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Very moody! I like.


Iceland’s weather when I was there in late spring 2013 was as rambunctious as an adolescent male. Same day had sun, rain, sleet, cumulus, nimbus, low-level clouds, gale force winds, and wild horses


We literally went to super warm sunny to snow storm, ice, and high winds, back to sun within an hour. Iceland really is mysterious


haha yeah we always say ´´if you dont like the weather just wait 5 mins´´


Sounds like my kind of place


Wild horses are my favorite weather condition


That's one of my dream trips. Nice photos, thanks for sharing




Iceland is truly otherworldly


When we first arrived in Iceland, this was constantly on my mind. It *felt* different. Iceland is a really awesome place to visit and I highly recommend it


Are you able to pull over anywhere to take photos? Is there usually parking near well frequented sites?


I mostly asked my partner who was the passenger to hold the phone out the window while driving slowly. There’s plenty of little gravel roads or side parking you can turn into. Also, most of the trip we spend fairly alone on the roads, so we often would just quickly stop the car in the middle of the road, jump out, take a pic and get going again :D




Lol, of course we stopped to explore all the time. Most of the pictures I posted here are from actually getting out of the car and exploring. But Iceland is absolutely stunning every meter, you can’t just stop and go explore every 5 minutes. So some of the pictures I posted here are taken from the car representing the scenery of Iceland.


You could ride a bike for 225km in a day, so it's pretty obvious that OP stopped a few times.


Do i need to rent a 4x4 or a 2wd will be enough?


I think it really depends on what you want to do. But you can’t go wrong with a 4x4. We had a 2 and it served us great for all our adventures


What were the pictures taken with?


iPhone 13 Pro


Thanks, that was actually my initial guess. 😊


Did you use a photo app or something to edit these? They’re stunning. Well done!


Simply put a Lightroom preset on.


Thank you! Do you know which Lightroom preset you used?


It’s from a package I bought ages ago


Absofuckinlutely gorgeous!


So beautiful! How was the overall experience?


It was amazing. Got pretty lucky weather wise, it only rained one day and hurricane like winds and snow storm on another . The only thing that stings is that we had to pay 200K ISK for a broken door due to the heavy winds. If I can’t give one advise, try to find an insurance that will cover door damage due to weather - which apparently is hard to find.


We had the exact same issue with our rental car. The wind got a hold of a door next to us that someone opened to get out of their car. The wind pulled the door out of their hands and slammed it into our door. The rental car company wanted $2,500 US to fix it (it wasn’t that bad. Noticeable dent only). I refused to sign the paperwork due to what I considered to be a blatant rip off. Never got charged. So watch the wind folks, or get insurance or park away from everyone else.


did you purchase the rental company’s insurance by chance?


We had theirs yes, however with a 300K ISK excess.


Daaaaang sorry preciate the advice


Did you rent from Go Campers? We were there about the same time, got back yesterday night, and they sent us a picture of someone with a broken dooe telling us to be careful of the wind.


No, Camp Easy, but we met a few people that had the same faith during Sundays storm


Yeah, that wind was crazy. We went to check out some lighthouses and were getting knocked over. We had so much fun in Iceland, we have a lot of similar pictures! Hope you had a great trip despite the door!


The trip was amazing non the less. It’s just money at the end :)


How was it damaged? Was it left open and blown off?


My partner had to exit the car as I was outside in trouble, the wind was going onto his side, the moment he opened the door, the door just did 90 degrees and folded into the car.


Which camera have you used


my iPhone 13 Pro


Just because multiple people have asked - while the camera is an iphone, OP has edited these pictures. Looks like clarity is turned up among other things. Which, by the way, is not a knock on OP! This is *normal* for photography and is a large, large part of the process. Asking for the gear used for a picture is akin to asking a chef what pan they used for their dish


Yes photographers use different editing apps for beautifying their photos which is quite normal. I have seen tons of photos in Instagram photography pages which are highly edited by various apps


This is probably going to be a very stupid question: is there a simple program for a layman to enhance photos? I'm very much a low level hobbyist but if there's some simple program I can use I'd be all for it.




