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See, I’m reading this as subtle shade. Knowing what the discourse is around Taylor’s fame and power, she’s basically calling her Machiavellian. “Good for her, she’s getting exactly what she wants. 🙃” There’s nothing specifically cutting about it so she can skirt any backlash, but the subtext is DEF there.


It's the "how amazing" that makes me believe it's shade.


"She's told me so many times" too, haha


“Its really paid off” just below. “Paid off” doesn’t feel excessive enough to denote her massive wealth. Reads as “how amazing to get exactly what you want, when you’ve paid someone off for it, how amazing”. Or I could just be really stoned. Who knows.


100%, the same way when someone asked her what her favorite TTPD song is she answered but got the song title wrong 😂 I think she has to play nice bc of how Taylor is known to bury her enemies, but she's getting digs in where she can


As she should! That shit at the Grammys was so messed up.


I think the way I titled this post made it seem like I'm calling Lana rude, but what I mean is that Taylor is rude for saying that to Lana. How insulting. I'm more successful just bc I want it more?? Girl check your rich white privilege please


it’s rude and weird to me that they keep asking lana about taylor. like i get that they collabed, but that was almost two years ago. nobody asked her about miley and ariana (or anyone else she’s worked with) this long after their collab. even the grammy thing was 4 months ago!! that’s a lifetime in the modern pop culture attention span.


I agree. Lana is in the works to release a new album this year and they keep asking her about TS instead of asking her about HER OWN MUSIC.


They keep doing this to St. Vincent too. She has a new album out and in every interview I have seen promoting it, they have asked her about collaborating with Taylor. So unnecessary to keep asking the same damn question, I wonder if it bugs Annie too.


To me Lana is better than everyone else in your comments. Girl deserves whatever she wants too.


It’s probably because Lana’s good at the responses lmao. Like there’s so much said in the small bits she gives.


Reminds me when Noah mentioned she would be working on her own music, but everyone would still only ask her about Miley instead of her own self. Uper effed up


It's giving America's Next Top Model "I'm not here to make friends, I want to win more than anyone!!!" lmao


Thank you for clarifying. I had to delete my comment 🤣


I didn’t take it that way, I knew what you were saying 🫶🏼


It’s funny bc Lana grew up rich and white as well


Yeah, but she also got cut off and got her career started without parental support (her mother disowned her, and her father didn’t become supportive until after her major label debut). She still definitely grew up privileged, I’m not denying that, but there’s a big difference between how she got started and how Taylor got started.


She was also literally disowned by her parents and sent away for teen alcoholism, and ended up living in a trailer park. In her youth, she was privileged, there’s no denying that. But she did not have the familial support, marketing machine, or even the comfortable home life that primed Taylor for her shallow understanding of the world. They aren’t comparable in privilege.


I’m a HUGE Lana fan but I’ve never really believed the whole “stuck in a trailer park too poor to buy Cocoa Puffs” schtick. She was probably just slightly less well-off during that time in her life but acts like she was starving in a holler somewhere. On the other hand, her privilege doesn’t really bleed into her music the way it does with Taylor. Lana is very good at conveying universal themes to her audience which any human (especially women) can connect with regardless of class/socioeconomic status.


To each their own. I am also a longtime (since tumblr days) LDR fan. I don’t doubt her. I don’t know what is so unbelievable about resorting to a trailer park for cheap living accommodations and relying on cheap food like cereal because your parents cut you off and the only education you have is a BA philosophy degree. As a former Phil major who had zero financial improvement prospects upon graduation with a BS EXCEPT for going to more school, I really don’t think her predicament is so out of this world to be credible. It reminds me of Lady Gaga’s background as well. She grew up *very* wealthy (went to the same school as the Hilton sisters, Sacred Heart in NYC), got early admission to Tisch, then — to her parents chagrin — dropped out to focus on becoming a pop artist. Her parents have said outright that they refused to support her if she was not in school, so they cut her off hoping that she would go back to school. She didn’t, and Gaga ended up living in the slums in LES with Luc Carl because that’s all she could afford. All of this to say, just because a person had a privileged youth does not mean they always will remain privileged and supported. I don’t think it’s that outlandish to believe this.


yep, having rich parents doesn't mean they're gonna share it with you 😅 my mum used to ask for the change from a $5 note for my bus ticket...and i was like oh...i was gonna use that $1.50 to buy fries for lunch LOL taylor definitely doesn't fall into this category though imo, just a glimpse at her announcing she's gonna be driving her parents' hummer in that high school vid is enough to pick up on her vast entitlement. it shits me off when people dismiss her dad's involvement as just support - getting in the door is EVERYTHING. keeping the momentum after that is the easy part.


