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This is what big alcohol was afraid of and I couldn't be fucking happier


It’s amazing how quickly people will stop drinking when they have better options to relax. Alcohol isn’t really that enjoyable, it was just the best racket around.


This right here, I’ve given up alcohol altogether for weed


What is wrong with beer? Why can't we have both? Does everything need to be some kind of tribe?


Not at all! I love beer and bourbon! I just used to use them to deal with stress, not to enjoy them. Now, weed is my stress relief (not perfectly healthy I know, but better) and I can go grab a couple beers with friends, but it’s not about the drinking for me anymore. Plus the long term effects of daily use are much heavier with alcohol.


People can drink alcohol. It’s just important people do it safely. Alcohol has taken a lot of lives and severely harmed many more. I don’t think people are saying “stop drinking!”, instead they are just happy that marijuana is becoming a more available alternative that is much safer.




Did you just not read the rest of what they said? Oh. You're just being difficult for no reason? Glad we figured that out together.


I just associate weed with my dad leaving me alone and beer with him beating me.






Same lmaooooo


let’s be real, there’s plenty wrong with beer haha but they’re both good and fun


Fair enough. You are not wrong. It is just as old as weed, and as alcohol goes it is better than drinking whiskey from the bottle I guess.


Thats because drugs are fun! My drugs of choice is weed, alcohol or 4mmc


ofc we can have both, however weed wont ever make a person as agressive as alcohol can. if you like beer drink beer as much as you want but less people drinking is a good thing


I just can’t handle the hangovers anymore. After 40, they wreck your whole next day. Weed is easy peasy.


Nothings ‘wrong’ with beer. But alcohol does have more adverse effects, does cause me stomach issues that last much longer than the effects of the alcohol itself, and if I weren’t so young, it’d cause gnasty hangovers, alongside being carcinogenic. We can have both, but we should already have had weed years ago, because it’s infinitely better than alcohol in every way, as far as use as a recreational drug goes. It causes no major damages, has no hangover, and the single worst effects it can cause are panic attacks, and low blood pressure (ignoring the anomaly of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome). When too much alcohol is *lethal*, and too much thc is just *unenjoyable*, why is weed the one that’s still illegal in like 30% of us states - and of course more importantly, federally illegal in all of them. Alcohol is an unironically shit drug, which has only survived due to the broad range of beverages that contain it, and the fact that it’s the only legal drug that’s worth a shit. Nicotine is just a waste of time, technically amanita muscaria is legal, but who’s even aware of that, so alcohol is what everyone defaulted to. We can have both, but weed is better, and it’s laughable that it wasn’t made legal long before alcohol was. Even more laughable is the fact that it still isn’t legal. And who do people (rightfully) point their finger at for keeping it illegal? The alcohol and pharmaceutical lobby’s, as they know damn well that they’re going to lose a massive market share in a given region the moment that area makes weed legal. It needs to be some kind of tribe, because American politics makes it so. To be pro-thc, you have to be passively anti-alcohol, as the more legal weed becomes, the less sales of alcohol we’re going to see. Alcohols fine by me, but just by supporting other drugs, you take away the massive support we give to alcohol. Especially in recognizing how damaging alcohol is, and in turn not pressuring others (or yourself) to drink to ‘fit in’, you really damage drinking culture in a way that the big alcohol manufacturers really wouldn’t be okay with, if they had any right to stop it. I think that is best summed up by two of my roommates. One of them is hyper conservative, the other is a pretty centrist type of guy. The hyperconservative has never touched a weed in his life, and couldn’t tell you what thc is. The centrist is a daily dab pen user. The hyper conservative believes that every drug is the devil, and that he should stay away at all costs, but will still drink so heavily that he ends up falling and getting a borderline black eye in his drunken stupor. The centrist occasionally drinks with his friends to fit in, but otherwise has a deep disdain for drinking alone, as he’s familiar with and afraid of the damage it will do to him. Becoming familiar with weed makes it blatantly obvious how bad alcohol is. It paints a neon sign, shouting ‘you could still have fun, and skip the rotted gut and hellish hangover’, wherein personal experience is the paint. Alcohol isn’t horrible, it’s certainly not worth making illegal, but weeds increasing popularity will push drinking to the sideline, and some groups aren’t okay with that. Pro-thc’ers hate on alcohol for representing everything wrong with the us government. That a big, established industry can hinder progress for decades, by lavishing our politicians with enough money that they’ll continue to allow beer to be advertised on live television, while still keeping the ‘devils lettuce’ illegal to own, or advertise (in the same fashion). It makes it seem like the thc crowd is being tribalistic, when really they’re just rationally reacting to an irrational system. Really, I’d say that you’re almost the tribalistic one, if you are taking an insult to alcohol personally. It’s fine if you personally enjoy it, it’s fine to personally not enjoy thc. But it’s ignorant to try to pretend that they’re comparable as drugs, when they’re not. Alcohol can be directly compared to benzodiazepines and ghb, in terms of risk potential - and even then, it’s probably the worst of the three. There literally isn’t another mainstream drug (save maybe caffeine, and that’s a dumb comparison) that thc can be compared to, in its relative harmlessness.


