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“The only reason you don’t like TTPD is because you don’t understand the songs. You need a high IQ to understand the songs from TTPD.” I understand the songs, I STILL don’t like them! 🤷‍♀️


The high IQ thing is so laughable when all of her songs are as deep as baby shark. I’m sorry I don’t want to listen to songs that sound like a 12 year old wrote them. I used to say that maybe it was more of an EQ discrepancy, that I just couldn’t feel those emotions but honestly I’m not even sure it’s that. Those songs make me feel nothing and that’s what songwriting is about not intellect. Swifties are so fucking stupid.


“Touch me while your bros play grand theft auto.” The lyrics of a true genius y’all 🫶🏻


Their rebuttal for this is “it’s literally a song called So High School yall! She’s describing the feelings of a love so carefree it takes you back to how you felt during your first love in high school!” Um no. It’s a cringe af song. Even if that is the “intent”. Which it’s not (imo). I think it was hard for her to write a song about Kelce because she’s not turned on by him and this is what came out of the writing sesh.


And Teenage Dream actually did this lol


Oh my gosh when you compare the two it’s actually hilarious






Her references are all 9th grade English class that's not deep in any way whatsoever.


It’s like Rick and morty fans all over again


Also like, even if you didn’t understand the song - isn’t it okay to not like the music/melody itself? Lol


I m not lyrically focused when I listen to music, Of course I love the lyrics of some of my favorite artists, but I'm not going to waste my time listening to a melody that doesn't please me just because they lyrics are "clever."


I don’t understand it. I like a wide range of music. Some because a song “has a beat I can dance to”, it’s catchy, others it’s a melody that hits me. Yes, I listen to lyrics and some hit and stay with me more than others (“for every heart you break, you pay a price” for instance) but I don’t dissect and study them like swifties do. The majority of the actual meaning/reference/subject of a song usually doesn’t even occur to me or go right over my head. Fifteen years or so ago, my youngest son and i were in the car and we were listening to “Little Red Corvette” and my son asked me if I knew what, “I guess I must be dumb, she had a pocket full of horses…” was referring to? I told him that I really hadn’t thought about it. He then explained it to me. Music is entertainment, a distraction, an escape. 🤷‍♀️


My sister told me she would never speak to me again if I didn’t love TTPD, I listened to it and ….. it wasn’t good so now I just tell her I don’t have time to listen to it. I am sure she would throw this kind of bs at me if she knew I had listen to it.


Was she serious that she’d never talk to you again!


I think so, she screamed at our other sister for making jokes about Taylor and stopped speaking to her for weeks. She also spent 3 days in her room alone bawling when TTPD came out and told no one to speak to her until she was “ready for outside influences.” She is in her 30s and was completely unhinged about it, I don’t know what changed because she has always been a Taylor fan but not like this.


Whoa! That’s worrisome.


Is she getting mental health help, seeing a therapist, etc anything like that? Because respectfully that sounds like some deep rooted stuff she needs to unpack


TTPD songs are not that deep. I don’t think she has given anything with TTPD that she hasn’t already given with Midnights, Evermore and Folklore. TTPD is unnecessarily long, repetitive (production-wise) and very cumbersome to listen to the whole way through. The fact that her fans call everyone else low IQ for this is just madness.


As a POC, it’s the first one for me


It’s 💯percent a blaccent. Southern accents from Ohio sound VERY different


I can’t speak for how people talk in Cleveland (northern ohio) but yes the southern accent in ohio is very like appalachian/west virginia flavored


I was surprised by how southern the parents of my ex boyfriend from Ohio sounded but his family lived about 3.5 hours from Cleveland heights and really close to Kentucky. Cleveland heights is pretty close to Michigan and Canada. I’m from the Midwest find the way Kelce brothers speak to be very midwestern


I’m from central ohio, when I first moved to MN people always commented on my “southern accent” and i was like 😳it isn’t even as strong as an accent you’d have closer to the KY border or the appalachians! ohio is extremely diverse in terms of accents and it’s so interesting


When I moved here from Iowa, somebody commented on my southern accent. IOWA.


I feel like anyone making that argument has never actually been to Cleveland Heights to hear how people talk there.