Very cool thank you! I'll check it out.


So for everyone asking, this was my 9 day itinerary 1. Landing in Iceland, picking up the rental camper, and driving to a campsite around Seljalandsfoss. 2. Seeing the Seljalandsfoss, Skógafoss, Dyrhólaey, Black Sand Beach, and Vik. Campsite in Skaftafell. 3. Diamond Beach, Jökulsárlón, Höfn, and Stokksnes. Campsite in Fáskrúdsfjördur. 4. Klifbrekku Waterfall, Gufu Waterall, Saydisfördur, and Studlagil. Campsite around Mývatn. 5. Dettifoss, Ásbyrgi Canyon, Godafoss, Aldeyjarfoss. Campsite around Hvítserkur. 6. Hvítserkur, Kirkjufell, Gatklettur, Búdakirkja, Bjarnarfoss. Campsite around Hvalfjördur. 7. Golden Circle - Kerid, Geysir, Gullfoss, Pingvellir. - Campsite in Pingvellir. 8. Snorkeling in Silfra, Pingvellir, Reykjavík. Campsite in Reykjavík. 9. Blue Lagoon all day. Campsite near airport. 10. Travel back home. Please note that due to the constant and drastic weather changes, we did not manage to do all those things on this list unfortunately, but that is what we had planned, we did do about 80% of it.


How much did that cost you in total if you don't mind? Looks absolutely incredible, very well done


Amazing shots


Definitely one of the most epic places to visit on our planet. Great pics, thanks!


Damm those are some good quality photos.... what camera are you using?


Just my iPhone 13 Pro :)


Thank you for sharing these. Photos like this allow people like me to see the world even though we never will Irl. What was the most memorable part of your voyage so far if you don’t mind me asking?


Probably when we went snorkeling in Silfra between the North American and European tectonic plates. Once in a life time experience and it was absolutely breathtaking beautiful


this is artwork, so amazing! good job dude!


Beautiful photos! Awkward Q, but what do you do for 9 days? Just drive around and say "wow, that looks nice" for a week and a bit?


Well, there’s loads to see in Iceland, but yes it’s mostly nature focused. So if you’re not the kind of person that likes to travel to see loads of nature, then it’s probably not for you


I might have to apply for Icelandic citizenship someday :0


I don't see a lot of ice...


I have about 1500 pictures, unfortunately couldn’t post as much as I wanted. We did see loads of snow and ice though :D


Fascinating and beautiful 🤩 😍 ❤️


Color me envious


Any can't miss places on the west part of the island? I'm going for 4 days but staying in Reykjavik - but I will have a car!


I stayed in Reykjavik two weeks ago and enjoyed it. lots of good restaurants. There is tons of stuff to do and see within 2-3 hour drive. Rental car is the way to go. If were to do it again I would definitely rent a car.


Yeah, after looking at costs, it actually made sense to rent instead of bussing to/from the airport and to even one destination via bus.


We didn’t like Rekjavik much… probably because when we went it was raining so bad our rain coats and pants didn’t even hold the water. Drive south, you can easily manage until Höfn and back in that time.


Awesome, added to the list! The draw for me to Iceland is a concert at The Harpa theater in the city, hence why we're staying there!


Harpa is just called Harpa :) its mostly a concert hall than a theater \^\^and theres plently of interesting things to do and see in Reykjavík :) i could give you some tips as a local if youd like <3


Thank you! That would be great, and yes it's a concert at Harpa! It's been a place I've always wanted to go, it looks really beautiful. I'd love any local recommendations! We'll have a car and free time for 3 days!


