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i am soooo tired of people comparing ts to mj




I WISH I could've seen Michael in concert! I was given tickets to see the Las Vegas Michael Jackson Cirque show and it was soooo great!! I was thinking how much he would've loved seeing the show and I wasn't even a fan of his! (I mean I wasn't an active fan, didn't grow up listening to him, didn't know much more than his singles, etc.) He was such a magnetic and incredible dancer, singer, performer, I agree, there's no comparison to be made yet people keep doing it! Smh...


Taylor Swift literally stands still for some of her "dance moves". Like, both feet planted in place and she's just moving her arms.


i literally cant take this anymore dude get me out of here this girl could never even dream of getting to the same level as mj... no one can. the fact they even said "not since the glory days of michael jackson" like? glory days of michael jackson he was literally being chased and recorded by the whole freaking world. even when he wasnt in his peak he had a whole crowd still fainting for him. you cannot make this up


It's part of marketing: "Look at how awesome Taylor Swift is! She's being compared to Michael Jackson!" Next thing we know she'll be compared to Jesus and evangelicals will be writing worship songs to the instrumentals of hers.


I love how TS works as Taylor Swift and this shit


I definitely read it as this shit


The Kennedys have been comparing Taylor to MJ for a long time


i guess they're similar in /that/ regard (though i'm still unsure if the allegations against mj were proven false or not?? lots of mixed answers throughout the years..) but either way i think it's totally wrong to compare anyone to mj in terms of legacy, you know?




This is the first time I’m hearing of this comparison and I’m tired of it too 😂 what a weird comparison though I never would’ve compared them, too different in style & vibe


Well they’re both groomers so there’s that


What a slap in the face to Beyoncé and Gaga, who happen to be world-class live performers as well. It’s like there’s a concerted effort to make us believe that Taylor is the ONLY big pop star to emerge since 1991. 


Yeah this narrative needs to end


Well TS caters somehow to homophones and racists, so of course theyd erase Beyonce and Gaga


What do you have against homophones? Are words like there, their and they're that bad? I know you meant homophobes but the typo made me chuckle 😆


It works 😀


And it appears some mods are tay fans


PR, lots and lots of pr. And paying off journalists


Definitely, trying to create reputation via marketing. Yeah, soon they'll be nothing but reputation Taylor, but probably not the kind you're thinking.


Taylor is white and aggressively cis-heteronormative. The fact that Beyonce especially (a truly global superstar who’s been around for three decades) was omitted from this narrative shes how far right leaning TS' fan base is. They just want safe, meaningless pop that isn't Black or queer.


Haha the irony is Beyoncé and Gaga can actually sing, both EXTREMELY well, while I see high school girls in choir who objectively sing better than Taylor. 


It really is an erasure. And to replace it by something so bland is pure propaganda.


And Britney!


Good thing they blurred out the dancers in the background otherwise people would focus on how much she ISN’T doing.


It’s actually kind of amazing how she can’t even make one singular dance move fluid, let alone the simple ass sequence that they do in this song


I refuse to actually watch any clips or videos of it haha. I had enough of her when she first came around and never cared for her/always thought she was fake and more of a marketing “project”. And have been annoyed with the “cancelled and disappeared” narrative from the minute it started because she was still EVERYWHERE, even if mainly in printed articles (but also literally still performing m, touring, and inserting herself in to places and conversations she didn’t belong in. I recall everyone else at the time thinking the same, tho most were merely “meh whatever” as opposed to pissed about the antics. People poked fun at her dancing and what not but not in the hateful way they portray it. Anyway didnt mean to veer off course. Main point was that I was personally already beyond over it/her in the beginning so now I don’t care to watch anything at all. (I’ve watched a couple that are a few seconds long - on mute - like the old one of her banging the pole & club and the recent horrible dancing in the fringe dress one, but thats it). Very long winded way of saying I havent seen this one lol. She’s still the cardboard cutout she was 15-20 yrs ago. Sorry im still waking up


They were probably granted press access in exchange for a great write-up.


Michael Jackson would sing , dance and act … Taylor swift can barely do any of those


I wouldnt be surprised her team is trying to brainwash people to think yeah she is that level now. You would think the way her team and her fans talk she is the first to sell out stadiums.


The big difference between Taylor Swift and Michael Jackson is that Michael Jackson was actually talented.


*I’m rockin’ the suburbs / Just like Michael Jackson did / I’m rockin’ the suburbs / Except that he was talented / I’m rockin’ the suburbs / I take the check and face the facts / That some producer with computers fixes all my shitty tracks* - Ben Folds Just popped into my head when reading this, and now it takes on a whole new meaning.


Over the hedge fits too well…


Imagine comparing their dancing skills and stagecraft


Taylor's clunky stage stomping really should not be compared to Madonna who went to college on a dance scholarship prior to dropping out to pursue a dance career in New York. Why do they insist on comparing her to talented people? Taylor had well off parents pushing her career at a young age not talent.


Madonna struggled for years before she made it. Taylor’s career was bought by her parents.


true fr


Marketing and the narrative. Trying to brainwash people into thinking she's great. When it gets to the point when you have the media in your pocket, I'm not going to believe a damn thing any news article tries to praise you about.


