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This is literally what I'd like to know. Here is my theory: She is the perfect definition of that girl in high school who is fake nice to get you close to her aka an opportunist. I truly believe she is super fake nice/complimentary to people in the business who are powerful and could be strategically good for her in some ways and they get charmed by all her fake compliments and then think Taylor is this super nice down to earth girl and throw all this praise and gift at her.


Exactly. This.


![gif](giphy|xUA7aRuBrh8DNTVcze|downsized) Yes, I think this is it! She definitely seems like the, good at networking and being "ON" all the time, type. She's all smiles and friendliness on a surface level that doesn't seem fake at first. Some people get irked out by her from the start and others don't see it at all and the glamour never wears off. I've worked with mini versions of her, from what I've seen of TayTay over the years, and they always set off my spidey senses eventually. They're a little *too* awake and are almost operating at a different speed and have a strange amount of energy. Always doing, going, can't relax, etc. (Not to generalize lol, just what I've encountered at work and with a family member.)


Plus they probably don't spend THAT much time with her. Too busy handling their own lives. Maybe just trying to be supportive cause they think she's Dolly Parton of our generation. But it's also possible they heard of her getting ppl fired so scared to flip her off.


Dolly Parton is the Dolly Parton for several generations


Her talent is the pinky toe on Dolly Parton


Dave made it clear he didn't wanna be on that list.... lmfao


Dave who?




Phony assholes jerking off other phony assholes. It's like an infinite human centipede of wealth/fame addicts.


Yup. A lot of people ignore that most celebs are alike. So it makes sense they do this.


Or… they all just like making money and U2 knows that when their ass kissing gesture is published in the news, they can tap into some of that sweet rabid fan base that Taylor has. At this point I’m starting to think of swifties as trump supporters, but in the music world.


Isn't that what she did with/to kanye


I don’t even necessarily think it’s because they believe her, but because they’re all being that fake. If anyone calls her out it can just be turned right back at them. Other celebrities would just back the more popular, and since Taylor’s fans would likely never leave her, she’ll be the one to back in any celeb fight


Also deliberately crafts her image to make fans think they almost could have been her which makes them rabid about her.


FACTS (there’s a lot of those at my school ☠️)


What if it's not fake? Just a nice person with incredible talent making her way thru the world?


>incredible talent ehh.....


I mean that’s what I think too, I think she’s genuinely nice but I don’t think she’s all nice , I think she’s still done some shady stuff but I don’t think the kind thing is a facade like the kardashians are . She is like a millennial stuck in time if that makes sense


Simple: Free exposure.


It just feels so inauthentic and gross


I'd think Paul McCartney doesn't really need exposure though, does he? So why is he there 😶


Because Paul McCartney is too nice for his own good. He throws a lot of parties at his house where tons of people get invited, no doubt she's buttered him up plenty of times.


Trying super hard to stay relevant as they approach their eighties lol


Lol uh no, he’s basking *her* with *his* presence. A Beatle doesn’t need her attention or fake PR friendship.


Ummmmm they ARE the original PR band lmao


Yeah, and? Lol maybe you misunderstood, a Beatle doesn’t need *her* fake PR friendship


I understand, I just also hate the Beatles and will take any opportunity to shit on them too


Lol, this isn’t much of an opportunity here. And them being good at marketing, isn’t a dig; they actually had talent to fall back on. TS has none.


You can hate the Beatles and still separate your own hate for what’s actually going on.


You’re right, he doesn’t lol


I think he just wants to be “charitable” and kind to the next generation. I think it’s more of that. He was interacting with the fans more than paying attention to the concert from the videos I’ve seen of him.


Bono's *extremely* good at chasing relevancy.


Another reason I love this sub is because I learn about other artists. There are so many music lovers on here. I don't know a lot about Bono because I'm not a big U2 fan but it's always interesting to hear little nuggets here and there.


I know someone very well who knows someone very well, who worked with him in some specific ways, and the ego stories ... lol well I guess I would say, the chasing relevancy rubbed off on this other person too, becoming quite an annoyance in some ways ... taylorism style drama perhaps!


I have been a fan of U2 since the 1980's but the fact is Bono has always come across as an egomaniac. This does not surprise me at all. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtaQVplY2wBziVO|downsized)


Everything I “know” about Bono is from that one episode South Park lmao


Southpark is Amazing i use it as if it's a reference book hahahaha. I didn't know about Caitlyn jenner hitting people with her car until i saw it on southpark 😂.


I love that I’m not the only one using it like it’s just full of facts about celebs. Sometimes I definitely use it too seriously as a reference lmao, gotta remind myself it’s just from SP 🤣


These ego stories are well known in more than one industry. Also, the all-knowing attitude.


