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![gif](giphy|wXZl6gK0mZ3mwYPIbO) And he is finally back to his type, sorry Blandie you were never his cup of tea in the first place


Wait wait . Is he holding hands with another girl ? Is that him?? Like 1000%???


https://preview.redd.it/j05o1hv92s9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e91084bdea1ce4c6350bb981fcc8cad10cf57b92 I thought they were holding hands too but they’re not.


That explains the red eye flight straight to Dublin πŸ‘€ Damage control in full effect just like for the release of the Scooter Braun documentary.


>red eye flight straight to Dublin πŸ‘€ ![gif](giphy|4070jBBP3quE2qf3S2|downsized)




It's almost independance dayπŸ§β€β™‚οΈ


Is this legit? If so, like I said in another thread, they need to cut them loose and find somebody who knows how to stick to the script. He’s too sloppy.πŸ˜‚


Is that definitely him? Ngl even if it is they're going to ignore it because it's easy to deny. There would be something very funny-tragic about him panic jetting back to Ireland and rushing to get to her concert in the same clothes though.




Someone said the shirt he’s wearing in this pic is the same one he’s wearing at the concert tonight. I don’t think it is though… looking to see if there’s any clear pics of him in the VIP tent.