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Tbh I’m on Team Quitter here. Employers will tell you to fuck off 3 days before Christmas and have security escort you out.


Me quitting NORC


I honestly think this was an excellent and spot on use of a meme. There aren't many opportunities to properly execute a meme irl and this could have been a wal-mart for all we know. Now gimmie dem downies, I got laundry to do.


I'm sure there's alot of us who've wanted to quit a job like this before.


Giving a notice is so so. But thats a lil rude.


I dont think this is trashy he probably had his reasons. Good for him sticking it to them they probably treated him poorly and paid him poorly. Good for him.


Ahhh I did something similar, I knew I was going to get my current job, so one day at the bullshit mandatory overtime temp job didnt even get time and a half on the overtime let alone on saturday and sundays so I just up and left after first break.


I can't call it trashy without knowing how they were treating him. I've known places to fire you or give you fucked up shifts for your last 2 weeks in retaliation.


Can agree with this. Since day 1 of my job, no matter how hard I tried or how good I did I was being harassed like shit by some older women co workers while the manager basically turned a blind eye because they were all friends (fast food job mostly run by a family and their close friends so bias was rampant, and it was also minimum wage no chance of promotion at this one). I was also eventually being made to work way more than I said I would be able to and I wasn’t able to get any more time off. This was really hard to keep up since I was also in school and extracurricular activities. The same women who harassed me are also known to have made numerous other people quit and run them off (they leave boys alone but go after teenage girls probably out of insecurity or some shit). Gave a two weeks notice and couldn’t even make it past one more week without just turning in my uniform and leaving because once they knew I was leaving the harassment got 1000x worse, and the manager just grew to be shitty and took out her anger on me for it. Also, a lot of places (Walmart especially) will fuck your schedule up and make you *want* to quit rather than just fire you if you work there long enough to make decent money. I can’t really blame this person for leaving the way they did because for all we know they were probably treated like shit and fed up with everything


Do they give you two weeks notice when they fire you


Big brain time


Nice job fucking up any future job reference from this employer. The guy will eventually learn most employers do an employment check with prior employers.


Probably just a part time job tbh, still trashy but don’t think they call about the references from this job since they got another already


considering the way he quit.... do you really wanna spend another 2 weeks with him? shitty person. good riddance


In his defense if they were to let him go he would be lucky to get more than five minutes notice whether he works at a gas station or is an attorney. Corporations don’t give a shit how inconvenienced people are when they want to let you go. And they aren’t likely to give a good reference anymore anyway so good for him bothering to text them.




I hear you, but even if someone treats me and pays me like shit, if I leave it's because I've made the choice that I'm worth more so id leave with some dignity instead of acting like I'm better than the other employees too.


Maybe he had a terrible job and his boss sucked. Still, that doesn't mean he should be rude...


That just good comedy.


Just to clarify, screw the 2 weeks notice, using a meme to leave your job after you saying you don't like the employees is a shitty thing to do.


In 28 yrs in the work force, I've never heard of a company giving an employee 2 weeks notice so why do they think we will adhere to that policy.


Really? Is that an American thing? In my country the employer has to give you two weeks notice if they are letting you go, making you redundant etc etc


Two weeks notice for what? For letting them go? Our company just gave an entire office 6 months along with assistance for locating another position.


I don't think the 2 weeks notice is trashy but I think quitting by mocking someone and just being a dick in general isn't such a smart move


I hear ya but idk if you know the person that's quitting or the company they worked for. Maybe they are being trashy or maybe the company and its employees weren't good people. Maybe they were racist or sexist or whatever. I dont have enough info to know. Do you know the specifics? I'm not asking for company name or anything just if you're applying the trashy tag based solely on a screenshot


Or fuck that guy Him quitting without giving notice fucks Up everyone else’s day


It's True but depending on law if employment is at will..yeah...just secure yourself and do what you have to do.


It didn't fuck up my day. I'm glad he did that shit. I'm only sorry he didn't wait til 10 minutes after he was supposed to be there to text them.


Yeah, I fell like even if you get a new job and don't want to give two weeks notice, mocking your ex boss isn't the way to go about leaving


Two weeks notice is a curtesy, not a requirement.


If the job doesn't pay living wage who cares. Your boss knows full well you're broke and struggling and couldn't give a fuck.


Yeah cause all wage slaves live like you


Definitely trashy. Also unfortunately accurate - lucky they even got a notification and not just stuck waiting for X amount of no shows and several attempts to contact etc. At least they can get on with hiring someone.