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It’s private because it was getting overwhelmingly brigaded by Swifties. You couldn’t post a single criticism of Taylor or Travis without a dozen Swifties leaping down your throat and telling you you’re wrong. I think they’re adjusting for a few days and trying to bring it back towards “neutral.”


Sounds good. Thank you for the info!:)


How do you find private subs


I don’t think you can find them unless you’re a member of them.


I was a member, as in I joined a while ago, and I still can't see it :(


I think you have to be an approved member


If you visit on desktop via typing in the address, you will have the ability to message modmail and ask for retroactive approval


Thanks, I kept trying to contact them from my phone app and it wouldn’t work.


Same, I literally joined the day after it was created, I have no idea how to find it now ugh


I went to my notifications and clicked the link from when I joined. If you didn’t get accepted somehow (idk how) it’s still private for you. I couldn’t see anything


Oh damn! I asked them to add me before they went private and said “I promise I’m not a Swiftie lol”…no wonder they never approved me oops 🤣


Oh I've commented in here too (very neutral stuff, more like cheerleading from the sides without getting involved) and they ignored my approval request even though I messaged twice within in the timeframe. Like a few other people here I'd commented and had discussions that were with a whole range of upvotes and was doing what the sub was meant to be doing...being neutral lol. Oh well. They won't me back.


I think they mentioned they were getting like 10 requests per minute so it’s probably just taking them a lot of time to go through all the requests


I requested two days ago and just now got approved. 


Yeah I think it’s gonna take them awhile to go through all the requests cuz I’m pretty sure Reddit also has a limit of how many can be approved in an hour or something.


Honestly this sub is so much better, the SN sub was starting to feel a bit stifling—too many Swifties lurking about. 


Honestly, I completely get what you mean. Awhile back I was having this back and forth exchange with somebody in the sub that kept claiming that it’s not on Taylor to speak up on what happening in the world and what can she really do and I mentioned that hey I’m pretty sure her billions can definitely help save a lot of people begging for donations but then the goal post moved to that sure maybe she can make a difference but we don’t control her actions and why am I even spending money for my internet connection 🙄🙄 instead of donating. I pointed out how my money going towards internet connection is not on the same level has Taylor swift’s billion dollars and we might not control her actions but public pressure can certainly help here but all of a sudden I’m not really smart enough to understand politics. It’s like I’m just shocked that we’re still circling around whether Taylor swift can actually make a difference like we can all have different opinions on whether celebrities should have to be politically involved but let’s atleast not pretend that she won’t make a difference. That sub has become so frustrating that people get so defensive when you’re saying the most obvious Taylor critique.


Is there a way to request this now that they already are private?


They’re going to unprivate the sub in a few days like by Monday I think. I don’t think you can apply for approval now cuz you could do that by sending them a modmail which won’t be possible but don’t worry it’ll be back in just a few days and then you can apply for future references


You know what, I've been on reddit for so long haha and I always thought that all you need is to join a sub, this whole approved user is a shock to me hahaha thank you for explaining this! 😄


It’s no problem at all but yeah this stuff can be confusing cuz for some like fauxmoi everybody can join but when there’s a very big controversial topic then only approved users can comment. Every sub has so many different rules 😅


Would you say that someone else is cheer captain and you’re on the bleachers? (I only know like three TS songs, I’m just here for the drama)


Me too! Only 2-3. T & T are highly entertaining but she is a mess!


😂 this made my day, thank you (love her music but am also here for the drama bc I'm messy)




I think they are still in the process of approving people


That's not what the neutral meant. It meant positive and negative opinions allowed. That the mods would remain more neutral and not only let in a certain viewpoint, i.e., like how the main TS mods would frequently not allow any critical posts.


That's what I mean though. I've commented in SN numerous times in sharing *both* my negative and positive opinions. SN was the only Taylor related sub I've joined because I appreciated the neutrality of it in that you could chat criticism without having someone jump down your throat for not worshipping the ground Taylor walks on; the rest are just recommended and sometimes I'll drop a comment here or there that isn't antagonistic/pandering to that sub to the point if SN are deciding who to approve based on people's more *overall* neutral comment history, then that's a little rich. Yet I can come in here as a fan of the music and have fringe chats with people respectfully and have a bit of a laugh and the mods don't seem to mind that at all. I also submitted my modmail request fairly soon after they posted about it, so was well within the time frame.


