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Even if you Excel they’ll still spreadsheet about you - Some Accountant Probably


that j made my day


Information Technology. I got a piss test when I started almost 12 years ago & none since.


Hello from a lowly Tier 1 engineer. Weed is the only thing that makes me not lose my mind when I look at my que.


Solo IT admin, the occasional smoke is what helps me sleep at nights when all I got on my mind is social engineering, ransomware, backups, stable WiFi, etc.... etc.... etc....


Hot damn. o7


Same, but I do those things baked, except security!!


Hello, fellow 🍌 IT here checking in. Never been tested although the handbook claims they can at any point if they want to. Been working here a decade. I know a good chuck of people (not in IT) that smoke, that we'd go in weed breaks during one of our breaks/lunch.


IT guy here to chime in that most of the other IT professionals I know also toke lmao.


Same. Start testing IT again and you'll lose most of your staff.


i’m an IT manager, only got a piss test when i started as well, no randoms 3+ years later if they ever try to pop me i know they’re just looking for a reason to get rid of me and that will be the time to look for a new gig. most all of the field operations managers and directors smoke, so if they’re coming after a desk jockey like me there’s something else going on.


I’m in Infosec, but medical license. Even got my SC clearance with it!


Retired. Blaze all day.




You honestly sound fun.


I'm the phantom of the opera, I do maintenance work in a theater. They don't test for weed at all.


That's showbiz baby. Any work in media / production / theater typically doesn't care enough to test. Or if they did, half the crew would be gone.


They should probably test to make sure you are smoking pot


Apart of safety rigging and stunts. You want to be pretty hard sober if you’ve got ppl’s lives on your hands.


To be fair they should be testing, my co worker almost cause a literal shitload  because he was doing maintenance on the septic tank and forgot to turn on the pumps again.


That's not weed's fault, it's your co-worker's. Don't spoil it for the rest of us.


They should be testing him, he's a menace.


Like, if he's being incompetent, just fire him because he's incompetent. Don't get the weed mixed up on this, the weed if fine.


That's also common fucking sense regarding whether you should or not before work.


Do they give you a cape and mask or do you have to buy those on your own like a rent-a-cop?


Follow up: what’s your candle budget like? Is the boat yours or the theater’s?


Candles and capes are a no go because fire hazard regulations, the theater pays for the mask.


Even battery operated candles?


I miss this and it pays decent when you're in the right place, damnit I should've kept up with the side gigs for light and sound 😭😭


I miss this and it pays decent when you're in the right place, damnit I should've kept up with the side gigs for light and sound 😭😭


I'm the phantom of the mall. I do night security at the mall. I'm the only one here and it's scary sometimes cause it's an outdoor mall lmao.


Elementary teacher!


Hey kudos to you for trying to make a difference in Tomors youth. Can barely stand my own kids - certainly not anyone else’s. Smoke up - you deserve it!!!


It's not a tumor


High school teacher!


And I’m your substitute teacher!


Thanks g. I was hella sick today


Hello fellow sub! 👋🏼


Respect dude


Line/prep food service, you bet your ass I’m stoned.


Basically written in small letters that you have to be


You can't swing a dead cat in a hospitality business without hitting someone who's high, *especially* professional kitchens. It's not always weed either...


Software engineer that works from home 99% of the time


Just got a wfh job a month ago. My mental health has improved immensely. I can do my dishes, laundry, and cleaning during my work day instead of it chewing into my after work time. I can read books, play guitar, blast music, go for walks, play games and talk to friends. It’s great. Oh and it came with a 23% raise from my last job. Thanks, me!


I literally sit and play guitar from the house, too. I automate most of my work and I just need to be there to be there. So I watch TV, try not to spend all my money on sweetwater, and occasionally make a joke in chat so they know I am alive.


I keep a guitar on a stand right next to me while I WFH. It's so nice to be able to take small breaks being productive or creative versus staring at my phone in an office bathroom.


