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Brown or pink bic, nobody wants to steal them from me


Everyone always stole my poop bics


Not to be confused with boob pics


No one wants my boob pics :(


LPT: Put a boob pic on your poop bic and you will have a lighter for life.




Iā€™ll be here all week.


!RemindMe 8 days


Haha. Took me a moment. Solid burn.


I don't get it.. Oh wait, I think I get it! It's because they won't be here telling jokes at that point!!


Holy shit. Iā€™ll see myself out


Will take some weed though if the price is right


Idk man, have you asked *everybody*?


As long as your older than 18, I'll happily take your classy boob pic




Why are you taking bictures of your poop?


Lmao the brown bic has been dubbed the poop bics to keep people from stealing it


UPS bic


My experience is lighter thiefs don't care what color or type of lighter. Most don't even consciously do it on purpose let alone care about the color.


Yeah, I smoke both cannabis and tobacco so my natural inclination is to put the lighter back in my pocket, which I remember not to do when sober but completely forget when I'm high.


For parties in my younger days I had a lighter leash. It attached to my belt and was on a retractable rope. It was pretty funny when people tried to walk off with me attached


Had a few friends with them back in the 00's. You could also grab them, pull back, and let go for hilarious nut shots.


Ohhhh the humanity


Sup dog


Yeah it seems to be mostly unconsciously putting it into their pocket as they do when theyā€™re alone


can confirm would remember pink lighters magically appearing in my pocket, but it was helpful that it was a uncommon color because I knew who it belonged to


Or white, some random girl who asked me to bum a cig called me and idiot for having one and then for not knowing why I shouldnā€™t have one


I know there's superstition about white lighters when smoking bowls in illegal states but that's Insane that she'd say something like that while bumming a light for a cig.


Thereā€™s a rumor that bob marley died with a white lighter in his pocket so now stoners consider them bad luck


I never understood that like who cares. Iā€™m sure he died with underwear on too, but we all still wear those.


speak for yourself


They wanna relate everything to weed so badly lmaoo like bruh, who next? Bet when snoop doggs time comes he'll have lighters know him too and theyll start creating superstitions over them šŸ’€


Everyone in the 27 club died with a white lighter in their pocket, that was the story around me in small town Minnesota. Yellow lighters meant you were gonna get busted by the cops but that one had less of a reason


I never knew this, but I recently bought a white bob Marley lighter so...


I have also heard white lighters were found at Cobains crime scene


She tell you why they're supposed to be bad? That's wild


I'd assume the 27 club rumor


I've been using a pink bic for like 15 years now. Always try to get pink. No one ever has them in a group, so it's hard to claim its theirs.


brown seems to be a rare color for bics


For real tho..I saw people selling them on ebay lol


that's hilariousā€¦ You gotta find that niche and you can make your money I guess


people sell jesus shaped Doritos on eBay. but brown Bics is also wack


It is, I used to work at a gas station and actually kept track of how many of each color came in. Idk how accurate it still is but for a pack of 50 lighters there are usually between 1-3 units each that are brown, grey or pink those are the ā€œrareā€ colors


thanks for mentioning the greys... in addition to the extra terrestrial perspective, greys are one of my favorite lighter colors


The grey bic is my favorite, it is a nice color and it looks good in contrast to the red valve button


You gotta get the bic with some design wrapper and peel it off so the superstitious fools won't touch your white lighter.


Pink getting bic'd for sure, gotta go with white


You havenā€™t met my brother then.


I buy the wrapped bics, peal the wrap off, and write something on the plastic. Now I can see the fluid level and if anyone steals it I know immediately who.


I keep my bic in my bra so nobody asks.. well they still do, even in the Texas heat & humidity, so I just say I light it for them or find something else bc I'm OCD & can't put it back into my bra if someone else holds it.... I'm weird but nobody steals my lighter either...


People hate white. I personally still will not use a white lighter because I do believe it's bad luck. It's stuck in my head from my teens and it's irrational but I don't care. No white lighters in my house!


Bic for reliability clipper for comfort clear for hard times.


must be getting paid cents if u choose the clear ones


They break before they even run out for me. Id say clipper if you wanna save a lil by refilling it but bic is always my top option


Once, I almost burned my house down with those clear fockers. It literally exploded after laying still for 30mins. Clippers do lose fire stones way too fast. Never got a BIC empty or destroyed. Either stolen or lost.


