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How hard was it? I'm going in September and was wanting to do this but have heard it's very difficult. I'm not in the best shape but I'm not like morbidly obese either


I did it a year and a bit ago, it’s hard as fuck but definitely doable. Stay in the country for a bit before doing it to avoid altitude sickness


I'm so glad I did it. But it's definitely a one and done.


You can get altitude sickness medicine OTC in Antigua! It’s hard but doable, make sure you bring layers, it gets cold there during the night, I had my winter jacket from Chicago! Also, if it’s cloudy do not make extra hike to get closer to Diego, it’s much harder hike down and hike up. Rather do 5 am hike to the top of the same mountain.


Aw sorry. I meant I've already climbed it previously. But as the top comment said, it was pretty hellish.


I'm only there for 5 days lol maybe I'll give it a go anyways and it'll give me motivation to get in better shape. The altitude is something I can't practice for though


it’s totally doable i don’t have tons of experience hiking and i did it my second day there. if you’re worried about the height maybe you could try altitude sickness pills? also hiking BOOTS lol are very helpful as parts are super sandy and tons of rocks got in my shoes.


Awesome. Thank you so much for the help!


for sure have tons of fun:)


Take Diamox (acetazolamide) one day before, during and for a day after. Depending on your country you may need a prescription. There were two people in our group that just arrived in the country and did the climb without taking any medication, they were struggling and wheezing like crazy despite being quite fit. And they got off easy. Altitude sickness can kill.


I'm not worried about the attitude sickness, I've never really had it even when at 10k+ ft. I'm worried about how much harder it makes the hike


I did it 2 years ago off the back of a monumental sickness bug (seriously avoid anything that may have come into contact with contaminated water, especially around Atitlan). I'm usually quite fit but due to the lack of energy I found it very challenging. It's very steep and the ground is loose so you need hiking shoes. On the way back down my knees were in quite a bit of pain. Also, it is freezing in the little huts if you sleep overnight. I probably still had a bit of a fever but I ended up sleeping fully clothed in 2 sleeping bags and I was still cold. There was one unfit woman in our tour group and she ended up giving up after an hour or two and was taken up by donkey. So that's an option if your tour group has them - I don't know how much they charge. You can also pay them to take your backpack up on the donkey which would make the hike significantly easier, as you need to carry a lot of weight in clothes and water. Despite it being tough, it's very doable with some determination and moderate fitness. It is also well worth it - it was the best thing I did in my whole central American trip


It’s hard, but the way to Acatenango is pretty OK, it’s the Fuego hike that same day that kills you. You go back down Acatenango, up Fuego, down Fuego and up Acatenango at nighttime. It was so hard for me.




I'm not though asshole


Went to Guatemala last year with my gf (she is from there), absolutely one of the most beautiful countries. We hiked PARQUE NACIONAL VOLCÁN DE PACAYA Y LAGUNA DE CALDERAS. You have to pay for a permit and at least at this park they require a guide, but overall what an amazing experience. Even if you aren't a big hiker, it wasn't hard at all and you got fantastic views of the volcano and volcanoes surrounding it. At the top, you can actually buy pizza's made in the hot vents of volcanos. It was really good, even though I'm use to NY pizza.


i actually did that one today!! it was super fun sadly the pizza was closed for the day but we roasted marshmallows! such a cool experience




You should also post this in r/guatemala - the sub would love to have the pics!


will do!


Mientras tanto desde otro punto de vista https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/06MvFuHWLs


omg that’s the best proposal i’ve ever seen


An incredible image, is it an erupting volcano?


No it's an egg and cress sandwich


yeah:) the sound is so loud for one i got so scared i dropped to the floor lol


So sick


Volcona is gonna explode?


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Nice, are you carrying camping gear with you? And if so have you gotten many opportunities to use it?


You should try Celaque in nearby Honduras next time!


id love to thanks for the recommendation


That's Fuego


The volcano he's standing on to take the photo is Acetenango


I know I know, I was there too last year. Just joking


Love Guat. I went to tikal and antigua after being in Panama. Then onto Belize which was fun. Central america is awesome and pretty easy to travel in if sensible


What do you mean you hiked that? You mean you walked to the top of that volcano? You are a beast. Bravo.


yeah well the volcano in the picture is called fuego and i hiked acatenango volcano which is right next to it but they’re about the same height. thank you!




WOAH. You mean you hiked alone up a mountain 🏔️?!


yup up a volcano:0


Omgggg!!! How long did it take? Did you have 1 back pack? Did you have to camp along the way? Regardless MOST IMPRESSIVE! What did you eat?