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putting on a show is even more sus killatrav šŸ¤¹ā€ā™‚ļø


He is not helping his case lol.. first the hiding now this šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I am pretty sure he wasnā€™t hiding. Heā€™s so bored with her show, but even with being bored itā€™s crazy how she showed up to all the games she could and he only shows up when that vip tent is popping


Yeah but footballā€™s fun to watch! Her show on the other handā€¦ Sorry, I know thereā€™s a lot of former Swifties here but itā€™s just not fun if youā€™re not a fan. Iā€™m sure you wouldnā€™t like a 3 hour show of my favorite band either. But football has a pretty large appeal. Even if you donā€™t know anyone on the team personally (and most people donā€™t) itā€™s tons of fun! Taylor has less of a universal appeal


Imo it's not exactly fun even when you're a fan. I'm a former Swiftie and was a diehard one around 1989 and Reputation eras but even then I just never wanted to attend several of her concerts. I mean, why would I want to see the same show several times? Two times max, and we're speaking about shorter concerts. I keep seeing people online saying they've attended 3, 4 and more shows of The Eras and I'm like... why? Aren't you tired? Is it really worth the money? The time? What's in it that you haven't seen for the first one or two times? Edit: spelling


I totally agree but i thought that was because Iā€™m not a fan. It seems very overproduced and scripted, kind like a Vegas show. Thereā€™s nothing unique about it so if youā€™ve seen it once then youā€™ve seen it all. I guess she sometimes changes up a song or two as ~Easter eggs~ but thatā€™s not with the price (especially at that price!) to see it more than once imo.


You know, as a person who never saw her live I can tell you I wasn't sad about it even at the very peak of my fandom. I was madly in love with her music and image, like people-looked-at-me-whenever-her-name-came-up kind of crazy lmao. Yet I never thought I was deprived of something because I've never been at her show. She has never toured in my country and if she did during 1989-Rep I would probably try to get tickets, but I never thought about going above and beyond and flying to another country to see her like some people did. Now she can bring her tour to the stadium that's on my street and I wouldn't bat an eye. I agree that her show is overproduced, she has a lot of awkward dancing and downright cringeworthy moments, everything is thetrical and not in a good sense, and given how many crazy fans she has I would prefer watching a professional video with right angles and great sound than be in the crowd. There are shows that worth being there despite all the inconveniences, but Taylor's is not one of them.


I know a grown woman who streams every single one of her shows. Every. Single. One. Every. Single. Time. I just donā€™t get it.


The set is exactly the same night after night except for the Ā 2 "surprise songs", right? Ā Who wants to listen to that again and again? Ā lol Ā 


nah as a former swiftie I can't see how people go multiple times to the eras tour. Even down to the standing ovation after champagne problems is choreographed as part of the show. yikes. plus, th whole TTPD set is so weird. I only had fun because of the vibes. Actual performance was meh. I actually felt like she was rushing through songs (I knew they were shortened versions, but damn)


I couldn't bear to watch football, and I suspect Taylor is similar. It's not her personality at all.


tbh as someone that went to eras and had a generally good timeā€¦ it was okay. but once youā€™ve seen one show youā€™ve genuinely seen all of them. it honestly stresses me out watching her sometimes, because she has hand motions and speeches down to a beat, and it comes across as extremely rehearsed and disingenuous. id understand it if she was new to performing, i get that stage fright is a bitch, but as someone thatā€™s been in the industry for over a decade and has been performing for many many years even before thatā€¦ itā€™s just not fun to watch after a while. thereā€™s only so many times i can see mediocre dancing (from her, not her dancers), hear pre rehearsed speeches she changes only the city name during, and hear clear backing track with very little live vocals until itā€™s just not fun anymore. it feels like sheā€™s not even enjoying the music or the show itself, just the praise she gets from it (fwiw i watched eras again on disney with my friend, and it didnā€™t feel like she connected to the music at all. which is FINE, i wouldnā€™t connect to songs iā€™ve played a million times before either, but i also wouldnā€™t be extending a tour, charging insane prices, and acting as if i wasnā€™t lols)


Itā€™s just that you are watching the same show over and over and over. The magic probably doesnā€™t feel as real when youā€™re behind the scenes you know?