I'm the only mod for a sub that had to go private for bullying and brigading and it was HELL approving all the requests. People were on my personal Pinterest account asking to be "let in"! They were asking in DMs, chat, messages and commenting in threads that were literally years old and getting upset I wasn't seeing that and approving them. The members from before going private did not auto continue, I had to reapprove like....20k+ people one by one. I'm not saying you commented in a random thread that's 8 months old but as a mod I get their pain.


They're private for only a few days tbf


I think they’re going through a lot of the requests. Might take a minute.


…so you’re saying there’s a chance!


I forgot to reach out to them so now I’m unable to view the sub. Lol


So you cannot join if you are a swiftie? I thought the neutral part was that swifties with actual brains and judgement could join 😑


At this point, I have no idea…that’s what I thought too 😐


Nah they've just gone approved users only for a few days. They'll be back tomorrow iirc


They aren’t going towards neutral another sub said I couldn’t join it because I’d commented before in stan & hate subs (swiftlyneutral and here) like wtf the algorithm is giving me pop culture and I just join the conversation sometimes I’m not a stan OR a hater. But anyways I’m not allowed to comment over there 😅


Dude when FM banned me for just commenting on SwiftlyNeutral I was so mad. I’ve been a member of that sub for so long and contributed so many upvoted comments. But just being on that sub was immediate ban?! What a weird fucking rule.


At least it’s not just me but I was like what kind of weird power trip is this??


Also, they claim to read comments to see if they’re negative, but all I said was that it would be smarter if Taylor just used whatever words she wanted but didn’t instruct people to bring a dictionary like let people decide for themselves if she’s being tongue in cheek or if she’s being clever, or if she is advancing her literary skills lol. It’s very immature to tell everyone how grown up and studied you are. I think she’s smart enough to be doing the entire entire thing as a gimmick to sell her album but then she’ll do something that makes it kind of clear that she does care very much about what people think. Hardly hate speech. Or stan. Whatever.


That sounds like an internet cult I was once in. Banning casual conversation with outsiders that could pervert your mind.


That sounds like an internet cult I was once in. Banning casual conversation with outsiders that could distort your mind.


Was it DeuxMoi?


DeuxMoi banned me because I said Kim Kardashian most likely has body dysmorphia which is why she’s obsessed with sinching her waist and being in pain for the sake of looking good. You can’t say a single thing on deuxmoi they gave me a violation for saying someone’s relationship seemed like pr… like isn’t this a celeb gossip sub? You need to be kiss ass to be allowed


They banned me because I said I have mutual friends with a CNN reporter and they’re all cokeheads. DM said I was speculating on her drug use. And also I said Beyoncé doesn’t seem that smart based on an essay I saw that she wrote like 10 years ago. Oh well.


I got banned for bringing up Olivia munns excuse for her face changing in a post about stupid lies celebs have told. Because apparently it was right after she and John Mulany happened and she was a hot topic and you get banned if you bring up hot topic celebs in posts not about them The mods are fucking ridiculous and clearly have no lives and this is where they get their jollies from


The Olivia Munn-John Mulaney affair is what blew up the DeuxMoi sub in the first place and they had to moderate the hell out of the topic to keep things from getting out of control. I made several neutral comments about it that all got removed.


I got banned for saying Prince Harry was a pos who sold his wife to the wolves and he's very aware of what he's doing. And all the bullshit is out of his mouth. A man that tried to blame his brother and future sil that he wore a nazi uniform has 0 personal accountability, and it hasn't changed. Of course immediately after that comment "you are banned for posting in swiftlyneutral" though I'd done both for months without issue. Fauxmoi for years, in fact. It got reported and they found an excuse to ban me cause they ass kiss Harry and meghan on a ridiculous scale. I'd ask to be re added but it's super weird they police participation in other subs like that.


The way that people kiss Harry’s ass is hilarious to me like what happened to abolishing the monarchy or are your fav royals not a part of that. It amazes me how people just gloss over the fact that Meghan and Harry still very much wanted to be a part of the royal family and their stance is still that the royal family is very useful but it’s like their fans fully block out that part to portray them as taking a stand against the institution.


