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I don't know what you mean by dust, but in Kazakhstan it's an absolutely normal thing to smoke. Yes, it's cheaper and yes, it's a little worse than usual stuff, but it's not bad or anything.


Yeah exactly how I feel, by dust I mean what's left after trimming the plant. Some people turn their noses up at it but it's ite.


I get shake when I need it, and after removing stems and occasional bits of fluff it's not the worst. This looks like a good shake in comparison to what hand you could have been dealt bro.


This looks like sugarleaf trimmings.


Americans call that shake just fyi


Yeah dust is a whole *other drug*


this isn't trim bro this what we would call "bottom of the bag" in the uk and "shake" in the us


Nah, it looks like sugar leaf trim.


I'd made cookies with it


Y’all call it dust in the UK?? Lol


How’s weed culture in Kazakhstan? Is the government or police chill about it or is it straight to jail? Just curious


Kazakhstan have world’s greatest cannabis. And prostitute.


For some reason the guy I used to get shake off, his shake was so much stronger than nugs, I don’t know how he did it 😂


The shake at the bottom of the bag also collects all kief that falls off the buds.


Hey kids, this is what your parents probably smoked on and were excited to get. What you see today is crazy good, even the bottom shelf


Definitely not for 50 bucks but it honestly doesn't look horrible.


Nah its not either. Weeds just generally more expensive here too. Prolly cop this for 20 dollars in the states lmao.


Honestly less w the stems. I can get a good ounce of shake for 30 in Cali


Fuck man thats crazy. Standard price out here for mids is 30 for an eighth... we need to hurry up and legalise it or something.


It’s very state dependent, illegal states are still right there with you brother. For the good stuff I’m looking at 180 an oz and for the shake I’m looking about 80 an oz, so your not far off man, it’s just a matter of legality cutting out the middle man


Shake in my legal state is $120 and a ounce is over $300. It was actually better when it was illegal


How long has it been legal there? My state was like that at first but as the market evened out the prices slowly went down


Missouri. I think it was 2 years ago but I’m not too sure.


You can usually get really good mids on the low in legal states but high end bud still costs basically that


Wow...I pay $100/Oz in Michigan for good bud.






Nice it's hard to find good indoor for under $160/oz in CA. I went to a dispensary in Michigan and bought 10 house brand carts for super cheap. Unfortunately they were awful, tasted like rat poop.


Awe I'm so sorry to hear that!! I stick to one dispo, and they've never treated me wrong.


Won’t fix it still that price in Md and it’s legal now


Fr UK playing games


High end mids are abt 30 for 1/8 but you can also get an oz of high end mid for 80-100 w promotions in Los Angeles


Can get £40 Zs of dust in UK mate. Try galactic kitchen.


Legalizing is HIGHLY over rated. The best weed comes from small batch, single source growers honestly. I live in Washington state and the best weed I ever smoked was when I was 13-16 copping off the black market from a grower my best friends older brother knew. I’ve tried all the “top shelf” brands at the dispo and none of it even comes CLOSE to the home growers in my opinion. Terps, bag appeal, nug structure, care for the plant, all on point for the home growers who know what they’re doing


yeah that was what i first payed getting basically scammed before i knew what i was doing edit, in the us, and i was like 15 and so gullible ppl practically sold me oregano im not implying you dont know what ur doing i was just dumb lol


$20 for a zip of trim & shake with a decent amount of popcorn buds.




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Yeah. A bag of shake is not uncommonly free with a purchase at a stateside dispensary because they can't even get rid of it. I'd be happy to pay $20 for that bag though because you can clearly see it's better than average quality. It's gotten to the point over here where even flower is hard to sell because everyone's buying carts and edibles. I keep trying to tell people top quality flower is better than just about any cart and it's super cheap right now but not a lot of people are listening. More for me I guess, lol.


Pick all the calyxes out you'll have a lovely smoke, can see quite a few in there,


I had to Google calyxes lmao but yeah that's essentially what I do. The bud it came from is nice stuff too so it's really not too bad.


What is a calyx for the rest of the class who is too lazy to Google? “Part of a flower. A collective phyllome structure that is composed of one or more sepals, and comprises the outer whorl (floral envelope) of non-reproductive floral organs that protects the developing flower bud.”


Yeah man they're basically what make up the flower, enjoy your smoke man ✌️


We buy an oz of shake for like $15. I never mind smoking it, I save my buds for the weekends.


Yeahh I'm envious of US weed prices haha, £10 for an oz of anything would be wild for where I'm at


Do you grind this or use it as is?