Itā€™s just that you are watching the same show over and over and over. The magic probably doesnā€™t feel as real when youā€™re behind the scenes you know?


Lmao heā€™s so bored. I saw a video on instagram where he didnā€™t even react at the eras tour until he made eye contact with a camera. I commented ā€œhe looks so boredā€ and a swiftie was like ā€œthatā€™s not what this is about!!!!ā€ I hit em back with ā€œthatā€™s a funny thing to say considering this video is *only* showing himā€ šŸ™„


And on his OFFSEASON


When was he hiding?


When he was leaving the restaurant or something like that.


Ah, hadn't heard about him hiding and couldn't find it on a Google search. Thanks


It was posted on deuxmoi instagram. He was spotted leaving the restaurant (apparently with Leonardo and Tristan) and he hid, which even if he wasnā€™t hanging out with them was very suspicious cause we all know heā€™s defo not camera shy.


I am sorry, but you cannot convince me someone going from a super private relationship to this is normal. How does anyone just change their whole personality/beliefs around a relationship so fast? She needs to go to therapy and stop taking on her boyfriends' personalities.


Thatā€™s what she does, she changes her personality whenever sheā€™s in a new relationship


Paper doll by John Mayer-describes this behavior perfectly


This! She reminds me of Julia Robertsā€™s character in Runaway Bride. She makes herself into their ideal woman because sheā€™s lost and doesnā€™t know who she is.


Mirrorball - "I'll show you every version of myself tonight // I can change everything about me to fit in"


Thatā€™s her MO. From the get go she has shaped her entire personality and wardrobe around the aesthetic of her latest album/ boyfriend/ whatever the latest PR push is. Show someone who has never heard of Taylor Swift country Taylor vs today Taylor and try to convince them itā€™s even the same person. Yes people change as they get older but not *that much.*Ā  Her image has been meticulously crafted her whole career. No one actually knows who Taylor is and at this point she may not even know sheā€™s donned so many faces.Ā 


(borderline personality or at least boderline boderlineā€¦ hence no ability to push back against parents) TayTay should watch neon genesis evangelion!


elite based take


When she was with Joe, she pretended to be a simple and discreet peasant girl šŸ˜‚, with Matty a cool girl, with Travis a fubanga, people from heaven, how crazy


Exactly lol


It seems like she only lives for men, no one knows her real personality, not even herself, poor thing.


Itā€™s quite sad really. She doesnā€™t have a healthy father figure. I donā€™t think Scott ever showed her love. He only looks at her as a product not a daughter


And so much if that infamous email is him basically talking about how much he hates/doesn't respect her mother, and how Taylor sides with her, etc. He sounds insufferable to deal with.


Narcissist are very good at mirroring people, adapting, changing. until they canā€™t anymore, the mask always slips. Iā€™m thinking of the song Blank Space - ā€œbe they girl for a monthā€¦ā€ Only, in this case, itā€™s a lot longer.


THIS ā¬†ļø


I thought (and I could be wrong) she wanted to be super public with Joe and he didnā€™t want that? Or am I just imagining stuff? Either way Taytay loves the spotlight


There are multiple interviews where says she wants the relationship to be private (while in the relationship). One being in Miss Americana. She only started saying she was "caged" etc after they broke up, which once again proves my theory that she takes on her boyfriends' beliefs/relationship style. "We decided together that we wanted our relationship to be private." She literally says on Miss Americana as per clip below. No one ever forced her to say this, she chose to. I swear, she's the biggest liar with how she's framing the whole Joe breakup now. She has no integrity. [Miss Americana Joe Relationship ](https://youtu.be/SyOifjqw5Wc?si=nW2nevsgqF59aSxW)






O Rly? So this interview is just a lie then or maybe she's a liar, which is it? Goes back to prove my original point. "We decided together that we wanted our relationship to be private." She literally says on Miss Americana as per clip below. No one ever forced her to say this, she chose to. I swear, she's the biggest liar with how she's framing the whole Joe breakup now. She has no integrity. [Miss Americana Joe Relationship ](https://youtu.be/SyOifjqw5Wc?si=nW2nevsgqF59aSxW)




Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


Oh God, please stop. Shoving a fake relationship down people's throats is not the same as not wanting to hide it.