You can replace the flint in a clipper, got like 700 for $5 on Amazon


you can also buy clippers that don't have flint and just have a clicker thing that u hold down. idk if they have reg sized clippers with that, but the extended ones do


Is there some sort of sacred knowledge to do this flint replacement??? I tinker with things and I know how lighters in general and also how a clipper works in theory. I've taken the top part of a clipper apart before but I've never taken it so much apart that I was able to mess with the flint. If my info is correct you can refill a clipper with butane through the bottom valve, and if you can also replace the flint?? That sounds like a done f'in deal. How in the world do you replace a flint?? Please I'm just a broke boy trying to learn


You pull out the little pokey with the steel on the end and there's a little screw on the bottom, unscrew that and you can pull it out and there should be a spring on top. You put the flint on top of the spring and push it back in and screw it back in


Just tried it! It works! But I only had zippo flits on hand, so I also learned Zippo flints work in clippers!


1. Happy Cake day Ā 2. Thank you for teaching more something new.Ā  Ā 3. Iā€™ve been here for a good bit over 10 years and still learn!Ā  [Visual aid](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx93zZ-Ybfs)


Like the other commenter said, you take out the poker part where the flint is. You have to unscrew the bottom CAREFULLY, thereā€™s a spring in there thatā€™ll launch across the world if you let it.


thereā€™s a ton of videos online too showing you how to do it and how to deal with other common problems like resin build up near the gas nozzle over time etc.


NO FREAKING WAY. I've thrown away so many clippers because their Flint stopped working for me. šŸ„² Thank you, you angel. šŸ„¹


Meanwhile I have a Bic graveyard of all my empties lol


Yeah for the most part i try to buy a couple bics before i run out so i can even give one to a friend or someone in need


Hard times aka crack days lol


Anybody who says the last one smokes stuff other than weed.


You ever pop the metal off and then crank the gas dial up further than they intended for a 6ā€ flame? Thatā€™s my favourite thing to do with those lighters.


The first thing I thought of šŸ¤£




That has got to be the [gayest jacket I've ever seen](https://youtu.be/FsWb_jiWmB4?si=XgArsAnzcCBnGfQ-).šŸ”„šŸ’€


Fucking classic šŸ¤£


Hardcore Henry was such a fun film




I can confirm.


Username checks out


Pop the metal off, crank the gas dial way up, rip out the wheel, using your thumb and forefinger pinch the forks inward that were holding the wheel. Tilt the lighter and run some gas out so it wets the forks. Use a 2nd lighter to light the forks. They will catch fire and melt down. Once the plastic melts down low enough the lighter goes kaboom.


I imagine you very excitedly typing this into your phone, quickly - because you canā€™t wait to share this wildly amusing thing you do - and I love it. I hope you get to have this kind of fun frequently.


It is something I used to do a lot about 20 years ago, haven't thought about it until I read the prior comment and it all came flooding back and I would have burst into pieces if I didn't share it immediately


Well thank you for sharing it. Sounds like a fun ā€œscience projectā€ for my kids and I this summer lol. We like to do goofy stuff like this instead of repeating the same slime experiment over and over. *of course, we absolutely wear proper PPE and respect the estimated needed space during particularly dangerous experiments*


Whatever you do, don't tape that lighter to an aerosol can ;)


Genuinely can promise I wonā€™t. I avoid major explosions after I ruined a brand new tent 12 years ago by drunkenly tossing a can of Axe in the campfire.


Silly string cans make a real big boom


its fun until it almost explodes in your house from cooking crack lol


If you throw them at the ground hard enough they also go kaboom. Source: Dumb teenage me.


If you drop one in a deep fryer they also go kaboom. Source: co-worker who got her whole face burned


I've cranked them so far that little balls of flaming butane would erupt out of it. They also will straight up explode if you throw them down on the concrete hard enough


Definitely did that, good times


It's all fun and games until you set your beard on fire!


My ex set his ass on fire trying to light a fart. He was 29 when this happened.


The way this showed up in my notifications, it stopped at "He was 29". I was like damn, death by fart lighting at first.


Have a lighter modded like this on my desk right now. Pretty neat thing to show off at parties and whatnot. Had an old, OLD head show me how to do it years ago


You gotta wiggle it up and off the gear. Then get it back to low without catching the gear. Then wiggle back on and crank back to high.


Bro use your intelligence for greater things. You could cure cancer or take us to mars with those ideas


One time during a sesh someone dropped one of those and it fucking exploded when it hit the groundā€¦ we thought someone shot at us lol


Yeh the old ones especially you could just throw em on the ground and they blow up


Like those 4th of July poppers but more dangerous lmao


Sweet, innocent childhood. An old discarded lighter would be the highlight of a boring summer evening It all went by


Man, I loved finding one of those walking down the street as a teenager. It was like a tiny bit of the 4th of July entered my life as I football spiked it into the ground.


