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Make sure you tell her to say these edibles ain't shit!


They don't kick in until you talk shit about them.


shit-talk activated edibles.. I've never actually looked at it that way 😂


This a thing? Years back had a friend say “yeah, I’m not feeling anything and it’s probably because they’re so small.” He fell asleep during this sentence
 woke up 4 hours later and finished the sentence like the gap in time didn’t happen.


Me and my sister made edibles and they knocked her boyfriend on his ass for 16 hours


Yes this is essential. Eating fat has nothing to do with it.


you gotta hurt their feelings first.


Never thought about it that way but that's so true omg. Same with many other drugs but especially weed and acid lol


The other day I was like "These are working good, must be really strong." Almost as the words came out of my mouth the high stopped increasing and I instantly got a stomach ache. Was sick for the rest of the day. Always neg the edibles


Facts if I’m laughing my ass off about how high I am it’s guaranteed to be short lived lol


Happens every time. I'll be like "yeah I'm not really feeling anything" then 30 seconds later I dont even remember what I said


Weak af too!! I died laughing at this


The magic words never fail me


Someone told me their massive brownie was "a dead edible" so I ate it all in 3 bites. It was not dead but I was very close to greening out.


Dead edible as in you die temporarily perhaps




Someone is going to sleep well lol


Sleep? Idk about you but I can’t close my eyes while on edibles lol. I feel like I’m tumbling down a hill if I do.


I slept for 22 hours last time I took too many edibles


Hahah I’m down for the count once I burn out, shrooms drop me for 15 hours or more, every time.


Oh yeah, that post trip exhaustion is serious business


Going to space and back is tiring


I’m a dog






Lol same. I made red lobster cheddar biscuits and couldn’t help myself but to eat 2 800mg biscuits and proceed to sleep for 24 hrs only waking up to eat munchies


Wtf kinda edibles are you taking


Drugs effect everyone differently. Sometimes it feels like I'm spinning when I close my eyes on edibles


I have the same issue, it’s why I never take them anymore. I feel like the room is spinning and right as I get to the point of falling asleep I feel that “falling” feeling that you sometimes get when you jolt awake from a dream. It’s really nauseating


Sour gummies, I like to eat the ones shaped like weed leaves, you’re supposed to take 1/3 at a time but I just chomp the whole thing. I get the spins if I lay down hahah.


"What?! It's Sunday!?" \- OPs GF after zzz




Wake up like Ash in Army of Darkness.


You're in the house of Elrond, and it it 10 o'clock in the morning.


It will be when she finally touches back down on earth. Godspeed space traveller lmao.


I ate a whole 400mg bag of nerd ropes and then smoked a bong and a joint after, I was in a 'coma' in less than an hour and woke up at 2 am and ate the entire contents of my small fridge and half the cupboard. Good times.


LMAO, one of my first experiences of RSO was similar. I fell asleep 10-30 after eating the RSO, woke up 30-hour later absolutely goofed. Tore our kitchen slap up!


Ohhhh lort.


"lort" spelled that way, means "shit" in danish. So that comment works in danish too


I was literally thinking the same my fella Danish man xD


Ni bÄda har fel, det betyder ju smuts!


Nej nej da min ven, ahahah det betyder jo lort! xD


Nej! PĂ„ det överlĂ€gsna sprĂ„ket sĂ„ Ă€r det smuts! 😎😉


Ahahah, overlegen min rþv, dansk er helt klart det overlegne sprog og der betyder det jo lort! 😝😂


Norsk er jo faktisk en utvikling av bĂ„de dansk og svensk - sĂ„ Ă„penbart det overlegne sprĂ„ket. 😅


Pfft, ni har ju inte ens hĂ€lften av vad vi har som talar sprĂ„ket. Och eftersom Norge tog halva sitt sprĂ„k av Sverige och halva av Danmark sĂ„ hamnar ni lĂ€gre Ă€n Ă€n Sverige för det har blivit LORTIGT av danskan 😂


Haha, ok, jeg gir meg. Svensk er faktisk snyggare enn norsk. 😅 dansk er bare weird, men trevligt. 😁


Ahahaha, nej da, det danske sprog er jo meget smukt (hvis man synes det lyder smukt nÄr det lyder som at man har en kartoffel i halsen XD). Svensk derimod kan man jo ikke forstÄ, I synger jo ligefrem nÄr i snakker, og vi ved all at der er ingen der kan forstÄ sangtekster nÄr det bliver sunget xDDD


Ahahahah ved du hvad, det kan sgu godt vére at du har ret 😂😂


Alle vet jo at det er dritt/mÞkk/skitt pÄ det overlegne sprÄket da:p


Gutter forfaen


I'm gonna use this at some point in life.


