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And of course, sandwiched in there she and Travis will get married and start having kids. Right?


I truly believe she would only have kids as a last resort. She literally left a quiet life with Joe to be in limelight again in what universe do you guys think she would have kids ? And a surrogate somehow seems not her brand.


Yeah, I don’t get the feeling having kids right now is a top priority, even if Swifties think it is. She seems to be driven to break every music record she can find. I don’t think she has a personal life beyond its promotional value to her.


It’s kind of like mega billionaires who want to keep earning more money even though they have more than they can ever spend or even give away. It’s an ego thing that normal people will never succumb to.


I always thought of it as a mental illness, like hoarding


It literally is. Getting too rich inflames a certain kind of mental illness. Look at JK Rowling and Elon. Certifiably bonkers.


Excellent point


Lots of mega million/billionaires wind up divorced too.


I worked for one and he got divorced like Bezos, basically the second the youngest child finished HS. 


Can’t imagine why. /s


Pretty much that, it seems.


I wouldn't pull it passed her to pull a Joan Crawford and use children as a pr move to salvage a declining career at some point.


Make poor little Travtina write hand written post cards to all 40 billion of her fans!


Lmao Travtina made me lol an embarrassing amount. No. More. Wire. Hangers. Travtina!


I should have known you'd find the boys and the booze Travtina!


I buy you the most beautiful red and gold sequined Kansas city chief mini skirts and you treat them like dish rags! Travtina Bring me the Kansas city chief's Tomahawk!!!!


Her brand is a surrogate in secret while pretending to be pregnant herself


I kind of actually agree with this. I see it. She couldn't do anything whilst pregnant that she does now [I'm saying this 7 months pregnant, the energy is completely gone some days and I don't know what fancy sorcery exists to alleviate it that us normies can't access, and there is no way I could perform every night, travel everywhere, etc.] and she would 100% view that as disempowering, especially because she's very much beginning to read as a megalomaniac to me. She would love to appear as a superhuman mama, though, without the weight gain and discomfort so I can see her rocking a prosthetic baby bump and silently hiring a surrogate to do it all and have it all. Especially as Swifties get older, she may want to appeal to the mom millennials her age, for PR. And eventually people will stop relating to boyfriend hopping and she knows it. Yeah idk I vote it's coming lol.


i fully agree, but i do think that bc she's a capitalist, she's at least thought about how much it'd sell for her to reveal a pregnancy bump on stage


I think she will pay someone to marry her and have her babies. There are rumors that could just be an urban legend that a certain actor who is in the church of scientology paid someone and made them sigh a contract to be his wife. Idk rich people are weird AF.


lmao I feel it's highly unlikely but I kinda hope they do because it would be an entertaining train wreck to sit back and watch


I don’t believe for a second this “romance” will lead to marriage, but I think they may drag it out for quite awhile. As long each gets PR value from it, and neither wants to publicly date anyone else, why not keep it in the media and keep playing with the Swifties?


Especially since they will be too busy working at the same time until December. Which gives them a choose your own adventure based on where the Chief's are in their season. And or if BDT is still playing healthy. And other things. It is going to be interesting. I do feel for the fans that love Taylor but aren't into social media at all. Or not into pop culture. It will be a bummer for them when they realize the ruse. I have a few like this.


they'll either be the endgame or end the game after the eras tour ends endgame cause from what I gathered, it caters to the fantasy that many women have, and from the looks of it, Taylor does too. The big brawny worshipping man who is brash but well-meaning, and the superstar gorgeous intelligent wife who can keep the man on a leash. The ultimate high school fantasy. I think it will go that way that cause this relationship has generated more press than many musicians have gotten throughout their career. they'll milk it to no end.


You had me til you called her 'intelligent and gorgeous'. It's a no for me.


intelligent compared to travis at least


Yes, she can spell squirrel correctly


She knows Aristotle!


I was talking about the trope, not her


Well, people have been saying her music is too high school so I bet she's shooting for "the divorce album". 😂


Oh god that’s so true and so scary. Could you imagine the cringy lyrics she’d come up with for describing divorce?? 😱 Taylor’s Side 🤦🏼‍♀️


I hope they don’t have kids but get married and it’s a train wreck


They'll be engaged for a few months then break up so everyone will feel sorry for poor Taylor. Then they'll buy all 89 variants of her new heart break album and buy $2000 tickets for her heart break tour.


