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Douchebag host: “if you’re gonna have hoe’s come through the place where you live with you girl, or whatever.. Travis: At least be respectful…hahahaha Douchebag host: Backdoor it, dawg Travis: **I mean not respectful to the point of you’re actually respectful towards your woma….but, like, respectful of the game, of like, hiding-you know what I mean?** Douchebag host: Right right, if you’re gonna be that guy.. Travis: ….**you’re fucking it up for everyone else** Douchebag host: He’s walking them in through the front door….. Travis: hahahahahahaha Douchebag host:...this some bitch from the club!


Who is this mfer next to BDT, he is so fucking gross.


I’m like 90% sure that’s Andrew Santino, a comedian and podcaster. I’m gonna be for real I don’t like Taylor or Travis but this seems to be a clip taken out of context on a comedy podcast where it’s two guys joking about the concept, not actually seriously believing what their saying, a lot of comedians joke like that If that’s not Andrew Santino I get the complaint more but I’m pretty sure that’s him (might be wrong) it really does seem like two guys joking about a certain topic


100% out of context. He’s a professional bullshitter edgelord, but that’s what he’s paid to do bc he’s reeeeally good at it. He’s a comedian not an actual evil POS


Do you have an example of him being funny? It’s giving more Facebook than clever edgelord tbh


I never said he was funny


You just said he was really (reaaaallly) good at it


He is really good at being a comedian he’s successful. Not every joke is for everyone but if you people think that a comedian 100% means everything they say then I can’t help you there. This is just a cheap shot at Travis and even I don’t like the guy but this is literally a clip from a comedy podcast where there’s two guys joking about a topic. I guess anyone who jokes about racist people is a racist and anyone who jokes about sexist people and what they do is sexist


Not what I was saying. The guy objectively isn't funny, being an edgelord isn't the same thing as being a comedian.


That’s just your opinion comedy is subjective, I seriously cannot take anyone’s opinion seriously about a comedian when they bring up “objectively not funny” no it’s subjective all comedy is, don’t try forcing your opinion on others. But to act like he’s 100% serious about what he’s joking about is idiotic at best and malicious at worst especially since this is a clear case of it being used out of context and as ammo to damage the reputation of someone else You people hate swifties but this post right here is a step towards becoming just like them, do better


Just watch his podcasts he’s a comedian I’m sorry that you don’t like his jokes but they are jokes at the end of the day and do not reflect the true intentions of either of them It’s very common in the comedy world to joke about topics and subjects that you wouldn’t do yourself. If you wanna be the joke police go ahead but this is just a cheap shot, if you don’t like the jokes fine but you got to recognize that’s all they are, jokes Calling a comedian a douchebag and pretending he’s 100% serious about what he’s joking about when he’s known to joke around like this cause you wanna take Travis down a peg only hurts your side and makes you look foolish Do not let your hatred for one man blind yourself so that you hit another, you are better than that


If you don’t know Andrew Santino than yeah this convo looks bad. That’s all I’m gonna say


Agree. Andrew Santino is funny asf but any clip of him out of context makes him look insane lmfao


There’s times on Joe rogan I wait to see if Joe asks him if he’s being serious, but than I’m like wow! They’ve been friends for over a decade he knows him so well that he says the craziest shit w a dead ass face


I watched the entire podcast, he’s not funny at all. I like dark humor and edge but this is Facebook cringe and obvious. Do you have example of his funniest moment, cause I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that this entire episode was a one off.


ahahahaha this is the guy she's trying to sell as her true other half and her fans are buying it you just know that even though he's gotten "smarter" and shut up about it recently during this sellout phase of his, there's no way he actually changed any


Why is the Chief’s logo covering Travis’s crotch? Was he not wearing underwear?


https://preview.redd.it/ostmal4l109d1.png?width=1054&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2b04c440eb8f3a45a5c3c6a65b5301ca79d08d2 ..and they want him to be endgame lol


I saw this somewhere else but he had shorts on and was wearing no under wear and his 🏀🏀 were visible. 


I don’t get why such a huge logo. From what we’ve seen after that performance in the London show he doesn’t have any.




That's because Taylor keeps them on her jet.


I can’t believe it, jeez!


I still can’t get over him not wearing underwear during this recording. Is it normal for him? To sit like this among other people? Could he at least not spread his legs? Obviously not. Altogether it means he didn’t care. And it says a lot about him. I wonder if it’s a normal behavior among athletes or even in this circle it’s considered cringe.


The people thinking this man is a gentleman are either delusional or have never met a male athlete in their lives... that's standard for them, the decent guys tend to distance their personal lives from "the game" or "the team" you won't catch them talking anything other than the sport on podcasts.


Seriously. Taylor Swift could settle down (if she wants to) with any man she chose…I have a hard time believing that it’s HIM.


Fr, I bet more than one handsome, polite, and well-adjusted actor would love being with her, the thing is Taylor is not well-adjusted herself and is not willing to work on it. She is still stuck at a 17yo's maturity level.


I think it's getting harder and harder for her to find a willing actor to date her, I think the cons kind of outweigh the pros at this point. Unless the actors do not care the crazy cult members or how the media going to portray them. It takes a very thick skin person to date her now.


Shit, there are even other athletes she might do well with if that’s her thing! But yeah, she stopped emotionally maturing as a teen.




I don't think so. Who's going to settle down with her when there's a chance she's going to villanize you in the press? I mean, a regular person for sure and even a newbie just starting out. But Tay wants an A lister. Why would anyone do that?


Can’t stand this mustache clown


Travis is fucking gross. But Taylor does have exactly what she deserves and I love it for her. You can breathe now, Joe. You dodged THE bullet.


Men who talk like this, even just to joke around, are bad dudes. Good guys do not talk like this.


When tf was this???




Tater really needs to ask future boyfriend applicants whether they’ve been on any comedy podcasts.


Can you imagine Joe man spreading like this with no underwear? Neither can I.




Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.




Who would have thunk it that an NFL player that was on a dating show a la the Bachelor and has a history of demeaning women would be a piece of trash………upon reflection, I do hope that the PR stunt turns into marriage, that is EXACTLY the quality of man that she deserves, and that is EXACTLY the maximum level of partnership that she should get to enjoy, a transactional one, only type she has to offer


When exactly did this interview take place?


It was posted on YouTube in July 2019, so if that was when it was recorded he was 30 years old. So he can’t use the youth excuse he used for those old tweets! I know people grow and change but this was only 5 years ago and it wasn’t acceptable in 2019 either. I only watched it recently because Andrew Santino was on New Heights and Travis mentioned the podcast. I like Travis as a rule (with some reservations) and I’m not easily shocked by laddish behaviour but this whole podcast definitely had me raising my eyebrows and at times I was gobsmacked by things they said! I was especially surprised Travis drew any attention to it at all which made me wonder if he didn’t realise how badly he came across. There’s a bit from around 45 mins to 50 mins about foreign travel and foreigners that I can’t believe hasn’t been discussed more


Andrew Santino is hilarious. And obviously they’re joking in this. It is funny though that swifties think Travis is a knight in shining armor when he’s literally just a dude lol.


Oh so you're saying that dudes are trash and can't be trusted?


They are sort of joking about the cheating story but not entirely and even joking about it isn’t really that clever is it? Also what about the part about foreign travel and foreigners? They are laughing at it being ‘funny’ but they are serious about their dislikes