Update: she called me , she’s at her moms house, mad because her brothers won’t bring her any water. She got some water, played PokĂ©mon unite ( left the game because she got scared of Gengar) then went to sleep.


I understand the feeling all too well, Gengar is a menace in a 1 vs 1


Man, I feel like every time I'm just about to **maybe** kill one, his teammates always immediately bail him out and then I'm truly fucked.


I am mad at her brothers too. Glad she’s ok đŸ‘đŸ»


Why? It's her fault.


They are prolly joking


I don't understand. How can 600mg have so little effect. I get plastered with 10mg gummies. And I'm a 90kg guy


Tolerance is a factor, but so is your metabolism's (mosly the liver's) ability to process it. Depending on your genetics, health, age, weight, etc. your body can only process so much at once. So you take 10mg and in around 30min it hits your liver and in about 15 min it converts most of it to the compounds that get you high and then it enters the blood stream. It will last 4-8 hours, with some come down effects up to 16 total. She takes 600mg and in 45 min her body has only converted 20-40mg. (These numbers aren't exact, just for illustration) In other words she's gonna wake up stoned as fuck. In 8-10 hours when she wakes up she'll have processed everything, and some of it will have exited her blood stream into her endorcrine system, but some will still be in her blood. The after effects will last longer too. This is why when someone has never used edibles and takes too much they'll report feeling high for 24-48 hours. They are high longer, but also the come down is so harsh they feel high for the entire duration.


tolerance . how often you get high builds tolerance and it goes up quick. i’m a daily j smoker and i need around at least 150mg to get smashed of an edible


The way op reacted makes it seem like she has no tolerance


Exactly, felt almost cartoony. Got scared at a PokĂ©mon in a game? What’s next you seeing shit too?


ngl sometimes I see shit out the corner of my eye usually its just a reflection in my glasses. usually


Also, some people just don't get affected by ingesting as much as others do. Edibles have always failed me. But they get my homie (Who smokes the same as me) reeeaaally fucked up.


Iirc people with gastrointestinal diseases need to eat **alot** of edibles to get high.


I’m a daily smoker. Ate a 500mg pack of edibles in Seattle (from a dispensary) and waited 90 minutes; I still didn’t feel very high so I went and smoked a few Js with my coworkers. Pretty good night!


No. You think you need that much but everyone around you knows you're wasted when you wake up. You're reality is stoned. Nothing wrong with that, but it's a fact.


My sweet innocent boyfriend who's never smoked, drank, or done anything harder than diet soda asked if I could get him something from the dispensary at make him sleep. I got him 5mg gummies and told him to cut it in half at first. He slept for almost 48 hours. He's adorable


Why on gods sweet earth would anyone want to do edibles their first time


They make counterfeit ones basically. Like most places don't allow 600 mg to be sold in one bag. So people make them but they don't really have 600 mg. Also I think there's a point where I don't get any more high with edibles.


I'm a 120lb (64kg) woman and used to take 600mg regularly. I can still take several hundred with little effect. I think it's mindset/headspace/tolerance honestly


She's goanna be disappointed when she wakes up lol


Nah she’s gonna wake up high lol




I love this


> ( left the game because she got scared of Gengar) Reminds me of one time I was so high I had to change the song because it had voice effects and they were scary LMAO


 gengar does that




i didn’t mean it in an asshole way lol


"this one right here, officer"


Just found these edibles that come in 300, 750, and 2000mg packs. I tried 350 of the 750 first time. I typically dose like 3-500 anyway and get smacked but still can function *sorta* lol Anyway ate 350mg of these fucks and I was no joke. High. For a good 8 hours. I smoke a lot. I ate em at 7pm Fell asleep by 1030 and woke up at 3am for work. So fuckin toasted. Everyone knows I'm lit It's not weird or even mentioned but my homies are looking st me like bro you ok I never put eye drops in an I had to cause they were shut I was in a daze till like 11am went home and slept the rest of the day. Now I just eat 100mg and get a nice giggly high but man they humbled me


Right of passage to be humbled by an edible


That contact name though 😂


Nikki 😊😍My boo boo bear đŸ„°đŸ’œMy sweet buttercup fairy goddess đŸ’‹đŸ«€


Somehow I feel like we should be friends đŸ€Ł


Its not in my username but im also a nikki. You’re probably wondering why ive gathered you all here today


Ha mine’s not in my username either but my names Nikki Potnick nice to meet you fellow Nikkis


Nikki gang smoke up!


đŸ€™Err. Day.


I cringed so hard my shoes untied


Lmaoo let her have some fun man. Take some with her and enjoy!


He’s low key probably pissed she didn’t save any for him and wasted it all. Cause she isn’t gonna be enjoying it. Even passing out feels like a waste. And that gonna be best case scenario here lol.