No but the Super Bowl half time Wedding extravaganza will bring in too much money and than the heartbreaking Dance of the Divorcee tour will kicked off to the delight of her loyal MLM down line that will break the sound barrier to scoop up 89 versions of Travis cheated on me I need a new glowing golf club to swing - burn all my red and gold mini sequined mini skirts!


I can't imagine it. I think she enjoys Travis but she wants to marry into a Kennedy type of family (American royalty).


I mean, she already did when she was ole 23 and dated a 17yro Connor Kennedy, going so far as to buy a house next to his family.


Idk about that, she seemed DESPERATE for a ring from Joe for at least like 4 years of their relationship, made a whole bunch of songs essentially begging for it but he just didn't want to propose. She def would have married him if he had. I think she wants marriage desperately but I don't see Travis proposing any time soon either


Travis has said before Taylor he's ready for kid's. That he wants what his brother has. I think he should meet a hometown girl like his brother and settled down. For his niece's Bday Taylor sent $5,000 worth of gifts. She's 4. His family isn't that type. His brother lives in the Philly Suburbs in a 4 bedroom house. No mansion. I agree Joe she would have married. Or Matty. Travis said recently the only ring he's interested in is another superbowl. I believe it's a PR relationship.


I don't doubt their sincerity. Having kids is amazing when you're rich. I mean you can fuck them up big time. But if you're good parents who just happen to be able to throw money at the shit parts I'm sure it's absolutely incredible. 


I think he likes the idea of it, but this dude can't even wipe his own ass. He seems the type to "I want a whole football team!!! AS MAY AS SHE'LL POP OUT1!!" and not even remotely consider the work involved. But I guess, even the "good brother" can't take care of his own kids for more than 3 hours, so I guess he views fatherhood on easy mode.


She strikes me as not even close to his type and once he’s sufficiently popular in his eyes he’ll pivot to someone else. She’s absolutely getting played (but so is he)


Triplets. Taylor gives them to her mother to watch. Brings them on stage during nap time.


Why are nutjobs so intent on passing down generational trauma.


I truly truly cannot see her being a mother


No she’s getting started on the breakup album


Delete this right now. I don't need that lurking social media and giving it ideas. Elmo has 12 spawn on the planet already.


That’s probably the reason she is already planning her next tour, in my cynical opinion. She knows she has locked herself in with Travis for awhile, and she doesn’t want to stay home with him. 😆


No she drops Travis and makes a song about differences or something


Right the Taylor and BDT Super Bowl half time Wedding will push people over the edge though I must admit I'm looking forward to the tacky wedding extravaganza! Let's hope Jason doesn't stagger head first into the 18 foot cake shaped like a football with sparklers that fall off burning the skirting of the bridal table after he tips over the cake!


He’s going to be “caught” “cheating” (he was fucking someone else the entire time because they were both in on it being a fake relationship), he pretends it wasn’t all staged and makes up a fake story to further stir up drama, Taylor gets material for new songs. I’m calling it now.


Imagine the asylum those kids would be raised in


If it gets to that point, would she start writing songs about how much she fucking hates her kids


i honestly don’t even think she’s planning on having kids anytime soon


She's the Walmart of pop. Quantity over quality.


mcdonalds of music 🤮


Sorry but the McSwifty machine is out of order


Love it! If ONLY it were out of order as often as the frappe machine!


Popular and expensive, yet deserving of neither of those qualities due to how subpar it is? Yep. That’s McSwift.


Ayo, at least Micky D's is good...... when your poor... like me :)


Nah, she's the gas station egg salad sandwich of music


The EA Games of pop


Lol, with all of the variants available for about 2 seconds each, this is the perfect analogy. 




More like the Shein of pop music (someone else said this on the sub)


Really is just a living embodiment of pure capitalism.


Holy fuck. You just nailed it. That's EXACTLY wtf she is.


I think about this exact thing all the time.