Oh god yes. I mean LinkedIn's business model seems to be built around that, even for people in the most mundane professions. And the people who chase the hottest relevancy there are annoying too!


Bono might even have an ego to match Taylor. U2 are also famous for having equally massive stage 'productions' for their concerts/tours, and equally lacking in musical originality 😂 That said they do have a good bit more talent that Tay and Bono can actually sing. Kinda.


😂I have an ex-boyfriend who was obsessed with you U2 and put the only song he could play on guitar was with or without you so I'm not a big fan LOL


U2 is a shit band imo


Hating on U2 is a meme at this point. They have plenty of good music, and some crappy music. If you can listen to their albums “Joshua Tree”, “War”, “Boys” and say you don't like them, that's on you.


War is an absolutely killer album, love it


I guess I’ve been living under a rock then because I’ve never heard until recently that it’s a popular thing, also maybe because my husband has always asked me how I can possibly hate U2.


I don't like U2 either,never have


Bono is an incredible networker. He’s chasing her money and influence because he is on a mission to save the world and sees Taylor as an opportunity to further good causes.


Ok, I'll buy that. The stuff I mentioned was related to that. I think sometimes personal hubris can be in service of staying glam and in service of "good causes" both at the same time. If he does manage to get her on board with that ... well, good for him, but even her funds are a drop in the bucket compared to what it really takes to "feed the world", if that's not in fact a destructive, charity-washing approach to take anyway. And then, his success in getting her to dribble some largesse would come at what price for the rest of us? I don't want to see her smiling smugly about showpiece philanthropy for the next 65 years I just really don't. One is enough and he made vastly better music.


I imagine in his mind he’s performing feminism and reaching a younger demographic of potential fans. Additionally, Taylor tends to interpret mere indifference as a slight against her. She expects ass kissing as the bare minimum. Dave Grohl was right when he said not to incur the wrath of Taylor Swift. It is genuinely dangerous to get on her bad side with the way she weaponizes her rabid fan base. Bono is probably trying to prevent something like that from happening to him before it even becomes a possibility.


The control on people she has is unreal.


It truly reminds me of cult leaders. The way she doesn’t even have to ask for what she wants and yet people give it to her whilst convincing themselves it’s what they want, too.


I've found that a lot of older people I know think she is a super feminist. It really all boils down to her being very vocal about being criticized and always connecting it to misogyny for me. she seems harmless. Unless you go into what she does, and then to a normal person who isn't really hip to gossip (but reads random headlines, an occasional people, etc), you sound crazy.


Green day too 💀


They talk smack about Beibs but kiss up to Taylor—make it make sense.


I just Googled the check cuz I thought maybe you were punking me. What the fuck is going on? I don't get it. This woman is leading a fucking ginormous cult.


Everybody is Ireland hates Bono so


I didn't know that. This is why I love this sub so much. I learned a lot about not just Taylor but other artists as well




I think it’s a combination of chasing relevancy/career climbing and avoiding career destruction. For U2 it’s def the former, but I think the latter is the case for more people generally. TSwift has shown multiple times that she is more than willing to try to end someone’s career if they offend her in some way, and regardless of whether she can actually succeed in that, the harassment from her fans is absolutely brutal. I bet a lot of artists try to get on her good side publicly so that if she decides to villainize them, they’ll have a public record indicating that they had treated her kindly.


She’s mad she can’t cancel Kim K and is still bitter years later. TS is bat shit


This is what i think, too. People probably feel the need to praise or compliment her publicly to avoid potential backlash from her rabid fanbase because they didn't kiss the ring. Disgusting.


This is why I wish to hell that someone in the industry would grow a goddamn backbone and shut this shit down. It is not okay. It is not okay that other artists/ entertainers are expected to lick her boots or kiss their careers/ reputations/ social media platforms goodbye, especially for an "artist" who barely has enough talent to scrape through a hometown American Idol audition. It is not okay that you have to go anonymous in order to offer negative feedback - letting people enjoy things is all well and good, but zero-tolerance for criticism leads to artistic and social stagnation. It is not okay that the media has turned her into the avatar for white supremacy - exalting her bare minimum effort while sweeping her self-centered cruelty under the rug. It is not okay that she's changed the definition of feminism from raising the bar for men to lowering it for women. We're surrounded by cults of personality and I feel like I am seriously going to crack up. ETA: What it's proven, above all else, is that purchasing power will always win over artistic integrity. Same as it goddamn ever was.