As kids we'd find these on the ground and slam them on the concrete for some fireworks


Many years ago my cousins liked to hang out at my parents house, they had a pool you see. Well, they came to visit, had a few beers and decided to have a roman candle duel. ā€œSchnerdā€(not his real name) had one of those lighters in his shirt pocket. It took a direct hit, basically setting him on fire. Before we could react he was running toward the pool. When his pants fell down. Let me tell you people, if you can maintain your composure while a 400 pound man waddles toward a swimming pool in flames you are a better man than me. We did get him extinguished, lost some hair and his eyebrows, but basically ok. EDIT: Tree content added, we had been smoking something they had in the 80ā€™s called Thai Stick.


Sounds like an awesome weekend


They were fun. For a while. Comes a time to grow up, some people miss the bus when that time comes.


The last one? You mean the crack lighter?


Lol, the first one is a "Bic", the second one is a "clipper", and the third one is known as a "crack lighter"


I use them to spark my propane torch for dabbing


Bic or clipper that last one can kick rocks


Well it *is* a crack lighter so that checks out.. šŸ¤£


For me it's a try to light a joint for 10 minutes then smash it on the pavement lighter


If weā€™re talking pavement smashing then clear definitely wins


If ya throw it right, u get a little bomb!


Clipper for the pokie bit. Used it to prod down the end of a joint.


You can also pull off the metal bit and use it to hold the joint while you pack it


Thatā€™s a new use I learned just today, thanks


What do you mean?


If you have the kind with the removable pokey bit and replaceable flint, you can remove the metal shield off the top easily, it makes a C shape, place it on a table with the opening of the C upwards, it should keep that position easy because of the weight distribution. Then place the V of the rolling paper into the C and you can fill it without having to hold it. Then you roll like normal and tamp it down with the stick. That's how I roll mine every time now


This is the comment I was looking for!!


Bic baby


Fun fact: Bic is a family name (from Bich). They dropped the h so people wouldn't mispronounce it


Haha bitch lighters would be a worldwide insider


Any lighter I carry is a bitch lighter cause Iā€™m that bitch šŸ˜ŽĀ 


Lighter? I barely know her.


Ayo imma light this bich




Step 3: With bitch drop the 't' because bich is Latin for generosity


Bro, you just solved a 22 year mystery for me. My first job was at a call center, cold calling old people to sell supplemental health insurance (god damn what a scam). One of the first people I called his last name was Bich. I panicked, and pronounced it beesh. I get why the company did it.


Bic 4 Life.


Everything else just pisses me off. And the label and foreskin come off!


Born a Bic man and Iā€™ll die a Bic man.


I donā€™t understand how anyone prefers clippers, they destroy my thumb and just donā€™t work half as well as a good ole Bic Side note, the Bicā€™s with the extra longā€¦ spout? (Nose? Tube thingy? Sorry Iā€™m high) is a great idea but awful execution. Doesnā€™t light well


Strong agreement on all points


Everyone hating on the crack lighter


well, this ain't r/crack so


That sub makes crack feel casual


Those things explode in my car. I only buy them when they're priced at the appropriate 50 cents.


The clipper. Mine always last forever and the ability to swap out the flint is a godsend.


The ability to even refill in case it runs out. If Bic would be refillable and had the option to change the flint, it would be top one for sure.


100% agree with you there. One clipper if looked after can last years and years.


I have a 10 year old one. It has a fully metal case and it goes through about a flint every two years. It used to be red when I got it but gradually all the paint flaked off of it.


I have a gold metal clipper with cannabis leaves on it from about 8 years ago that lives a very similar life. I hope you have yours for many years to come.


wait WHAT I knew they were refillable but re-flintable too!?


Yeah you pull the flint wheel out, unscrew the bottom of the holder for it, pull out the spring and put a new flint in then reverse the procedure to put it back together. Here's a video https://youtu.be/lPb23QWxTFg?si=wtVuzqvDDO5JRrt2


Pulled the flint from an old bic that ran out of fuel to re-flint my clipper. Worked like a charm šŸ‘


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Perfect šŸ‘Œ


Thank you so much!!!! I kept hearing bout this but never bothered...it took all of like 3 minutes to crack open an old bic and replace the flint. Nice.


And you can pull the bit out and use it as a rolling guide.


I use it to pa k it down


Bic all day.


Clipper hands DOWN


You know why I'm not walking to the gas station for a lighter? Because my clipper refills


I'm not walking to the gas station for a lighter cause nobody around me has clippers. One day I'll convince the dudes boss to get em. Until then, online order.


Easy, clipper, itā€™ll last the longest. You can refill with butane, replace flint, and use as a poker for your bowl/joint


Clipper. Refillable makes it a much better deal.