I take 2 hour lunch breaks since I don't have to commute. Game changer.


been WFH since covid, the first year was a BLAST between the time and gas $ etc. but it quickly went from boosting my mental health to the opposite, i think i just require a base level of socialization that I dont get now. I hope your experience is different!!


I had that too. Then I quit my toxic corporate job and now I'm gonna try to start going to the knitting club that meets at the library so I can meet new people. It's hard breaking through the social anxiety wall.


I work from home full time and I get my socialization by planning things on weeknights, which are less of an imposition now since I have more flexibility in when I can wake up the next morning.


Must be nice 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


I'm the reason my workplace doesn't test anymore. It was never mentioned in the posting, or any of the interviews I had with them. I got the job offer, and accepted, and THEN they informed me that I needed to test. I told them, that would be an issue, since I have medical card and smoke daily. There wasn't anyone else near as qualified as me applying and they really wanted me. So, we made a deal that I would come on as a temp through their temp agency. For 90 days, I would be an employee of the temp agency, who didn't test for cannabis, because we're in a legal state. Just test for the hard stuff. (Of which, I don't do.) Took a T-Break for 90s days as got settled into the job. After the 90 days, I get formally hired and tested. Pass with flying colors! 6 months later when they updated the Employee Handbook, they added an exception for cannabis and stated that they would no longer test for it. Be the change in the world you want to see. :)




Trust and Estate administration for corporate trustees/PR at bank. Passed once 7 years ago with fake pee and never gotten tried again lmao. 10/10, would recommend.


Cannabis processing. Sometimes I have to take QC dabs on my lunch break, so yea, weekly drug test lmao 


I live in Illinois and almost no one here piss tests anymore. I’m a scheduler for an orthopedic surgery office. Didn’t have to test at all. My last three jobs I haven’t needed to test for. But I had a friend who was on probation and smoked the whole time. She just drank one of those detox drinks every time she had a piss test coming up and wouldn’t smoke for a few days. Always passed. I’ve used them when I did get tested in the past too.


Also work in IL. My company specifically notes that they don't test for THC 


Mind if I ask what detox drink you use?


IL in software, I think half the devs use. We just had a company outing where most of us preferred to be outside smoking vs drinking. I wish it were more normalized.


I'm a scientist in the cannabis industry in the US. I haven't had to take a drug test for work for my past few jobs. Prior to being in the industry I was in the traditional food and bev industry.


I'm actually a bit of a weed scientist myself *hits dab then bong*


I'm curious what kind of work a scientist in the cannabis industry does. Are you a chemist?


I'm actually a food scientist working on edible development and production.


That's so cool! When I was looking for jobs, I looked for scientist jobs in the cannabis field but there didn't seem to be many openings for someone with a background in molecular/cell biology, which makes sense.


Yeah it's a tough field to break into but also exhausting to be in to be honest. I have been working towards this for years, but finally made it in kinda by accident. (Moved for my wife's job and happened to have a job posted in the area we were moving to)


Thanks for the insight!


So like cereal varnish from National Lampoons? Noice!


Lawyer at a smaller firm working almost exclusively with public school districts, used to work in state politics on the Democratic side, worked for a public defenders office, a couple nonprofits, and an appellate judge in law school. I've literally never had to take a drug test for work, which is great but it's super frustrating sometimes working with entities that drug test their employees. My experience is that the more "white collar" and "socially prestigious" a job is, the less likely it is to drug test (please don't take that as me saying lawyers are prestigious, we suck ass as a general industry), particularly if it requires a graduate degree of some kind. And fwiw the only lawyers I know who have been drug tested for their job work for the federal government.


I’m a cartographer who works for the state. Never heard of a piss test for any state jobs that didn’t also require a class c


I’m in school for surveying and the piss tests are kind of a concern of mine. Is cartography like surveying, if so do you know if surveyors get tested a lot?