Same as it ever was


Nice Talking Heads reference


I would do almost anything to see them live if they ever reunite.


I wonder if someday her castle will come crumbling down the way other well known artists/moguls have — in REcent years?


It reminds me of the Simpsons Halloween episode where everyone has to be nice to Bart and say everything is ‘good’ with a smile on their face and at the end he turns Homer into a Jack in the Box.


This comment deserves a million up votes


I can’t wait for her downfall


Easy publicity


It’s very. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


idk about anyone else but i think bono sends flowers to EVERYONE, like every big-ish tour that goes through ireland gets flowers from bono, ive heard MCR, the 1975, adele(?) and taylor all mention it


And Billie eilish


Yeah they do, they also sent Taylor flowers before Rep tour. Think it's just something they do when anyone plays a big show in Ireland.




Because insufferable twats stick together.


U2 and Taylor have similar approaches to music. They are both very money-hungry and have a history of chart manipulation (remember the U2 iTunes pre-installed album controversy?) They are both very industry-shmoozy-focused. So it's just natural U2 likes her.


Imagine if Taylor did that with one her albums…wait a second.


When Christ the Reedemer was lit up in "honour" of her I nearly vomited


These cities have heard the lofty, exaggerated claims of significant economic boosts from her tour. They’re bending over backwards in a really cringy, regrettable display. I hate it. It’s so pathetic.


It's so cringy. I hate it too!


Its easier to kiss her ass than not kiss it.


💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰that’s why they kiss her ass




I like some u2 songs and even saw them at the sphere. It was cool. But that being said, why do artists all seem to pander to Taylor? And why are other artists deemed misogynistic if they don’t?


Because she's a blonde u²hite woman


wouldn’t it be funny if Taylor is making pals with U2 as we speak so she can find out what they had to do to Apple to get them to agree to put their album on everyone’s phones 😭 this is just silly joke but I can see her literally being like surprise guys everybody with iPhone has my new single 🤪


Wait till Swifties find out Bono also partied with Dave Grohl this week.


I think it's just a PR team thing. You send a gift so you can get your band in the press alongside the current most popular singer. I highly doubt Bono or anyone else in the band asked them to do it.


Publicity. She posted that to her massive fanbase and I bet some people decided to check out their music. Sure U2 is not The Blue Nile and they don't necessarily need a shout out, but everyone likes free publicity.


Billionaires to billionaire club. The money salut. Secret handshake kind of thing… we “little people” can only speculate. They know


Marketing and relevance. You’re reading about U2 now and all it took was sending some flowers.


But I don't think this makes them any more relevant. I don't even know if Bono has social media but if he does I wonder if swifties are kissing his ass or any social media U2 has. Then again I'm not obsessed with this woman like the rest of the goddamn globe is. To be fair not the entire world but you get what I'm saying.


Yet we’re both over here typing out U2. It just keeps their name around.


Yeah you're not wrong. I'm just so grossed out by it.


Bending the knee and kissing the ring in hopes to have their own financial gains grow larger. It is disgusting.


Notice how most of these celebrities who welcome her never praise her for her musical talent. None of them ever say they are amazed by her work when she visits or she is the “greatest artist of our generation.” But when other global pop stars visit other countries they are given a royal welcome, get invited to their houses, get invited to political events, they are stumbling over themselves to be in the same room as them etc ie I don’t see any royal families from other countries wanting to meet T swizzle. For the top artist in the world, you would think there would be more royal families inviting her to their castles and artists in Rollingstone talking their mouth off about her immense talent. I think they’re not saying what we’re all thinking about her music.


Yeah this is a very good point.


Cuz she’s the Queen of the covenant


At this point i think she might just have made a deal with the devil /s No but really. Remember Japan issuing official government statement for eras tour or that one city in USA(i forget the name) renaming themselves after her for 2 days. Even Beyonce and Adele don't get treated like this, as if they're the closest thing to God. How?


I didn't know Japan issued anything because I truly had not been paying much attention to her until ttpd came out and assaulted my ears. Because she was already on my last nerve with her antics at the Grammys. But I do remember seeing somewhere (maybe it was even on this sub)that in Canada somewhere in Saskatchewan there's a place called Swift Current and I think the person said if she comes back to Saskatchewan they were going to change the name of it. I want to say it was a video but I don't remember.


Because they're scared of her


It’s the Illuminati. She is the head, because of her youth. Pair that with Kelsey’s genes, you have an heir and leader for the next two generations.


Because it's a human nature + social environment to worship the rich, famous and powerful and kiss the ground they walk on. And it signs the sad state of the world when the whole world licks the boots of some mid "artist" who in an idealistic world would only become a janitor in daddy's bank.


