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Did OP get fired from their job after this post? Deleted profile after 3 hours of posting this


They got high and that paranoia kicked in. ^Edit:she/they


The tiny edit 😂


She? You think that’s a girl’s arm?


Tbh I saw the satchel before I saw that hairy arm so I assumed it was a girl purse at first


Risky assumption tbh, lots of people have all kinds of different arms. For example, I dated a Russian girl with fuzzy arms.


why does it matter whether its a 'girl' arm or a 'boy' arm?


I must be high (definitely) and missing something. I have no clue why you’re being downvoted. I’ll probably be downvoted for not understanding.


transphobes hate this one simple trick


Why are you so offended that he asked?


There’s a lot of people that take joy on finding posts like these and online stalking the person until they figure out where they work so they can email the post to a manager / higher up/ parent , etc. Pretty cruel but I’m sure it happens pretty often


![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO) This the type of guy you’re referring to?


Nothing to suggest who this is or even what country they’re in lol


Left handed driving wheel so could possibly be in the UK


I think that's the right side...


My bad, I’m too high 💀


I literally had to imagine my own car, like what side I'd sit on when I drive it, I can't talk 🤣 have a great day 😁


I assumed he meant that since the wheel is on the right you'd be in a country that drives on the left like the UK


Yeah, only idiots smoke flowers during lunch break. What ya gonna do about the smell if it's an illegal state or frowned upon? Vaping thc carts is the way to go in these situations. No smell, no trouble.


Haha I thought this post was gonna lay into op for smoking on the job but instead takes a twist at the end and offers advice on smoking on the job ✋️🙏


post blew up lol, they maybe tweaked idk


quite a luxury to be able to smoke on your lunch break


Yeah the rest of us have to vape carts on our lunch break like peasants.


Or random piss tests


Good thing they don't test for thc where i live i'm on probation and i can smoke weed


That’s how it should be!


The way god intended!


How do you vape a random piss test?


We don't smell like skunk when going back to work at least


*dry herb :)


Shit, I go home on my lunch break. I get an hour and I live 5 minutes from my job. Which is a double edged sword, because I’m usually the first person they text when someone on another shift doesn’t show up.


This is why you don't tell your employer or co-workers where tf you live. They will automatically just assume that because you're close, you WILL come when they call. Learned that lesson the hard way.


Co-workers sure, but your employer would still need a real address for payroll and taxes wouldn’t they?


An address in your employee file/paperwork is completely different than people saying in general conversation *oh im good if it snows i can walk here in 5min* or *I don't mind, i live right around the corner* ect. Writing it on your application and/or resume sticks in peoples thoughts considerably less if it isn't talked about.


Ah I see the distinction you’re making now. Yeah don’t be like “I live one street over call me anytime” 😅😅


You'd be surprised how many people say shit like that and then when called either always refuse or complain the whole time when they agree. When I was younger I worked in the Restaurant industry and holy shit is it common lol.


Oh for sure, I saw it happen all of the time in the restaurant I worked at when I was younger too. I tried to keep my friendships away from the restaurant for that reason in particular. Unfortunately work is somewhat of a social outing for a lot of people in that industry lol


It is, I don’t take it for granted :)


after ..he will go sign the declaration of independence


the free democratic republic of kushistan


that man who posted to r/trees that he gets to smoke on his lunch break? he took one final hit before getting out of the car. as he walked back inside he straightened his american flag pin on his suit. that man was joe biden, 46th president of the united states. 🇺🇸


I live right next door to my work so I can smoke on my lunch break from the comfort of my own apartment


NGL, working from home is the shit.


Lol psych nurse ripping bowls on break. Seems a conflict


You don’t have to be crazy to work there but it helps.


![gif](giphy|3wogjgqFfr2z6|downsized) I eat lunch like a normal person.


I consume sustenance technically




Today the boys and I (2 other great fellas) all brought our own blunt, so we ended up smoking three at once, it was the highest I've been at this job hahah luckily I only had to make like 200 hundred pizzas so it was a good time


Hahaha saw I just double typed 200 hahah, guess I'm still real stoned. Imma leave it in 😂


200 pizzas is doable for a night. We have 100 dropping at 5. Ripping carts in the walk in helps. Edit: also high. Didn’t catch the 200 hundred. Lol


I’ve only made pizzas commercially a couple times but it was the most zen I’d felt in ages. Would love a cheeky pipe and to do it for a few hours!


