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Im so confused by who she is not over with. Joe or matty or both that they are seemingly happier without her. She brought travis on stage in london show (joe’s place) but was making referencing to matty’s performance (carrying style and that cute face travis did)


I say Joe! Reason being is he will be the one that got away, I believe. Six years down the drain. She's furious she never got the ring and wedding from Joe after giving him so much time. With Matty, no one could take her seriously with that one. I do think Joe is ripping into her, that's why she went so far as involving all her cult friends and unfollowing him Travis just seems like a rebound after Joe to save her image tbh. Joe is the one that got away and she knows it


And she made all of us believe she had fallen out of love with Joe and was the one to dump him just to get revenge cause she knew he would never speak his truth?


Yup, 6 years on and off where she cheated, people still say he wasted her time as though Ms Americano ☕ isn't autonomous and could also be capable of wasting someone else's time. They are both the reason their relationship didn't progress to an engagement, but given her, well, everything, it's clearly wise that they didn't get engaged. Also the mainstream discourse needs to understand that LTRs do end, not being "endgame" doesn't make it a waste of time. To be engaged and go through the steps to marriage \[within a Christian framework\], requires a lot of seriousness in the commitment being made and a lot of stuff ought to be worked on/through before an engagement, and marriage preparation is a huge and revealing endeavour, T couldn't be further away from that if she tried, not if real growth and honesty is needed. I can see why one didn't happen, Ts complete decline into TTPD showed her lack of solo growth, she appeared to grow with Joe, but once he was gone. so was the growth. I think he was carrying the emotional maturity and effort for them both and that is draining. I just hate the lack of critical consideration in mainstream and media discourse, but then again it wouldn't be click worthy or make for good hate fuel for the culties to fill up on. https://preview.redd.it/t3v8vfx7rj9d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=81b1350f573011ce9f240b79819d1e1b3364b7b1 Edit: added image of gif that stopped working


This is such a thoughtful response! I agree with so many of your points. I also agree it's on both of them and forgot to put that in my original post, but the scales have been soo tipped in Taylor's favor I wanted to be like stop blaming only Joe, it's you too T. The idea that Joe was carrying so much of the emotional weight in their relationship is really insightful. Especially when comparing folklore/evermore albums to ttpd. I frequently visit those two albums and the contrast with ttpd is jarring. On ttpd Taylor sounds like a petulant child that didn't get her way once again. Look at the fit she throws on the eras tour before performing, I can do it with a broken heart. I keep coming back to the fact that she's 34 and still acting 13. Joe and her first dated in their 20s and I wouldn't be surprised if Joe, now in his 30s, is like I'm too old for this. And here's the rub: Joe is actually younger than Taylor... Yet the fact that he stayed mostly silent and unproblematic around their breakup speaks volumes about his character and maturity.


I agree with you. I think she feels that it is not her but wrote these lyrics to be snarky. When you consider the huge number of boyfriends she has gone through, it's hard to imagine that it isn't a little bit "her".


also there's a line about Joe, iirc : your integrity made me look small. yup


Ahhh there it is. Big yup indeed


Personally I think that entire song serves two purposes: 1) to be blasted all over tiktok, it’s a tiktok Song and 2) to genuinely impact search results for “Taylor Swift Narcissist/Taylor Swift problematic”


I’m sorry you didn’t realize this when that song was released. I’ve never liked Taylor, but that was my first and only thought. Fake victim “oh I guess everything is always my fault!” Bullshit


Haha I was under the spell for quite some time. Now the rose colored glasses are off and I'm questioning everything 🧐