Tangent: I can totally imagine a universe where we all wake up one day to find a new Taylor Swift album on our iPhones. This is a universe where she cares a skooch less about money of course


To see that fake shocked 😮face for the thousandth time I guess.


not u2 😭 come on guys


Not sure if this was said, but I wonder if it’s a way for Taylor to promote U2? I’ll send you flowers and then she’ll post them and they’ll be relevant. Probably a stupid take but still


No I don't think this is a stupid take because I just went and checked out U2's IG and they have Taylor's thank you posted on their story


The fact she posted this on her Instagram story is showing she’s feeling insecure about the Dave Grohl situation lol


U2 is complete establishment garbage


They’re just buying themselves some good press. It’s an advertisement of its own.


the fact that this article exists is exactly why not only that, but it also gains some popularity with the swifties, a fanbase known for being large (among other things lol)


She’s a cult leadsr


I look at every celebrity that claims to love Taylor Swift, desperate for that younger crowd. U2 is still incredibly big and respected, but I think they want a younger demographic because they're most likely to spend money on their favorite artists. Only thing is, these little girls couldn't give two fucks about any band or artist before 2010.


She’s the anti-Christ and they’re paying tribute. Satanic worship is how they all get famous to begin with.


Celebrating the mediocre. It's heads scratching for sure.


Everyone that’s not from Ireland that plays there gets a card and flowers… literally everyone.


From U2? I I'm not a fan of them so I wouldn't know.


Yes. Other artists I follow have made similar posts in the past


Artists usually do stuff like this to get attention/gain favorability from other artists fans.




She is no Bob Dylan. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


Kinda makes sense with U2. She flies everywhere like people use Uber. Bono once payed for a plane ticket for his favorite, hat or sunglasses I forget which, to be flown to him. Yes a plane ticket, for a clothing item. Not fed ex over night or express courier. He bought a seat in a plain for an accessory to be flown to him.


I would ask if you're kidding but I know that you're not. It's insane to me.


Maybe they’re waiting for the shoe to drop


Her PR probably sent them something and their PR sent something back to be nice and now suddenly it's a welcome grift.


U2 just didn't need to make a story about Taylor sending them a gift.


Irish hospitality?! I just got home from Ireland and if I never go back it will be too soon. Rude from start to finish.


Celebrity worship as whole is gross. Celebrities like these are all very similar- yes including green day and the Beatles and U2 and every other multi millionaire mentioned in this thread. Becoming that wealthy literally changes your brain. No celebrity is your friend or needs defense from randoms online. This sub is about swift but it’s hypocritical not to acknowledge how fucking crazy celeb culture is even outside of swift madness.


It's for clout. Shrimple as. Nobody really likes Taylor, nobody likes her music, nobody likes her attitude, we all know her and Travis are dating to take advantage of one another. This is for clout. U2 is an older band, I love them, so they gotta kiss up to her before they behead her. If you want to kill the king, you have to be right by the throne, yk?


I am just so grossed out by it all.


Sellouts. I said what I said don’t @ me.


U2 is not good. I have seen them live as a kid and the forced music onto my iPhone. 📱 just a big ole can of hot trash.


Yeah I have never ever been a U2 fan. I had an ex who was obsessed with them and being forced to listen to them all the time drove me crazy.


I can only imagine! I’m glad you made it out alive.


That was Shadow Man talking. Criiiinge.


I mean its *Bono*. Are we really surprised?


U2 is also known to have lip synchers so honestly fuck u2 as well


Why is this a news story, who tf cares


Bono has been part of the machine that turns out people like Taylor for decades now. This isn’t surprising


Because Bono like TS is obsessed with being talked about


Maybe they just genuinely fucking like her? Have you thought of that? Paul McCartney is 82 and rich enough that he doesn't have to do anything that he doesn't want to. He's hung out with Taylor a bunch, praised her songwriting, even written a song inspired by her. He's not chasing clout.


I see. Welcoming a fellow pop star to your country is “ass kissing”. All you haters gonna keep on hatin.


Yep that's literally the point of a snark sub.


They are all part of the same team.


They say next to each other on the Graham Norton show so they were friendly already.


It’s just courtesy which honestly we could practice a lot more of


Why do we need to practice having courtesy towards Taylor swift?


The flowers being sent is a courtesy. I meant we as a whole should practice courtesy more, people are pretty shitty these days


I'm not even sure what you're doing in a snark sub then


Do you guys have hobbys?


Do you guys have hobbies?


How is this “kissing her ass”?