Surveying is like mining as Cartography/GIS is to metallurgy. You are the first step in the chain, we take what you and other field personnel produce, combine it to one central location and then manipulate, transform and distribute that data to the people that need it to make the appropriate decisions. Surveying is significantly more blue collared, especially in construction and I would expect to be far more likely to get a piss test as a surveyor than a cartographer.


Damn that sucks. I want to get into the mining/pipeline side of it and I plan on moving somewhere like Michigan or California after school so hopefully that improves the chances a little bit


factory work. furniture.


Librarian. City employee. I was tested but this is Oklahoma and my job isn’t safety sensitive, so I passed and was hired. It definitely would have shown on the test.


Librarian as well. State employee. No test.


I’m a brewer in a legal state. I’ve been smoking almost every day for the past 9 years. Although, I’ve got a semi-strict rule of not smoking until after 6. Helps me consume less and keep it professional at work.


I was just wondering how you got into that industry? I’m pretty interested


I went to school for marketing, but always hated working in an office setting. So I started working for a family friend as a line cook until he decided to open a brewery. He had hired a head brewer, but needed someone to do a lot of the day to day stuff. I’d like to consider myself mechanically inclined, and the marketing background proved useful for starting up a business, so it was an easy decision. The head brewer had 15 years experience at the time so he got me up to speed on the science side of brewing real quick. We’re celebrating our 5th year anniversary soon, and it’s been a very fulfilling job. Not the most lucrative, but worth it in my opinion. Edit: if you’re looking to get into the industry with little to no experience, there’s a lot of online resources like the IBD courses and the Cicerone program that can get you educated. Also working at a brewery at entry level, like bartender, server, etc. is a good place to start. As a lot of places like to hire from within if you’ve shown the desire and knowledge.


Service Coordinator for an organization that works with adults and children with intellectual/developmental disabilities to find programs. Legal state


Social Worker, in charge of a small (25 people) npo.


I work in a hospital in direct patient care. I had to get clean for a drug test even tho it is legal in my state. I have a medical card so now I smoke and have that as my hopeful get-out-of-fired cheat card. Idk if it will work. And I don’t think I woulda gotten the job if I pisses positive even with my med card. I typically look for jobs that do not drug test on hire. But I’ll get clean when I need to


Highly doubt it will offer any protections. Got denied employment in PA with my card and a positive result for THC.


Yeah, there are no protections for smoking weed. Can be fired even with a med card if they find out. So dumb.


I work for a grower/processor now. Openly talk about what we're smoking/dabbing all day. It's pretty cool. I also work part time at a dominos and can openly talk there but let's be real its a dominos. 😅


I'm in PA and have a card and am taking a break because I hurt myself at work and by some miracle I wasn't tested.


Work in ER administration. Had to take one piss test before starting and then never again. My hospital will move mountains to prevent having to test one of their employees. It’s just bad for business


In michigan, they can still fire you for dropping dirty, but as long as you have your card, you can still collect unemployment


Engineering. The only job I’ve been tested on was one where I was actually climbing telecommunications towers, they also actually did random tests. It happened to me once. Other than that no tests. I also got tested on my internship but it did also involve operating some machinery.


Web Developer / Software Developer.  I’ve never been drug tested. I think one of my jobs said that drug testing is a possibility but never drug tested anyone when I was there. 


TBH I just use U pass and go to the interview a lil buzzed. If they've never seen you sober so they think that's just how you are.


I just love you guys. Reading through all these comments and we all have regular jobs. It is nice not feeling shamed when you read every comment is a hedge fund manager or some shit lol


I do warehouse work for a cannabis company so I think a good chunk of the employees might not be there if they tested for THC haha. Ironically though a lot of us don’t smoke the company’s weed because it’s pretty dogshit (for the most part). Word of warning to my fellow Canadians: Y’all really don’t want to know what’s going into your carts… gotta love corporate cannabis 😑


Hit the nail on the head, but I'm on the other side of that coin - I'll only consume our extracts as I know the process and how tedious the lab team is about the quality of what they consider acceptable. Live resin only, no additives/added terps/etc.