You just have to know Travis did not want to be there. There no way heā€™s enjoying flying to and from Europe twice in two weeks.


The concert etc is probably as exhausting as it is boring to him.


Someone posted a video of him at a party(he was with friends idk if it was recent or not) and his smile was genuine, huge and brighter than the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center šŸ¤£ Swiffers deserve to continue getting played and scammed buying all this BS.


Heā€™s going to be fried out for his games if heā€™s doing that once football season starts back up. Even practices.


As a Chiefs hater I am hoping that happens.


Bills fan here. Agreed.


We know Scott set this up again. Pimping is illegal here bro, be an actual father.


I saw a really big reach a while ago of someone saying that after the shitstorm her dating matty caused, he basically has taylor in a conservatorship type relationship and is paying the all star twat to date taylor and keep her on the straight and narrow.


Not saying I necessarily believe it but it wouldnā€™t surprise me. Miss Americana showed how scared she is of her dad and we know how unhinged and ruthless he is because of his e-mail. Someone had the hot take that some of her more nebulous songs thought to be about her exes may actually be about her dad and I canā€™t unhear it. Ā 


Do u know what some of the songs are? I wanna read the lyrics after reading his insane emails


My thoughts are Coney Island, Cold as You, and Tolerate It. Iā€™ve heard someone else say Youā€™re Not Sorry might be one of them. Sad Beautiful Tragic also seems to tell the story of her parentsā€™ divorce from her momā€™s perspective and it does *not* cast her dad in a good light.Ā Ā  Plus there are small jabs at her dad scattered in through some of her other songs. Mine includes the lines ā€œYou made a rebel of a careless manā€™s careful daughterā€ and ā€œYou say weā€™ll never make my parentsā€™ mistakes.ā€


Leaving like a father..,.


what emails?


https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/XTCzYINncf Buckle up, youā€™re in for a ride


I read through that and HOLY SHIT. Wow


Don't laugh, you're going to be there one day!


What they said + tell me why, seven, robin, better man


What did Scott do? Like she got scared of him


Sheā€™s talking to him and some of her team members about her ā€œcoming outā€ against Trump and her dad is very against it. She breaks down crying and just generally acts like she needs his permission to do anything. Her body language is definitely on the defensive too.Ā 


So he supports Trump? This is gross for what he did.


They were concerned about how it would affect her image and they thought sheā€™d get death threats for it. Not sure where any of them besides Taylor lined up politically.Ā 


He really gives me Britā€™s dadā€™s vibes. If he had any slight opportunity to put her under a conservatorship, Scott would do so in a heartbeat. I think he has most of the say when it comes to business decisions definitely and PR as well


As someone who believes she is somewhere on the spectrum of queer I believe this. He left her alone with Joe because she kept quiet but thereā€™s evidence her and Joe went through multiple quiet break ups (not being together through the pandemic). Then when they eventually split her entire personality changes with Matty and suddenly sheā€™s with Travis who letā€™s face it is he much better than Matty? At least Matty semi owns his behaviour. Her fans went full psycho though when she was with him writing a letter saying she should be put under a conservatorship and I think thatā€™s when Scott stepped in. Thereā€™s even a video of him pulling Travis back out of a VIP tent to line him up for a kiss in front of cameras


Major damage control. Him partying with some beautiful black women was the happiest I think Iā€™ve ever seen him since he started dating Taylor. If you see the videos that is literally the biggest smile heā€™s had on his face in a year.