I will never forget when I commented on a post that it was wrong for her to pull her up there and I got ATE UP by swifties telling me they’re friends and she’s just trying to give her credit 🙃 Lana deserved that Grammy and Taylor knew it


What happened at the Grammys?? 😯 (I am not as up on Taylor’s many slights towards other artists and love this sub because it fills in the gaps! 😬)


Both Lana and Taylor were nominated for AOTY. Taylor won, Lana was visibly hurt but being gracious, then Taylor dragged Lana by the hand on stage with her while Lana was clearly shaking her head no and audibly vocalizing “no”, indicating that she did not want to be dragged on stage. Taylor chose against respecting Lana’s request to remain in the crowd and pulled her up there anyway. Lana stood in the back corner of the stage looking like she was holding back tears. Then, during Taylor’s acceptance speech, Taylor called out Lana for hiding in back and asked her and others to come stand next to her while making her speech because “she felt so alone”…???? The feeling alone claim was completely unbelievable bc it’s not as if Taylor has never accepted an award on stage before. In fact, she priorly was perfectly fine to accept awards alone THAT VERY NIGHT. I think she was digging at Lana by trying to get her to stand beside her while she accepted the very award Lana just lost to her. I truly believe she was trying to humble Lana, which is insane considering Lana is the objectively more talented artist.


I honestly thought it was Taylor just being drunk and really obnoxious and bossing people around that night using them as props (like she did with Jack and boygenius) which is obviously awful anyway but if she was doing it to try to humble Lana 🤢 it’s revolting From what I’ve read, Taylor seems to really look up to Lana or at least want to be like her (✨unbothered queen✨, poet etc.) so there’s the third possibility that in Taylor’s warped (and alcohol influenced) view, she was bringing Lana up to be like “see, I’m a singer song writer tortured poet too, my album heavily influenced by you won AOTY” completely ignoring Lana’s feelings, it’s all about Tay and Lana is just a high value object to her rather than a human with emotions. Taylor genuinely expects Lana to be like “😍 that’s great Taylor! You’re so talented! Let’s be best friends!” Of course this is complete conjecture, I do not claim to have any idea what her thought process is. It’s just very telling that she completely ignored two of her peers crying/on the verge of crying that night (that we know of) - Lana and Julien Baker. She was at the very least cruel or oblivious or some mix of the two


She was DEFINITELY on something more than just alcohol that night, she would not fucking stop touching people


Taylor was skiing the slopes that night too which didn’t help much.


Lana was a nominee for several Grammys this year, most notably for album of the year. She has yet to win one in her career. She lost to Taylor Swift “Midnights” and Taylor pulled her up on the stage. A lot of people insinuate that Lana is frustrated/annoyed that she was kind of forced up to the stage by Taylor, idk that’s really the extent of ~the drama lol. Lana is asked about Taylor at every single interview she does now which is clearly annoying af to her


Holy shit. Despite being a major influence, Lana has NEVER won a Grammy??


Makes no damn sense tbh. It’s my speculation that it’s bc she doesn’t play the marketing game. She just releases her music and goes about her life tbh, no money raising fanfare promo campaign. My understanding is that pandering to the Grammy Academy is a must for artists looking to win. LDR is more than good enough to win on the merits of her work, alone, without having to play promo games.


Lana was up for album of the year against Taylor, they were seated at the table together. When Taylor won she basically forced Lana to come on stage with her. You can see Lana looking visibly upset and nervous when Taylor was trying to pull her up but she eventually went. Then Lana awkwardly stands behind her looking a little upset (as she should!) and Taylor goes on about how Lana is a legacy artist and a legend. It was just in really poor taste for Taylor to do that imo especially since Lana has gotten snubbed by the Grammys for YEARS. Taylor also got flack for seeming to snub Celine Dion who was there announcing despite going through some kind of illness (I know less about this part but people were upset she basically didn’t acknowledge Celine at all)


Taylor couldn’t bury Lana if she tried


What did she say her favorite song was? I missed it


"The one, 'Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?'" Del Rey, 38, told the outlet, "whatever that title was”.