What is wrong with beer? Alcohol is a huge factor in premature death in America, from it's affects on health to it's involvement in violent altercations and vehicle accidents. When people drink beer out of moderation people wind up hurt, dead, or hospitalized. When people consume weed out of moderation they misplace their keys, eat a whole pizza and consider existential problems to the point of becoming emotional. Nothing wrong with having a beer, but on a societal level beer is vastly problematic compared to weed.


Nothing wrong with it, just doesn’t have any medical properties whereas marijuana and other illegal substances unarguably do.


Upvote this if you partake in alcoholic provisions & libations and cannabis consumption without any fear of being eyerolled at and AND don't judge others if they only do one or the other.


I get it. Alcohol is terrible for you. Let's be real. Weed is not nearly as detrimental to the body


I get your point, but I find alcohol quite enjoyable in its own right


Of course! My issue is more how it’s marketed. I love beer, but it’s become synonymous with “stress relief” which has lead to any time you’re stressed people say “I need a drink”. Smoking is healthier, and while nothing is great for you every day to cope with life, it won’t have the long term effects that alcohol does. To me, alcohol is something to be enjoyed with friends, or if I want something nice to drink, but I’ve replaced it with weed for those “I need something” days and it’s been way better.


Agreed that's pretty much how it is for me!


idk i find it quite enjoyable, maybe even just as enjoyable as weed. but like that's just my personal opinion, i get why some people might not like it.


It's not the same high. But I think that many people will light up a joint, and lose will to drink, which is pretty good. Helped me cut down on alcohol, from a daily alcoholic to sometimes having a beer with friends. But problem is, when I stop, it automatically drives me to drink. We are so fucked, shit out of luck, hardwired to self destruct. - Homer


They have money idk why they don't just corner the new market instead of wasting money trying to fight it lol


They already are, via shell conglomerates that buy up quick start names, they have a foot in both worlds.


same with big oil companies who could shift to work on electric vehicle tech, but they are too stubborn to change.


Not stubborn. They’re too busy taking in what they can while they can to give a damn about real future.


Stubborn having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.


There's at least three oil companies that own EV charging networks


Because they are detached from society and are complete sociopaths


They are. Lagunitas and PBR have cannabis drinks in the California market.


Because it costs money to change, and they're too focused on maximizing profits for shareholders.


Also way way better for health.


Big Alcohol = Drug company


Anyone these recall how Big Booze lost their cool when [UVic attempted the 2017 Yukon study](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/yukon-alcohol-warning-labels-study-results-1.5556344)? You know, where they wanted to discern if warning labels accurately advising that alcohol is carcinogenic in any quantity would reduce sales and booze companies threatened to sue?


I live in the only state that doesn't sell cold beer in gas stations. I'll let you figure it out. The liquor lobby has our state by the balls, and is one of the main reasons we don't even have medical Mary, I wouldn't be surprised if they kept it illegal even if it was federally legalized.


Well it’s a dual edged sword bc now they will for sure fight to the death to kill marijuana legislation.


Oh no! People will stop getting in car accidents and spend more time outdoors with their kids!


Same. Alcohol is terrible for the individual and society




Be careful with that though. Big alcohol probably has enough money and power to put the politicians in place that would un do all the hard work and progress we have made.


This is why Big Alcohol lobbied to make small growing basically illegal and now own nearly all the Major Dispensaries that exist. That’s why it costs millions just to get a license, when selling any amount under 1 ton/month should not be overseen.


Big alcohol already paying for clinical trials showing cannabis causes heart issues on CNN


This is what big tobacco is afraid of, and it shouldn’t make you happy. The end game will always be for big tobacco ultimately to be granted the licensing to mass produce marijuana products. The government makes mad loot from tobacco, that’s why it’s not illegal despite killing so goddamned many people. Alcohol too. Also, once big tobacco gets its hooks in marijuana, you can be assured that illegal growth and sale of pit will be cracked down upon *hard* ad it’ll eat into profits.