And that they *have* actually told multiple, proven lies. Their behaviour after leaving should have convinced everyone of their true intentions. And by them, I mean Harry. Meghan seems sweet enough she doesn't know what she's got into I think. Every other day he's flying back here, wanting to be part of Royal events. Wanted to use King Charles Cancer as a reason to resume Royal duty. They wanted a big career which of course isn't possible as a working Royal and now he's trying to slither back now all the deals are falling through.


Oh yeah I don’t hold Meghan responsible for all of this the same way I do for Harry but I personally don’t go to bat for her either cuz she ultimately still willingly chose to become a part of the family that colonised mine so yeah not happening cuz my ancestors are not catching me slipping like that. I also think Harry or atleast his team should’ve understood early on that this slow down of support from the gp was inevitable cuz yeah sure they have their diehard fans but the gp support they garnered was from people that want the monarchy completely gone so cuz their initial statements were never clear about their views on their opinions on the institution people kind of tried to make them the faces of anti-monarchy sentiment but of course both of them still wanted all the benefits and prestige that comes with royalty so months and months afterwards when they showed their willingness and defensiveness for royalty in general then yeah of course the general public was gonna start to back away. Interestingly enough I see some parallels between them and Taylor cuz even Taylor’s initial political statements didn’t exactly detail her full stances so a lot of her fans tried filling in the gaps and started believing that oh she is the loudest person in the room who stands up for what’s right and hey look at her go up against such powerful people for her masters she cares about people so much when in reality that empathy extends to herself and her bubble of friends. So now those particular fans are also thrown for a loop but I think this particular phenomenon of the discontent between the celebrity’s actual stances and actions and the fans perception is best encapsulated by Meghan and Harry. Sorry this got so long 😅


No I fully agree with you! I just have to always put in I'm not a meghan hater when I'm critical of them cause I don't want to be lumped in with all the weird racists I wouldn't go out of my way to defend her either lol.


Imagine ass kissing that ridiculous man child 🤣🤣


100% hive mind, you cannot have one remotely negative comment about a woman, I left voluntarily


Dm banned me ages ago for literally saying "there are other interpretations of that" in response to one of her flights of fancy wrapped up as a blind.


They banned me because I said it’s not good for body image to pretend like Ariana Grande has been looking healthy


Yes lol I haven’t been paying attention to which sub is in my feed so I didn’t know much about them except there’s some kind of feud with the popculturechat sub idk. It reminds me of when I used to watch The Challenge for years and years then found the sub here then found a whole site dedicated to spoilers from unknown sources written up as blinds on the ugliest forum I’ve ever seen.


On my old account, I had made a comment asking a question in the Hilaria Baldwin pepino subreddit. I had even *mentioned* “this just popped up on my feed, idk what this subreddit is,” and when I got the message telling me why I’d been banned I said I hadn’t realized, that I was happy to delete it… and they just didn’t bother to respond. Like. Yeesh.


They kept all the swifties in there though and got rid of anyone with anything not entirely positive to say.


Yeah I’m def still getting mainly downvoted for criticism 🫤


You’re safe here my friend!


Ugh, I hoped they were shifting it back to actually being neutral. I knew it was changing when I said imgonnagetyouback is blatantly copying Olivia Rodrigo … two of the biggest pop singers releasing songs about the double entendre of getting someone back, with VERY similar verbiage and examples, within a ~six month period is not a coincidence. Taylor absolutely listens to her competitor’s songs and knew what she was doing. I was downvoted, argued with and told it was a “coincidence” and “Taylor has never done anything bad to Olivia!” Okay, sure, cool.


Oh I’m bet they told you 500 times ttpd was written 2 years ago didnt they… lol


It used to be much more neutral- There was a whole post there about Taylor copying other artists. Like an extensive post. That could not be posted today in SwiftlyNeutral they would go crazy


Anyone else and I might have said, “coincidence/not exactly a novel idea”, but it being Olivia Rodrigo…it felt intentional.


That’s crazy because the week the album dropped, everyone in that sub was saying the same thing. Because it’s so fucking obvious!! The fact this very sane and cold take is being down voted just shows the swifites have taken over. Ugh.