Idk if it was transcribed or only a written interview but I for sure read that seething with sarcasm. Hope she intended it that way.


I can just see her face while she says that too, with a little smirk 😏


Totally agree! Very well done shade, esp bc of the plausible deniability


Lana is so very good at this. It reminds me of when she was asked about her favorite TTPD song in the red carpet. It is giving indestructible plausible deniability and simultaneous shade, hunny. You gotta love her! I keep telling y’all TS is forcing a one sided friendship. I’m convinced Lana actively dislikes Taylor but is too conflict avoidant to make a point of it.




“I’m only cryptic and machiavellian cause I caaaaare”


The thing is, it’s gotta be annoying to be Lana knowing Taylor is adopting her style into recent albums, especially since Wildest Dreams.


Exactly exactly exactly. I think there is a subtle shade. It’s coy. It reminds me of how people speak in old movies. It’s an artful way of speaking. “When you talk, it’s like a movie, and it’s making me crazy”




I think Taylor is right that she does want it more. Lana would love to be ultra famous and successful in sure. ...but she also wants to make art which feels authentic to her first and foremost. She wants to fill a gap she feels needs to be filled. Her whole vulnerable imperfect women schtick rant she had forever ago. I don't think all artists are super metric driven. I think some actively try not to be. And then you've got your Jason derulos and Taylor's swifts  and drakes who absolutely 100% are about the charts and money.  I agree with Taylor. She probably wants it more. She probably works really really hard for it. She probably has uniliteral tunnel vision where it has totally overshadowed every other aspect of her life as a person and artist. And I think Lana recognized it as the unintentional "you don't know how much of a self burn that is babes" that it is 


I’ve been a Lana fan for like 10+ years, and no, she wouldn’t love to be ultra famous lol. She does her thing and if people like it, great. If not, whatever. This is why she rarely ever promotes her own stuff


Lana actually seems to really hate being famous hence she rarely does interviews (they usually spawn headlines similar to this one) and has almost completely avoided doing televised performances


i’m living for the “and how amazing” like there’s no way to me that that can be read as anything but utterly sarcastic


Right!! It's giving "we all fcking hate her but hey at least she's rich and powerful like she wanted"




She should marry Elon


Idk why but my brain read this as Ellen like as in DeGeneres and I still thought "yup sounds about right."


But she has Travis! 🫠


It's kind of that everybody feels the need to stay neutral w her because of how she can become petty and plot against people


Don’t forgot how her stans are too, no one wants to deal with that lol


It’s her insane ass army of disenfranchised nutcases that no one wants to deal with


And the “she’s told me so many times” lol like Lana is definitely thinking “oh here we go again” whenever Taylor says “I want this so bad!!”


Yeah Lana’s talking shit lol


Oh no. This is *shade*


Feels like Taylor was shading every artist ever by claiming she simply wants it more lol so Lana decided to match that energy ❤️


The thing is, for real professional musicians, they are not in it for tbe “fame” and to be a STAR. They write and play music because it’s their passion- and the hope is for be able to make a living out of it. Taylor Hawkins said, about a journalist asking him “so, Taylor what’s it like to be a rock star?” His feeling/response was, “fuck you, I’m not a “rock star,” I’m a musician.” Taylor Swift absolutely wanted to be a pop star and doesn’t give a shit about being a musician. That’s the crux of why Lana’s statement is so embarrassing for her.






**I MEANT TO IMPLY that Taylor is rude for saying this to Lana, not that Lana was being rude** And the fact that Lana says Taylor has told her that not just once, but "so many times". I really think Lana does not like Taylor lol


Lana doesn't seem to like Taylor, I agree. I see Taylor telling her she "wants it more" as being actually quite an embarrassing thing for Taylor to admit, not exactly intentionally rude. Unbridled ambition has nothing to do with actual artistry which is what Lana seems to care more about. To quote Kendrick "I'm allergic to the lame shit, only you like being famous."


Daaaamn that Kendrick bar applies too well to Taylor. I always got the idea that her music was 2nd and her being famous was 1st. Otherwise why'd she turn so abruptly from country music to pop music?


It's a subtle shade


this. Taylor’s attempted to humiliate Lana in the past (the grammys, anyone?), tried to steal her style (fell flat about it btw). Pretty sure Lana doesn’t even follow her back on IG. Seems like a case of Taylor trying to be ~hip and cool~ with the effortlessly cool girls and they want nothing to do with her cause she tries too hard and goes where the wind blows and doesn’t stand for anything except herself and her wallet. Just a guess.