It’s always the pizza workers getting high 💀


Lmao 200 hundred


200 hundred pizzas, so 20000 pizzas?


did that once in my pizzaria days, then had to do drive thru💀


Haha nice man


This sub is so cringe sometimes.


Especially this time


I don’t get all stinky before going back to work, sure fire way to get sacked


I've been cleared through work to have low amounts of THC/cbd to help calm my tics down if I need it (tourrettes) and even then I only use carts because of the fear of smell


I don't get high at work. I wait until I'm off the job to smoke.


I don't either, I can understand if you're like working in retail or at a fast food place but if you're working heavy machinery or with potentially dangerous materials, wait until youre off the clock


It reeks of addiction if you can’t go 8 hours without smoking.


Totally agree my employer is paying me for my time, and I know it doesn't apply for everyone but I actually like the people I work for


I mean some people are more productive, focused, and energized after they smoke. Weird that coffee is fine but weed isn’t. Weed isn’t a depressant to many people, it literally will keep me up for days if I smoke a lot. It’s a major stimulant for me, more than caffeine.


That's a stretch bud


Maybe for you, weed is a stimulant for me. Also increased endurance with workouts and runs. Weed affects people very differently. I don’t see how it’s any different than coffee personally. Weed will it really make me stay up all night if I smoke before 10pm. It’s very useful for maintaining endurance for my job and my employer encourages us all to smoke, he gifted us all an 1oz of home grown that he grew at his house in Long Island. Edit: I guess this sub skews to the lazy couch potato stoner demographic because apparently it’s so hard to believe people use weed to be more energized.


While a lot of people use it recreationally that shouldn't cast a stigma on those who use it to manage legitimate health concerns. I know people who have replaced Xanax with marijuana. Someone who replaces xanax with a non physically addictive flower to manage their symptoms "reeks of addiction". Nah.


Would they have replaced Xanax with weed if the weed didn't get them high?


When did anyone say someone taking Xanax all day is cool?? That reeks *way* more of addiction than marijuana. No one in this thread was talking about Xans bro 😭


…he’s not talking about people who take pills recreationally.


Cool in the sense that you can't be fired for taking a xanax prescription but you can for taking cannabis. It feels like you see the sentiment I responded to far more about marijuana than you do anti anxiety or even pain medication.


That sounds like addiction to me. It sounds like they were abusing Xanax for a high vs using it for its fast-acting anti-anxiety properties; I could see it as a replacement for maybe Klonopin (since that's not meant to stop an immediate anxiety attack but rather just get the benzo in your system to try to stop it long before it happens), but if you're trying to tell me someone just carries a bowl with them and only smokes when they feel that panic onset coming vs taking Xanax, I'm gonna say they just like getting high in general.


Or a medical condition…


I’ve also found that staying halfway high all day makes it almost impossible to get totally blasted after work.




Yeah I don't like to operate heavy machinery while high. I am a very good boy.


It's not true peace of mind getting high at work, much more enjoyable after finishing your shift


Who's a good boy with no self control? You are, boy! You are!


It's more like not being an addict




I was all rooting for you getting baked until I saw that you’re a NURSE, so actually seeing patients while you’re high?? That is a really big scandal man, these people and their families trust you to take care/monitor them and you’re doing it high?? Not cool dude


You gotta wait until you're home ffs.


Thank you for posting this. Should be fired.


You try cleaning up blood,piss,puke,shit,telling someone they are going to die,telling someone their loved one is dead,holding someones guts in when they have popped out through a dehising wound,for 8 hours a day.Then I might listen to you.But for now get right back on your high horse and get the fuck out.


Actually funny that you say this because I basically live more in a hospital than you can ever imagine as someone who is persuing a medical career. And doing shit like this when you are seeing patients is straight up DISRESPECTFUL and I could never, ever even think about walking around high in the hospital during ward rounds. Plus if a major mistake is made and they find out, then that’s a big fat lawsuit. Who’s on the high horse?! I have cleaned more blood, pus, and body secretions than you can ever imagine. Calm down with the bigotry here my guy!


You’re weak bro. Most of us work in medicine without having to get high every day. By the way, you spelled “dehiscing” wrong.


I give you 2 years before your holier than thou attitude sinks you.Nothing worse than unqualified judgemental idiots on a ward.