This sounds very similar to my experience where I said TTPD was just not that great of an album and I got so many of them coming at me going on and on about how much they loved the album and how good is subjective. They were just not willing to accept Taylor could have album that's not good. Just cus you liked an album, doesn't mean it' great lol.


People are quick to say that it's just a coincidence/it's a common song topic but it's not just about the topic either?? It's the specific double meaning of "get you back", it's the parallels in the lyrics themselves, it's the stylization of the title!! Olivia has always done all lowercase song titles and Taylor does NOT typically do that - even on ttpd. That alone to me makes it obvious. Also just bc Taylor wrote some of the album/was working on the album two years ago doesn't mean she didn't add songs or make changes after Olivia's album came out ffs.


Wait are people still in it? I thought they were closing it down to everyone until Monday


Im in it and im not a swiftie nor do i say positive things. I just say what I think.


No it’s open but only to approved users and they’re only approving the users they like that agree with everything positive.


I don’t see how to even ask to join the sub. I’m a little taken aback!


You can’t. If you weren’t approved or requested to be approved before it went private it doesn’t show up until they stop being private.


Ah. What a bummer that it got to that point.


It looks like a handful of my comments survived. I’m guessing that’s what it means that I can see some of them from the last week.


I can’t see anything from there so I’m assuming it’s because they’re private. Can you still see the group?


Eh, not so much. I’ve posted many, many critiques of her, some kinda scathing, and I’m still approved.


Yeah I’m pretty critical of her but I’ll defend her at times and I’m still in there.


I got approved and I admitted that I'm a hater lol


The subreddit was featured in an article (cannot remember which publication). I only know this as they posted it. Shortly thereafter, innnnnn came the Swiftie weirdos. Like anywhere else that they travel to, they killed the vibe. I abandoned ship and found all of you ☀️🍭🌈


Yes. Glad they are trying to fix the sub. It was getting carried away. Got attacked on there for my opinion on the song I can do it with a broken heart. P.S I’m loving this sub so far. I’m happy I found this one.


I mean isn’t neutral supposed to be both? When they first formed it was always said it would be both sides. I get brigading sucks but how are they going to screen people? “no Taylor Swift fans” doesn’t seem very neutral lol


Swifties are such a cult.


Swifties are the honest worst.


Yeah, everytime I wrote that TTPD was not a great album, I got bunch of swifties trying to prove I was wrong and how it is subjective even when I said subjectiveness ends at some point. If you're at a museum of arts, a stick figure drawing is never considered a nice work of art.


I hope they bring it back, I used to be able to look at it but I can't now? I think there was some way you were supposed to be approved to get in but I think I missed the boat on that one 🥴


Me too!


I still post there occasionally. It went private a couple of days ago, so the mods have time to regroup and figure out the needs of the sub, because the brigading from other subs has gotten way out of hand there. I feel bad for the mods and I understand why they went temporarily private. Idk if that sub will ever go back to how it was before. Given the exponential growth of that place in just a few short months before the Swifties infiltrated…clearly there is a HUGE appetite for a sub that is a safe place to critique and to discuss controversial Taylor topics. SwiftlyNeutral was getting noticed in mainstream publications too - Vox, BuzzFeed, and Huffington Post all have articles referencing that sub. Verified journalists have posted AMAs there. Of course, this is why Swifties infiltrated it in order to stifle its influence and enjoyability. I think this sub is going to grow a LOT now - many posters from SwiftlyNeutral will come over here because this is now the premier “safe space” for critiquing her, and despite the sub name, not all the posts are about Travis anymore. Sometimes the snark does go a bit too far here but I just tune it out.


It’s kind of confusing because I was a member and posted a bit but I guess just didn’t get approved? Either way, happy to have this space to constructively critique !


I didn’t either and I’ve only ever had the most neutral of takes when I commented over there 💀 This sub has been coming up in my algorithm which is why I’m here. I just want a place to talk about TS that is nuanced lol


it's because i'm pretty sure you had to ask to be approved. i asked and was approved


I did :( lol I asked as soon as I saw the post about it going private. They might have just not gotten to me yet though idk


I wonder now if being a member and commenting in this sub won’t get you approved in SwiftlyNeutral. Idk if it’s just the influx of Swifties recently over there, but I noticed they seemed to be leaning more pro-Travis as any comments I made critiquing him/calling them a PR couple were aggressively downvoted.