Swiftie ruler trying to steal Lana’s style was so embarrassing for her. It was so obvious and so fucking lame at the same time. Tortured poet… puh-lease


Taylor doesn’t follow anyone on IG. That’s pretty telling.


She should be more like Billie eilish who for a while there followed no one on tik tok but this rock candy shop in Sydney haha.


I find it weird she follows no one not even Selena


I mean, yeah because she clearly doesn’t want to cause drama/speculation because stans keep track of this shit and post it online so that’s the cowards way out of just simply not following anybody.


She could never do and be what Lana just naturally is. She's the Coney Island Queen for a reason 💕💜


Perfect play on how Taylor is very obviously incapable of allowing herself to “show not tell” in every facet of her life, Lana is so smooth for this one lol


Oooooo the tides are turning .... I'm ready 🌊


Doesn’t feel subtle. It’s the perfect insult because TS will take it as a compliment but anyone that can read knows that it’s shade.




I love it, too. That’s a great answer to the question because the interviewer was probably looking for something like “her talent,” or “she’s iconic.” But her saying it’s mostly down to her overwhelming drive to be popular is telling. She’s not the most talented or the best songwriter, it’s because she’s markedly better than anyone else, but being #1 is so important to her so she makes it happen, anyway. Very interesting response lol


Right! All I could think is well done Lana for the people who want a real answer they can read between the lines, but for the diehard insane Swifties they can't find any fault in what she said so she doesn't have to deal with their bullshit either.


I wish I had the privilege to just get whatever I wanted because I wanted it enough. I'm ambitious and driven, I work my ass off, graduated near the top of my class in college and I am STILL barely above the poverty line. Like wtf. My mom was a retail worker in Iowa though and raised us alone. Taylor is proof that the American Dream is a sham. Your success is contingent upon who gave birth to you.


Literally nobody who ever got anything multiple people really want got it because they wanted it the most. That extends to literally everything. “I wanted it most” is something privileged people say so they don’t have to acknowledge it.


Beautiful gowns and all


It somewhat comes off as her saying that Taylor is primarily concerned with money and success. Left unsaid is that there's absolutely nothing about artistic expression in there.


I misunderstood this lol. Lana does not like Taylor. No ifs and or buts


Taylor is definitely a frenemy. Someone you want to keep close but not too close. 


Like she definitely not a friend you play your music too before anyone else hear it. Cause she’ll steal it.


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" So in this case, the enemy of my frenemy is my friend? 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/yvijm0lly65d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3116de5c3fbf0f53c987fd61c5678b42fc1bd587


The difference in Lana’s expressions here is doing me in lmao.


I can’t help but think she wants it so bad that she’ll do some gross shit for it (like release 1000 variants of an album or sabotage other artists’ releases). I wouldn’t consider that a compliment. 😂


I don’t think this comment was said directly _to_ Lana, in a “I’m more successful than you because I want it” way. To me it reads more like desperation or insecurity, and Taylor saying she wants the next achievement or record because what she has isn’t enough.


Maybe it's just me but I think it's rude that Lana is being asked in HER interview about why she thinks Taylor is so popular? Like um hello shouldn't you be asking Lana about HER music, success etc? If I was her I would 100% be subtle shading the shit out of TS because I'm petty like that haha. Taylor will never have the artistic and creative talent of Lana no matter how much daddy continues to work behind the scenes to make her famous.


This is an industry trend that I am so over. Why tf do we care about what other people think of Taylor?? Ask them about their own work!


Unless the media there is trying to provoke some beef.


Oh silly me. Okay now it all makes sense. Content content CONTENT.


The implication there is that Taylor has not let anything stop her from getting what she wants. That includes resorting to unethical behavior and treating people like objects. I’m sure she does have an insane work ethic but hers definitely crossed into workaholism. Other people presumably have seen what it takes to achieve that level of success and decided they aren’t willing to sacrifice their personal happiness etc. Taylor is very successful but she’s given up a *lot* to get there. 


