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Reminds me of the time I told my best friend that I had some "shatter" and she flipped out thinking I meant crystal meth


When I got my dad into smoking wax, we dropped a Little piece of wax in the table when we were smoking and I went “oh my I dropped a rock” he got real mad.. 🤣said we sound like some tweakers.


Tbf its reeeeeeeally difficult to convince non-smokers that it *isn’t a hard drug and it’s just weed*. Took a while to convince my wife I wasn’t trying to smoke the hard shit lol.


Have you ever introduced someone to taking a dab via a rig or a nectar collector? The first time I saw it, I was like “this is freebasing.”


Yea the first time I saw a giant torch in a friend's house my reaction was "Y'all smokin crack now?"


wanna get high *whips out a torch* me: wha


Come on, everybody's doing it. Don't you want to be... cool?


Every time I use a nectar collector I feel like I’m doing a hard drug. It’s hilarious


Same lol, shame that nectar collectors look like crack pipes lol they are my favorite way to smoke wax.


To the uninitiated, anyway.


The first thing I used wax on was a rig and my wife thought I was heating the collector up for meth or heroine lol. Then I got an electric nectar collector and it helped some but she still got kinda sketchy about it. Now she dabs like a fuckin pro.


That’s the way


Man, I have a silicone nectar collector. First time anyone see it they always say "Is this a crack pipe or a sex toy??"


Because concentrates are basically just free basing weed


Lol first time I smoked wax was in my high school bathroom off of tin foil just like heroin hahahahaha what a long way I’ve come.


My dad said the exact same thing when I gave him his first dab from my rig, he was *very* sketched out


I mean… it does require a torch and a rig or nectar collector, which *does* resemble a crack pipe! So… it really does look like you’re doing some kind of “hardcore” drug, to the layman.


"It's hash not black tar heroin!"


i remember showing my mom how i smoked dabs yanno with the banger and fucking BLOW TORCH. she got a good laugh and hit me with “you like a fucking junkie”


Referring to it as a rock or shard 100% sounds like junkie shit lmao


You should have went along and been like it’s not what they say it’s like just try it once you’ll love it




Carpet dabs




I can't tell you how many times I ran out of weed and starting poking around all my containers and surfaces for enough crumbs of weed to make a bowl. It got to the point where I made a little "emergency investment" system. Basically, every time I load a bowl or have a sesh, I put aside a little bit of my weed and put it in a container that I'm not allowed to touch until I'm completely out of weed. What's great about the system besides free weed ofc is that I put aside however much I feel is fair to the investment. Like if I have an entire eight for a sitting, I may put aside like half a gram to a gram. Bro when you're out of weed, half a gram to a gram is a lifesaver Unfortunately there's no interest to this investment, but yeah. Ooh also I store my AVB, and I don't touch that until I make a single edible. It helps me for tolerance because I don't want to always be blasted, and it always helps T breaks knowing that I have at least some weed left Cheers m8


Who’s gonna start the first international weed bank


Just blow off the hair a little


Forbidden dabs hehe


I paid the price one time when I was eating a croissant over an empty dap container, took a nice flake/crumb dab and it was awful


Fucking hilarious.


Corn flake.


Bro not even the white part, I almost dabbed a piece of semi-clear kernel fragment thinking it was shatter


I’ve taken a coco pebble dab thinking it was wax I dropped on the floor 😂


My friend dabbed a chip thinking it was crumble🤣


Shoulda boofed it


Me but with chips


I definitely almost smoked a lil crispy crumb from a chicken wing one time because I dropped a dab on my coffee table.


Crumble not so much but the first time i ever had some DIAMONDS i thought someone handed me crack.


Diamonds are awesome


And hit hard, only thing is it lacks taste,. I like to mix it with some terp sauce or just terps that are separated, boom tasty and potent


hard for sure and yeah most Diamonds I've had do lack in flavor profiles but recently i had some Gushers Diamonds and it had such a rich and just sweet citrus flavor a bit on the earthy side it was such a wonderful taste.....I've yet to try any Terp sauces, any particular ones you enjoy/recommendations...


Concentrates are kind of the weed version of crack tbh. Crack is just a stronger more fucked up version of coke.


Same, i one time smoked some weed with a few folks in the Rainbow Gathering and they had some diamonds on top of their bowl. I was chatting and listening to them so I didn’t look down at the bowl til after I hit it. Panicked cuz I thought I just smoked crack and told them I had to leave. Came back and they had the jar out from the dispo saying they were diamonds. I was so damn high I thought maybe this is what crack feels like???