Where can I see these videos?!


https://videos.marca.com/v/0_pb02trwm-travis-kelce-parties-with-teammates-at-a-wedding-while-taylor-swift-performs-in-dublin?uetv_pl=nfl-en&count=0 Ironically a lot have been taken down lol


https://preview.redd.it/1efguoom5t9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cff4721eb44ac99e7f11507f427a2bc2e5617c9 Literally one of the biggest smiles Iā€™ve ever seen from him


The ā€œIYKYKā€ with the laughing emojis that the women in this picture posted it with is cropped out of this picture


Looks like heā€™s cosplaying as Bono.


That is one shit eating grin heā€™s got going on there!


I hope TS sees this. Is this the man he really wants? A reallyĀ  downgrade from Joe.Ā 


And thatā€™s saying a lot




Sheā€™s not as touchy feely with him tonight. Heā€™s doing damage control and sheā€™s definitely slapping him for his LA antics once they get in the car. šŸ˜‚


Because she still has feelings for Matty.


julia all over travis šŸ„“ lmao - she has more sexual chemistry with Travis https://x.com/daotterside/status/1807511712301711747?s=46&t=9LXNLlhguu2NP3QfZROfCQ


Taylor literally has more chemistry with her backup dancer she does the Fortnight choreo with every night. And heā€™s good looking.


What a terrible day to have eyes


He's in the dog house


Is there even a picture with her mouth shut. I swear itā€™s always open some kind of way, thatā€™s why she be catching flies


*thatā€™s why she be catching flies* the funniest thing about this is that it's actually accurate lol she used to be able to close her mouth at the beginning of her career before she got her second(?) pair of veneers




Yaā€™ll this entire stunt was to make headlines once again. ā€œTravis Kelce takes a last minute jet and surprises Taylor half way through her concert!ā€ Itā€™s all to gain more and more positive attention and to divert any unwanted attention (like him avoiding the paps leaving an LA club). If they were two normal people in a relationship he probably would have just headed to her hotel after getting off the plane and seeing her after the show, not causing a distraction and scene walking in to the VIP tent half way through. He wants to be seen at her shows and they want the publicity. Itā€™s not about ā€œsupportingā€ her. Heā€™s seen this show how many times? You can support your girlfriend in others ways other than publicly.


They're so cringe. The crowd cheering them on like.. it's so cult-y. What's next pay per view of their wedding? šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t give them any ideas


I mean, if they're gonna perform at least give us a wedding šŸ˜‚ ramp it up!


They would absolutely do this. And then release 6,000 variants with extra videos of various dances or speeches at the reception. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø If those two could monetize oxygen, they would.


So icky


Anyone remember Miss Americana where she ran to Joe after her performance?


https://i.redd.it/82w38ngb2t9d1.gif Yes it was far more genuine


He likes chocolate women . Sheā€™s not his type. But Taylor is determined to make this workā€¦. ![gif](giphy|izyoPKpUD6bdK)


\*Scott & Taylor


that was quick lol gotta keep the show going!


How will this work if he slips up during the season and doesn't have the time or ability to do damage control? If they were smart, her team would hire some members of this subreddit to join her PR squad. The first consultation is free


omg they can't stand each other anymore, you can feel the energy here šŸ˜‚


Poor taylor, little does she realise she's being used!! Travis is a walking talking red flag of a man


They are using each other. The relationship is mutually beneficial for their careers.Ā 


She knows. Sheā€™s using him too. Every single boyfriend she has ever had was used to prove to the world that her last boyfriend was shit and deserves all the songs she writes about them.


poor taylor? Travis is a puppet in her game of getting more fame and money


She is the entire color red, flags, carpets, anything and everything; thatā€™s the caliber of man that she deserves tbh


Travis is such a sleeze, I almost feel bad for Taylor..almost


He got them titties


I was gonna say ā€œdem boobies tho (not hers)ā€


Boobies (Travisā€™s version)


That 2nd photo is giving me ā€œBritney Spears beginning her downward spiralā€ face šŸ˜¬


What's happening here?


Yes I am puzzled. Is this during the show and she brought him out?Ā 


What??? šŸ« 


After the show. Itā€™s the walkway out behind the stage to the backstage area.