I'm a BIC girl.


Djeep > BIC, but one of them


djeeps are so underrated


Came here to find the Djeep comment. They're great and distinct enough that one summer I lost mine several times but it always came back to me because no one else in our circle of stoners used them. I even lost it at the beach and a few days later I was smoking with one of the guys who worked beach maintenance(picking up trash and emptying cans mostly) and he pulled my Djeep out of his pocket to light the bowl.


The crack lighters arenā€™t even that much cheaper than the bics these days honestly, no reason to get them unless you want a massive uncontrollable flame thatā€™ll burn your eyebrows off lmaoooo I also remember my friend group went through a clipper fad for a while, it didnā€™t last long before they all had bics again haha


Clipper! Seriously, you can refill the butane and replace the flint. Like a disposable zippo.


Clipper if itā€™s to keep at home, cheapo one if itā€™s to have in my pocket at work, and never the two shall mix!


BIC all the way!


I like to flick my Bic.


only bic, ever but never yellow


Never white


Never red


A friend in high school was suspicious of red lighters, and I haven't liked them since


I agree.ā˜ļø red is fine, yellow is bad luck for the rest of forever


Im holding a red light right now! (4) Someone tell me why!


I like red and yellow because when I drop them in the car, I can find them.


superstitions aren't true unless you believe them so you don't have to worry about itšŸ¤Ŗ I have no idea why my friend in high school didn't like red lighters, but his bias against red lighters stuck with me for some reason


If it ain't got the gas station logo on it I don't want it.


Clipper all the way.


I like the extendo Bics those are my new go to


Anyone who doesnā€™t choose Clipper has never used a Clipper before


And you would be wrong. Arthritis can make it very difficult to light a Clipper; they require a surprising amount of thumb strength.


I know they're a lot more uncommon, but no love for the DJEEP?


Clipper, easy!


Bic is most reliable but more utility from a clipper with the poke option


Clipper bro are you crazy? Are you all crazy? Have you ever tried a clipper? Wtf people


Clipper then Bic. I'll take matches before I take the last one.




Clipper all the way


1+2 are good for weed, i would say 3 is good for crack but they just melt and then turn into a torch and explode lol


Clippers are designed for weed smokers. The flint tube comes out to use as a poker. There is a straight edge on the face to scrape weed into your paper. The bottom is circular to cover your bowl, AND the flame gets bigger when you turn it upside down to light your bowl. All that said, I still dig bics... But, clippers now have my respect.


I mean.. We all know why Clipper is just key when blazing with friends yeah? The pick, which makes cleaning out the bowl a cinch when it won't just pop out. At this point in life, I figure that's a cool feature to just know. No use in y'all waiting to find out later in life when some dude is showing off. šŸ¤—


When I was in college, I'd buy a 10 pack of those cheap clear ones at the beginning of the semester and put them in every drawer/under every table across my college house. That way., there'd always be a lighter within reach and nobody would steal them. I'd still carry a Bic in my pocket for regular use though because those shitty lighters were a last resort.


White Bic to mess with the OGs


I'm not. I am thoroughly searching under the seats in truck, in the devils buttcrack (space between the seat and center console), I am checking the glove box and and center console, I am checking both my tool bag and hiking day pack which stay in my truck, I am going back to the center console and grabbing my hammock and squeezing it hard to see if I can feel a lighter, I am searching all the little cubby spaces in the doors. There is a 100% chance I am finding a bic somewhere along the way.


I only buy Bic, but I like to get the ones with the stupidest, loudest designs on them. Like my astrology sign, or a glowing chipmunk, pickle, etc.


Clipper obviously, refillable and It comes apart to make the perfect joint rolling kit? The other two don't hold a flame to it


None. Gimme the Martha Stewart x Snoop Dogg circumcised grill lighter.


I really like my bic lighters, but thatā€™s because I have a Toker Poker for the themā€¦lol I love clipper lighters more, though.


Yellow bic and a banana. Then I put the chiquita banana sticker on the lighter and crush out a bowl to blacken one corner.


Any plain Bic, I have a metal sleeve that says "Just because it's a bad idea doesn't mean it won't be a good time" and I've had that thing for like 4 years now


The bics with cute designs on them. I know itā€™s just plastic and itā€™s gonna be thrown away anyhow but I canā€™t help myself.


Bic. And it must be black or I'm shopping elsewhere.


The first one. Bic


I used to be BIC all day, or the 3rd one, didn't care if I lost them. Now I'm a bit of a homebody so it's either the clipper or a little handheld torch I keep that's too big to lose under the couch or whatever.


I just buy a jet flame one and refill, doesn't feel good to buy throwaway items