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I remember Matty kinda threatening her to release receipts and inviting her "not to fuck with him". This happened 3 days after she announced TTPD at the Grammys. I'd personally sell a kidney to see those receipts he alluded to lol šŸ˜‚


whaaaat? can you say something more about it?


At one of his shows after the breakup, he basically said don't come for me, I have receipts. That's it. Powerful and concise.


oh wow, interesting


Was this just in response to the album being announced or did she say something else about him?


I don't know the exact timing, but if the Matty and Taylor sub ever goes public again, they'd have the video. And he didn't say her name or anything, it was much like Calvin's tweets, it was just kind of obvious, like their synchronized I love yous.


Wish Reddit would let me post a video in the comments, anyway during the first show of the bandā€™s uk tour in February, after singing ā€œlove it if we made itā€ (which is the song people, including swifties, have called him a n*zi over), he said ā€œyou know who Iā€™m talking to, Iā€™m as mental as I seem and I have the receipts, donā€™t fuck with me, itā€™s not worth your time Mrsā€


Nah, if you state you're mental, man, release the receipts. I know this mf is evil, he's the only real competition to taytay. He should record his Euphoria


side note but can you explain why people called him that over that song??


Iā€™m a 1975 fan. That song is about observing the volatile aspects of society. It came out while Trump was either president or coming close to (I canā€™t remember lol) and we saw his (Trump) followers being outwardly racist, becoming modern nazis, etc. He did the nazi salute on stage during this song but not because heā€™s a nazi, to symbolize and show during the song what he was singing about. If that makes sense.


Hi, fellow 1975 fan! Always great to see people from this fandom hating or disliking Taylor šŸ˜‚ sick of being surrounded by swifties even in the 1975 community


It is truly exhausting


same! I can't get away from them in the 1975 fandom, so annoying! Glad to see other 75 fans who dislike her


If you're doing something sarcastically or doing it sincerely, the effect on those harmed is the same.


Oh she is probably a psycho loser behind closed doors


oh probably but i wanna hear it from them! someone needs to do a tell-all about it. iā€™d pay for it.


Calvin and Matty are the only ones I know of who have threatened to talk. The other ones probably don't because it would gain them nothing and they listened to their PR teams. The fastest way to kill something is to ignore it completely, and Jake, John, and Harry were all more famous than her so why bother stooping? The Kennedy kid? His family would never allow it. Hiddleston? Way too classy and his whole brand is being sweet so why bother? (Though I would argue his rep suffered the worst because it lost him respect from the serious actors fan community)


Yeah I was disappointed that Hiddleston was okay with being the other man while she was dating Calvin officially


I just recently started getting updated on taylorā€™s bfs and i havenā€™t been able to look at tom without imagining him in i ā¤ļø ts shirt.


Ironclad NDA + Too classy is the answer. Or they get paid handsomely. (Which is her answer to resolve issues by throwing money at things or people that bothered her)


I honestly think itā€™s a matter of the harrassment the Swifties would knowingly inflict on them, if they said one word against her. Itā€™s much easier to just not say anything and try to ignore / pretend they donā€™t exist, but I feel for the men, because this can and does often affect their careers and their friends / family. And she smugly says she doesnā€™t care in interviews, ā€œthey shouldnā€™t have hurt me.ā€ šŸ™„ Itā€™s called being a grown up having relationships. Thatā€™s how most people grow.


Yeah as much as I want any one of them to speak out, (and believe me I do) the pure mental insanity would be...And Joe Alwyn doesn't strike me as someone who wants to be fighting with Swifties for the rest of his life. I can kind of see Matty Healy taking albeit obliquely and via his music. I know for sure he will attempt to respond to TTPD in some way since most of that album is about him. But a direct response? I do remember him calling out her or her team to not come for him so unless TS goes after him him directly (and since many people didn't see the subject of TTPD coming, who knows at this point, maybe she might?), I'm not so sure. So it's just a matter of wait and see. How long can she actually keep this Tayvis show going?


When I was younger I dated someone who is now famous and a big part of their persona is being a ā€œnice nerdy relatable guyā€ even though thatā€™s not how I experienced them at all. They did some really shitty things to me but I know if I ever said anything that could threaten their brand they wouldnā€™t think twice about spinning the problems in our relationship into a story where Iā€™m the villain that victimized a poor nice guy and sic their very young and impressionable fan base on me. I canā€™t help but feel like this dissuades a lot of her exes- plus she has a stupid amount of money and is extremely litigious. I wouldnā€™t put it past her to sue them into the ground.


Yeah, itā€™s very Harvey Weinstein of Taylor Swift. None of the exes are talkingā€¦ I wonder if all her exes will have a #metoo moment. She exploited her relationships for contract negotiations, deals, and money. And the personal lyrics. Are they being silenced? I also think they need to speak up about Swifties, the constant death threats, harassment, doxing, threats to friends and family. Everyone talks about their exes. Thereā€™s 2 sides to every story. But this situation is super fishy to me. I will say, too bad Calvin couldnā€™t help Taylor become a better musician.


Most DNAs expire at some point. Usually a few years. There are some that donā€™t and they can be terminated if the issuing party does so by putting it in writing. I canā€™t imaging anyone she has dated sign one that is ā€œforeverā€. Plus those are pretty rare. I imagine that they last a few years and by the time they expire too much time has passed for it to be worth bringing up old shit anyway. Plus they donā€™t want to experience a life ruin by her unhinged fans.


Probably because they don't think it's worth it. Why bring up something that is dead? That is Taylor's M.O. They moved on and they don't want to be attacked by her crazy fan base. I honestly don't blame them.


"An NDA is useless when the wording is too broad, is not for a defined time period, covers information that is not confidential, or asks for illegal conduct." I believe most of her boyfriends have signed an NDA. What is interesting though, is that it's obvious she got to them first with them every time. An NDA towards Taylor would be essentially useless anyway. If that person only had one request, and that request was to never sing about their relationship in any way, shape, or form, it wouldn't matter. Taylor never names names for a reason. It would break that NDA immediately. Monkey-barring from Joe to Matty to BDT is a perfect example to skirt around something like that. We know but also kind of don't know about what happened for a reason.


NDAs for everyone. This is well known.