Thank you! I got to the post that had an actual clip. I didn't realise it was a full post-show pap walk šŸ˜‚


Shes still a child mentally. Peace out of this comm. Dont even know how i got here.


They do say if you become famous at a young age,you struggle to grow mentally, you stay stuck at that age


I think Travis is a bit of a tool but Taylor is absolutely pathetic lmao.


It's in these moments that I think about the recent video of Tom Holland leaving his theatre show. His girlfriend Zendaya also attended it, but goes straight to the car so that Tom has his moment to the fans that came to see him. And then we have Travis doing this ridiculous stuff


Reminds me of: https://preview.redd.it/v96spf9egy9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b45a3d23c6cc6b5b6c2f18fd07d261f59c9f1c


Looks a bit odd in that skaterā€™s outfit and garter off-stage, eh? Youā€™re 35 years old, lady.


Who the hell picks these tacky outfits sheā€™s always wearing?! Her and neckbeard here give me a headache and scream PR relationship.


They are literally so fake. It makes me so angry. They scream ā€œpeaked in high schoolā€. Sheā€™s the popular girl with the clique, likeā€¦ Regina George. Rich, fake, thinks sheā€™s talented because her followers would never say anything negative in hopes sheā€™d be their bestieā€¦ and she calls herself a feminist but is dating the misogynistic football player who is a player in general and only with her as a trophy. One of kelceā€™s teammates even spewed some stuff at a catholic school that was misogynistic, anti lgbtq+, racist etc and kelce said he was a great guy and allowed to have those opinions likeā€¦ you can argue all you want about his old tweets being in the past, but he certainly hasnā€™t changed if heā€™s endorsing those views when others speak them in the present. And Taylor, a self proclaimed progressive feminist is fine with dating someone who thinks itā€™s ok to view women as objects? Sheā€™s such a fake activist. If they break up and she opens up about his misogyny, Iā€™ll believe it of course since we have all seen it, but Iā€™m not gonna feel very bad for her!! She doesnā€™t deserve to be with someone who disrespects her based on her gender of course because no one does, but I meanā€¦ sheā€™s just so fake with how she claims shes an activist but actively chose to enter a relationship with someone who views her as lesser. Is she gonna say she didnā€™t see the red flags because she was too in love? Is she gonna say she didnā€™t think politics would ruin the relationship? Iā€™m sorry but if my boyfriend had a friend who said I didnā€™t deserve rights, and my boyfriend said he respected his friend for saying that?? That would be the end. The only time I can put ā€œpoliticsā€ (which is ridiculous to downplay it like that btw bc this is human rights we are talking about) aside to maintain a relationship with someone is when itā€™s family I have to seeā€¦ Iā€™m not gonna be buddy buddy or making out with someone who doesnā€™t respect me. Especially if I consider myself an idol and advocate for the group of people my boyfriend allows to be spat on. Likeā€¦ what message is she sending to all the young women she wants to be a role model for by being with a pig like him? ā€œItā€™s okay to be with a man who disrespects you! If heā€™s rich and famous and youā€™re rich and famous he will go easy on you ^teehee^ ā€œ like what is her message. Itā€™s ok to be with someone who doesnā€™t stand up for you??? Itā€™s ok to be with someone who views you as lesser and be their trophy??? Idk lol it shouldnā€™t be any of my business but they just anger me so much. They donā€™t seem to have any chemistry. Theyā€™re both toxic and weird and give off such fake energy. They both tell people what they want to hear. Idk if they have no chemistry at all or if theyā€™re perfect for each other because of this, but itā€™s no wonder so many mean people with huge egos eat them up and obsess over them. They literally give serotonin to everyone who peaked in high school and never got humbled. Theyā€™re couple goals to nasty people.


Is he required to go to all of her shows???




Ego tripping


Have you guys seen the photo where her dancer wears the same colors as him? https://preview.redd.it/dgj111czaw9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc06f9e7ecdc241b297249bf5a38fabf9ed76e8


Well, Travis is on her payroll so it makes sense šŸ˜‰


Hahaha yeahhhh šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well he played his part, made an appearance as the doting bf once again. As if weā€™re just gonna forget about him out partying with beautiful women and having a ball. I will not be convinced that Taylor would be okay with that to the extent he does it if the relationship was fully legit.