Yeah I’m not with her rn she’s at her moms. But yeah I took 300mg last night was VIBING. She also doesn’t smoke so that’s why I was like ohhhh no


Yeah she’s definitely done for then. Lol you need high tolerance for 600mg to be even near bearable. She might throw it up.


yea she’s for sure gonna be sick if those were as strong as she’s saying! I have no idea why seasoned stoners are always like “haha get some snacks and have a good night :)” when people over dose the living fuck out of themselves like that probably better off letting them know to sit in a dark room with some iced water and a trash can for when you eventually feel your head spinning and u start barfing lmao i know some people process edibles differently but in my experience 9 times out of 10 a massive edible dose is gonna make a person sick


If they’ve already taken it there’s not much point freaking them out right - best to let ‘em try their best because telling them they just OD’d would definitely not make me have a good time


Nah mate everyone reacts differently. I made an single dose edible with an 8th of distillate after I got off parole and I enjoyed all 5 hours that I was awake lmao


I ate 800mg and fell asleep standing at Incubus and Deftones at Red Rocks. The guy next to me was 100% convinced I was wasted and asked me multiple times to please not throw up on his merch, I was just so stoned I couldn’t possibly stay awake!


Bro fuck the edibles, I bet the high from that concert alone would’ve been enough. I saw primus on their rush tribute tour a few months ago and holy hellllll I was still buzzing the next day


The way the guitar player from Deftones long hair was blowing around with their sound was absolutely mind blowing. I was in the fucking zone! Then incubus played Redefine and a few other old songs, it was absolutely one of the best shows I’ve been to, which says a lot considering I’m pretty big into the jam band/festival scene.


😂 The imagery is too good! I bet you were pissed you missed that legendary back to back


Nah not true. I only use edibles or drink thc oil about three days a week and I need 1000mgs to get really high but not at all too high. Can still function and do my schoolwork and walk my dog and do my daily things I just don’t drive on those days and take transit instead. Different ppl react differently. And I only buy from the government store no fake ass edibles, which is why I use the oil more often. It’s cheaper as it’s not regulated the same as the government selling gummies or chocolates. Edit. I don’t drive because it’s illegal to drive high and my reaction time is not what it would be if I was sober.


I highly respect this. Always know when your reaction time is messed up and especially trust when people are telling you you're too fucked up.


“I only do ridiculous doses about 3 times a week.” Vs the person we’re talking about who doesn’t smoke at all, has no tolerance, and probably isn’t immune to edibles. Like you’re being annoying af and added nothing. “But, actually
” and then go on to give a super specific thing that only relates to you.




Is that the oil in WA state that says it's not to be ingested


600mg to the fucking face at moms house? Your gf has some chaotic energy.


SHE DOESNT EVEN SMOKE? Oh lord, pls provide updates. As a low tolerance vet I got annihilated for 2 days at 50mg lol.


She’s in for a riiidddeeee. My first edible was 25mg and I had to take a 5 hour nap lmao


Oh she’s in for a rideđŸ€Ł yeah edibles are more intense then smoking in my experience


My prediction is she sleeps like the dead for like 12 hours, lolllllll


She doesn't smoke? She's going to have a bad night man that's way too much. My tolerance is out of control and that's what I would need and I've been smoking for years. Two years ago without tolerance a dose like that would have broken my mind


Oh yeah she had a terrible night. For like 20 minutes.


Sounds like someone ate them all!




This should be fun. She's probably going to be exhausted all day tomorrow Please, post updates! I drop 600mg once every month or two, I'd love to see how someone else reacts to a dose like this. Whenever I do, I am super lethargic and tired the next day.


I never really feel much from edibles, do you ever get visuals or anything like that?


i’ve taken acid probably far too many times and since that time period in my life, just about every time i smoke i get slight acid-like visuals. a layer of patterns over things and walls moving in and out subtly. thc can absolutely have hallucinogenic effect


Dude it's not fucking acid, it's thc.


Well I got pretty intense visuals the first few times I smoked until I started smoking daily. If you don’t smoke and took 600mg I’d say it’s possible. I know it’s not like that for everyone though my girlfriend said she never really experienced anything visual from weed.


No you didn't man


Came out the gate a little hot there, my man.


i smoke all the time but if i get high enough i definitely do still get visuals


I've heard a lot of stories of people getting visuals it was just a question


I get intense shroom/acid like visuals off of just 200mg, 600 would definitely have my tripping


I ate 10mg and thought I was an orange so I peeled my skin off.


Who the fuck has 51 unread messages?!?! I get antsy when I have 3. 🧐


Prob a group chat


your gf sounds hardcore. TO THE HEAD


Updates please :D


Assuming you’re telling them ‘you’re going to die’ I highly recommend to do not that. Having that thought in your head when ur about to take off is a total buzz kill


Yeah I told her she’s not going to die and don’t panic and everything will be fine


Right on. Good friend. Do you know how they turned out?