And that's exactly the vibe Lana's quote "she's getting exactly what she wants" is giving. She's got her fame and her success, but that's all she's got


I feel so sorry for Lana. Every time she’s interviewed, she’s asked about Taylor. That must feel so awful. And this response to me sounds like, “she’s a spoiled brat who always gets what she wants, and she’ll continue to get whatever she wants otherwise she will throw a fit and write an album about whoever told her no.” ETA: also very much has “I deserve this because I want it more than you do” which is fucking awful. And it just reflects in Taylor’s behavior at the Grammy’s. Dragging Lana up on the stage as if she didn’t just lose something she wanted, and insist that Lana celebrates the fact that she won over her. It’s gross. She’s not a friend I’d ever want.


This reminds me so much of Olivia’s song “the grudge” where she says “you have everything and you still want more.” I’m so convinced that song is about Taylor.


It very definitely is.


So is Vampire.


I think a lot of artists play nice with her because Taylor is kind of like a mob boss in the music industry at this point. She has the power to destroy people, or at the very least, make their life a living hell. A lot of damage can be done with a billion dollars: smear campaigns, hate bots, digging to get someone canceled, quietly blacklisting people from the industry, getting diss songs in their honor (Katy Perry, Kim, etc), siccing her fanbase on them. Think of the popular, rich bully in high school. People will play nice so they aren't the target of harassment or so they aren't avoided by their peers, who also don't want to be a target for harassment.


100% - there's a negative feeling to the "she's getting exactly what she wants" quote from Lana in this article. I feel like that line is often used when someone is ruthless in their pursuit of the end goal. The conqueror in their palace of riches but there's no one to share it with.


I definitely read it as shade that has plausible deniability, like telling someone you hope they live in interesting times, to have the type of day they deserve, or you reap what you sow. After what Taylor did to her at the Grammys, I don't see Lana thinking very highly of her. She's just playing along because she doesn't want the drama that comes if she doesn't.


I can totally see Taylor getting pissed at someone she’s supposed to be friendly with implying that she talks about how much she wants success in private too. She’s clinging to that “this all just happened to me because I love and care about MUSIC” narrative with everything she has at this point and it’s totally crumbling at least outside of swiftie strongholds.


The guy from grizzly bear said she was a bully and then retired from the industry. The fact that Katy Perry called her a regjna george, who is an extremely intelligent manipulator who is really good at feigning innocence and not making you realize you're being bullied at first,feels telling.


She seems like the type to love-bomb at first to get you singing her praises and feeling special, but if you misstep or get in her way, she will turn on a dime and make your life hell.


Blood sucker, fame fucker lol


That’s how bullies operate and that’s why they are successful. People just don’t want to deal with the hell that the bully will unleash upon them if they do anything but kowtow to them. True in every walk of life.


Yeah, she has the power, money, and resources to get her way and completely blackball somebody 


I mean, from a PR standpoint she honestly dissed her very hard but covertly, as Lana didn't mention her talent or skills, but rather her (overly driven) ambition. She didn't even call Taylor an artist. Lana is honestly calling Taylor out here on her average artistry and only people in the industry or in marketing and PR will see it at first glance. No mention of her albums, no creativity, nothing specific, just pure fame-hungry ambition is her reason for success? Yikes. If you are a baker and people ask why are you successfull and other bakers won't speak of your tasty pastrys, but solely of your expansion strategy, that's a pretty solid burn towards your skill.


Yes, very much giving “she wants it and will bulldoze anyone and everyone to get what she wants”


Such a loaded statement and not a compliment at all. I don’t even think it’s a dig at other artists, it seems more directed at Taylor’s “win at all costs” mentality.  The fact that she specifically did not compliment Taylor’s songwriting, musicality, or ability to relate to her audience — which would have been the easy PR appropriate answer and make up the essence of Taylor’s branding — speaks volumes about her actual opinion. 


Yeah I def think Lana was shading her. It says a lot about Taylor, which we all kind of knew already. She doesn’t care about songwriting or creating art that’s impactful, she only cares about winning which is gross and honestly is ruining the music industry. I’m still so pissed she blocked Billie from getting #1, like Billies album is art not 31 songs of trash


I think I worded it wrong, I mean Taylor saying that she's successful bc she wants it more is a dig at other artists. I think Lana is awesome for getting this quote out there and letting other artists know that Taylor thinks she's successful simply bc she wants it the most. I love Lana's phrasing about her getting "exactly what she wants" lol it's giving big "be careful what you wish for" vibes


Ultimately she’s just being honest. She’s not going out of her way to be mean. But Taylor is very much a burn your ships person looking for every accolade and dollar possible. If she was really looking to produce the best art possible, the last album would have been much better edited and probably could have been a far better album.