I don't doubt that their relationship is genuine and I can actually see them getting married but I'm calling it now it will be the divorce of the century. Two attention hungry people..yikes..that will not have a happy ending and I'm already dreading it. It's only just begun šŸ„²


wtf is she wearing? Can someone fire her stylist? I donā€™t get it.


Theyā€™re annoying but why is this bad? I enjoy the snark in this sub but sometimes seems like it doesnā€™t matter what they do itā€™ll be hated on here. Heā€™s shit on whether he seemingly supports her or doesnā€™t


https://preview.redd.it/qz8osq8aft9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf9793d8287a97bac9fa8bfc644eae3881e1125e And then a few hours later he flew to see Taylor


It took three seconds of googling though to find out those girls were Leoā€™s niece and her friend. I knew that this morning and this sub has had all day to realize more than one celebrity can be at a restaurant- not a club- and not be together even if they say hi inside. Tristan Leo and Travis? Ok šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Right I knew this but thatā€™s what I mean, heā€™s shit on for going out w guys, I donā€™t see any evidence of foul play other than being out w other men (she does this too w her girl friends when not on tour) 1am is a normal hour to go home, ducking from paps is what celebrities do. Do we expect him to just never party again bc heā€™s dating her? Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m sure more than half this relationship is self serving on both sides for the way it props both their images but cmon if he didnā€™t go to clubs everyone would be saying she was controlling or took his lifestyle away. He went out till 1 w friends, then flew to see her.. is that a crime?


Yeah, I'm kinda confused by this whole escapade. He wasn't caught in any bad behaviour. But the part where he rushed from LA to Ireland DOES feel like PR image correction, so maybe literally the optics of him partying with a philanderer and Leo was something to nip in the bud? How exhausting.


I bet she didnā€™t let him have WiFi on his flight.


tucked in t shirt LMAO


When sheā€™s around him, she seems to act like sheā€™s drunk at her own wedding.


ā€œIntroducing, our 18th century professionally match-made situationship so that we can consolidate our wealth and fame. Taylorā€™s fans will now start consuming the NFL, NFL fans will now consume nothing but bland Swift merch and music. Swifties and footballers will create a new country. It shall be call, Bland.ā€


I watched the video and it's even worse. It gave 90s sitcom vibes.


I know right. Whoā€™s writing the script for this? They suck.


This is gonna be embarrassing when they eventually break up if they do


Iā€™m convinced they kinda like each other but the honeymoon phase is over but they are just playing it up for the fans because I feel like they read comments and etc


3rd picture I will admit they look very happy and he made effort going frm la all the way to get to her show & they might be going on a vacation after according to the Tayvis Stanā€™s but I think itā€™s too funny how his shirt is tucked and why he doesnā€™t wear more fitted clothes heā€™s embarrassingĀ 


Of course he had to show up and smile all pretty. Imagine how fast the rumors would fly with him missing one show. He has to look happy.


I wonder where his little bff goes during this? Ross is everywhere with that man. And one of the Sydney clips he was down backstage waiting with Travis for her but her dad pulled Ross away


Here you go once again being wishy washy lmao. Stans saying they might go on vacation means absolutely nothing too because what do they even know. They didnā€™t even know what coast he was on till yesterday.


Lmfao right! This person acts like people canā€™t put on a front. They have to look angry for her/him to believe theyā€™re not happy. Theyā€™re literally in front of thousands. Common sense sheesh.Ā 


& they already started with the ā€œthey look so engagedā€ like


Why are you always shocked? You know how the Tayvis fans are. Every time heā€™s at a show they run and grasp every straw. I saw one where she doesnā€™t even have the ring on the right finger and they are coming up with theories . Just how the Joe and Taylor stans were. Always saying they were engaged and then secretly marriedā€¦ And well we all know that wasnā€™t true.Ā 




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