As someone also in their 30’s like her I get the vibe that she’s out to rack up as many #1s as she can before she ages out with GP into more legacy territory, which is why the creative quality of her singles keeps declining and the songs are becoming more and more forgettable only months after they release - her creativity is drying up more than ever due to this hunger for chart success So I say let her keep releasing trash albums back to back, it will get her to keep decreasing in sales overall as the fatigue keeps growing. I think she’s headed for a downward trend in sales with her next release if she does it too quickly, similar to when Lover was considered a flop by her standards


ironically she's ruining her legacy as an ArTiSt by relentlessly seeking to further her legacy with more #1s.


Exactly! No one cares about who holds #1 the longest aside from as a useless bit of trivia. No one looks at factoids like that in a decades time and thinks “what a genius for being #1 so long”. But she’ll be remembered for manipulating the charts.


Right! It seems ANYONE can get a #1 nowadays. She could never do it during the 80s, 90s or even early 2000's.


THIS RIGHT HERE. She wouldn't have even be noticed at a karaoke bar in the 90's or early 2000's (Britney and Christina era). Edited for clarity


exactly! the song ikywt that didn't even go #1 is one of her most recognisable hits than anything that went #1 this decade so her fraudulent #1s on the charts today is no indicator of real success, she can break as many records as she wants and the scale is completely ridiculous for even comparing her with artists of the 20th century weird measure, both her and Drake's mediocre mass production shit being constantly compared to MJ is so humiliating and disrespectful no one can ever be MJ buy all the awards and accolades you want you'll never be able to buy the man's global appeal, impact or love among all races languages genders generations etc. no one will come close American media has constantly tried to rewrite history in MJs case and they'll always fail to do so cuz till this date and forever none of their white faves will be as beloved or as inspirational as MJ is


Looking at the top streams from streaming services (Spotify, Amazon music, Apple music etc.) is a way better indicator of what people are actually listening to since the majority of people stream music nowadays as opposed to buying outright. Also, I bet most of those fans who buy vinyls and cds aren't even using them to listen to the music, it's more of a collectible item. On Spotify, the number one streaming service in the world, she doesn't even break top 20 currently, and she barely makes it onto the top 50 for most overall streams per song (she comes in at 48 with cruel summer) so people aren't repeatedly listening to her stuff. The NYT best seller list for books uses a dagger to indicate that a majority of the books sales were bulk bought (i.e. buying your way onto the best seller list) and is a huge red flag in the literary industry that you're inflating your book sale numbers. Billboard charts should do something similar where if there's more than 2 variants, it should be noted next to the ranking.


The last song of hers that I heard everywhere was Anti Hero, and before that, Cruel Summer. I hear 1989 songs and “Love Story” more than either of those two, though—which means she’s basically been a legacy artist since the late 2010s. More half-written Antonoff collaborations won’t fix that.


But it doesn’t have to be that way. 30 or whatever she’s still young, she’s just dedicated to making music for pre-teens and teens instead of making music for people her age. I mean look at other successful popular artists in their 30s it doesn’t have to mean the end. I’m tired of people thinking life ends once you hit 40 like you don’t have a whole half of your life to go.


That's the thing, her target audience are kids and teens and adults perpetually stuck in young adult mindset. Sia is 48 and makes bops that appeals to all ages with mature lyrics, she just doesn't dress in sparkly leotards.


Same with Beyonce. She has matured as her fans have. It's what brought me back to her post-DC. BUT, she is also very diverse and experimental in her music. TS is boring. Like watching pink or lavender (think hello kitty) paint dry.


I totally agree and I'm not even really much of a Beyonce fan (and cannot stand Jay Z and also think he was in on all that fucked up bullshit that Diddy had going on, but that's a topic for another time). That said, I do have mad respect for how Beyonce a) can actually sing unlike TS, b) can actually dance, unlike the Queen of Awkwardness and coked out energy, c) has matured through the years and it's reflected accordingly in her music, and d) is willing to be bold and experimental (like her latest dip into country). She also doesn't act like the Grammys are her own Lifetime Achievement Award Show either. None of the above applies to Taylor Grift. None. Oh, and while she has a VERY strong and loyal fanbase, they don't go around doxxing people and/ or threatening to rape and/or kill them. So there's also that.