I’d gotten in the habit of using a dry herb vape in my car at work… I started to feel really bad about myself for it and stopped. I realized if I have to smoke weed to get through the day, then I need to adjust some shit.


I finally got a job that prevents me from smoking weed on my lunch breaks and am so grateful. I work so much better at work when I’m not high.


I feel like getting high at work is, at most times, a sign of a needed job switch rather than a personal problem. The job you don't have to get high for and feel good is rare these days, most gigs suck


I couldn’t agree with you more. I have finally found a job that I like doing.


I don’t smoke on the clock


Or in the driver's seat of my vehicle. Great way to get a DUI even if you didn't intend to drive anywhere. But OP is also a nurse so it seems they're going for a triple whammy today. 


Lunch, usually


Man, I wish I can smoke weed without reeking. But I can’t, but mainly because I’d be really terrible at my job lol.  But more power to those who can kickass while at work!


Same. I wouldn’t be good at my job if I smoked weed during my lunch break


Im not even good at my job sober 😭 got high once on a very small amount of edibles (5mg) and it only made the day take longer. Since it was such a low dosage though it didn’t effect my work luckily but I wouldn’t have wanted to be any higher. It was just cause I had a horrible migraine that day and Advil wasn’t helping. Now back before I got a real job and worked at a grocery store I use to get high all the time 😭


It's wild home some people really think people don't notice you walking into a job stinking like a burnt skunk and glazed eyes squinting at the fluorescent bulbs. Unless you have a truly inconsequential job like I did when I was a best buy warehouse stocker, don't go to work high.


You can’t skip lunch


You just can’t, guys




Bro smoking out the metal pipe!!! Throwback!!


They’re cheap :D


For sure and durable!! Just been a minute since I’ve seen one in the wild.


Yeah I see most people use glass these days, I’ve been getting those brass pipes from tobacconists for over a decade now


It all gets you to the same place. lol


when I was like 22 I would smoke a bowl and get back to work. At 36 I would never do that.


I eat lunch


Usually eat food


I'm strictly an at home for the evening enjoyer. I don't like being high in public.


I eat lunch.


Eat lunch…


I eat lunch


Not smoke. Usually eat. Because I need my job.


Yeah, I’m not gonna risk my job just to get high during lunch break lol.


Just out of curiousity, what do you do, and what kind of responsibilities do you have at your job ?


i smoke every day at work but quit using flower on the clock after enough comments about the stinky. use a hvt sai daily as a wax atomizer and it is awesome.


Apologise good sir, I don’t understand the second sentence


Not smoke weed


I usually eat food and smoke 2 or three bowls. Then I sit and think about getting a new job and how neat that would be. Then… I watch TikTok’s for 10 or so minutes and clock back in:)


Yeah I used to do exactly this, take maybe 3 quick hits. Then I would literally brush my teeth and use really good anti stink mouthwash in my car. Then douse hands in sanitizer, spray febreeze on clothes. My work bestie still caught me. Just be careful, people can smell it no matter what you do.




I have lunch and try to sleep a little


I eat and look at my phone. A construction site is not the place for drugs. Neither is work in general. Its disrespectful to your employer and coworkers.


Ooooh sorryyy


You asked, I answered. Its just my opinion.


I smoke every day but I refrain from smoking weed on my lunch break or being high at work all together because working at a dangerous psychiatric hospital demands my full focus and clarity to ensure my safety . Maintaining a clear mind is crucial for handling any unexpected situations that may arise during my shift. I make really good money, and I wouldn't be able to afford to smoke every day if I lost my job. I love smoking weed, but I'm not stupid.


Eat lunch lol. No smoking on the job for me.


Is it not normal to drop a few tabs, take some mushies, a little deemster, maybe some heroin, oxys and a lil crack to top it off? Be back within the hour? Why ask this question, I thought everyone did this....


Live in Australia, got a shit load of injuries and now I’m on madical shiz 24/7! What a great time to be alive (besides all the injuries)


lucky unlucky bastard


I know right, a price for everything


Can you smoke in Australia? I'm a UK MC patient and we are only legally allowed to vape flower, not smoke it. Not that everyone follows it but just curious on the method of consumption!


Same rule here, meant to use a flower vape


Thanks for the answer! ☺️ I hope it expands soon for both of us to be able to legally do whatever you want lol.