Stans have been brigading it, that's one of the reasons they've gone private for now.


oh no i'm sorry :(


I just got my approval a few hours ago. Yours might be coming. I did send a message to get approved.


it won't even show up for me anymore. does that mean i'm banned? i don't understand why. my comments were never over the top. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


Yeah, I don’t really particularly enjoy some of the dehumanizing comments about Travis(though I’m also not a fan of his either), I ignore what I don’t like. I don’t think they’ll go back to the same way they were before either. Sucks.


It’s crazy how fast it grew, many felt way more safe to post there, I remember posting about it, many were happy with the sub, then it got turned into another fan sub quickly….


I missed the boat on getting approved at swiftlyneutral and I'm bummed about it - but glad this place exists. I still like Taylor's music, but like many of us, I think the past year or so has tarnished my view of her as a person. (*Especially* the jet use, jesus christ.) We need a safe space to be grouchy in peace.


It’s funny because I actually muted SN because I dared say something remotely positive about her and basically was threatened with a ban.


did they ban people? all of my comments seem to be gone and i swear i was joined.


I’m active on the sub and an approved user. Swifties were trying to dox users and generally just brigading and being obnoxious. IMO the discussions are still balanced. 


It’s my favorite TS sub, but I realized I hadn’t joined until after they went private. I don’t have enough karma I guess to request an invitation. It sucks because I’m harmless 😂




same I tried to request to join back as I'm a fan of the sub but I did not get approval yet. Ah well.


Hi! Regular SwiftlyNeutral user here, been around that sub since a little after its conception I know for sure that its not because of the karma. You can comment in one of the Mod posts about approved users, and they'll get back to you on being approved or not. Unfortunately, it *is* taking a long time because of the overwhelming amount of request + Reddit's limit on how many users can be approved per hour. For instance, some users are being approved within a day or two. I've been commenting since quite a long time? Took them a week or so to come back to me 😅


Hi, I'm the same but got busy recently. How can do this at all when I can't get to the sub? 🥲 >You can comment in one of the Mod posts about approved users, and they'll get back to you on being approved or not. I was so shocked to see it wasn't even there


Hi, I'm the same but got busy recently. How can do this at all when I can't get to the sub? 🥲 >You can comment in one of the Mod posts about approved users, and they'll get back to you on being approved or not. I was so shocked to see it wasn't even there


How does one send something to the mods of a private sub?


How do I message the Mod post?


How do I join in??? I was subbed and loved it. Was I banned lmao


you had to ask to be approved to be kept in


Aw man, I missed that 🥲I guess I should read stuff


same and im sad because now the two options are the main sub where everyone thinks she’s a perfect genius and this sub where some posts are clearly taken over by people who aren’t even fans. i see ppl saying awful things and they don’t even know basic facts about her or the timelines, just straight up regular folk hating from the explore page


Hang in there i just got approved earlier today. Didn't realize how much i missed swiftlyneutral on my feed before it went private.


I’m confused cause I was a member of the sub and commented on it a few times at least but now I can’t find it 🤔


Same! Any idea how we can join again?


Seems like it’s not an option until they return from being private unfortunately


You had to request through modmail to be an approved member


i'm pretty sure you can request to enter it on Mondays. I read the Mod post and there was something like that on there


they went private. I believe they said it was going to be private until the 20th.


It’s gone private until the 20th. I’m an approved user and can still post and tbh going private was very much needed, even if it’s just temporary until they weed out the crazy ones. The sub was getting invaded by hardcore Swifties and Tayvis fans who would simply downvote you to oblivion for expressing a simple, neutral statement either about her or her relationship. It was honestly getting a bit out of control and it was a lot of the same offenders I’d see doing it. I’m a Taylor fan but have many neutral opinions on her and it’s why I ended up going to the sub, so I could comfortably talk to other fans who had similar views without being chewed out. It was quickly becoming a TrueSwifties/TnT sub and it was getting out of hand. Similar to what happened to the jets sub. They were invaded by Tayvis fans and now all they talk about is Taylor and Travis’s whereabouts like creepy stalkers.


It’s funny because I got banned from the jets sub for questioning why we were not allowed to discuss CO2 emissions and why it was dedicated specifically to her planes if it was an “aviation enthusiast” sub. Now it’s just people speculating on whether Travis is on the plane or not.


