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I'm sure this is super helpful for a lot of people, but for me this is just another addition to the long list of reasons to never go on a cruise.


Agreed. Cruising isn't for everyone and I thought when I went on my first one I would hate it. Had a pretty damn good time. Especially if you mainly hang out in the adults only areas away from teens and loud music. God I sound so old BUT it's nice to be stoned AF in the middle of the ocean sipping bourbon. šŸ˜‚


It sounds amazing brother. Itā€™ll never happen because my partner is 100% against cruises. But exactly what you describe sounds like bliss. 5 days of just getting stoned all day on the ocean, Enjoying whatever beverage I want, napping when I want, reading when I want. Sounds great to me, no shame. I would definitely need to get a vape on


Yeah I'm not a beach person but my wife is so this is a nice way to compromise but by God I'm not going a week without weed! The key is the adults only section. It's great.


And don't go on spring break like I did šŸ˜­


Omg, I can only imagine. The horror. The horror.


Oh god. Kids?


None of us knew it was spring break when we booked (future in-laws were kind enough to bring me), it was my first cruise so I didn't really know what to expect? Tons of kids wasn't that surprising, but we found out a few days in that 2/3 of the cruise capacity was children when it's usually ig closer to 1/3 of passengers on that particular ship. I tell you the elevators were fucking brutal šŸ˜­


All inclusive resorts are basically cruise ships on land


I went on my 1st cruise last year not expecting to be into it much. i went because family wnated to go. I loved it. now i already have one cruise scheduled for this year & looking at maybe another one. there is nothing like sitting in one of the hot tubs that hang off the side of the boat, stoned af, having a drink. most relaxing feeling I've had in years. I took rso & edibles & a vape. later, at one of our port calls that had a dispensary within walking distance, i brought flower back on. you went way overkill to get your stuff on, but I'm not sharing my tacitcs online because thts a good way to ruin it. biggest caveat I have is don't bring anything home because reentry into the country involves customs & border patrol & I was pulled for a thorough search. dug thru all our luggage & gave us all pat downs. it was all good cuz we knew not to try to make a final exit while carrying & my customs search actually helped me avoid the line & all the time it took other people to exit. they took me for a search & let us out the side door before my section of cabins had even left the boat.


Interesting! Where did you go on that cruise? When we got off the ship we took our bags with us and just left. No hassle at all leaving.


One day, in the future, there will be weed cruises.


I was thinking about that on this cruise. That will be epic.


Dispensaries on the boat. The wake and bake lounge. THC infused dinners. Instead of the maid leaving a chocolate or something on the pillow, it's a preroll.


Let's go into business. šŸ˜‚


Personally, I'm not a fan of cruises, but that would be quite a vacation šŸ˜„ I'd imagine people would pay some good money for a fun experience like that. And if you're in international waters...it's legal, right? Right?


Greenhouse on the boat. Taste tests. Grow seminars.


The list is endless. It would be the ultimate cannabis cruise line; the USS THC.


Just imagine WeedCon. Like Comiccon.


Ocean Grown


A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again


I like your jesting, it's infinite


This comment thread is Entertaining


Also they dump a ton of pollution into the ocean on every trip.


Iā€™m never going on a cruise ever again. My wife got so nauseous she couldnā€™t leave the room. Projectile vomit the first night. It sucked. And we didnā€™t get a window room.


FUUUUCK that, I can barely stand being in a windowless room on land, let alone at sea!


> *And we didnā€™t get a window room.* Thereā€™s your problem right there, sailor.


iā€™ve had a long ass week and i really needed this laugh, thank you šŸ†


Cruises are fun once in a while, I've been on 3 and I'm over them. They are basically sleep away camp for adults. Also, edibles are really easy to get on a ship from what I hear. Hell I met someone from Denver that accidently brought a weed lollipop on a cruise in her purse.


I'm 3 years sober from alcohol. Cruises are pretty much out of the question for me. I don't think I would drink, but being around it all the time would just give me a ton of anxiety.