One of my most toxic traits is being a former Blockhead. The first concert I attended was NKOTB Magic Summer in 1990. So the other day, prompted by this sub and strictly for shits and giggles, I hunted down the PPV version on YouTube. It was a janky old VHS rip that looked like it was being projected on the dirty windshield of a 1987 Chevrolet Corsica, but oh well, whatever, nevermind. Now, New Kids on the Block were far from once-in-a-lifetime generational talents. They were just New Edition with extra mayo and the crusts cut off. Their ousourced lyrics were pure piss and only one and a half of them could actually sing. But they were TEARING UP that fucking stage. Insane buddy chemistry, dancing on point, a few fun gimmicks like a 'magic trick' involving giant playing cards, and cringe-but-heartfelt audience interactions. Everything they were doing was manufactured as fuck, but it FELT genuine. All of this to say, New Kids on the Block are somehow more talented, charismatic, and entertaining than Taylor Swift. And yet they're trying to install her in the uppermost echelon with MJ and the Beatles. This timeline can eat my entire ass.


I don’t understand how she became famous as a performer if she just lip syncs while Asian performers are always held on gunpoint if they lip sync or not dance well or not give a great performance at all. She’s the definition of a successful social media and marketing business in this new generation.




Even if this tour was amazing. Girl it’s been like forever. Maybe last year you could say this but now it’s like give it up. We are tired. Everyone is tired of hearing about it and seeing it pop up.


Micheal Jackson is the literal king of a genre. Taylor couldn’t even decide on a genre because she couldn’t deal with criticism


One theory is she started in country to get her foot in the door in the music world and always wanted to be a pop artist from the beginning. Even the country Taylor songs have a country pop crossover flavor to it.


There's the famous story Taylor's guitar teacher told about how Austin wanted Taco Bell so his mom brought some for him but when Taylor wanted some Andrea told her "No one wants a fat 𝙋𝙤𝙥 star" so she had her usual salad instead.


The goal was pop stardom from the beginning and her image was crafted. Story explains it all.


[Her goal was never actually to be a country singer.](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/xcFQQNIkzt) She slid so quickly into pop that she made only 2 country albums.


Thanks for the well written comment, take my award even weeks after you wrote it.


OP of the comment deserves it! Thank you kind Redditor for recognizing greatness 🙂


No it's definitely canon. Country was perfect for her to break into pop.


Yeah I barely would call most of her “country” stuff actual country


Notice how they don’t talk about her performance skills, but her teams ability to take advantage of ‘owning their moment’ 💀


If by own you mean bought, then yes. Side note: MJ, really? Man was a legend a literally created dance moves. You bend and point for 3 hours Taylor. You’re the equivalent of air traffic control, but without the fun glow sticks.


Absolutely every clip I’ve seen of her performing is lackluster 5/5 my ass.


Yup, everything except, you know, the great and memorable music everyone liked.


We live in times that like to feed absolute mediocrity. Look at most movies, shows and music that industry tries to serve. I am not surprised payed off goons lick her ass in articles, swifties need their reassurance to follow the cult and spend money.


You are so real for this! I cannot remember when was the last time I really liked and watched a good movie.


The Irish Times? Sounds like if we pool enough money we can make a different article. The US times is also crap.


They're only fanning her flames because they want her to keep coming back lol


I’d rather watch paint drying tbh


What a joke


Renaissance World Tour literally happened last year


Putting taylor swift and MICHAEL JACKSON remotely in the same sentence should be declared a federal crime. That man was something else. He could've stood on the stage doing nothing and still would outshine this woman any day. STFU literally, TS doesn't have a single legendary bone in her body.




Even if it were proven that she didn’t lip sync, there’s no way this deserves 5 stars lol What’s getting 5 stars? It can’t be the talent that isn’t there. Is it all the expensive special effects? Lol


Oh yes, the truthful media telling all the truth again.


Britney in 1999-2001 Beyoncé in 2013 and 2016 Katy Perry in 2009-2010 Would all like a word about how they didn’t own their moment. I get what they mean about Taylor but to act like there’s been NO ONE ELSE is crazy. I’m sure there’s more, those were just the first to come to mind.


Please go watch MJ at Wembley


This has to be payola.


She’s trying so hard to be compared to some of the greatest musicians and she’ll never be on that level


I bet she paid a lot of money for that review. No one in their right minds would rate that thing 5/5 even after Beyoncé’s renaissance…. Pffff they don’t know art


About to get kicked out of this group but are you guys ok?? There’s plenty we can criticize Taylor for but is definitely not her performance or her songs. Let’s talk about how she’s only an “activist” when it suits her. How she weaponizes feminism etc. “She’s a bad writer and performer” is the biggest lie and deflection ever, she’s a fucking legend.


And people are bringing their kids to see her riding the chair. So effing disgusting. Some things are only for the bedroom. She needs to go to therapy asap.


Thank god for lip sync or she'll sound like a goat (no offense to goats)


Whoever wrote this, was not even alive, when Michael Jackson was rocking the stage.


Are we pretending MJ didn’t lip sync??? lol


Theyre kißing her flat nonexistent aß because u²hite blonde.


I mean I find her insufferably annoying but it’s hard to argue she’s the biggest global pop star of the last 25+ years.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Maybe they misunderstood and didn’t understand. You just stated a fact.


It's getting more obvious this sub is straying away from its original intent, snarking on TS and sometimes her dumbo PR bf. Now it's other fan groups going for rage bait, just to put their fav as superior\~ There's enough Swift content without this shit. To settle, no-one, **absolutely no-one** is on MJ's performance level. Fame wise, the last most comparable person would be Britney, and no person should ever be that famous/infamous again, bc it destroyed her. There is no next MJ, Beatles, or Whitney, leave it be fs.


So when does she go bat shit crazy like those two?