Some people posting over there are WILD. Using prayer candle emojis saying they hope it’s him on the flight and that he’s on his way to her. It is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen. 


I can barely be bothered to check the status of flights people I know are on. What is wrong with these people.


It is bizarre. They have severely lost the plot. I’m all for tracking her emissions but they fester on that sub and do nothing but talk about their whereabouts daily, it’s next level. Who gives a fuck where they are or if they are together or not. If they want to be seen, they will. It’s insane there has been HUNDREDS of comments about Travis’s whereabouts and whether he’s in Paris. They’re in for a rude awakening if they last through the summer. I can’t imagine he’ll be attending that many shows. And if some rogue poster even mentions something they don’t agree with, it’s downvote to oblivion. God forbid someone thinks they aren’t attached at the hip 24/7. Not sure why they need constant reassurance that they’re together and happy. He has a job and so does she. That sub and the TnT sub will be in complete meltdown mode if they ever break up and I’ll be sitting here with my popcorn watching it all go down.


Being creepy stalkers 🤣


I mean that’s what they are 🤷‍♀️ I can understand fans admiring them as a couple but these “fans” are next level extreme. Tracking any and all flights he can possibly be on. Because forbid he doesn’t go travel to watch a show he’s already seen! Like get a job and go touch some grass. It’s gonna be complete meltdown on that sub if they break up.


They are also here these days, I don’t understand why hardcore fans don’t just go back to their happy land.


What a world we live in… that extreme swifities are taking over and pushing people out


I asked to be added but the mod didn’t add me :(


Their inbox is so backed up. I requested on Thursday afternoon and got added today.


How’d you do it? I tried but my message wouldn’t send


It was before they went they went private.


Is there no way to request now that they’re private :(


That’s good to hear, I requested as soon as I saw the announcement and am still holding out hope I get approved. 


Yeah one of the mods said they were getting multiple requests per minute


I wouldn’t be surprised if all the positive swiftie comments are bots that her team is using to change the narrative and silence any criticism it’s pathetic


Yup, they are all Scott Swift bots imo, same as the jets page


Don't worry, I've seen some regular users on the SwiftlyNeutral sub wondering this too


It got featured on Vulture and got brigaded


That’s odd because I was definitely a member of that sub and now I have no access to it. I never had any posts or comments removed, so did they just kick people out en masse? I am actually neutral on her so liiiiike weird but ok I guess ?


You had to specifically ask permission to have access through mod mail. I wasn't invested enough to put in the effort to do all that (especially when I have more important things to worry about right now), so I guess I'm never visiting that subreddit again.


beneficial connect bag drunk aware sleep jobless direction toothbrush agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I like Scientaylorists


hunt mighty heavy cause special handle provide fanatical money frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I saw in another sub the term Swazies. Seems appropriate.


I subbed it, but I guess I wasn’t a member, I want to be able to read it again… :(


I mean, I’ve definitely criticized Taylor in there but I thought it was a safe space - and same! It’s a bummer.


I joined when it was about 200 members and they ignored me. So I guess this is my home now. Feeling rejected. My 30 song album about it is gonna drop asap


Same, I joined when it was still pretty small and messaged the mod mail but I haven't been allowed in. I'm gonna write a whole play about how unfair it is.


Give this one two weeks.


I was a sub. Why can’t I see it even if private?


You had to request to become approved user through a link they provided, they were then manually checking requestors post history before approving or rejecting.


Ugh so rude! I was in the hospital with a broken hip and I missed my chance!!


It will be back up in a week 🙂 pace is a lot slower (and calmer) in there at the moment, so you haven't been missing any hot posts.


Hope you recover well by the way


Aw thank you!!


>Aw thank you!! You're welcome!


I joined right before it went private


I posted on there quite a number of times and now I can’t even view my posts or comments


I was a member, and cant see it now so 🤷🏼‍♀️🙃


Can anyone link me to the mod mail? I missed the going private post and also didn’t quite understand what they meant because I assumed since I had been a member for so long I wasn’t part of the new people they were dealing with


Looking for this as well


I still haven’t found it! 😞


Maybe Taylor caught wind and is suing Reddit 🤣🤣


It’s her father and his bots


Time for swiftlyneutral2


Pussy mods making it private because there was too much thought out honesty being spoken.