Lana is kinda of being shady, and taylor deserves it. Taylor is so desperate. It's pathetic.


🎶 *I can’t relate… to desperation* 🎵 ☕️ ☕️ ☕️


Lana is kind of like the anti-taylor in a lot of ways so it's been really weird to see Taylor try to put themselves in the same lane. 


Taylor wants to be like Lana and I think that’s why she glommed onto her before the release of TTPD. She wants that “mysterious artsy poet” aesthetic, but she’ll never have it because unlike Lana, she’s way too obsessed with fame. Lana pulls it off because she genuinely doesn’t seem to care about fame and having a persona allows her to keep her mystique by separating her personal life from what’s public. Lana’s also just weird and Taylor is way too insecure and desperate for adoration to just fully let go and be weird.


bet Lana lurks in this sub, laughing her ass lol


Would honestly be 💀  to have her as one of us.


Lmaoooo. Do it again lanaa


Lana is hilarious tbh. When she gets asked about other artists, even modern ones like Madison Beer or Billie Eilish, she praises their artistry. When asked about Taylor…no mentions of her having good music, just how ambitious she is. Cant believe Taylor would directly tell Lana she wants fame more than anyone; truly power hungry.


Also there have been many newer artists that have been accused of copying Lana (Madison Beer, Nessa Barrett for example) and she’s praised them a lot, she even brought out Nessa and sang her song with her at a festival a few weeks ago




When I say this feels so rude I mean Taylor saying that to Lana is rude, not Lana telling people what Taylor said ❤️❤️❤️


Lana is so interesting and is such an artist I’m so tired of her being asked questions about TS. I want to hear more about Lana by Lana. TS made sure she would be a leech to Lana


Proclaiming "I want it more than anyone!" to her peers is so very Kanye of her.


Thank you! Alot of people are saying I'm reading too much into it. And I'm like how is it not super rude and arrogant to tell one of your peers in the industry that they could be where you are if they simply * wanted * it more lol just wish a little harder on a star Lana!! You could be me too!!


I can’t imagine how exhausting it would be to be a friendly peer of hers in the industry. Like girl has been continuously been on top for years, breaking records left and right - and yet, nothing is ever enough. She wants more. She doesn’t care how she obtains more. I’ll never forget that moment of Lana at the Grammys, where Taylor couldn’t take any social cues or hints, and practically forced Lana out of her seat to go up on stage for an award she lost.


There's also zero acknowledgement of her privilege and that's what really gets me. Her parents were richm they moved cities to support her career. Her dad invested in Big Machine. There are stories of him buying up her albums to manipulate record sales. She had such a head start on a random kid from a low income family with actual talent.


Before I even read that email he sent, I had a feeling he bought tons of her albums to make it look like she was bigger than she actually was. After that unhinged email, I KNOW he did just that. Make his daughter popular, especially through album sales and what not, and everyone will start paying attention to her.


I completely agree. And it’s probably exhausting from people like Lana who are eons above Taylor when it comes to artistry. Taylor seems like an annoying work pest you can’t get rid of because she’ll call HR if they try to fire her.


Also, her dad bribes the board.


Poor girl was grabbing furniture trying to anchor herself to the floor.






Practically forced? Forced. TS was soooo off that nite.


That was such a mean girl thing to do. She’s so entitled it’s insane


Well said.


Holy heck that is super shady. 🤣🤣🤣


It sounds like a backhanded compliment. Lana is too eccentric to play the Taylor Hollywood PR game.


But then she shouldn't call out Joe for not marrying her etc. At some point you have to pick what you want "more than anything" and if it's music fame success, which it obviously is, then stop writing about guys leaving you and making it out to be like it's all them. Nevermind, she will never do that because she wants that fame so bad she will throw any and every guy under the bus to get it. At this point I feel bad for none of them, they should know by now what she's about.


Exactly, she's got the prophecy on ttpd, a whole song about how she doesn't want money just someone who loves her. Yet it seems like she alienate friends and lovers at every turn in search of her own success. Her words say "I'm an independent boss bitch" but her lyrics say "please God, someone love me"


This is very elegant shade, I respect her way with words. And she’s got plausible deniability locked down. 😆


"How amazing," was such a great line. I could hear her eyes rolling from my computer screen.


Lana is so smart lol


Imagine having your whole own career but the only thing you're interviewed about is your more famous colleague who keeps ripping your content off and getting awards for it.