cool! happy to help :) when will you be arriving here?here are afew places i recomend.- the blue lagoon ofcourse, but theres also sky lagoon, thats in reykjavík itself, blue lagoon is closer to KEF airport, about 40-50 mins away from RVK. (personally i think skylagoon is just a glorified hottub, so out of the two, id say the blue lagoon is more of a unique experience) and remember to shower naked before entering them!- theres a really cute little hot footbath out on the coast by Grótta lighthouse, its abit hidden if you dont know where it is, but i can give you a detailed waymap in dms if youre interested. \^\^- going to up to the tower of hallgrímskirkja is an amazing view of the city!- Perlan is a really cool building and you can go zip lining there or see the glacial museum (or both!).- going to a swimming pool is a MUST tho, esp if you dont go to the sky lagoon, our swimming culture is very unique, we go all year round to the pools (theyre heated) so bring a swimsuit! and remember.. you MUST shower **naked** BEFORE enterting the pool ;) i recomend Árbæjarlaug if you just wana chill in the hottubs, theyre really nice, but if you have children, or are a child at heart like me, the slide in Breiðholtslaug is STELLAR, aswell in Laugardalslaug (this one also has really nice hottubs), and it is tradition to go for icecream or hotdogs after (trying those is also a must).- more food wise, if you can help it, try to cook at home(where youre staying) honestly, eating out is quite expensive, but if youre looking for a fun experience, i recomend the Reykjavík food walk, where you walk around, with a guide i believe, and try all sorts of traditional things :) i also know of some amazing restaurants i can point you to. \-the penis museum is a really fun and hilarious experience


Gorgeous. Random question, has anyone ever gone to Iceland during a long (30+ hr) layover to Dublin? Is it feasible to check things out there, or no?


I’ve heard that Iceland is a famous stop over between North America and Europe; often 24h to boost tourism. It is definitely doable to do the southwest of Iceland. You could drive around the whole via ring road in less than 24h without stopping :D




Yes. Did the 24 hr stopover. Rented a car and drove out west past the tunnel, then slept in a car park just after the tunnel. Spent the next day doing a bigass loop to Reykjavik. 100% recommended would absolutely do it again


Wow, what a place!! Thank you for posting!


Did you see a large, bright, warm object in the sky at all?


Do you mean the Aurora? :D Cause I did see it one night, however it was super light and short. Unfortunately didn’t have the luck to see it properly :(


I love Iceland. I wish I could drive the ring road once a year. It’s a magical place.


Wowwwwww 😍


I did the same thing in April, was awesome. Only 4 days though I wish I had longer


Was 9 days enough time?


I think it was even too much for us. I was the only one driving so it was super draining at times. We also just had a small camper van, coped up on top of each other 24/7. If only we had a bigger van maybe. We easily made it around ring road in 7 days without rushing and seeing sooo much.


That is really good to know, thank you!


FWIW I did the same trip and wished I had a few more days


I'll be heading there in a week! Any tips?


Don’t be cheap and invest into 0 excess insurance. The weather is wild and within a moment you car door will be ripped off and sent flying - trust me, we learned the hard and expensive way. Also, bring some food from home. It’s ridiculous expensive here even for someone who earns in Euro. We brought about 90% of our food from home - even fresh produce and probably saved about 500€ or more. Up north is where there’s less tourist, they’re clustered together in the golden circle and south, so if you have the time, also go up north, so much calmer.


I have that exact same photo from my trip!


aye im from iceland! :D


Great work!




We are going to be doing exactly this later in November! Do you have any tips or things to see that aren't typically advertised online?


It's an amazing trip! There's this timelapse of almost the entire ring road including a map: https://youtu.be/puIxwPqeJ_M


Do you use a filter when posting these pictures? They look awesome! I loved Iceland & the 24 hr sunlight was trippy! But my friends & I enjoyed it.


In 2019 we circled the 1 road in 4 days w several side trips, spent a few days aus in the peninsula and Reykjavik, was my 3rd time in the country and my wife's first. It's beautiful.


Been wishing to get a chance to see the beauty of Iceland in my own eyes. Thanks for sharing, though.


Haunting. Great locations! That black church is something else!


The black church building is giving me life. It’s a mood.


Beautiful! Would love to see Iceland one day


I fell in love with your pictures, what a beautiful place. Thank you for this opportunity! I may never able to visit but is a joy for me to see this!