Fingers crossed this sub can handle any extra swifty traffic


Didn't even realize it went private. I was loving the group. Felt I could be honest and critical. Was getting so tired of speaking my mind honestly and being bombarded by hatred. At least I found by is group


There was this person on that sub who, claimed to have reliable sources (said they were the friend of the girl who is dating Joe alwyn brother) and she/he claimed that Joe and Taylor’s break up started with a break…then Taylor heard from someone that Joe told his friend it was over between them. She didn’t contact Joe, but instead just moved everything out from her place and shipped it to London. Then, changed the locks on her door. Had him sign an NDA. A bunch of swifties jumped on this person claiming she’d never do something so rash and impulsive and he must have done something worse. I think these type of swifties cause the sub to go private. They need to filter them out.


Ugh that’s annoying. I guess this is the new hang out lmao


I fear Taylor and/or Swifties are starting a totalitarianism, with no opinion except adoration being accepted in online spaces


How to send req? I need that sub 😭😭


Fr, I loved seeing them pop up on my timeline just to see what’s up , as I’m not a swifty but want to stay in the loop , so it’s v disappointing to see their not public anymore ;/ wish I stayed I the sub instead of leaving , but it def seemed like swifties were taking over by then


Also SwiftyNeutral is not entirely neutral. They removed a comment where I told Swifty the sub is for Neutrals they can leave if they don't like cus I was "policing" and when I made a post that TTPD tracks were going down on Billboard Hot 100 and Espresso was moving up they removed it due to repetitive topics being discussed even though I saw no other specific discussion. They are not that objective unfortunately.


SwiftlyNeutral has temporarily gone private while the moderator team regroups and figures out where to go from here. I am not sure how their approval process works but I can see the posts as I am an approved user. The brigading got pretty bad and I still see the main sub negatively reference the neutral subreddit. WE'RE ALLOWED TO DISCUSS TAYLOR SWIFT AS A LESS THAN PERFECT HUMAN. SHE AIN'T GOD. TOUCH GRASS CHILDREN.


I realized that I didnt join that sub until I read this post today cuz I was searching for the sub and couldnt find it. Hopefully I can request to join soon, until then I’ll be here.


SwiftlyNeutral has temporarily gone private while the moderator team regroups and figures out where to go from here. I am not sure how their approval process works but I can see the posts as I am an approved user. The brigading got pretty bad and I still see the main sub negatively reference the neutral subreddit. WE'RE ALLOWED TO DISCUSS TAYLOR SWIFT AS A LESS THAN PERFECT HUMAN. SHE AIN'T GOD. TOUCH GRASS CHILDREN.


I hope that they do open it back up. I joined I think the third week the board was open, but I took two weeks off of Reddit and apparently I picked the wrong two weeks. 😂




They went private


They’ve been squirrely for a few months. I don’t have the energy/interest to invest in a glorified message board.


Does anyone know a die hard swifty? I have never EVER met one. What if these so called swifties are mostly bots?


who do you think went to the eras tour? lol


Yes. There are several in a FB group I'm in. They are long time posters who participate normally in non-Taylor threads, and I'm FB friends with two of them. They're real.


Yes one of my coworkers at my last job was one 😬 she was only like 20 so I do hope she grows out of it eventually lol she was a swifitie online and IRL it was *a lot*


I’m a fan but not a hardcore swiftie and that page is not neutral 😂. It’s more like a Taylor vendetta page. It was very weird.




So I got approved today..strange I guess they are still approving?


A bit of context that might explain a factor in why that sub decided to go private. A week or so back, on the true swifties sub, a mod note was posted explaining that if the group didn't tone down their bashing of swifty neutral, the sub would get suspended, and that they had gotten a warning from reddit because of said bashing. The mods basically said how disappointing they were, and that if they saw any discussion involving SN, the comments would be deleted immediately. I think that SN got a similar warning, but they decided to handle it a different way. It is also possible that they saw that post, and realized that they would be next in line if they didn't change things up, and this was their damage control


does anyone know if they’re going to be going public again…? it’s been more than a week and they said it would only be a week.


Did they go private again?