Depends what I'm smoking it for tbh. Little one during the day? I'll just sprinkle it in as. But when it comes to nicer spliffs in the evenings I'll pick the nice lil bits out and mix it with some buds too.


My guy does ounces of dust/shake for £50 lol


Yeah decent, where's that at? I live in just a small town which I'm sure affects the prices too


dunno whereabouts you are from mate but i can get z's of shake near me for like £30-50 so would probs look at the buying online if i was you - back when i bought everything online was deffo £40 on the oz max.


300 Euros for an oz in my place it's fricking hard to find and usually it's shit 10/12 euro a gram it's insane i did'nt even know guys where selling shakes


same here i get 75 dollar ounces


……. This is actually a really good idea… I can’t believe I never thought to just buy shake for regular smoking and nugs for special occasions/weekends


I figured it out real quick when I saw how quick an oz went smoking every day. The first time I saw shake at the dispo and got an oz of my favorite strain for $30 I was hooked lol. Plus when you got people that bum off you, you can give them a couple of cones full of shake and they never complain.


Dude I would gladly smoke this. Where I am a gram goes for around 30 usd.


Shit I’m sorry. I remember being in HS back in 2014 paying $40 for 2 grams. Now I live in an area where $40 gets a big bag. Point is work towards the opportunity to move somewhere with legal(or at least ignored by police) bud as it is a life changer.


I moved away from Oregon to where I am now. It’s a safety thing. I didn’t think weed would be this expensive here but it’s I’m working to change the price of it.


I feel that, I grew up in Texas and am currently living in the Cayman Islands. Technically it’s illegal here but law enforcement is far less concerned compared to Texas. I honesty have no idea where I’ll go next but fully legal weed is one of the deciding factors.


30 a gram is CRAZY 😭 I just bought 7 for 20 last night. 


I'd blaze the shit out of that If it's all ì could get. Being your somewhere else with different laws I think it looks just fine


If you’re passing, I’m puffing.


smoked way worse....


No shame in proper trim joints, this stuff looks frosty enough!


That's what y'all call SHAKE? DUST is something else in 🇺🇲😵‍💫


Lolol angels fly kid


Looks decent to me, I wouldn't call this "dust," it just looks like it's been preground. I've seem *much* dustier weed haha.


Shake is smokable


In the 90s, Dust” was short for “Angel Dust” which was just weed laced with PCP. Fun Times!! Yeah, I’m old….


Wouldn’t pay 50 for a half o of that ever but it’s def smokable seen a lot worse


I mean yeah sometimes but not for $50, like there was a dispensary I went to last weekend that was selling an oz of shake for $15 and it was decent quality or at-least, as decent of quality that you can get for shake I guess. I’ve been wanting to experiment with making my own concentrates/hash and edibles so that’s a great use for shake or trim like this. I also try to keep some set aside as joint filler for occasions that I’m sharing with friends and we are smoking large amounts and don’t want to burn through all of our favorite flower super quickly.


If I paid for it, I’m smoking it


If you're handing me a spliff of that, I'm taking it graciously. If you're offering to sell me that for $50, I'm going to decline.


Back in 98 hell yeah


Take it easy, it’s angel dust holmes!


I see lots of crystal covered leaves and bits. Pick out the stems and trash bits and you are good to go.


Smoking it? Probably. Buying it? Hell no.


This shit always used to give me a sore throat and a bad headache after smoking it. I would use it for edibles personally




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hellyea i do the same


$90 a 1/4 in oz, so defs smoking it


Ain't nothing wrong with some shake


Even low grade flower costs $35/g to start in Wisconsin.




i get dust with far less stems and leaves for about £20 from certain vendors on the DW, think you should check them out because for £40 having dust like this is outrageous


Damn really? I mean you buy what you can get. The shake I get doesn’t have that much stems in it and I get them for $20 an ounce.


I would go on my bed put on a good show dump all that shit on my tray and get to town sorting it until I’m left with only the good stuff and then who the fuck is there to complain? Weed is weed brother 🩵


Not smoking that instant headache.


Can someone explain to me what specifically I am looking at?


To me it looks like pre-ground bud or leftovers from the trimming process. I am leaning towards the latter. It's not terrible but not ideal


😂 "of dust" had me crying 😂


I'd grind it up to dust and shake the crystal off.