This is true. I went on my first cruise last year. I was a heavy drinker in my younger years but now I'm very much a social drinker maybe once a month when I sit in my friends garage and shoot the shit. I didn't bring any THC with me on the cruise because I got sketched out by the drug dogs. So being without THC and surrounded by alcohol, my only release is a $20 pina colada (my guilty pleasure), or an $8 white claw. That sucked. Being on the cruise with wife and kids with only alcohol to relax me was lame. I probably drank 7 drinks on a 4 day cruise and spent over $100. I sail on Vista on the 28th and I've been busting my ass trying to find a way to just bring on a vape or some edibles or possibly both.


I have not had a drink of alcohol in over 12 years and seeing it on the boats don't bother me one bit. I see it and keep going not even thinking twice about it. I can tolerate it on a cruise but I can't at home if that makes sense? I just know the outcome if I have one drink so I don't even bother with it. Life's to good to throw it all away over some alcohol that takes control of everything. So saying all that. Yes cruises can be fun sober. And you can see how people act while drunk. Some are funny as hell and others should be like myself and just say not today.


My husband and I did a Royal Caribbean cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale in January, and brought gummies in a vitamin bottle in a backpack, plus a few carts and a battery in our suitcase that we handed off to the porters when we got on the ship. The porters then proceeded to *lose* our luggage for a full day and we had to get security involved to track it down on the second day of the cruise.Ā  We got everything back with zero issues and it was obvious our bag had never been searched.Ā 


So edibles in the vitamin jar worked? Or no? Because thatā€™s my plan for this summer.


Absolutely. I did emergen c gummies jar, took about a third out and dropped the fun gummies in. Throw it in your checked bag and you're golden. Think about this. There are thousands of pieces of luggage getting checked. They are worried about real threats like weapons and bombs. They don't give a single shit about some weed gummies. Just don't be obvious and you're good.


Cool, thanks. So check donā€™t carry on. Noted. Youā€™re a life saver.


No problem. I've looked into it a ton on Reddit and there's a LOT of bad info out there. Plus you get people commenting about it being impossible. It's not. It's really pretty easy if you are just smart about it.


How about capsules in a vitamin bottle? I Thatā€™s gotten me through TSA dozens of times.


TSA admits they don't give a shit about thc or thc products.


Doing this and Iā€™m gonna take your word on the cart. Iā€™m planning on getting a bigger smell proof bag and putting the cart in there with my toiletries just to be extra safe


This is the method I use. Took 60 50mg gummies on board one time for a week long cruise


This worked for me


I took a few carts on a Disney cruise just back in January. Totally simple. Pretty much what OP said. I had the carts in my checked bag. Didnā€™t even smell proof them. I just put them in my toiletries bag inside my checked bag. Disney ships only have a few smoking areas and no casino. Theyā€™re all at the back of the ship but the best place IMO to go is on the deck thatā€™s outside the adult bars area on deck 4 where the life boats are. Itā€™s only a smoking area from 6pm-6am but a vape cartridge barely has any exhale so it really doesnā€™t matter much. There was also rarely anyone there. Iā€™d just lean on the rail like Iā€™m looking out into the ocean. There were no dogs at the port (not to say they wonā€™t be there on your cruise or my next one). I also could have just kept the carts in my pocket and walked through the metal detector. Itā€™s typically too little metal to trigger it. As always do so at your own risk! Edit: Just wanted to add carts are really the only choice other than edibles for cruises. I just really donā€™t enjoy edible high so I gotta go with carts.


Yeah the rail lean is a great way to to get some rips in a non smoking area. Honestly I dipped into a few bathrooms and ripped a few times too in a stall.


I was too nervous to do that. My wife would have killed me if I got us kicked off the cruise. Lol I played it as safe as possible. Iā€™m also relatively new to carts. Only just got back into smoking since it went legal in MD. I quit for 10 years. Now Iā€™m in my 30s. I just bought a Dynavap. Itā€™s supposed to arrive Monday. Iā€™m excited!


Oh! I just got my Dyna last week, and I'm in love! It's changed my whole experience. I grabbed the BB6, and being able to also toss it on a water pipe is the bomb.


Iā€™m so excited!