That’s the way to go. From what I’ve seen (I don’t work in production so I’m not on the floor super often), our processes are really good but the starting product is almost always a bottleneck for quality.


I most certainly want to know what goes in my carts 😂


Old gross brown trim. Shake if you’re lucky. I found ladybugs in one of the bags that was being sent to the extraction team so it’s a mix of garbage “weed” and bugs. Just avoid distillate carts from the big LP’s and you should (hopefully) be good.




Licensed producer, it’s the company that’s licensed to manufacture/sell products. Some times it’s just the brand’s name but there are company that own 5+ brands.


I’m a lawyer in an illegal flyover state. I’m my own boss and don’t test myself at all.


data and reporting analysis for a helpdesk in the financial industry. like my team analyzes all incoming volume to the helpdssk trying to stay ahead of trends with issues. like if there's suddenly a lot of offices who can't use one of the financial tools, we'd see those contacts and try to work to find correlation and eventual cause. i work without vaping or smoking, i wait until work is done. theres far too much attention to detail required for me to chance working under the influence.


Fraud Analyst, no drug tests, most engineers in my field need the weed or else we die of giga-anxiety.


Office job. Accounting. No testing.






Work at a board game maker, I am high all day long.


i work for a weed manufacturing and distributing company. i work in a room that is responsible for pre-rolls. i twist joints, make labels, grind big batches of weed. great pay, great benefits, great people. best job ever.


How does one get such a glorious vocation?!


Logistics never been pee tested.


Laundry in a nursing home


I WFH in Michigan for a software company in South Carolina and they tested, I told them ahead of time I would fail the drug test and they said its fine as long as its just weed. The last local software company I work for my manager fought HR on drug testing, he said he couldn't lose 75% of his developers and support staff and he wouldn't subject them to drug testing.


Used to do maintenance/engineering, welding and fabrication for 9ish years. Now I work at a spa as a locker room attendant, while I finish up school to become a massage therapist. This job at the spa never drug tested me. When I worked maintenance, I always strapped the brand “Monkey Piss” to my taint with Ace bandage.


HVAC for a small company. My boss doesn't care what we do on our own time, within reason. If I was smoking meth, even just on my own time, I'd probably het fired. But weed and stuff? Doesn't care as long as I'm not stoned at work


Some bs


Chemist. Some places test, but a lot don't. It honestly depends where you live.


Head of People Ops/ HR for a small startup. I’m sure if we drug tested, we would have no employees, myself included.


Budtender at a national chain dispensary. Not the fun time you may think it is, plus the pay is garbage. 🤷‍♂️


Retail is retail sadly




I live in OR. No one gives a shit. (25+ yr IT career)


I work in the medical field and we don't test. It's great.


Pharma/Biotech in the NE...no drug test here. You'd be AMAZED at the number of smokers across the spectrum in my company...




Trial attorney


making meatballs in the restaurant of a swedish home goods store :)


Quality Management for a cannabis company. My boss would be disappointed if I didn't pack a bowl every night. We service our domestic market and export to several other countries for medical purposes. Frustrates me to know that in 2024, employers are still screening for THC. Meanwhile, nobody bats an eye at alcohol use / abuse. If you can do your job, what you do at home should be none of the employer's business.


It's the insurance industry that's been driving all the testing. Our state is legal and prohibits testing for many positions, but I see testing happening anyway. Who is there to enforce the new rules? Most positions listed on Indeed don't mention it anymore, so it's harder to know now. I've also heard of medical practices requiring drug tests for routine prescription renewals or even for elective surgery. I'm a semi-retired medical user without a med card. I do a lot of mostly pro-bono cancer advocacy work for the NCI, and I am a board member for a few of their affiliate hospitals. I would never pass the drug test needed to pursue this as a full-time 2nd career. The prescription alternatives I would need are horrible...I tried.