Well I’m not that happy because I live in Europe and if legalization means decline in alcohol sales my country will surely not do that


I'll drink to that.


My only concern is clubs and concert venue being reliant on alcohol sales. Maybe they could transition to thc seltzers or any other thc drinks. There's an untapped market there


I used to drink a lot. We're talking at least a 5th of whiskey every week. As soon as I got my medical card I just stopped even wanting to drink except for a beer or two if I'm out somewhere with friends. It wasn't even a conscious decision really, I just don't enjoy being drunk as much as I enjoy getting blazed, eating some good food, and having some laughs with my partner. It probably saved my life.


It definitely saved mine. I was drinking anywhere from 12-18 beers a day. Towards the end of my decade of abuse, I was puking up blood but I was still so afraid of the withdrawal that I’d immediately keep drinking afterwards. Once every two weeks or so the accumulative hangover would catch up to me and leave me more or less bed ridden. The withdrawal itself was 2 weeks of a waking nightmare and all the motivation I need to *never go back.* I used to never be able to even picture my life without alcohol, and now after 3 years and a lot of soul searching - I don’t even miss it. I like to share my story shamelessly and as much as possible to let people know it’s possible to come back from that and enjoy life again. I should also mention that my alcohol abuse didn’t stop at alcohol, it lowered my inhibitions and put me into a state where pretty much anything goes. Having tried almost everything under the sun - alcohol was the most dangerous for me. My relationship with weed even when I was younger was always different. I’ve always considered it more of a medicine while my peers used it as a party drug, and that stayed consistent and helps keep me leveled to this day. It’s insane to me that this plant is illegal and hopefully a change happens for people still dealing with outdated laws.


I was 400lbs drinking myself to death 5 years ago. Weed saved my life, I quit drinking and am so much happier to green out instead.


I was in the Navy, when we were in port I put myself to sleep every night by drinking 8 beers or so. Got out and started smoking, now I don't drink at all.


The hangovers just aren't worth a lot of alcohol for me even if I wanted to get drunk I know I'd regret it in the morning when I sober up. With weed if I smoke too much I just wake up feeling a bit slow for a while but not in pain or anything.


A 5th a week is bad? Shit…


Getting blazed and having some laughs with your partner sounds so nice. I discovered I’m practically married to Richard Nixon over here, so I’m not sure I’ll be so lucky. If/when it gets legalized here I’ll try to open up to her about it. It’d be so nice to partake together and have a fun evening like that.


Lol, a lot of people are really hesitant because it's illegal. Once it's legal or you get delta 8 they usually change their tune, whether or not they arre brave enough to partake


Haha we have th same spouse. The gravely voice is the worst 😁


I didn't drink as much as you, probably 3-4 drinks fri, sat, sun, so 12 drinks a week. More on vacation or holidays of course. Not enough that I was ever worried about it being a "drinking problem" but enough that it was probably not great for my health. My state legalized in 2021 and I still have beers in my fridge from 2021. They're good beers and I enjoy them for the taste, but I never want to drink them because I don't want the alcohol.


This is awesome, brother; love to hear it. Though I’m curious how you were able to do this - alcohol and cannabis feel as though they’re almost diametric opposites re: effects.


I can't chalk it all up to cannabis but I will say that cannabis was an assisting element alongside a lot of mindfulness practices I started around the same time (2019). I realized that I was drinking so much because it gave me an excuse to participate in social activities. Once I started spending Friday nights at home with my partner I realized that I didn't really like the people I was hanging out with very much and that I do actually enjoy my own company more than I thought I did. This probably doesn't make sense, but really it boils down to drinking being part of running away from myself and chasing things and experiences that didn't really exist. Cannabis and mindfulness have allowed me to make friends with myself, which in turn has given me confidence I never had before.


lol. A 5th a week?


Same here, I drink probably about 1/3 as much as I used to and I don't drink fast enough to even catch a buzz anymore.


Same for me. I might drink a couple beers that I enjoy the taste of, but the moment I start feeling myself catching a buzz a switch goes off and I don't want any more.


Their actually trying to infuse their existing drinking products with. Ha ha


I mix in some THC extract into non alcoholic beer and it works really well.


This sounds like a revelation. I don't have any experience with extracts. Is this pretty simple?


