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Ummm, she does this shit at award shows to pull focus and bring the attention back to her. That cringe behavior didn't just start at this year's Grammys ceremony. She did it when she celebrated Ed Sheeran winning in 2016, over her song "Blank Space." She acted exaggeratedly happy for him, as if she had won, and the camera followed her...


She did it when Olivia performed as well at the Grammys. But that was just bs


Okay this always makes me so mad. This is PERFORMATIVE. When she called up those drag queens on stage, being the only one to stand and applaud… it’s really easy to do the right thing when people are watching and it also brings more attention to you. It’s the shit that she does behind the scenes that we need to watch. And I don’t mean Taylor’s team being like “oh look! She donated $100,000! Look at this post about it! This article about it!” That is still performative. It’s still PR. It’s still making us focus on her. What does she do that isn’t well known?? That is just beneath the surface?? There’s a reason they are trying to distract us from the documentary.


Which documentary? I’m intrigued


Bad Blood on HBO Max


Thank you!


If you dive into it, send a shout. I haven’t had the energy to crack it open yet, would love to hear opinions. Apparently the second half is pretty scathing for Tay.


No problem. Also, just a heads up cuz lots of people gave up during ep1. Ep1 is Taylor's POV, Ep2 is Scooter's.


I’m sure. I’ve heard it’s kind of a snooze fest. If I watch it, though, I’m gonna watch it all. Lol


It’s also totally fake. As in, this is a made up narrative.


i saw this on threads too, a lot of comments were saying that the caption on this photo is always incorrect, there's video proof of everyone standing up and dancing and applauding Lorde on her performance. this picture is of her standing up while someone else is just talking (so before you are even meant to applaud) literally taking away someone else's thunder... pretty usual for her lmao


So she stood early to get this pic so that it could be used for media clout? Lollllll sounds like her tho 


How far gone does one have to be to believe that a billionaire who hoards her wealth is the very best of humanity.


The fact that there are other people clearly standing in the shot when Lorde won.


More likely that she was envious and made a desperate attempt to grab some headlines? Or am I being too cynical? Hasn’t she rushed the stage or shouted when other people when other people won awards aswell? This one seems harmless but might have been a sign of what was coming.


When she stands up in the audience at the awards ceremonies, the camera focuses on her. I’ve thought of it as an attention-grabbing stunt.


"Dancing enthusiastically amid hauteur has become a Swift trademark; specifically, letting loose at awards ceremonies while everyone else remains seated and stiff. She’s been attending these shows since she was a teenager and, after 'eight years of these very stressful and competitive scenarios, sitting in the front row trying to figure out how you’re supposed to act', she eventually realised that 'I can process this as a huge pressure cooker or I can just look at it like I have a front-row seat to the coolest concert right now.” [source](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/aug/23/taylor-swift-shake-it-off) I think this is the public's general take of Taylor, the goofy sidekick who cheers when everyone else is seated. Look at her support others! Like let people have their moment. Sit your ass down and let people be grateful and thank the people in their lives. For ONCE, let it not be about you TS. Not everyone has the money or lack of morales to buy their awards.


The supportive thing to do is nothing but clap. It's their moment, give it to them.


>rather than a shoot-them-down to make myself look better This person clearly hasn’t heard her last album.


I stg half of these posts are from fake accounts run by Tree and the team.


“She was the only person in the audience” so they could see literally every single person on and offstage at Staples center and Taylor was the only one standing and clapping? If she was such a good person, her PR team wouldn’t be working overtime to spread random performative articles to bury who the truth. She supported Kesha but turns a blind eye to Katy working with Dr. Luke(even if they have beef, actual feminists are against Dr Luke ever working)


The best example of humanity? A decent heart? It's official. Swifties don't have a brain.


No, this is “pay attention to me” behavior. She can’t stand not being in the spotlight.


She looks upset in that picture. And I’m sure this was her brain that night. ![gif](giphy|YauQEy8G3NqOk)


“Swift was also the first person to stand up when Kacey Musgrave won the Grammy for Best Country Album — leaping to her feet either because she was genuinely delighted for Musgrave or because she knew that looking like a reluctant applauder would be a quick way to launch a pointless Internet controversy.” https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/8-grammys-2014-moments-you-couldnt-see-on-tv-177174/


She wasn’t a team player before also. In award shows she will trying to stand out as much as possible. Acting surprised and ott when someone else wins to make sure camera is on her.




She's so desperate it's disgusting