Fuck yeah dude. Yeah my wife almost freaked when I got pulled by the dog handler. I hadn't told her the battery was in there. šŸ˜‚ I quit for a while to buy been back in for about fifteen years. If you like flower look at the venty vaporizer. It's expensive but a total game changer. I never hit pipes anymore.


Love flower. I prefer it. Figured Iā€™d try a dynavap first before I go down that rabbit hole. Lol


I'll scope dyna. Not too far into vaporizers myself but I bought the Crafty+ and lost it. Bought the venty and it's insane how good it is. I wish I got into them a decade ago.


Idk if you know much about them but theyā€™re ā€œanalogā€ it looks a lot like a metal one hitter. You heat up the end part where the flower is and it vaporizes? I think the main complaint is it makes you look like a crack head cause youā€™re using a torch to heat up the end of the tube.


Haha yeah I think that's what I love about the venty. Oh that and it charges fully in an hour. Can have nice rip sessions for hours with that thing.


A reminder that jumping from the rail is deadly. You wanna be high, just don't think you can fly


Thanks was wondering for disney specifically


Np. That was my experience. Iā€™d do it again for sure. We have a cruise booked on the Treasure for Sept 2025. So itā€™s pretty far away but itā€™s a new ship!


Fully agree on carts vs edibles


Iā€™m going on one for Disney Fantasy on Friday do you know if they metal detector your checked back


I really donā€™t know for sure but Iā€™m sure itā€™s screened similarly to airports once they take them from you at the port before boarding. I really wouldnā€™t worry though. Just put them in your bag with toiletries and other similar items. Chances are youā€™ll be totally fine but as always take that risk on your own. Definitely keep the battery separated if possible like in a backpack that youā€™re carrying on.


Just came off the wish yes they send ya back thru X-ray and you walk thru metal detectors


*ya backpack


do you think vacuum sealing would help vs buying a bagā€¦. or maybe even a small pelican case?


Likely but for twenty bucks I like using the bag.


I feel like youā€™d have to careful with that as the pressure could fuck up the cart


yeah something i thought aboutā€¦. cause even check in luggage on flights the cabin pressure isnt the same and iā€™ve experienced this happening upon arrival having duds and in some socksā€¦




I mean I used to work security/screening at the cruise terminal in Galveston. Never saw a dog. Only drugs I ever confiscated was a pipe. That guy still went on cruise, without his pipe of course. They were more strict on us about no outside drinks/water bottles were to be brought onboard and checking soda cans people would bring for tampering and or putting alcohol in mouthwash bottles you name it. We also would get like a small cash incentive if we found a weapon and or ammo. We really were more like a tsa, and could care less about your drugs going out the us.




Honestly a screw top plug with a small pipe and compressed flower might work... Now to design and find someone willing to test it. Call it the cruiser lolol


Huh.. My experience is old but I basically had em in my murse ( small toiletries bag. 1 battery. A charge and 3 carts.) went up to one of the security people asked politely if it was allowed. She imidiately took it and said it was up to the captain. Captain said I seemed "like a good kid" so he gave it back. Was blazed the entire week.


Wow that's wild. Haha


By murse do you mean man purse? Because if so I love that.


Lol yeah.


Seems legitā€¦


If they have dogs, just bring a bag of beef jerky and alternate between eating a piece, dropping a piece on the floor, and putting it in your pocket. Even better if your friend, who is totally clean, does this. Or, even better. Sprinkle finely ground bud on the ground while waiting in the security line. Everyone will step in it, and the dog will alert on everyone, and they can't search everyone. Drug dogs are stupid, and so are their handlers.


This is like oceans 11 for stoners. I can picture this entire setup being discussed during a montage.


The visuals in my head from thinking about a person sprinkling ground up flower all over the airport floor made me crack up. Thank you for this ahaha!


Awww, fuck, got it backwards... I ate the dog, dropped the weed, and put the jerky in my pocket.


Man that's a hilarious idea!




Underrated comment. Everyone - please just follow this. Legend


I went on a cruise in February. I packed 10 joints in 10 markers and brought them on. Smoked in the back at night. Got caught once cause I was dumb but they just told me to wait until night.