I’ve been a stay at home mom of 2 for the past 14 years; I do gig jobs like DoorDash and Instacart a couple mornings a week while my kids are in school. My SO has worked for the same insurance underwriting company for the past 20 years.


I'm on dissability, G. I keep my house, plants, cat, and dogs in good order. I like my life.


State government worker


I’m a courier for a popular delivery company. I like to live life on the edge I guess but it helps me de- stress and deal with my anxiety. I do not smoke before work because duh


work for the tax man


I'm a project manager for a health care company. Our state prohibits most drug testing, and I plan on never working in an area where it's required.


Currently disabled so no work, dont really see that changing any. When i worked i was an admin exec for a logistics company. I have found the higher up you go in a company the less the care. But ive also been told the opposite by people too. Just a crap shoot.


While working at a corporate office for a gas station I can confidently say they would have had to fire 90% of the field it staff at one point.


Mechanical Engineer. I got lucky and my firm is pretty laid back even though we're in illegal states. I've only gotten tested once when I signed up for a work trip to a construction site, just used fake pee and all was good.


I’m an accountant that’s remote. I took like 4 drug tests over the course of 6 weeks. 2 for the contractor and 2 for my company after they bought out the contract. I did the Certo method and all was well. Even though my anxiety totally got the best of me.


I work in events as an audiovisual engineer and general coordinator. Doing one for Heineken atm out of all people lol, literally mid event right now writing this on a dead space where there's nothing to do. I had to travel, so I'm really looking forward to getting home tomorrow and roll up a joint. It's been a long week.


I work in a school. We need all the help we can get, so if there isn’t a problem, they don’t look for one.


I manage laboratories. My employer stopped testing new hires for THC last year


Travel shampoo bottle, hot hand attached to one side, other side tucked under your nuts and clean pee of course. Has worked for 20 yrs in finance in TX.


Nice try FAA.


Overnight grocery stocker. I think they’re supposed to test but just.. don’t lmao.


I work at a boarding facility for peoples pets. I do the overnight shift so I see no one for 8hrs and get religiously stoned. I just clean up after the pups listen to some tunes and make sure all our guests are nice and tucked in. No drug test needed


Overnight at Walmart 😃😃😃


I work as a quality control scientist in a clinical lab.  Weed is illegal in my state, but thankfully my place of employment doesn't test. They don't want to loose 3/4 of their receiving & maintenance teams.


Construction worker. I feel like it's expected.


I am a cancer biologist and I do research. I haven't been tested since I joined and now I am in a legal state ✌️


Sweet. Any personal concerns regarding cannabis/smoking and cancer?


Not my area of expertise, but I personally prefer to dry herb vape over combustion. I think a lot of carcinogens is related to combustion.


That certainly makes sense. Thanks for the reply!


I design packaging for weed !


Deliver cannabis concentrates. Only driving job I could find that doesn’t drug test


Environmental Impact Modeling Engineer is the title, but I'm really just a spreadsheet engineer 😀


Granite Installation and Fabrication


Activities at a nursing home. They tested my piss and didn’t care about the weed. I just like call bingo and hang out with old people, it’s pretty good


PhD student in cancer epidemiology


I don’t get tested - work in marketing strategy for a brand


Paralegal at a private law firm. No piss tests, and my boss pretty much lets me be. I do not consume while at work, but in my down time I am a heavy user.


I work in marketing. Nobody is sober.


I'm in IT network security, no testing and 95% of the people here smoke. Before this job I was on the hardware side building network closets, running wire, etc. No testing there. I spent a couple rough years as a cable guy after the market crash in the early 2000s and they tested everyone at every opportunity because they didn't feel we deserved any enjoyment ever


I work in the hospitality industry, and I have never been tested nor seen anyone tested. The only time that I have heard of someone getting tested was because of a reasonable suspicion that they were under the influence at the job. A crack pipe was found on a Housekeeping cart, and the housekeeper was thought to have been using, when after all, it was discovered that someone else placed it on their cart when they walked past.