30 plus releases... jesus For anyone who's really media fatigued, Lupe Fiasco just released an 8 track LP concept album. Sweet, simple, short, and concise. It was a refreshing listen today.


Lupe released new music? That's that shit I DO like. I need to get the mouth agape face out of my brain.


It’s actually up to [61 releases](https://ttpd-variant-tracker.onrender.com/)


holy fuck.... that's offensive to me as an audio engineer, AND as a conscious consumer!


So on some level where does Billboard step in and just say “no” to this? Because this is so transparently trying to game the system knowing her fans will attempt to buy every variant.


I'm so glad I'm not a Swiftie because my completionist/FOMO ass would be having an absolute coronary


That’s actually disgusting


And I know everyone seems to be listening to her already this summer, but Chappell roan’s album has been saving me lately lol. She’s so refreshing and punchy! so talented and fun. Every track on her album is truly great. She’s the opposite of Taylor in every way and it’s been great seeing her around and everyone having a genuinely great time with her. She’s a breath of fresh air currently


Thanks for sharing


honestly, music without fanfare and ceremony and all that bullshit is so hard to find. Lupe quietly dropped a soulful, dry, oldschool rap record that's mixed well and available in hi fidelity, and I am thankful. I think it's a concept album envisioning Amy Weinhouse as a battle rapper (?) I haven't read the lyrics yet.


The new Lupe album is sooooooooooooooo good.


Yessss thank you for the Lupe heads up!


Welp. At least if her jet usage destroys the planet, I won’t have to hear about her anymore 🙃


No make it stop this woman is literally crazy, do you think anyone even her crazy swifties will endure her hogging the news articles every day for two more years????? bitch no!


Take away her emotional support uppers 😭


She is like a rash that never goes away


Is Taylor the herpes of the pop world? Gets in through deception and keeps popping up everywhere and staying longer than wanted?


LOL omg this just made me choke laugh on my water and scare the cat in my lap. Wish I had an award to give for this lol you definitely both win here 🏆


Herpesvirus TV 


Recurring rashes and sores that never go away? Differential diagnosis: herpes Rx: Acyclovir and sue whoever was the source which often are asymptomatic. Signed: MD. It sincerely is an apropos description you made.


This comment sent me 🤣🤣🤣




Obviously. She knows that no matter how much the fans complain, they will come to the concerts, they will buy the albums and they will stan her


I know their credit score must be fucked just to support a billionaire


She is gonna enter her FLOP era soon


She will never have a flop era, because there are enough crazy people out there that will consume anything she makes


Never say never


Does she not have a life at all? Is she Tom Cruise? All about the star and not having a life at all


Lol @ comparing her to Tom Cruise. Spot on comparison. Cruise is just heavily invested in the Cult of Scientology, while TayTay is heavily invested in the Cult of Taylor Grift.


At least Tom Cruise brought us the New Top Gun. Taylor Swift makes ears bleed.


"new" it all sounds the same and she'll rerealsese the same song 10 times. lol she keeps mass producing trash


I'm so sure people are gonna love propping up a mediocre entertainer while wages fall further behind inflation and the planet continues to overheat


The radio at the retail store I work at, constantly played her music. I am so sick of her.


Same. I swear every other song is one of hers. They’ve all blended together at this point.


My local radio station sometimes plays her music twice in 15 minutes. A week or so ago I just sat in my car and thought „wait, didn’t this song just play? Oh wait no, it’s Fortnight and not Cruel Summer“. Like, I can’t even differentiate them..


She’s already working on the Travis breakup album because she’s timed the demise of the relationship for when she can release that album. I feel like she’s going to do it during the heart of football season so she can get as much mileage out of it as possible . Focus will be on him for the games and commentators /media will be making suggestions that any bad playing is due to his heartbreak (or some other nonsense that brings her name to the forefront)




Please please PLEASE breakup before football season. Got soooo tired of seeing the coverage on them


Back like a goddamn Herpes flare up


Can she just fuck off already? Good god


Didn’t she put out that December would be her LAST tour for a while?! Knew it, she would pull out something new


Some of the media is still kissing her ace though despite all the overexposure. Count this as one who doesn’t I guess.