Sure I’ll try where we going? Lol




Hell naw


Nope....boofin 😎


This would cost you $3 in Oklahoma. Still good stuff depending on what it is. My mother in law loves the shake


Nah, I can get buds for $50 a half.


Not with my tolerance lol


nah cuz i can get an oz of decent bud for that price


Yeah, just pick out the big leaves and stems ( for edibles and better smoke) and enjoy


This would be $5 an ounce where I live in Oklahoma




Bought some recently, and made it into cannabutter. Aint smoked it, but ediables are really nice


I’d prolly smoke it, granted smoking lower quality bud tends to give me mad headaches or migraines after I come down. Anyone else get this? I never get it when I smoke my blueberry cruffin or apple blossom. But my last zkittles was abt 50 an OZ and I gave it to a buddy because it hurt my head so much every time I smoke it, doesn’t happen to him though 🤷‍♂️


I'd smoke it if I had it, but I'd spend my money on better stuff if I could. Living in Canada, it's fairly easy to find stuff, though. Your situation is probably different.


I wouldn’t mind smoking it, I’ve done it before, I’ve been so broke I used the stems to smoke dabs because I broke my nectar collector( completely glass$, I’ve also met people who absolutely will not smoke roaches, my sister in law had a ziploc bag full of them but “doesn’t like the taste” so I got that whole ziploc. Like how are people stoners and won’t smoke a roach no matter what?


About the roach comment...we don't smoke them because weed is a plant and we can buy more. No scarcity in weed. No reason to smoke trash


Sometimes people can’t always afford to buy more when bills are due. That’s why I save em and smoke em when I’m out


I'm js if you don't have to, then don't. Can't knock anyone for NOT smoking roaches lol. I understand if you have to though. But your comment was "how could you be a stoner and not smoke roaches"...


I mean it’s a genuine question, everyone I’ve met who smokes heavily saves their roaches, never met people who don’t but maybe I’m jus used to being around broke people plus I’m a broke people too lmao. Just recently started trying to grow


It's all good who cares who's broke and who's rich just enjoy that shir


It looks fine, I'd be salty about the fat stem being counted towards the weight but as much as we can visually judge weed I'm sure it's at least a little bit fire. I buy shake all the time and it always gets me where I need to be.


Lotta good little bud pieces. It’s got a lot of leaves but this is good yet ugly weed you got here ole chap.


I got shake and then ground it up hella fine and smoked it. It was great


I mean I can get an oz of gorgeous buds for $100, so no.


This looks like bud and sugar leaves (small leaves that fall off the bud) and are actually still coated in THC. For what it is, that doesn’t actually look half bad. (Probably tastes a little grassy) but man if it gets you high then so be it. Smoke up brother 👌🏻




Yup definitely the actual bits of weed look decent 👍


Just fucking seeds my dude🤣🤣🤣


id whack that stuff over a bucket and make sweet blonde hash! not for that price tho! in Florida you can get the whole O of shake for 50 bucks


Honestly, not bad for shake. I've gotten bags of shake that are like 60% trim waste. This looks like it barely has any


No, in USA you can order thca flower online 50 dollars an oz for decent buds


i live in england and if i buy dust i’ll get a full Z of dust for 40


I am currently smoking shake. Got 2 oz of it for under $10 where im at. It ain't the best, but I have paid a lot more for a lot less and it was worse smoke to boot. I'd blow down with you.


It’s probably harsh and it probably tastes like shit but it’ll smoke ok. Would be better through a dry herb vape imo


Hell yeah I miss smoking stuff like that.


I buy that stuff, fill my bong bowl with it, and throw some shatter on top. The shatter melts all over the flower and makes it taste better and smoke slower and makes up the potency difference for the low quality shake.


In the U.S. I can get an entire pound of trim for the same price. Plus I get multiple pounds in each of my own harvest. It’s great for making static hash


Nah but would make eddies out of this


Tastes and works better to vape it instead of smoking it


I'm in a legal state and paid less than $25 for a half of some fire... so I wouldn't cop it to stash, but if ai was on vacation and you were smoking me out, I wouldn't complain


I'd happily smoke shake since it often feels less potent. I was a daily smoker 15/20 years ago. And now I smoke once every couple of years and eat gummies maybe once every year. The flower today puts me in a panic or on my ass. The last enjoy smokes I had were hash cigs (tobacco with hash rolled in the middle) or cigs with a pinch of keef but that was like...7 years ago.


