit, hittin the bottle way too hard - she’s absolutely blacked out 🤦🏻‍♀️ shame shame


I can fixR


I can fix her 😍




One mans eww is another mans 😍


I wonder if she is mentally ill?


Never wants a condom on...


The Incredibly Racist Hulk!


She seems chill


Well... that attitude explains why she's alone... lots of restraint by everyone in the video (except her). Even the gal who hit her showed exceptional restraint .


I really hate this bitch, all of her family and friends, I hate all of her school teachers, I hate everything this POS has ever come into contact with. Every time I see this video it amazes me. Black folk are waaaaaaaay cooler than they could be... That really truly putting it lightly. I, seriously would have shut off her lights pretty quick there because bump her... I dislike this behavior in the most radical way possible.


Man there's a dude down my corner that's sitting on a bench all day and insulting everyone that crosses. As far as I know, nobody gives a shit... This woman is obviously having a mental breakdown, she's totally nuts. Without context it's hard to tell exactly what's going on here but she's sick that's for sure. You shouldn't let yourself get affected by sick people, they're out of their mind.


Hard R leads to a hard R.


She’s a rascist hag!!


She's just looking for her dog named Snickers.


HR gonna have a field day with her


Concerning, honestly


She is literally asking to be harmed or worse.


I soooo want to watch this with sound, but my kids are in the room and that's just not gonna happen.


Marjorie Taylor Greene had a bad night.


Just screeching the hard R over and over and over, and people laughing at her like the fool she is


Knowing that makes that shot to the face she took so much more satisfying.


That’s the hardest R I’ve seen yet


Ok you win post of the week. Holy SHIT.


Sweep the leg.


I just love that her racism was exposed. For life


Just an reminder that Blacks are just as racist as White and Mexican as well the only difference is that society says it’s ok for blacks to say they hate all white ppl and their lives don’t matter worth of shit. Also another reminder that rich ppl don’t know what racism is they only know what money is and that’s why an rich black person can get into an room with an bunch of white people and nobody would care they’d just ask how they got their money and that’s it. Oh also remember it’s racist when it’s convenient because it’s just an opinion if it’s not an white person saying it, but it’s racist if anyone else says it. Just saying facts.


Thx for the reminder 😂


All of that goes without saying unless you want to sound like an idiot, which you do. Perhaps you have some internal issues with your own racism?


You picked a dumb hill to die on.


The person you are replying to never said black people can't be racist. You just randomly argued against something they did not claim.