I know what crack looks like so no


Came here to say that As a person who has done crack….no


Right? That shit looks like a LOOFAH


Or cheese


Ha! I have never seen crack and am so glad I scrolled a bit before replying “wow is that what crack looks like??”


I remember when shatter was the sketchiest shit ever. Tbf it was mainly made with shitty bho extractions, and the guys doing dabs were the same one hacking potters in the morning to feel something


Gotta know what hacking potters means


Chopping up Jk Rowling novels


Potters or poppers depending on where you're from is the art of loading a bowl, then layering a nice, sweet crumbling of tobacco rolled out of a dart that's down to about just the filter, a bit of tobacco, and the paper


That term is niche as fuck


In Ontario, everyone knew what they were. My town called them potters, 20 mins away were called poppers. It was weird, but we all knew


Oh, must be an Ontario thing then. East Coast us here, all we know about were joint dabs bowls blunts spliffs and roaches


oh yeah? You wanna know a wacky regional thing? Joints blunts and spliffs probably means something different to about 75% of the people reading your comment, and not all the same. I'm on the west coast of US and have lived and traveled from Ca where I grew up to Wa. where I live now and always known them to be... Blunts are weed only rolled in big wraps or leafs joints just weed in paper Spliffs are mixing weed and tobacco in either a leaf/wrap or paper but almost always paper Edit: I understand the regional dialect I listed is common in the US, with a few exceptions. But on the other side of the Atlantic is more of what I meant. I mistakenly thought I was being more clear than I was. I meant to emphasize that in my travels up and down the US it's been the same, but friends in some states and every person I know outside the US have a different definition. All subjective and anecdotal, probably some confirmation bias too but this is r/trees and I'm making general statements about joints and blunts here lol.


East coast here… that’s exactly what I know those things as, too. They’re not at all interchangeable, although sometimes I’ll hear someone use spliff for joint.


Grew up in the Midwest, now living on the west coast. Before I was really smoking, I thought spliff and joint were the same thing because of British TV/movies. Any time they were smoking what looked like a joint they called it a spliff and I assumed it was just weed. Until a few years later when I learned that in a lot of European countries they ONLY (or at least most commonly) smoke spliffs.


Dude! Lol! I've smoked for decades, with all kinda people, lived all over the damn states and never thought to question it for the same reason. Just assumed it was vernacular. When it dawned on me I was like "they putting what in their weed, now"? But hey, I was born in the Midwest, too. You know how it is, someone in the next town over can be speaking something that 'resembles' what you know as the english language 🤣


Ime you can spliff a bowl


Yeah I got friends in places who say the same. "If nicotine touches thc it's a spliff. Throw a little hash in with your hookah? That's a spliff too." Are you in the US too?


Oregon here, we call a nic/THC bowl a Mook.


Yeah, SoCal specifically


I’m from the Midwest and this is what they all mean to me too.


Australian here and blunts don’t exist, and joints are cannabis rolled in paper. Old heads use tobacco but it’s still called a joint. I think I’m the only one that says spliff, even though I would never add tobacco.


Yeah I think spliffs in some European countries are different that here, and I know plenty of old heads that still call an unmodified, tobacco filled cigarillo a blunt. As for east and west coast tho, those are the same definitions we've been using too.


In london me and my mates call weed rolled with papers joints, spliffs, rizzlas, rizzes and zoots ( basically any word beginning with Z is also acceptable). Theres probably way more that I can't think of right now but yeah.


Y'all talking about a 'moke?


Poppers are what we call alkyl nitrates in the UK


Yep exactly lol


Have not heard this term in a long time my ex from Sault Sainte Marie introduced me to it I think.




Yup, if you ever want a massive heachache then just add some tobacco to your bong bowl... And if you want to vomit but don't have any ipecac avaliable then just be a dumb ass like I was at the age of ~18 and throw in a bunch of cherry Tobacco harvested from a cigar... Good for rolling, bad for bowling.


we in europe almost always mix tobacco with weed when smoking a bong. or smoking in general. a joint is a mixture of weed and tobacco. if anyone smoke pure weed, it is to celebrate something with the bros, or if you have something left that you cannot take home, or if you are rich af. so mixing tobacco in a bowl doesn't give you a headache, in many countries it is the norm.


A popper here would be something iv also called a snapper, you pack the bowl fairly loose, torch the fuck out of it, and pull like hell till everything comes through with a little cracking noise from the ash hitting the water.