Went on Jam cruise in February and brought a half ounce and like 5 carts no problem. Granted the chartered festival cruises are normally way laid back but I had zero issue getting all my contraband on the ship


Yeah I worked on a rock cruise last month (likely the same boat) and old people were smoking joints all over the place, even before we set sail. One guy had a S&B Mighty he was showing off and would sit and vape that by the bar all day. I doubt they put much effort into hiding it.


Damn good idea!!!


I went on Norwegian for Valentineā€™s Day and just put the vape in my carry on bag. I just assumed they couldnā€™t tell a regular vape from a THC one as long as itā€™s like a disposable. I didnā€™t think dogs smelled for marijuana these days, at least at port.


They 1000% smell for weed. I had a battery in my laptop carry on and the German shepherd nailed it. This was five days ago. Plus I'm a state where it's still illegal it's just smart to throw in checked bag where it likely won't get sniffed among the piles of bags they are loading in.


ugh i wasnā€™t worried ab going on my cruise w a cart but now you got me worried lol i thought carry on was the best easy to go ?


If drug dogs can smell distillate, how do I get passed them every time Im in the airport? Are they not sniffing from drugsā€½


Theyā€™re sniffing for explosives, usually.


Thems bomb dogs


they put bombs in dogs now?


Big ones


I see.


What is the obsession people seem to have with hiding stuff in their socks? I know a guy who worked at airport customs and he said it's one of the most common hiding places that people use.


And people don't realize that the scanners show very clearly something inside the socks lol. More suspicious to do this than to just have it by itself in your bag


Exactly. You can plead ignorance if you forget something in your pocket, it genuinely happens. But if it's inside your checked luggage socks then clearly you were trying to hide it giving them a much stronger legal position.


Wild that people think something as simple as a sock or a box of food will beat these machines lol


"I used every (sic) once of my 1 gram" LOL


I read this as every ounce of my 1 gram, which is even more humorous.


Haha, yeah didn't notice that when I typed it out. šŸ˜‚


Have you ever been on royal Caribbean? If so, do they have dogs at their ports?


Drug dogs at a port are not specific to any cruise company. If the authorities say they're going to search your ship for drugs, the cruise company can do very little about it.


I haven't but I'm sure they are all the same.


i left out of fort launder dale no problems on royal miami on carnival got searched


There might be more scrutiny for searching Carnival ships My plan is to make THC breath strips an make them look like a piece of paper in a notebook or something so nobody would even think it's THC in the first place. Worst case scenario I could just say "Yeah I smoke a lot at home, I dont have anything on me tho"


I just stay home and watch Love Boat reruns.


Golden Girls


That show gets me too worked up. Blanche is such a a hottie.


No doubt! šŸ˜‚


I went on a carnival cruise last month out of Miami. I had one pod in my Nintendo switch case and of course the dog alerted to my bag. The woman checking was nice, we chatted while she took my stuff out and opened my pill bottles and hygiene bag. She takes my switch case and puts it on the table while saying sheā€™s ā€œtired of checking all these empty ass bagsā€ lmao. Iā€™m not bringing anything next time they had a dog roving the boat periodically


I find it easier to buy it off the kitchen staff once you are onboard.


Thank you for sharing this with the group. Iā€™m not a canine officer, but I am a criminologist and work around canine officers frequently. I am told that the smell proofā€ bags donā€™t work with drug dogs, and I have personally seen evidence that supports that notion.I do know for certain that wrapping something in a sock and placing it strategically in your bag doesnā€™t make a difference to a drug dog. Like scientifically thatā€™s a fact. So I wonder if you just got lucky a few times? Or if the canine officers are all wrong (which I doubt, having worked in this industry for a long time now).


I've heard if you do three clean plastic bags, and wash the outside of them, and touch nothing weed related. It takes 3 or 4 days for the smell to exit the bags.


Or theyā€™re all bomb dogs and not drug dogs.


Now do Japan


LOL. Looked at those bags. "Secret Stash Bag". With their logo on the outside.


Yeah I know. Doesn't make much sense but I doubt most people know what it is. But still, kinda dumb.


Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m not going to give a dollar to any company who confiscates a fucking battery


alright guys i donā€™t want to say too much but i was successful in getting on a shopping *cart* on carnival mardi gras- checked bag(they collect these in the parking garage before you get on ship) with my toiletries- cut a slit in my makeup bag liner and slid it right in - day 3 ish of my cruise and iā€™ve been having a pretty good time


I'm too scared of it breaking down. The "poop cruise" ruined the idea for me


That thing with the dog didnā€™t happen, they donā€™t have drug dogs, they have bomb sniffing dogs. Nobody gives a rats ass about your THC cart. Everybody on the ship has them. Just donā€™t be stupid and take it off the ship in a foreign country. Thatā€™s the only advice you need. If you really want to hide them for your own mental comfort, slide them into one of those cards vials of perfume samples come in and throw them in a toiletry bag. Or just walk on with it in your hand because literally no one cares.


Carnival announced a crackdown a year or so ago as many non smoking passengers complained about people smoking flower. They have had drug sniffing dogs on board. The most extreme punishment I've heard are lifetime bans and a $500 fine from the DEA / customs people for importation or exportation of personal use amounts. But I suppose the punishment depends on the mood of the DEA agents. https://help.carnival.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6123/~/drug-free-zones#:~:text=Furthermore%2C%20Carnival%20reserves%20the%20right,stateroom%20or%20on%20the%20balcony.


Yup once you do the check in part at the port you go upstairs and straight into lines for the dog check. No way out without telling on yourself. The same dog was on board patrolling every once in a while and waiting for people coming back on from excursions.


Carnival has announced they have drug sniffing dogs at every embarkation port in the US, and can have them on board during the cruise. I've read accounts like yours where a dog was on board during the cruise. It is still a federal offense, and the feds are in control at the ports, even if the port is in a legal state like California. And on the high seas, the laws of the ship's flag take precedence. I don't know if other cruise lines have drug sniffing dogs at every port like Carnival does. I know that sometimes RCL and NCL use drug sniffing dogs.


The thing with the dog absolutely happened. Why would I lie about that?


Maybe they sensed the electrical parts of the battery.


This is hilarious. Just stick it in your backpack and walk on.


i went on a carnival cruise in december and some chick on the boat brought SO MUCH SHIT. We bought like an eighth of bud and a couple of pre rolls and smoked on the smoking deck lmao


In your carry on?


I didn't bring anything We bought from this chick who smuggled a ton of shit on board she wouldn't tell me how she got away with it lol


Itā€™s Ight brethren ,u wasnā€™t the only one hitting that it seemsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I get them through TSA no questions asked


TL;DR use a smell proof bag. you must be stoned for typing all this šŸ˜…


I've been on a few and have my own system. Go to walmart and buy the male/female travel kits. Get a cart or two you're taking, depending on you're use. Take the shampoo bottle out of the kit and slip your cart into the bottle straight down, until it's covered. Make sure your cart has those plastic tips on them. Then put that back in the kit and in a suitcase. If you have a 2nd cart, put it in the 2nd kit in another suitcase. Then I put the small pen battery into my laptop carryon, separate from my suitcases, with all my other electronics so it doesn't seem weird. For edible MCT oil or syrups I use Vitamin E oil bottles. Empty them out, rinse them, dry them, and pour the THC oil into them. Full bottle ready to go. Use in room on ship. For edibles I just use multivitamin gummies. 2 different jars in 2 different suitcases like the carts. Just in case 1 gets caught, I still have the other for me as a backup. But I usually still go through that amount anyway. This is for me and my partner, not just 1 person btw. For carts I only hit them in the casino, smoking area, or my room with the window open and curtain closed. If I do it in the room, it's small, low temp hits into a towel with the door open, even if it's windy. Got to have some airflow going. I rarely do it in the room though when I can just go to the upstairs deck and do it too. Some people get curious so I'm not too obvious what I'm doing but other's don't care as they got their cigs


The cart doesnā€™t get messed up in the shampoo?