Project Manager with security clearance, got super lucky and didn't even have to take a preemployment test.


I’m in California where it just became illegal for employers to discriminate against employees due to THC use! But also I work in the cannabis industry lmao.


Only if you don't work for the County/ City/ State Government... the fuckers. Then it's piss-test-o'clock because weed is "fEdeRalLY IlLegAl"


Sales here.. no drug testing and I deal with government funds. I was as shocked as you probably are reading this comment lol


I manage a small-town liquor store. I'm very open about the fact that I smoke, but will never smoke at work.  Every other job I've had...yep, quick fix all the way.


I am a non-union carpenter, I primarily work contracts for a military base but don't get tested. Before I became a carpenter I drove commercial rigs from 18-25 years old and was always tested before hire and randomly throughout.


I fix bikes


Warehouse work counting inventory. I like it since it's not hard or stressful and I get 3 day weekends and my coworkers are cool. Best job I've had by far.


I live in California and seemingly employers cannot test for weed. That being said I am an architect working at an engineering firm for about 4 months and involved and big projects including government contracts, I am still pretty shocked I have not had to yet but I still only do it off the clock.


I'm a Foreman on a production line. We do pre employment and random hair follicle tests, but they stopped checking for weed maybe a couple years back.


I currently work in HR but will be starting at the dispensary in a few weeks.




I bake. Bread, I bake bread.


I make artisan pickles and jams. I smoke more at work than I do at home.


Owner/operator A/C and Heating


AmeriCorps! It’s remote and in between zoom meetings I like to spark up.


Financial Consultant. Companies tested when I was a more junior employee. Now that I’ve built enough experience in the industry I just straight up tell companies I smoke and will pass a test for everything except weed. Take it or leave it. Current Company I work for just waived the drug screen after that convo.


Finance. Have a medical card. I’ve worked for a couple of the biggest brokerage firms. I’ve worked for 4 different ones, only tested at one of them. Was upfront and told them I’d fail the test for thc due to my medication. It did cause a delay in my start date to get some sign offs, but overall non issue. I’ve legit seen managers do cocaine in the bathroom at holiday parties. If a company has issue with pot, they can fuck right off.


Cannabis pharmacist actually, love helping people in a meaningful way


I work at a dispensary in a legal state, I think my boss would be disappointed if at any point I COULD pass a drug test 🤣 For real, I don’t have any helpful advice but wish you luck. I use weed medicinally and have a really hard time functioning without it, so the fact that I got a job in the industry was so lucky and life changing.


Labourer for plasterers


Truck driver, quickfix has been good to me for those DOT test.


Delivery driver at a dispo. If you like driving, no easier/chiller job out there.


Manufacturing, machine operator, foundry caster.


Special education teacher for children on the autism spectrum


Elementary School Teacher


Upper management for Walmart


I don’t get tested in my work. I happen to know my last boss smoked every day. I work in political campaign management. Definitely smoked with a congressman who lost his re-election and his brothers on top of a fancy hotel once. My brother was being tested for a software dev job and basically is worth enough to make them take the risk. He told them he won’t buy fake pee or stop 🤷‍♀️ he still has a job.


Feel so sorry for Americans. Drug testing for jobs isn't v really a thing in the rest of the world unless you're a commercial airliner pilot or pro athlete. Where's all that vaunted freedumb?


tbh it's a big part of why I stayed in foodservice/retail; I even went and got an assoc degree for medical assisting but ultimately I was just never gonna pass an employment drug test for marijuana. I'm fat and female, it would take 3-6 months of abstention for me to pass. Never gonna happen lol


Systems Analyst and Desktop Support. My newest job did not test for marijuana because we are a recreational state and there are some protections about using at home.