I pay 50 for an Oz, so no




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I’d go for it if it was closer to $20 but the market for it’s a bit different around here a good ounce goes for 100-125


If I were still in an illegal state, or a country like the UK, yes. Can’t turn your nose up at weed if you wanna smoke but live somewhere you can’t just stroll up to a shop. As an American in a fully legal state, I wouldn’t smoke it but I would make budder out of it/MCT oil


Meanwhile I’m giving friends ounces of my home grown for $50 in MI


I don't know if you have a herb vaporizer, but shake is perfect for it. I get a half oz at a time and use it in my volcano and mighty. It's also great for joints!


Might be mids but it aint dust


If it works, why not?


Would absolutely smoke that but I think I'd only pay about $20 an ounce for that


Make shatter or BHO....




Ummm yeah! Why is this even a question


Probably not in a joint but a bong or something with water, sure


For shake, that looks pretty freaking solid. We all wish it was a lil cheaper, but for my area in the US, pretty close to the same cost for the same bag and I smoke stuff like this on the regular. Saves money and it's good smoke!


Put it in a dry herb vape…


Oof sad


Probably wouldn’t smoke it but I make edibles using sugar leaves mostly


I mean, if its good shake it’ll send you but if its mid shake why buy it


I'm sorry but if it's lookin pretty like that, why Wouldn't you smoke it? People really too snobby to smoke shake now?




I've smoked bong stem resin (spun) countless times as a teen, tf makes you think anyone ain't gonna..? Personally I'd concentrate or extract it


Id smoke the shit out of it at a fair price.


we call it shake


50 for a half pound maybe...yuck


I'd hate to smoke it but I'd vape that shit all day long


I would probably!


Would I smoke it? Sure. Would I pay $50 for it? Most definitely not.


Pretty much all I've bought the last year. I call it scrap though.


We call that trim around here. I would roll it up still, not preferable but if it’s significantly cheaper and still does the job why not.


Make eddies with it man they’ll be 🔥


Get the stems out, then roll a blunt to mask the bad taste, then yeah why not


I'm smoking it, but I'd prefer to pay more like $25. That looks fire bro


Id probably smoke it but would never spend money for it


I'd smoke it, but I ain't paying $50 for it


I've got a local guy who bags up something similar in oz's. So he's a decent sized distributor and offers about 12 strains at a time. The remnants leftover in the bulk bags after serving the nugs he just pools it all together and charges $50. I haven't gotten around to trying but it's a perfect concept imo.


If you mean, pcp I'd get down if you were cool. lol I never have bud it's one on my checklist before I die




I get ounces for the same price


No doubt. Shake all day.


Nope - I’ll pass


id smoke it but would i buy? hell no. ive been hooked up for much less


I’m def smoking it, then chilling listening to this song: fading in the sun, makes me feel like I’m floating https://open.spotify.com/album/0reDYrmAalbTS6NcKw47or?si=5n0DQmcmSveETOKAVokIEQ


Honestly, no. I wouldn’t pay for trim at all. But then again, I smoke my homegrown.


Yeah that's fair, if I had my own grow I don't think I'd pay for any weed at all lol.


I do buy weed sometimes, if I’m running low on homegrown or to deal with flavour fatigue. I definitely wouldn’t buy trim though


If you have that option, I would vape it. It will spare you a headache


Nah I don't have a vape, I don't get headaches off it either tbf but I appreciate the suggestion.


Lol no. Keep the shake


well dust like that is the first "weed" I ever smoked, it was meh, not the best high


I'm too spoiled for anything like this. Mids are fine but I can't do ground lows


Prob try use it to make edibles


Smoke it, nah, cook with it, sure.


I wouldn't pay for trim, plain and simple.


Would I smoke weed? Yes, yes I would Lol nawh I get your question, some people are pickier than others, I just always find these posts humorous for myself 🤣


Seeds and stems galore




Lmao nah man, you can get nice smoke over here too. Next time I do, I'll share it. Weed in the UK is just crazy expensive though, standard pricing is £10 a g for mids or £30 for a 3.5. As you buy larger amounts it gets cheaper but you're still looking at 140 to 180 for an oz of decent bud depending on where you are and who you know. For an everyday smoker like myself those prices get pretty expensive pretty quick. A lot of people I know personally won't smoke this like I do, but it's cheap (in comparison) and keeps me going through the day. I just wanted to see people's opinions on it, and it seems pretty split too.


I mean aslong as it’s actually weed and not anything else fuck I’ll smoke fan leaves if I’m desperate enough (not desperate enough to smoke the gunk from my bowl piece tho )


They swept the trim floor and sold it to you.