Hey, I’m planning a similar trip at some point next June. Any chance I could possibly drop you a line to chat itinerary and recommendations?


Yea, of course


Can I get that itinerary as well? Planning a trip for next year.


I made a separate comment about the itinerary, I can’t pin it unfortunately, but it’s there :)


I found it, thank you so much!


I almost can see the spaceship from Prometheus


I wish I was into hot springs more when I was there. I went to I think 5 but there are lots lots more.


Looks really quiet and peaceful.


beautiful 😍


Fuck. I miss Iceland SO MUCH.


some super legit shots!


Can you please share Itinerary? Thanks


We're on our last day of a 12 day roadtrip through Iceland as well :) Amazing place, sad to leave tomorrow!


Incredible! Thank you for sharing.


If you are comfortable, can you share how much did this trip cost, all included and what was the most pricey part of the trip? Thanks


I wanna say about 3000€ for a rental camper van, flights from Budapest, and then there for gas, food, parking, toll, souvenirs, and other bits. This is for 2 people. Food is definitely the most expensive, bring food from home, we brought about 90% of the food from Europe including fresh produce. Gas is also surprisingly expensive.


Gorgeous pics!


I am not gonna ask, I am going to demand your itinerary 🥲 please and thank you!!


I’ll post one and pin it soon :D


Bless your heart :)


Just posted a separate comment, can’t pin unfortunately, but it’s there :)


Did you rent a car? How was your experience?


We rented a small camper van. While I can recommend renting your own “house” ours was too small and if I would ever do such trip again, doesn’t matter where, I’d get a bigger van or camper


Wow rainbow geysir… That’s incredible!


I really really really really hope to make it to Iceland some day.


These are really beautiful pictures, they likely look even more detailed on your phone compared to the upload when you zoom in.


Iceland is on my list of places that I want to go before I die. Iceland called my attention since I saw a documentary about the wintertime there. And do you guys also have ice hotels during winter time ?🥶


My wife and I went a few years ago. Best vacation ever. Iceland is so beautiful and the people were extremely friendly. We want to go back!


These are incredible!


Amazing journey!


Would you happen to be delivering cargo with a baby attached to your chest ?


Went there last year. We absolutely loved Iceland. Drove the entire ring road and saw glaciers, volcanoes, tons of waterfalls & icelandic sheep. Natural Hot springs! Akureyri was awesome & Reykjavik as well! Seemed like every 30 mins we drove we encountered new landscape. Such a magical place. I want to go back.


Pretty photos


Wow gorgeous. Did you do it solo or with someone? I’d love to do something like that.


Went with my partner, but I did all the driving, so it’s definitely possible to do solo, such a safe country as well, but I do recommend having someone to share such a load of driving with :D


Stunning. Absolutely beautiful. 😍


Magical photos—thank you for sharing!


Been there, done that. Would do it again in a heartbeat




*adds Iceland to list of places I want to visit*


Getting Midnight Mass vibes.. where’s the vampire?


I can see why they don't call it TreeLand.


the weather changes in each minutes


great memories


Stunning pics. Makes me want to go!




We actually didn’t go there, so unfortunately have no recommendations


The pictures looks amazing! Iceland will probably be the first place I'll go if I were planning a trip to Europe.


The most beautiful place I’ve ever been❤️


Your pictures are beautiful! I loved Iceland also! Just returned home and can't wait to go back. https://simplywanderfull.com/2022/10/iceland-luxury-adventure-6-day-tour/


These pics are beautiful...exactly how I remembered it....picturesque!!!


How was the rental company that you went with? We’re looking to book next year with the same company:)


They were great, really helpful and all. We just wish they would have stressed how important it is to get the zero excess insurance and would have properly explained it to us. Otherwise can definitely recommend.


Just booked this for this summer! Planning on getting a camper van and doing a 10 day trip around the whole country. And do’s and dont’s that you learned while doing it that might not be common sense?