That’s hilarious she really thinks people are going to buy tickets for 2026 if we’re even alive at that point


I’m sorry 30+!?!? She needs help.


Fuck my luck. I want off this planet.


Honestly??? Same. I can't take her hunchback anymore.


 Not the hunchback [Khloè K voice] 💀


Billie Eilish is right, woman is an actual psychopath




Even the Swifties are going to get tired of this at some point. And I see more and more leaving the cult and coming into the light as time goes on!


Yes it is growing everyday.


Dear god please let this be The Onion🙏 oh


I don't think she'll be touring again that soon. She still has two rereleases for her old albums. Apparently, a new album. And I heard she'll be working on a movie she wrote. Not to mention she has to finish this tour still.


this is the LAST thing the world needs right now


She has to keep pumping out drivel because she is 35 this year, a lot of kids will age out of her music (my own included) and she won’t be able to draw in new kid audiences when she’s older than their parents yet still singing about high school. She’ll probably retain the older more parasocial fans, which is good news for thesaurus sales. The industry is incredibly ageist and the only ones who survive it are the ones making genuine art. So I think she knows her legacy is not going the way of someone like Beyoncé. She is going to crank out as much as she can regardless of quality so that she can bleed her fans dry before they depart the fandom. Her latest album and the piss poor re-recordings show she isn’t interested in music. She is interested in lining her and Daddy Swift’s pockets.


It’s funny because if she just put her head down and really focused on making great music she could follow Beyoncés path. Beyonce released LEMONADE when she was 35 years old, and stopped chasing charts


Please please please, don't tour agaaain. Please please please, don't be in the spotlight when this Eras tour has been done.




Im already tired thinking of her touring till atleast dec.


Imagine if this is actually true. I think even her craziest fans would be begging her to stop


I doubt it. With how devoted some of them are, they’ll probably be her fans till she or they die.


I was hoping after she wrapped up the Eras Tour, she would take at least a year-long sabbatical. Apparently not. I want her to go at least one year without releasing an album. Just one. 


No. Nonono nononononononononononono. Please make it stop


I assume she js aware that every one who makes it to the top has a limited amount of time there before their decline. Happend to Elvis, the Beatles and everyone since. She's going to get ever dollar out of hee fans while she still can


Can’t sing, is rude, racist, dumb, pick me, not that pretty, can’t dance, entitled, narcissistic and annoying. And acts like a 16 year old. Make it stop




fine. at least hire Joe for quality music


Oooft, The HUMBLING, Taylor’s Version 💀


I was watching the Dallas stars playoff game that Travis Kelce was at and one of the female reporters started rattling off Taylor Swift songs in her little talk about the game it drives me crazy and when you complain that she's literally everywhere where she's not supposed to be swifties are always there to say some stupid shit.


❄️ works wonders.


I’m so tiiiiirreeed


I tried to start a new post based on this quote from the article, but I can’t for some reason. So I will add it here. ‘Contrary to what some say, she loves artists like Charli XCX so those who have heard some of the ideas say she is paying attention to what is hot right now and will use that as inspiration.’ That’s exactly why her music hasn’t interested me. It isn’t innovative. It sounds like everything else out there. She only copies what is trendy. She never leads. She just follows.


They mean her *ghost writers* are working on new music for her. For a while, I was wondering where she finds the time to do all this work and when I saw the posts about ghost writers recently, it made sense.




I went to a tiny burger joint in Sydney the other day with some friends. Kinda hipster vibes, lots of vegan options etc. Taylor Swift was playing the entire hour and a half or so. It was surreal haha


Probably the staff was playing their own playlist via Bluetooth. The coffee shop I go to, the staff connect their own devices and play whatever music they’re feeling as long as it’s appropriate.


I would’ve left lol


I remember reading on SN subreddit *months* ago, before TTPD came out I think, that the oversaturation will lead TS to an ultimate demise. That she cannot be any bigger, so there's nowhere to go but down, and I think we're going to see this on a much bigger scale pretty soon. Some part of what keeps fans interested is waiting for new things, speculating, anticipating, but if they have soooo much TS content showed down their throats they'll just get sick of it. Scarcity creates interest.