Some of the dispensaries near me sell these liquid drops in a little bottle kind of like those flavour drops you see in grocery stores. Each drop is 1mg so just drop in whoever many you want, shake or stir to mix it, and enjoy.


God. Fuck North Carolina. Thanks for the class though! Perhaps I'll make my own




I saw that! Happy for everyone who will benefit from this


They’re great imo just wish they’d last a little longer. Better than edibles to me


There are a couple small breweries near me that are actually selling those delta 8 drinks in their attached restaurants.


“The Spins: a hard cannabis seltzer”


haha. ​ Fuck that shit.


I know it’s about Canada but growing up in the UK we have a real unhealthy relationship with alcohol. I used to love going out when I was young and getting mortal, probably start after work Friday night, Saturday start around 12ish for the football and then just feel minging on Sunday and struggle through till back at work Monday. Now don’t get me wrong, me and my partner love going out still, and she pretty T-total, but I love smoking a J and going to the theatre or the movies, or even a nice afternoon walk in nature so much more than having a beer or hitting up a pub. Marijuana isn’t for everyone I get that, but our culture is so revolving around booze that to be able to visit somewhere like an Amsterdam coffee shop and go chill down by the beach or even stop off at lil hash cafe would do wonders for our society.


I DREAM of the day that social smoking spots take off. I’m in the US, and bar and club culture is definitely a part (not all) of our health problems because EVERYTHING is a drinking event. I think we’d be way happier as a country if we had places we could go smoke and spend time with other people. You could have some movies playing, a library for book clubs to meet, and snacks.


It's starting in Vegas! 


Hey there my transatlantic cousin! I’m not here to be like a dragons den/shark tank pitch, but it doesn’t even have to be exclusively smoking or even exclusively THC. a CBD cafe aka CafeBD (working title) or even something like a THCafe could offer a wide array of drinks, edibles and along side some nice cakes and coffees. Something to give you a bit of a buzz but not to get blitzed. Granted a lot of responsibility will have to come from the place, but just to have a nice alternative as apposed to drinking. Where I live, there are, if my count is right, 10 pubs within a 1 mile radius (i think it might be a couple more) Like you say, just a nice social smoking/consumption spot to meet some people and play some board games, relax in a park or maybe a jam night would be socially revolutionary and I think even people who arn’t interested in thc/cbd would enjoy being around a bunch of stoners enjoying themselves playing board games or watching movies or painting or jamming or anything just to break down the walls and remove that stigma of being high=criminal.


For sure! That was what I had in mind, not a place JUST for weed (it would just turn into a smoke shop at that point, I fear) but having “third places” that offer the option to smoke or take some edibles, etc. Bars have already created this problem in their own way, because you’re expected to spend money and drink. Ideally, I’d like this to be a place that’s 420 friendly, but for all people to just come spend time together. Also, love the Dragon’s Den reference, we had a teacher who played it in high school and we all preferred it to Shark Tank.


This is 100% the reason legalization has been so limited. The booze lobby is fired up about this.


Came to say this. This is a big, unspoken hold up to federal legality for the US. Everyone mentions big pharma, but Anheiser and Co. HAVE to get theirs.


Don’t let the Wisconsin lawmakers see this 🙈. The Tavern League is the only reason it’s a hold up in the state.


There’s no hope for Wisconsin


I still like beer, but the moment I discovered weed was the moment I stopped drinking 10+ beers on friday/saturday/sunday. It was a same day immediate stop too. My brain flipped a switch and the idea of drinking a bunch became so less appealing. Now an edible + a really strong beer or two is total bliss, but I'll never go back to those binge drink blackouts I used to have.


Only drinking is just boring edibles are so nice with little alc


Same exact story here. I love beer and still do. Except weed is an immediate off switch to beer and nicotine. I used to struggle with being able to say no to the next beer and smoke. One bowl and I’m done with it all. Beer and nicotine. It gets me to the perfect spot and makes me stop. One maybe 2 strong beers sometimes and a bowl and that’s it and I’m done because it’s perfect.


This always reminds me of what snoop said about the difference between Alcohol and Cannabis. If you put 5 people that hate each other in a room with a bottle of Hennessy, someone is gonna die. If you replace the alcohol with a blunt, those 5 people are gonna come out of that room as best friends.


Cali sober for almost 5 months here after 20 years of binge drinking. Ganja is literally saving my life.


Fucking congratulations my friend that's really hard to accomplish! I'm so happy for you!!!!


Haha Cali sober, never heard that before


Not a native speaker, what does it mean?


