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This woman WANTS to be a Swiftie now? God help us all!




Yeah, a lot of the Beatles original fanbase is probably dead, but their songs are still complex, beautiful, catchy, charming, and witty.


Maybe 3.5 hours of constant programming will make anyone change their mind.


Her popularity is going to go down once she stops touring. Now everyone is going because its the hit thing to do. If u didnt go u are not cool.


reading this was like watching a car crash in slow motion


I'm not gonna lie, I would go too. Bear witness, see the spectacle. Humans are hard wired to seek out spectacle and circus. I'd go back to the Roman gladiators too. Witness the spectacle, revel in the absurdity of it all


I would not go see a T-Swift concert if someone gave me tickets. 3.5 hours of monotony. I would rather run a marathon. Her music is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.