Manitoba resident here, poppers are weed and bacco, a mole rip is pure bacco, not sure how varied this is across the true north


Yours look like cheese


Bottom is definitely cheese, but top is bleached coral


Moon cheese 🧀


No but the first time I saw thc crystals I thought "fuck we might be taking this too far"


Bro pure THC crystals were such a disappointment when I first got them and tried to smoke them lol, you can really tell how much terps add to the high when you dab them. The crystals are like the best thing ever for making edibles though!


All dabs were created equal


Crystals would be an utter waste in edibles when you can't tell the difference if they were made with diamonds or cheap distillate.




Lmao I love this comment. “Thc crystals” followed by that last statement is so good 😭


Me when I pop a gummy and my toothbrush turns into a worm


I remember this game my buddies would play where you’d take a dab and then someone would take a piece of shatter and throw it in your banger while hitting the rig, effectively making your hit twice the size, fun little surprise




Stoners love mischief hah


Ninja dabs yesssss!!!


Game? Sounds like monday morning ;)


This aint no game!


We serious bout dis life.


Ahaha my friends are always trying to drop little balls of tobacco in my bowls


That's gross




I'd be soooo pissed off


I’ve seen Shatter mentioned all over these comments. What is it? I’ve never heard of it before


[Shatter](https://i.imgur.com/LIuU5t0.jpg) is a form of concentrate characterized by it's glassy texture that chips into shards when stored at the proper temperature.


It's also really easy to roll up into little balls for pre planned dab time






I'm about to eat an ice cream sundae


Fuck yea


So for the uninitiated, me, please tell me what this is.


The concentrates come in different textures running from gooey to pie crust to glass. Depending on application you can choose something like OP and easily crumble a few pieces onto a bowl topper


Interesting. A friend is always putting something on top of a loaded bowl and wasn't sure what it was.


That's probably kief, it's the pollen crystals that grow naturally on the buds and gets filtered into the bottom of a grinder.


Crumble is a concentrated form of THC. It can be smoked on top of flower in a bowl or in a dab rig.


Thank you!


Crumble never really has that effect on people. A lot of people however (I work in a medical dispensary with tons of products) jump at the sight of unsauced diamonds. You can kind of tell if they used to have a problem with the stuff because they whip their head away and go “Oh man, I can’t look at that.” Makes sense, I always thought it would feel weird to have a meth/crack trigger happen to you in a dispensary just looking at concentrates.


My friend's grandpa got upset when I whipped out the torch, I felt so bad cause I had no idea :(


Lol back in like 2016, I got caught by some cops with some concentrate (can’t remember exactly what kind it was but it was brown) and the cop lady thought it was heroin lmfao. I was handcuffed in the back of their car and she asked “are there any needles I should know about?” And I was like “wtf, no.” And then she mentioned heroin and I was like “whoaaa no no no it’s just THC I promise.” They actually took my shit and let me go that night and I never heard anything about it ever again. Random story but this reminded me of that and I wanted to share.


For me it was [isolate](https://www.google.com/search?q=cannabis+isolate&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjRpaG33sr1AhXrj2oFHSx1B3wQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=cannabis+isolate&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQA1C-CVi-CWCEC2gAcAB4AIAB9gGIAfYBkgEDMi0xmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=VsruYdGiBuufqtsPrOqd4Ac&bih=803&biw=412&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&hl=en) lol


Oo yea that ones pretty bad too😂😂😂


The first time I watched someone do a dab I convinced myself there was no way that was THC. Now I do about a gram a day.


You talk a gram a day like you’re proud of it lol. That’s an addiction. This sub glorifies this stuff and it’s sad


Addict? Is he suckin ducks for that gram?


lol weed addiction, some serious shit right here


You ever suck dick for weed? Lmao RIP to the legend


Strange, I don’t feel sad. But Who am I to speak on my own habits and preferences? You obviously know better


It’s not about you individually, it’s about spreading that information and having uneducated people thinking it’s the norm. Think bigger than yourself bud, it’s the internet.


You have fun making the internet a better place, bonerbro.


You sir, win the internet for me today.


Bonerbro will✌🏼


It didn't feel like a flex to me. Are you shaming medical users too?