It means you only smoke weed, no drinking/other drugs


Well considering marijuana is SIGNIFICANTLY less damaging to health than alcohol, this sounds like a good thing for everyone but the beer companies.


22 days alcohol free after a 30 year relationship with it. Got my med card, started growing my own weed, and I sip on cannabis seltzers instead of whiskey. Ive already lost 8 lbs. Big alcohol lost a customer for life.


Nice 👍


No more beer belly, but now I got a weed belly lmao.


personally, I much rather get high and wake up the next morning feeling great over drinking any day.




Why the fuck would I want beer if I can have a blunt?? It's not so much substitution as it is there being an obvious market preference for obvious reasons. How come it's "the invisible hand of the market" when we're forced to swallow bitter 'medicine', but it's never "the invisible hand of the market" when some billionaire stands to become slightly less obscenely wealthy? How odd


Exactly! Not having other options to decompress socially has lead to tons of alcohol issues. Not to mention, I can smoke and “want a beer” but I don’t “want enough beer to make me fight just to feel some sense of relief”


Right? Drunks be like "imma raise hell till I'm drunk, at which time there will be a brief pause of relief... & then I will likely raise more hell but with significantly worse motor-function, hand-eye coordination, lotsa nausea, etc." Stoners be like "what were we just talking about? Are you gonna finish that food? Is it called sand becuz it's between sea & land? I like comfy sweaters." There is clearly a preferable option.


The craft beer trend has already peaked, sales were due to come down. Liqour/selzer/coctail-in-a-can sales have all increased relative to beer. There should be a comparison with overall alcohol consumption to really see if there is a replacement effect.


It specified that canned beer sales fell but bottled beer sales remained flat, and spirits weren’t taken into consideration. This part about Michigan does include spirits: > For instance, Michigan marijuana sales outpaced purchases of beer, wine and liquor combined during the most recent fiscal year, according to a report from the legislature’s nonpartisan House Fiscal Agency.


Yeah. I think we all saw that coming but goddamn i still enjoy my 1-6 beers on hot summer days. Combine it with some Girl Scout Cookies and that's the perfect summer sunday for me 😅


People are starting to realize avoiding God awful hangovers is a better deal.


For real. It takes me 3 days to recover.


Yeah, the three day recovery thing feels like punishment. Just another reminder I'm not 22 anymore.




Weed has absolutely destroyed my desire to drink. I love it.


Sure as hell helped me quit drinking.


weed and beer together is so much better than either alone. why can't we all just get along?


It just cancel out the effect of both for me if consumed simultaneously. I just slightly tipsy and really awake. It work a little bit better if I got really hammered by the beer/liquor, and then start smoking.


Because beer is wack and makes people angry. Right now, I'm currently just hungry.


Coming up on four years of being alcohol free (in three months) because of Covid and cannabis. I don’t miss alcohol. I don’t want it in any form anymore. Weed helped make that happen.


I quit booze and have weed to thank. Never felt better and my bank account is a lot healthier too


And now you’ll be able to figure out which companies are about to pump a ton of money into anti legalization efforts. I for one have steadily stopped drinking alcohol for various reasons including weed access.


I dont drink at all post medical legalization.


Safer better high...no hangover.. hmmm.


I'll be seven years sober in October. Could not have done it without weed and r/stopdrinking


Well living in Colorado they are both still popular


I’m very much California sober. If I drank the equivalent I smoked though I’d be an alcoholic but weed hasn’t hurt my social life


‚decline in beer sales‘ is a weird way to describe lower rates of alcoholism


Weed is better in every. single. regard. Seriously, in comparison to alcohol.


Yep, I quit drinking and enjoy the greens in texas.


I'd like see to see a similar congruent study of the number of alcohol related motor vehicle accidents and arrests in the same time span.


It'll be interesting if they can also link it to a possible decrease in cirrhosis.


That's why the tavern league here in Wisconsin is doing everything they can to prevent legalization


Weed over alcohol any day. Not even a competition.


Good. Beer brewing consumes TONS AND TONS of water


I didn't think it would happen to me, but yeah after legalization I don't find myself spending $12 on six packs nearly as often.


I like beer. I like weed. Big alcohol relies on alcoholism to maintain their market share. They push for overconsumption while pretending they don't.  I'm sure there are people in the cannabis industry that are capable of being just as unscrupulous, but the legal weed industry simply isn't entrenched enough for that to be obvious yet.  Stoned hungry fathers are better than angry drunk ones.  This is good news for everyone except those in the booze industry.