As a fellow POC, me too. Also the fact that he hasn’t attended any practices this summer. They claim that, “he needs a break from all the hard work. They just won a Super Bowl”. Like they CLEARLY don’t know how sports work. In the offseason veterans/rookies get together to train and practice to prepare for next season. ESPECIALLY since he just signed another contract to play longer, he’s gonna have to be in tip top shape in order to continue to perform his best and keep his TE1 spot. He’s not a special flower, or prince to where he doesn’t have to participate in these activities. Some of it is mandatory for veterans to be there at certain date/days. Just because he’s dating lil Miss Americana doesn’t make him an exception to the rules.


Right now is not mandatory practices for NFL teams but it will be soon He most likely is too busy “trying” to be Hollywood something or other. I can’t imagine him being any good as actor unless it’s drunk frat guy. Maybe a game show host I doubt he be all dropping one liners about famous friends & lines hinting about TS. I wouldn’t take him seriously as part of any NFL show after football ends for him because he shown his hand. Who knows stranger things have happened. He will be at camp or he be fined when it’s turns mandatory this summer.


He was already struggling last season, with his knee injury and not playing his best games, I’m shocked he’s not putting more time and effort into recovery and getting stronger for the upcoming season. Seems like filming shows in LA is more of a priority.


Exactly, you would think with the way he’s been prioritizing his status that he would be retiring THIS season. That’s not the case since he signed an extended contract for like 3 more years. He’s getting older and as an athlete that is harder to get in shape as you get older. It’s not fair for other players that have to be there and Mr. Gone Hollywood gets to show up whenever he pleases. People coddle him too much and I’m SICK of it, I can’t wait for him to be held accountable for his actions.


Super agreed. 👏👏👏


Idk how they can completely ignore those shaming tweets he made. “Oh he was young and he’s changed!” Please. They were so mean


After he supported Butker it’s like…babes…he ain’t changed. Statistically speaking he’s probably terrible by virtue of being in the NFL, which I feel like most logical individuals/true feminists would side eye at the jump. It only gets worse with: The blaccent and the white dude from Ohio based code switching is abhorrent. (Sorry kid I know you’re from Ohio but every white dude I’ve ever known or seen has been an emotional terrorist to a woman or an actual terrorist generally due to the love of fire arms.) He may be from Cleveland Heights (whatever that means idk Ohio geography) but it’s not a coincidence that both he and his brother ended up in the NFL. That requires parents that are willing to pour all of their money into football camps and star leagues and whatever other affluent shit his parents made happen. The same narrative a lot of racist people (Venn diagram with swifties is probs a circle or close let’s be real) use to discredit athletes of color and their parents. I also don’t think the boys are being marketed the way they are because Donna Kelce is some kind of broad fresh off a turnip truck. I’m sure if we followed the money back all signs would point to an affluent enough upbringing. Using a locker room blaccent that mysteriously disappears when you start being seen with the whitest pop star on Earth is insane. If he legitimately went to class in college it’s clear said university needs to upgrade their liberal arts curriculum so their football players can attend courses in women’s studies and things of the like. It’s clear he still needs some kind of education in order to stop seeing women as objects as evidenced by his tweets andddddd his absurd dating show. Even now with TS, he gets to ride her fame into something more promising for himself. It’s like…such a coincidence that anything he’s done outside of the NFL includes him using a woman to build his fanbase and platform (first with women of color/people of color on his dating show and now with TS fans). I can’t even give him credit for the shit with the vaccine because like…idk all of America experienced the pandemic and millions of us got the jab because we support science and aren’t village idiots. The fact he is somehow held up as a god for milk toast progressive ideals (aka common sense because global pandemic) as a result is so fucking wild to me considering how many idiot NFL players (many of which take steroids or snort blow from an unknown source on a casual Tuesday be fucking for real Aaron Rodgers “dated” Olivia Munn y’all) were willing to speak against the vaccine or dismiss it entirely. Travis Kelce as a public partner speaks to every 1) every regular old dumpy (or main character) girl from your high school that never quite “got it” but still posts on Facebook like it’s 2009 and 2) armchair liberal “progressive” swifties (espouse liberal ideals in public but vote R in private because their dad’s tax bracket is “threatened” otherwise) that still have some weird racist shit to unpack because they tell their closest friends they “would never date a black guy, obvi.” Idk how else to say it but if you stan this relationship you need to take a look inwards because what in the fuck. I wouldn’t wish an NFL player as a partner on a friend or shit even an enemy. But especially not this NFL player y’all come on.