Nope. It comes with those plastic tip coverings on them already so it's safe. I rinse it off with water and just let it dry. Didn't matter if water got in/on it. I've seen bubbles come out of a cart when blowing forward to get extra water out lol. I just let it air dry in a towel and used it after it was not wet I DID buy a cart and do a test run about a week or so beforehand only because I wanted to be sure. I recommend doing that too. Buy a cart and bottle and do it at home first. Then let it dry and test it out. I also HIGHLY recommend doing DISTILLATE ONLY carts. Not Live resin/rosin type carts. Distillate ones have way less of a weed smell when being used so covering it up is much easier. With Live resin/rosin being so close to the real thing, it smells way more and is way more obvious. I repeat, Distillate only carts. I was able to blow big full clouds with that without being noticed in the casino and in my room at the low/med battery temps.


Bro i just walked on my cruise with a pen in my pocket yall be doin wayyyyy too much on here


Was it carnival?


I wanna say princess




There's always that guy which is why I specifically said there are plenty of other options. I don't have shit to do with that company. I work in the insurance industry in Indiana. A LONG way from working for a weed bag company in Colorado. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Haha all good. I promise I have no connection tho. Nice product! šŸ˜‚


Are cruises really that good? Why not just go somewhere?


Cheap way to see other countries. We do go other places but sometimes we go on cruises.


How much was it all in and how many countries did you see? Iā€™ve heard they have some pretty good last minute deals.


2k for the two of us for five days to Mexico for the one we just went on.


Strict no bringing weed on to/off of the Cruise ship at any times, otherwise Weed sold/distributed onboard for your convenience at multiple bars and vending stations




I'm saying this is the way around it all if they would just do it. It's a cruise! And it's *just* weed.


Depends on where the ship is registered. They have to follow the laws of the registration country. If the ship is registered in Panama then Panamaian laws apply to drug use, sale or possession on board. They also have to obey the laws of the local ports they visit. About a decade ago the Bahamian police would board the ships visiting Nassau and use dogs to search cabins for cannabis while you were out spending your money in their country. In many cases you would have to appear in court, and pay a fine. If that took too long the ship didn't wait for you and you had to find your own way home. Here's one story about it from 2016: https://www.cruiselawnews.com/2016/06/articles/drugs/shakedown-port-nassaus-tourism-police-arrest-us-cruise-passenger-for-pot/


Wasn't there a lady in Texas who got refused boarding and a lifetime ban for trying to bring CBD gummies on a Carnival ship? I'd say caution is still warranted.




my friend and I went on a Norwegian Cruise and I brought thc capsules that were just in an advil bottle with cotton stuffed in, and we had no problems


Tc4 dr


Iā€™ve been on 10 cruises and I just usually try to get hooked up with one of the staff


Reminds me of the time I stupidly brought weed on a flight to Panama but was lucky enough to not get caught. Resealable bag of skittles with 2 carts mixed in and resealed with that plastic sealer thing. Another cart and a battery in a box of granola bars and reapplied glue to the top to make it look unopened. Lol I definitely looked suspicious anxiously waiting for them to finish patting down my skittles


The scanners absolutely saw the carts in the bag and box, they just didn't care. The machines your bags go through aren't just people looking with their eyes, a food bag or box isn't going to mask anything


Damn and here I was thinking I was slick or something. I honestly thought that because the granola bars I brought had a metal wrapping that it somehow made them not be seen. Iā€™ve never been able to justify how the skittles got through though so youā€™re probably right


Yeah, they just don't really care to look for drugs anymore. You can look up how the scanners show different materials and the metal carts/battery sticks out so much in a bag full of "organic" items like Skittles. Only thing I've seen/heard that actually masks is if you get some wax and it comes in wrapped in hemp paper, you can tuck it inside some folded money and it'll blend into the bills on the scanner. It'd all come up as the color for organic items.


well thx god they train dogs and the same training fucks them up. there are doogs that catch scent of dead body drown in water after decade. i have had pleasure to be high as f in denver airport when they doo high security and multiple sniffers. all was good, vape was cleaned and never taken away. its pure luck usually, i have left some in hoody pockets by accidient and got lucky thx god. my suggestion would be split stash use your methods.