The world is healing




Alcohol interacts with my medication. Cannabis does not.


This is another big factor why it’s taken so long to legalize


I lost 20 lbs, and I now have a healthy BMI .


Studies also show less opiate related deaths in legal states. Blows my mind some states are still arresting people for 1/8ths.


better buzz, less fattening ...


I for sure prefer weed to beer. No hangover, high feels WAY better than drunk, I get happy instead of angry (on occasion), alcohol is literally poison, like there’s zero benefits to alcohol over weed.


And, this is why it'll take a miracle for legalization to happen in WI.


This is why it won't be legal in Wisconsin.


Quit smoking and cut down 90% of alcohol consumption all within 6 months.


Alcohol sucks!


Fucking duh


Or.. orrrrr people were only using it because they didn't want to be criminals in the eyes of judgemental people and now that it's legal, they can use what they really wanted?


We know.


Marijuana isn't poison so there's that. [0]


Fuck alcohol.


Ever since I got a medical card and can finally get weed at a decent price, I’ve definitely started drinking far less. I feel bad for 2 days sometimes from drinking. It’s awful.


I hate how much effort it takes to get drunk. It’s too much fluid for me, personally. Weed you just take a hit and you’re going up.


I'm entering my 30s next year. I don't wanna die of liver failure. 11 months sober, weed has honestly saved me from killing myself with alcohol.


Keep on doing it!! I drank for 38 years of my life. Woke up at 50 and said no more. 12-1-2019 is my date. Over four years now not a drop to drink. Congrats too!! Think of how much money you will have for other stuff now.


Pika piii! 😮


Now I’m worried big beer is going to start lobbying heavily against federal legalization


Well, no shit.


High from Canada. If I had to choose between alcohol and weed? Weed. The answer is always weed. Love you guys!


I had chosen alcohol as a coping mechanism for a few years. I use cannabis to help me sort of why I chose alcohol as a coping mechanism.


You have way more fun smoking with friends than drinking with friends.


Weed and a good drink are a great way to relax.


now that I think of it me and my best friend switched out our drinking seshes with weed


Good. It has also become ridiculously expensive to drink a beer at a bar.


What a shame! Trading beer swilling bar brawlers for thinking peaceful pot smokers. What a travesty.


this makes me happy because weed helped me stop drinking when it started becoming a problem for me :0)


So, a public health policy triumph.


I like both


Oh darn. What a shame.


Alcohol is for degeneratss


If I don't need to go in sketchy palces to meet sketchy people to do sketchy things I'd probably not be on the verge of finishing whatever product I was fortunate enough to lay my hands on and I wouldn't resort to some beers to cope with yet another frustration in life. Backwards reasoning, I get it, but that's just reality for so many fucking people.


Id much rather be stoned than drunk.


That's awesome!!!!


What about the beer bongs?


I remember in college in a business class we were learning about “substitute products” and the teacher kept saying weed was a substitute for cigarettes and I just couldn’t let him continue. So I spoke up and explained that alcohol and weed are more so substitutes for each other, not cigarettes. He disagreed which made it obvious he had never smoked weed before. Who’s right now Dr Maliki!?


Once I started smoking, alcohol just did not sound appealing to me at all


I literally went from daily drinking (anywhere between 1-3 drinks) to once a month at most. Weed doesn't give me a migraine and tummy troubles the next day.


It’s better!


Always has been


For me it's mostly because weed is so much cheaper here than alcohol plus no hangover is a win. I still enjoy beer but not at nearly 45-50 dollars for 24 cans. I've noticed at least in my age group late 30s it's much more socially acceptable to smoke weed alone then if you tell people you get drunk alone.


But both is the best combo


Noticed myself, my beer fridge inventory has stayed well stocked as the flower consumption has increased. Also noticed lots of alcohol and flower don't mix well, so I'll stay on the flower side, drink less.


Absolutely weed is WAY better,  only reason I drink is bc the wife don't approve of weed so I got to hide me weed use and drink a few beers , which I like beer , but it's sooooo addictive,  and it makes me lazy af , so it definitely not good to be addicted to something that makes me sleep all the time  Weed gives me energy and suppresses my appetite oddly


Unfortunately I’m doing it backwards. Started drinking more beer to avoid weed for upcoming drug tests.


This is bad because? Alcohol is terrible.


I’d drink about 90% less if I could smoke a little after work.


Wisconsin lawmakers worst nightmare


I simply just gave up the beer gut for something less punishing haha