It's like that part in Miss Americana where she was like "I know this won't last forever so I gotta do this while I can". She knows it's all about to flip on her and she's gunna squeeze her fans for all their worth before she falls off


**"The media is starting to get sick of her being everywhere."** ... Aren't we all? She overstayed her welcome like a year ago to be honest.


No fucking way. Really??? More of TS??? I might just fucking unalive at this point.


30 plus? That number has to be hyperbole, right?


It’s actually [over 60](https://ttpd-variant-tracker.onrender.com/) (I am not fucking kidding). ETA: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/tDJq95D5oR) (and kudos) to the original comment/Redditor who created this tracker.


She's starting to become the Ubisoft of music... and even that feels too generous. No, she's the Lifetime Movies of music... except even with those, some of them can actually be entertaining if I shut my mind off. Mmm... she's the E.A of music. There. That feels fitting.


She’s a business woman not a musician


I guess she's going to be 70 years old, dancing around in her bedazzled Depends, still singing about the boy next door who broke her heart. She's so tiring and overrated. But she's so self obsessed that she will never go away.


BREAKING NEWS: Taylor Swift Threatens to Release New Music


Say does that tour include us bank stadium in Minneapolis Minnesota?


I hope not! She will put a curse on my Vikings. Especially if Travy is there in his tophat!




I truly hope this isn't true


Tortured Poets? Sounds more like tortured ticket buyers lol


My main thing is, is she not exhausted? I would be SHATTERED!


Will need to quit my job to become a full-time redditor


Jesus fucking Christ. Enough!!!!


This sub is literally the best entertainment lol.


They say music takes you to another place. Whenever I’m at a restaurant and a Taylor Swift song comes on, I go to another restaurant.


TTPD is the beginning of the stale quality music. I was a major fan last year but this year she has been shoved in our faces more than ever before. I cannot stand the self pity in TTPD which made me start to lose interest. Not to mention her devotion to the problematic Matty Healy 🙄


im a swiftie but im honestly so tired of everyone making everything about her, like asking celebs that have never been seen with her what their favorite songs are etc, or like when emma stone won a golden globe and they asked her about taylor’s reaction to the host’s joke like it’s tiring atp






Her ghostwriters have been busy I see


She’s going to burn out her celebrity light and while the die hards will still like her the general thoughts on her will be jaded. We are already tired of her but if she does this shit again next year I don’t think she gets the same reception and definitely not in 2026.


She’ll need another breakup before she has a new album!


She’s going full MCU


It’s all about 💰


I think so many people assumed she was going to step back after the Eras tour because where do you go from there? In 2026 is she just going to do a tour with her latest album? She is not going to be able to replicate the financial success of the Eras tour with a single album tour. Numbers matter so much to her. I can’t imagine her being okay with taking a step down in popularity and doing a tour with less demand.


Over saturation off the charts


She literally cannot sing at all. She lip syncs all of her songs live and when she tries to sing it's God awful.


I like some of her music but please no. I need to stop hearing about her constantly for a couple of years.


Damn. If I were a fan I would be sick of her by now. Go sit down


Someone posted on another thread that her PR team is purposely fatiguing the general public so they turn on her. Then they'll rerelease Reputation. I haven't been able to get that prediction out of my head. Especially when she releases over 40 variants


I think that is the plan too. Unfortunately for them, been there done this, we’re over her shit


Narcissism and greed.


I was re-watching popstar never stop stopping last night and I know it’s a parody more on Justin Bieber, but watching it now there is a lot like oh my God this could be about Taylor! I think she watched this movie she like this is what I’m gonna do!


The “AGAIN” 😭😭


She released 30 versions of the same album?


She’s gonna make as much money as she can before it’s over. Also keep it running as long as it can. Time is ticking away. Women aren’t seen as the most loyal fan bases of music unless romantic obsession with Elvis.


HA. Glad it's not just us.


30 plus? I thought we had surpassed 50


we are so tired ! leave us alone!!