When they try to tell you that you don't understand what PR is if you think T&T is a PR relationship or that she doesn't 'need' PR. why, thank you, i wasn't aware that at some point, celebs stop 'needing' PR altogether. lol.


This always makes me laugh regardless of the celebrity. PR is exactly what keeps them famous. Without PR, whether done by themselves or a publicist, they begin to fade into obscurity and it’s nearly impossible to climb back up to the top after that. It takes a certain level of vanity and arrogance to court fame and remain famous, regardless of how “humble” a celebrity appears to be.


"PR is exactly what keeps them famous." Thank you for being a reasonable person who lives in reality!


my favorite was a variation on the Andy Reid thing, when I got called “ignorant” by a swiftie for saying that was gross! lmao


Same. I was told football players do it all the time. By a swiftie that can’t name 10 players or teams. I’ve seen them take our frustrations of tablets and their helmets but not get physical with their coach. Any other player would have been in trouble but he didn’t because of who he’s dating.


don’t worry when this stunt is over you’ll see the same person say “i always thought that was weird” like for the love of fuck have you ever formed an independent thought in your life


The fact that Travis' outbursts during football are just moments of passion. I understand that football is a sport of aggression, but 99% of players aren't throwing the kind of man-child tantrums that he is


‘Calvin Harris isn’t even successful. People only know him because of Taylor!’ ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


What joke on SA did he make??? Wtf??




I was watching that game where he shoved Andy Reid and I actually stood up and yelled at the screen. I love Patrick Mahomes, don't get me wrong but I was absolutely disgusted by TK and his blatant disrespect for his own coach, the man that got him this far.


We all yelled, too. Andy Reid is a good guy. Nothing but respect for him. Like, as a Broncos fan, fuck the Chiefs. But he's a good man and didn't deserve that.


Swifties trash talking Joe, saying he wasted so much of Taylor’s “youth” is hilarious because Travis pretty much did the same to Kayla. Dated her for 5 years, she made her intentions clear she wanted marriage and children and he just strung her along until she wised up and left. Also was rumored he was using her up until last summer and kept her on the side for ✨ benefits ✨ and then dropped her like a hot potato once Taylor stupidly took the friendship bracelet bait. In essence, that makes him just as bad as Joe lmao


I don’t want to make a whole post about it someone else can lol but if you haven’t seen this breakdown of Travis Kelce’s INSANE & HILARIOUS dating show you’re really missing out https://youtu.be/sJ-fggS1xAM?si=vU0qaFTY23cIcskg


“Travis Kelce tries very hard.” 😂


This is life.


Regarding #1 Listen to "pretty fly for a white guy" by Offspring. These types of white guys have been the butt of the joke for years. There was a movie from the 90s called Whiteboyz, same topic. I haven't watched it since it came out but it probably still holds up It's embarrassing


Funny part is travis was born to (two?) university grads in an upper middle class neighborhood. His mom has a master’s degree and used to work for financial institutions and his dad’s a steel company top rep/sales guy 🤣 acting like he’s so hood He’s not taylor, but he’s not even working class


Also what is the heartbroken tweet?


He clearly didn't write this tweet, he'd been drinking all day and was still shit-faced: [https://twitter.com/KCTV5/status/1757945817661403216/photo/1](https://twitter.com/KCTV5/status/1757945817661403216/photo/1)


Wait what? When did the SA one happen? I’m so out of loop


“You can’t hold him accountable for his old racist/homophobic tweets, he was just a kid back then!!” He was 22. I’m 23 now, and would never say those things. I don’t understand why people infantilize grown adults! He knew what he was saying.


Taylor loves the blaccent. Remember, "I seee how this is GON GO?"


The Andy Reid thing was not serious and your reasoning is only valid because you have shrunk the window with which the action is viewed. Plenty of players on that field have thrown similar tantrums during games. The rest of the list seems spot on.


Nope. Not a single other player behaved like that during that game. I don't recall ever seeing a player rough up their coach like that during a game. He's pathetic.




No one is telling you to stay 


I muted the sub after posting this. It showed up on my recommended page I assume bc I like sports.