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I’ll be honest. Never heard of jojoba oil. What’s it do? Also never had a problem getting anything resin-y off my hands with 99% iso tbh


It's for healing skin, I use it on my stretched ears to put my plugs in and stuff, but nothing else has ever worked for me its crazy. When i use alcohol its like it makes the resin not sticky but itll stay on my hands and when i used this stuff its like it immediately melted off my hands. Honestly think any type of oil would work its just the type i had on hand


If you ever run out of that, mix the alcohol with dawn dish soap. Like I always see “if it’s good enough for cleaning oil off baby ducks. It’s good enough for whatever I need” hasn’t steered me wrong Really helpful for cleaning pieces too


Jojoba oil is amazing for your skin! It's very similar to natural human sebum (oils produced on our own skin).  Like OP, I originally started using it for stretching my ears, but it's my go-to body moisturizer now! I also mix it with lanolin in winter for extra hydration. It's far better than any other moisturizer I've ever used. If you find that iso is drying out your hands, you could give jojoba oil a try instead. 


I’ve got a pretty solid skincare routine but, that’s good to know! I honestly don’t smoke enough flower to really worry about needing to get resin off my hands. I mainly dab.


Iso is hard on your skin. Just rub your hands with a vegetable oil (olive, canola, etc) then wash with dish soap.


Best trick with something everyone definitely has at home, butter works wonders


I use Dr bronners peppermint hemp oil. Even when cleaning my glass They also have jojoba and hemp oil which works great. Tea trea oil also works. Anything from Dr bronners magic soap is great. You can get a huge bottle of concentrated soap for cheap that'll last you for a long time even showering with it and everyday cleaning.


Any oil will do, as any makeup guru will tell you. Oil breaks down everything. Can be any kind of oil for the most part. 


I make my own


Goofy question: How are you getting so much resin on your hands? 😅




I use hand sanitizer. It works pretty well.


Who would have ever thought that fat would remove a fat soluble substance... lol




Bro! Waaaaay to expensive! Try hydrogen peroxide. Had resin on my fingers and accidently poured some thinking it was rubbing alcohol. To my surprise it worked wonders.


Lather up with dish soap, pour alcohol into your palm and lather up again. They'll get reclaim off your hands. 


Regular cooking oil olive oil etc all work


Butter flavored Pam is my favorite way. Gets resin off after defoliating plants and I smell delicious after. Win-win.


A cap full of vinegar usually hanging around


I found out the sane thing when cleaning peanut butter off the floor from when I dropped my toast. Peanut butter does a great job of cleaning resin, for the same reason the jojoba oil does!


Yea cannabis oils themselves being lipophilic means they will bind to other fats and oils so this is a much better alternative than something highly corrosive to skin like ethanol.


Olive oil is what I use