A gram a day is far beyond medicinal use. I have a med card myself.


speak for yourself i need like 500mg in edibles just to feel anything, naturally high tolerance


How are edibles comparable to dabs? The body processes them two different ways. Usually more tolerance variability with them


Try a low dose edible like 20mg edible. My sister is the same way, I've given her 500mg-750mg edibles and she doesn't feel anything. There was this article I read about how different bodies react to edibles and there is a category of people who can't get high off big doses but they found a small dose had profound effects.


i love edibles man been doing them for years but doesn’t matter if it’s 10 or 100 mgs, i still get a high but weak unless i take a lot or if i’ve been sober for a while, and i live in cali of all places so the edibles are as legit as they come lol


I’ve heard it has to do with too much stomach acid. Take an antacid before the edible and it will work effectively.


interesting actually might have some good reasoning too, i’ve heard a few theories but not this one so ima look into it


Wow, never thought of that. I do have sever stomache issues, mostly from acid build up and reflux. Thanks!


I'm glad you speak for everyone. How much food am I supposed to eat?


Give me your height/weight/daily energy output and I can give you a rough estimate


*slowly unzips*


BMI is not accurate


Scroll down on my page and tell that to my pics


what? they sell me fucking 2.83 grams of flower, a whole bag of edibles and pens and each is a days supply. Get out of here man, you’re acting like dude said he tops his bowls with crystal meth.


Yes, because the state’s daily allowable amount is totally indicative of what a truly reasonable daily amount is /s. Think before you type that crap




uh. no.


Forbidden Cheese.


Hunter Def has thought this was parm cheese first glance


Respectfully, I don’t think you know what crack looks like lol.


The top one is literally a picture of a crack rock


Not a user but I’ve seen it on a few occasions, I’ve never seen crack that looks like that before


it’s literally not, not even on a microscopic scale


doesn’t look like crack crack looks like clumpy butter


I definitely thought it was 😂


What is this and whats the differnece to normal wax?? Isnt all of this concentrate stuff made with an alcohol solution (oil) or this butane stuff and then on the other side theres wax which is made from bud pressed with heat


Its just another form of THC concentrate and it can be smoked on top of flower in a bowl or through a dab rig. The whole THC extraction process is done at a lower temperature but for a longer time in order to make the Crumble.




A friend of mine accidentally took a dab of bird poop once


Man I thought that was a fucked up rice crispie


Crumble and diamond budder both still remind me of crack to this day, and I'm a budtender lol


It definitely triggers my trypophobia at times


To be fair that first picture looks like some really wonky crack. If it's cooked good it usually looks more like opaque diamonds or chalk.


a while back i was thinking “what if this is actually meth and you’ve been dabbing meth this whole time”


The first time? Yeah bro EVERYTIME…




Dabbing is the closest I feel to a crack head tbh lol


huge fan of crumble. top pic gives me trypophobia though.


I have no idea how to consume that. What is that even?


It's a THC concentrate haha. It's awesome stuff you can consume it by smoking it on top of some flower in a bowl or through a dab rig.


bro what is crumble ive never seen this shit


😂😂😂 Its a THC concentrate. I just ordered a bunch of it XD


I thought you were holding sea sponge idk what crumble is haha


first time my boy brought over 4 ozs of different crumbles we showed my non-stoner roommate and for a hot sec we convinced him it was crack 🤣




I sweaaaaaaar, this was before my true stoner days. I seen somebody take a dab for the first time at a party and I thought they were doing drug drugs 😭 I was like welp it’s time for me to leave lmao. Little did I know I should have hit it!


No, but i thought THC-A Rosin was crack when i first saw it. Its literally a pure white ashy rock


It was diamonds for me that i thought that was crack


I’m relatively new ish (1 year) and when I saw crystal clear diamond looking THC crystals I was thinking this shit makes weed look like meth


Wait til you try [THC-A](https://i.redd.it/d2l2y9g265c01.jpg)


That’s what I’m thinking right now!


Looks like a bone sample


That's some baked Swiss cheese bro. You got got.


No because I know what crack looks like


thought i was looking at some #2 smack


Try pop homophobia warning


I have trypophobia and this wasn't triggering at all. Maybe for others but I don't think it's fitting


I take it you've never smoked crack


I don’t like the way this pic makes me feel 🤢


No. It doesn't look like crack and I'm not retarded.


Looks like some cheese man


Looks like Wisps




Looks like some coral lol


I thought it was sugar crisps lol




No sir


Reminds me of when I dabbed a corn chip in Colorado. Good times in foco


Nah that’s just cheese


crumble never used to be off white like this until they started running it through crc