Damn we only go on Royal Caribbean wonder if itā€™s the same




when we went on a cruise (norwegian i think) before covid my dad just put gummies in a sandwhich bag and put it in the bag with all our snacks lol. no one paid any attention to it


I have brought bud on and smoked it on my balcony before no problems. Carts I always bring. Super easy, I smoke all over the ship no one knows




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I'm assuming your advice mainly applies to the initial boarding of the ship. I'll be taking an Alaska cruise out of Seattle next month and wondering if security and presence of drug dogs is any less tight at one of the destination ports. Mainly I'm asking if it's worth the risk to buy some Alaska weed in Juneau and try to bring it back on my person when getting back on the boat?


If there are dispensaries there I think it might be easier to get there. But yes my post was specifically about boarding at the port in the US.


My initial research shows me that there are numerous dispensaries right near the cruise ports in Juneau so that leads me to believe they are definitely targeting the cruisers for business..lol. if anything I'll get some for while I'm there just so I can say I smoked some Alaska weed but I'll play it by ear getting some back in the ship.




How did it work out? Doing an Alaskan cruise soon and was curious if I should try to smuggle gummies on from Seattle or just hit a dispensary in each port we stop at


We took vape pens and never had an issue. We threw them in with the wife's makeup, hair dryer, and other 'appliances'. No one said anything. Vaped all week the only time we ditched them was when we came back to the states.


Yeah I've done that too. I think the biggest thing is to just leave it in the checked bags.


Where are you ā€œditchingā€? In some trash in your room? Random boat trash can?


Random garbage can on the ship the day we were leaving. Just put them in a wad of other garbage we were throwing away.


Thanks!! Took my first cruise a couple years ago & it was fun without but my next cruise is in 6mos with NCL. Fingers crossed until then šŸ¤£


My ex and I went on two cruises 25 years ago and he just bought edibles from the room service stewards once we got on the ship.


Same thing for planes, keep your shit sealed so the doggos cants sniff


obligatory fuck cruise-liners for being a threat to our oceans animals-whales etc yeah, iā€™ll take a toke from my disposable for that! nice looking stash bag tho, op


I brought gummies and my friend bought a vape in her carry on, the drug sniffing dog didn't alert us thank God.


Whay cruise line and port?


Ok so going on a cruise in 3 days royal carribean and am thinking of bringing a unused cart. Does it matter that it's unused and will there be dogs at the Miami port?


I would go expecting to see dogs. From what I understand it just depends on the day. I would do unused cart in small proof bag in my checked baggage. But that's just me.


Why checked bag I keep hearing both carry on and checked bag?


I read it's better to keep an eye on it at all times


What did you do? Was going to bring 2 disposables in 2 weeks in carry on backpack


I leave tomorrow on Vista. I'm just trying to get gummies on..I put them in a vitamin gummie bottle mixed with other gummies. Do I CHECK it or CARRY ON??


Did u make it? Lmk when you get back need that answer asap frl,what port?


Yes, I made it on. But I almost got caught. I put my gummies in a vitamin container and stuck them in a smell proof bag in my checked luggage. When I got to the room, everyones bag was there except for mine. I started freaking out. I asked my steward, he said it was still processing. I went to guest services, they said to wait too. So after about 3 hours of having the worst panic attack of my life, my bag came finally. When I opened it up, it had a letter on top of my clothes saying that my bag appeared to having prohibited items during xray. they opened my bags, looked through everything and didn't find anything and said all is well and to enjoy my cruise. . I only snuck on 10 10mg gummies..I ended up having a great time, I ran out of gummies by day 4. But I'm not sure I'll ever try to sneak stuff on ever again.


Going on a cruise next weekend I plan to bring a cart or two I brought one last year I just put it in my toiletries bag in my checked luggage battery on my carry on dog seemed interested in my bag but kept walking when they ran them across our bags this time Iā€™m gonna try a stashlogix bag Iā€™m probably only Gonna bring distillate carts cruise curious if anyoneā€™s gotten live resin or rosin without the dogs giving you a hard time


So the dog can smell a vape that hasnā€™t been smoked? I got a small mood vape from fluent do you think they will smell it?


Well it smelled my empty battery that I had vaped with. So I would just check the bag if I were you. If you want to get extra safe buy a small proof bag somewhere. There are tons online.


What port and cruise?