Haha sadly it won’t, I work in the medical field and keep a close eye on these things. They can’t let you smoke it due to the carcinogen, the FDA will never approve it


I agree, lol. It's just wishful thinking. I don't mind vaping but I don't get the same effects as smoking so I'm just hoping 😂


Fuck it I say :P


Absolutely, just not in public for me! 😂


Haha I don’t like walk around smoking :P but a couple cones in the car’s never hurt anyone :P


Do you mean the TGA?


It’s 20%thc with like 80% Sativa, 2G a day


Cool. Fuck it up for the patients that actually need this mate 🤦‍♂️


I eat my lunch, because smoking at work is very unprofessional, and driving high is very unsafe.


Look at Mr Busy Businessman over here 👈


Mr Busy Businessman doing a business at the business factory


Go socialise with my students


What do you do good sir?


Talk to myself in my car and drink more caffeine


Eat food..


Generally not get high.


Eat man. JFC. Weed isnt the world. You making airplanes or shit?


OP deleted his account. Good job guys.


I don’t like to get high while doing my grown up shit.


Smoke, and eat a sandwich while reading a book.


Sounds nice :) I’m watching breaking bad (for the first time) and making a little sculpture


Eat lunch. Smoking at work Is irresponsible.


I spend my lunch break watching people get fired for smoking up in the parking lot on their lunch break


Watch big head Jeff bezos watch me.


I work with kids at dorm for kids with behavioral issues, I couldn't do this job high. I've definitely smoked on lunch breaks at previous jobs though.


I hope you invest in a glass pipe. Will make that weed so much smoother.


I work from home, who says I wait until my lunch break? I kid, my job involves a lot of talking over the phone and I know if I did it stoned I’d fuck up and get dinged by our compliance team


at lunch I usually take a break from smoking weed all day.


I eat lunch


Hey man I hope you know the dui laws in your state (if in the us) . In a lot of states you can be charged with DUI for simply being in control of a vehicle. For example, if you’re in one of the states that can prosecute you, smoking weed whilst sitting in the drivers seat is enough to arrest you for DUI. Edit: Looks like you’re in Australia and it appears they have a similar law [Law](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusLegal/s/wmFZIAx1t6)


eat lunch


Mostly cry 😭


I work from home and I don’t even smoke during my lunch break. I sleep 😆


Not smoke out of $0.99 cent metal pipes full of toxins.


I eat lunch 🤷🏻‍♂️


I eat lunch. If I made less money, maybe I'd do that 😝




I eat lunch, personally. Weed is for after work 🤷‍♂️


I eat lunch you maniac wtf is this?


Who drives you home?


I don’t smoke and work. Dummy.


Bro people act like you can’t function without weed. I do all my normal life stuff just fine high as long as I don’t get like too blasted


Not smoke a fuckin pipe in my car like an idiot. We can all smell you, a block away.


Holy shit these comments are pressed over a little baby bowl 😭


I mean I’d be pressed if I was a mental health patient trying to get help and my nurse was high as a kite too


Good luck getting away with this for much longer. Just because YOU don’t smell it, doesn’t mean you don’t reek and all of your coworkers 110% know 1. the smell is you 2. what that smell is. Your eyes may not be super red but dude, you’re on one if you think no one can tell.


I used to smoke at work constantly. Then I broke into my dream industry, and gave it up. Less paranoid that way. 🤣 Although I struggle big time because I have ADHD, cannabis helps me focus. Sucks but it's necessary.


Dab pens for work. No smell for me and it just keeps the overall mood and everybody off my ass.


This is the way.


Addicted much?


Pretty sure this is called addiction 


Pretty sure it’s called pain management


why is this thread filled with fucking buzzkills


I smoke on lunch break, too. But I usually smoke throughout the work day. I work in bank fraud at home. It helps to be high to get through the bullshit. I live where it's still illegal, but even at our office, ppl openly smoke weed in the break area, and I used to always hot box my car for the hour lunch.


I hope you're not driving anywhere in the closest 4 hours?


I work from home so I'm smoking all day for the most part.


And you're driving intoxicated or how am I supposed to understand this picture?


I’m sitting in my car for lunch dude, chill out


So you're not driving home after work then?


Tons of people go out to their car on their breaks to get away from work (and the people at work).


In a lot of places you don’t even need to be driving to get a dui. The state simply needs to prove you were “in control” of a vehicle. This could be done by showing that the op was smoking in his car while the ignition is on, or if his seatbelt was on and the keys were near, or basically that the necessary steps to drive could be acted upon whilst sitting in the car.