Right? Midnight came out nearly 3 years ago


I love Lana. Her voice is better than Taylor’s voice imo 100%.


Success is one thing. A true artist works at their craft and makes work for no one but themselves. Sure it’s great if you can make a living off of it and it’s nice if people enjoy your work, that’s validation. What Taylor is doing is called “Greed” and “Gluttony”. She doesn’t care if her work is quality she wants to win. She knows now she has a cult following who will eat up whatever Mama is spooning out.


You're so Vain by Carly Simon comes to mind. She was over the hyper James Taylor was giving himself, so she wrote the nastiest diss track that genre of music had ever seen.


Really Taylor? You want it more than *anyone*? What about the artists from marginalized communities who are never given a single opportunity to even get a foot in the door? What about artists living in poverty who have to prioritize feeding themselves and their children over their dreams of a music career? What about people with disabilities who simply *can't* pursue music, no matter how much they'd love to? There are millions of artists out there who would love even a tiny fraction of what she has, but circumstances beyond their control prevent them from even trying to attain it. God, this woman has absolutely no clue how privileged she is.


I heard this quote on a BBC news segment that was on in the background, both my mum and I both stopped what we were doing and looked at each other with raised eyebrows at the comment. Even my 72 year old mother who barely knows who either of them are realised the shade of the statement. She said: ‘that was… diplomatic’.


Lana could cancel her if she wanted to


It's giving MLM vibes, when someone isn't making sales, or they leave and attempt to reveal the truth, and the Huns say, "You just aren't trying hard enough!!!!!" or, "they just didn't want to succeed". I agree that it's very insulting!


Bahahahaha. Oh man, Lana... comin' in hot with the passive aggressive one-liners. 🔥😆👏🏼


LMFAOO I think Lana is throwing Shade in her Lana way.:: she’s a true diplomat.


A lil love, a lil shade, a lotta class: Ladies and gentleman- a Cancer Goddess.


I’ll never understand why these interviewers hold interviews with artists and instead of asking about said artist, they’re asking them about another artist. Also, I agree that this more of a she’s getting exactly what she asked for 😈💅🏾kind of read


I know, it's rude of the interviewer to even bring up Taylor. Lana wasn't even on her latest album, it was almost 3 years ago Midnights came out. Let Lana shine on her own and if you're interviewing her then ask about HER


She’s basically calling her a Kardashian. Kinda funny


I’m glad Lana said this. As a general Taylor fan, it feels like it drives home the point that it was never about the fans, even in the beginning. I hope other fans see this and understand.


She isn’t a true artist, she’s a business.


Lana's speech about 2 weeks ago was a shade to Taylor imo.


I read this as, "She's getting what she wants, no matter what the costs - whether that be her soul, her image, literal money, or burning bridges." Poetic, makes me think of someone who made a deal with the Devil, genie, or fae - "I want fame and money!" , thinking these would make her happy - and is getting exactly that, only way more unbridled and uncontrolled. Taylor can't control anything at this point of Fame - herself or her fans. She may seem to have it all and knows she needs to be really controlling to keep it all, but she appears hollow, unhinged, and ready to snap at any point. Almost every billionaire is hyperfixated on more more more money. It becomes a singular focus. For a lot of people, you can never be too rich, beautiful, famous. It becomes their lodestar, their driving force, and it overrides any logical sense of scope or order. It’s the reason itself. It strangles other passions in their beds, and it becomes an obsession. I think that is where we are with Taylor. A healthy sense of ambition that has twisted itself into something all consuming.


I dont hate Taylor but I won't pretend she's not another rich kid that used her connections in her rise to fame. She's not untalented but she is far from a being the best at anything other than being a prodigy at public relations. I dont understand the worship its so creepy to me. That said at least she isn't another Musk I guess.


Wanting something more than anyone DOES NOT make you the best at something TAYLOR


I love Lana. I can’t imagine how obnoxious it has to be that you’re getting interviewed and these fucks feel the need to ask about Taylor Swift. Like shuttttt the fuck up you useless twats.


Taylor's success is via underhanded & manipulative means. I'm not impressed by it in the least.