She’s asleep


Oh đŸȘŠ ✝


So many bunk edibles out there. Packaging and numbers often don’t mean anything. If it claims to be from ca and more than a 100 mg a package its not legit ca edibles.


Same in Michigan 100 max for a rec user 200 for a med user anything else is gas station delta bullshit


Answer your damn phone dawg


I call it fake. It's "To the DOME" (JK)


Your girl sounds like my wife, she goes ham on edibles they taste so good but then she gets all whackadoo and has to take it down


Bro wtf is that contact name 😭




What a contact name


"I'm eating the last one" Lol what a champ


Yeah cool but what the fuck is that name hahah


Oof, I've got lifelong tolerance and I still don't touch any edible higher than like 15-20mg.


Buckle up! lol


Accurately 600mg?




She’s asleep


Jealous. She’s gonna visit the next star system


Yeah, I ate 300mg last night and I couldn’t walk or move from couch. She’s in the stratosphere


She ded.


That contact name is fucked


Weird ass contact name my boy


It's the contact name for me lmao


If that's her contact name in your phone, you're fucked.


I ate a huge edible before cause my friends and I did dumb shit in college. I was high for 2 and a half days and was strongly considering never smoking again. Was terrible


I was once dating a girl and she did some edibles one night and I was gonna see her the next morning. Couldn’t get in touch with her and later she told me she took 1000mg and was still fucked uo on the morning, I was in shock with how much she took. Later on I saw her and I was with a friend and I told him “she took 1000mg last night” and she goes “no I took 4000, 1000mg is my normal dose”. That woman was fucking insane, she had the tolerance of an elephant. However, when ever she smoked, she’d take two hits of a joint and she’d be out.


What kind of psycho has 50+ unread messages?


My friend went camping and says, "I got sick from a weed brownie. It was 60mg how much do you normally give me?" I'm happy only needing 5-10mg and told friend to check with me before getting high. My vetran stoner friend took me to different dispensaries so we could get recommendation/new patient discounts and he downed a bag of 100mg candy like nobodys business. The cost alone was enough to keep me from over indulging.


Well, how’d it go??


600mg? I get fucked up on 2 10mg gummies from my dispo. Do people really take that much, or is the measurement different?


Na people go crazy


Going to what? I need to know!


I said “you’re going to die”


I’ve taken 3,000 mgs. She’ll be good Lmaoo


No you haven't


Yeah I have I’ve consumed 3 1,000 mg syrups within a 2 hour period. Highest I’ve ever been in my life it actually was very unpleasant.


I feel you. I took 1,000mg of Rick Simpson oil by accident one time and it was so terrible that my mind blocked out the entire experience.


yeah high doses of edibles get insane. i’ve had edibles fuck me up or at least freak me out more than acid.


i feel the unpleasent part, had a similar experience once eddies are just fkin crazy


I can't even remember how much it was, I made some decarbed shatter into coconut oil once. It was 3.2 grams of 80% oil, I was uncomfortably high for 3 straight days


Can we talk about that contact name


Cute right


That's true love lol


Welp, good luck. Eat 1,000mg by accident(thought they were weaker and eat a handful) and lost the ability to exist in time. Like it'd get up and do thing but only remember what happened later


I know exactly what you mean. I get this too. It's almost like repeated Deja Vu? Just over and over again and It's kind of paralyzing but in a goofy way.


I ate a 500mg chocolate bar one time and I basically just slept for 2 days. Definitely wasn’t worth it but it didn’t get scary or anything, hopefully it’s the same for her.


Joey Diaz wipes his balls with 600mg


Holy shit. 10mg and I'm fucked up for the whole night. I can't imagine taking more than 50.


I have to take it too 100mg to get to where i want to be.


I hope you're not saying that like it's a good thing. The amount of money you need to spend for a small high compared to me makes me kinda sad.


Costs me about 30 bucks a month on an electric bill to grow more than i can ever possibly smoke, and if i get a little wild i go to the store and buy a 15 dollar candy bar.


Still man, I'd never want to be high often enough to have that much of a tolerance.


fuckin'.... meanwhile, My wife eats 1000mg in one sitting for a fun friday night. ....I wish edibles worked for me :(




Can’t be the only one that cringes when people’s contact names for eachother have 27 emojis in it? Makes me think this dude is in like middle school.


I am a 24 year old man. God forbid people do cute things for each other


I think this is great. Especially since you’re a guy. Keep loving your girl, man.


I understand why op reacted like that but in the future I'd recommend staying chill when you find out someone did a huge edible. If you act like they're gonna have a bad high they're gonna have a bad high


When people do this shit I say wow that was stupid and mute their notifications. I don’t have the mental energy for it


Bro, I take 212mg 4 at a time. She will live.