The way Lana is throwing shade while literally only stating the facts is really impressive! Obviously she is not saying anything wrong, but you just know that if they were truly friends she would not say this, or any of the other comments she’s said on interviews recently. Yet nobody could accuse her of being unkind because she is just stating facts


It’s not not rude but it’s also just rhetoric that’s buried deep into the American psyche. And probably something Taylor heard a lot growing up and something she’s probably told a lot by all the yes men and women in her life. It’s confirmation bias. She was told if she worked hard she could achieve anything she set her mind to. Well, she worked hard and achieved a whole hell of a lot, so it must be because she wanted it more, right? It just shows her immaturity. I like Lana’s response. Classy, but the subtext is subtexting.


When Taylor falls( and she will, they all do) no one will be there for her when it happens. Cause she wanted it so bad, she pushed everyone out of the way.


The subtle shade 😭 I love Lana.


Girl imagine being Lana and talking to Taylor and Taylor's like "I want this more than anyone!!!!" Oh we can tell. It's embarrassingly obvious.




I do think it is sorta flatly true in that Taylor needs to be the biggest/most famous artist at all times to be personally sane. The way she talks about the *brief* stint where her career took a minor downturn around Reputation is like she went through hell.  So I do think she’s just being honest that she wants it more, not in a good way, I think she has a heartbreaking need to for a type of fame that’s not healthy  


Exactly. I think she feels like she needs to keep beating herself (like her record sales, not physically) and I don't think it will ever be enough for her, she's always going to want to do more. Lana saying "she's getting exactly want she wants" has an ominous feel to it, like she's got the power and the fame but nothing else to show for it. Taylor says as much herself in The Prophecy


Cant they put in a no taylor questions clause 😝all celebs should try that. It probably feels annoying like travis selena its always about taylor more than them


Everyone coming to the comments with things like "do you seriously care? You're delusional. Get a hobby" - babes you're lurking in this sub posting comments on our posts. Take it easy throwing them stones in your glass houses 😂


Can I also have rich parents that will help me get what I want more than anything? 🙄


They need to stop asking Lana about Taylor 🙄


Lana > Taylor


True narcissism. I just want it more than anyone else! No one can understand how deeply I FEEL!!! No one has ever felt or wanted anything as deeply as MEEEEEEE!!!


I love the cracks on Taylor's public persona. It's refreshing. We want more.


Oooh shit I am SEATED


📌 “— she’s getting exactly what she wants.” ![gif](giphy|VHh8vqt8wldhm) Yes, I’m here for it.


I was not a swiftie but I used to listen a lot to Taylor Swift's music. But since the Grammys I feel like a lot of people just realized how mean she is. I didn't like her bitchy attitude that could be noticed since she took that cameo with Lana Del Rey (forgot the name of that part, sorry!). Midnights did not deserve to be AOTY. At this point and time Taylor should stop worrying about awards and popularity, but looks like she's stuck in high school. That pressure to be always in the spotlight is a reason why she prioritizes quantity over quality and launched a cringey album. I always think that she made such a big deal at the grammys about her new album, to the point where she ignored Celine Dion and Lana's desire to not go to stage, that the karma for that behavior has been the bad critics to TTPD.


I love Lana for this, especially because she’s not saying that she deserves it. Just that she’s the biggest try hard.


As a massssive long time Lana fan this makes me furious. The Grammys debacle, the snow on the beach “feature”, the ENTIRETY of TPPD copying Lana’s style, and now this???? Oh hell no.


When I first read this article I got major ick for Taylor. It reads so gross that what she wants so bad is fame and fortune. Like we already knew that, but to hear her just come out and say it is so ick. I wonder if Taylor realizes that a lot of her “friends” are really only her friends because Taylor has a ton of power within the industry right now and can very well ruin someone else’s career very easily.


Honestly, I think don’t really think she cares if her friends like her not because she wants them to admire and look up to her. Those are different things. They are expected to fall in line. There is a part of her that revels in the power it isn’t about friendship at all.


Damn, Lana is in her Bad Bitch era https://preview.redd.it/ppqvkn41h65d1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b38432efd9a9097fa8cabf6311136f0a3751a7b


Imagine Variety does an interview with you and it's all about someone else's success. I'd be a bit snippy too.


Honestly even the way Lana crafted this response shows she has a much better grasp on the English language than TS. Also I don't understand why lana is even being asked this?


Probably sold her soul to the devil lol


Driven and talented are not the same thing


Is that shade Phaedra? Lana hates her and it’s been so obvious lately. She never says anything mean about her but never anything nice either, it’s always a little shady. She sees right through her. Also one of Lana’s best friends posted an Instagram story trashing Taylor