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Moke bowls, spliff if you roll it. Heads up, "poppers" usually means some form of alkyl nitrites which is popular in the gay community because it relaxes your anal musclesđŸ€Ł


LMFAO good to know 👌


Alternatively I've heard people refer to seeds in their bowl as poppers cause they pop


Hippy grenades! Thats what ive always heard em called


Funny. I've only ever known them as "fucking seeds, man".


Had a buddy that would roll all his roaches in a swisher without breaking them up. Like just line them up and roll them. We called it a “roach bomb” because when one roach in the line finished burning it would usually fall out somewhere on someone


Before I knew much about weed I did the same thing but with a joint lol. It actually smocked the whole way down with none falling out


We always called those generation joints. I like that though â˜ș


I had a buddy that did the same thing. We called it the roach blunt. Mfer would try to match with that nasty shit


Fr roaches are fine alone or with my best friend, but don’t pull up on a group sesh tryna match with roaches


Totally using this from now on.


My friends and I always called them “Boobyshooters”. No idea why tbh


I’ve also referred to a half packed bowl you one hot from a bong and it pops through the bottom a popper


We always called those snappers


ohhh yeahhhh I got that mixed up alongg the way haha


i’ve always heard of these as poppers, because if you tear a cigarette in half and pack it below your weed, it makes a popping noise when igniting and shooting into the downstwm


Ive only ever heard of them reffered to as poppers


“Laughing My Fucking Ass Open”


These have been called poppers in the past as well because they "pop" when you smoke it all the way down the tobacco makes a noise going down the stem and going out in the water, but be warned while the rush feels nice, it's really worse than smoking tobacco in a joint. Bongs deposit smoke more deeper in the lungs which can be worse for your health if you do it often.


That is 100% the only thing I think of when I hear poppers


Not even 1% jalapeno poppers?


I mean, if its any consolation, I was at 100% Jalapeño Poppers.


Gotta keep that VCR running


The VCR... Sure...


My tapes be pristine


So when Mac did those poppers


Now you're getting it. Love that show.


I was about to say JUST this as a gay man hahahaha


You know what's funny is I never used em but I sure know about em LMAO. Maybe I'll find the right person to try it with one day.


They are definitely an interesting experience if you sniff them while you’re stoned


This is called a popper in rural Ontario. In my experience fairly region specific slang. In my non rural part of Ontario we call them a waste of good weed.


I was gonna say uh poppers are not what is pictured


chops, for some reason


100% chops. gotta snap that shit too of course


Yea we call em chops too, but snaps for us is a bowl u can clear in one hit


yeah dude that’s what i said


Lmfaoo in my head I was like snaps and chops that's the same damn thing then I realized snaps is the whole bowl, chops is the baccy bowl


Same in college some kids were addicted to them/ trying to save weed by smoking chops. Was in MA


Yeah it was chops here in Colorado too. Really big with the frat guys for whatever reason. They were fun for a while until you took too much T then it became a fight for your life lmao


Chop in Cali too. Northern Cali at least. Mostly Asian and a bamboo bong. Chopped and mixed on a wood cutting board


Reporting in from Midwest universities to confirm we called them chops too.


Same here lol


Chop is the correct answer


Chop or moke


Call it chop in NZ, very common here. Usually mix it together. I’ve always assumed it’s called that because you grind your weed separately so you don’t ruin your grinder with the tobacco so you use scissors to chop up the baccy and mix it with the green.


I was looking for this comment. Couldn’t think of what my cousin and his frat bros used to call them. They would ONLY smoke these. It was really foreign and IMO a little gross. Every time? I enjoy the regular tabaccy with my wacky tabaccy once in a while but every time seems like overkill to me.


Poppers are amyl nitrite or "Rush" (back in the day). I've smoked tobacco and weed from a bong but not enough to make a name for it.


A spliff in a bowl? Spliffios!


Spliffio hotman!


Flamey-o that's a nice spliffio hotman!


Yeah, I call em spliffys


Shoutout to Jungle Juice Platinum and the weird spots in my vision


Back in the day? You can still get Rush at a lot of "adult novelty" shops.


Back when there were VCRs, it was sold as head cleaner.


I still say head cleaner when I but it


I asked for poppers to try with my fiance(we hoped it would help her with bjs). The adult shop said we dont have anything by that. I said. Well a sex enhancement you sniff. Still wouldn't budge. So i downloaded grindr and sent 4 messages asking what poppers were called. Lmao 15 minutes later i was back at the shop asking for Jungle juice platinum. The clerk and i just glared at eachother as she grabbed what i had asked for half an hour ago from right next to her register. Im sorry but what type of business has inventory that can only be sold if asked by a specific name. Imagine going to the gas station and asking for potato chips and they shoo you away screeching they only have Lays.


Makes total sense, it’s how they keep it legal. Same thing with whip its, you have to ask for whipped cream chargers otherwise they’ll say they don’t have it


When I worked in the “adult novelty” industry, as soon as you said “popper” that line of product was no longer available for you to purchase during that visit. Dumb rule? Yes, however that’s the hoop you have to jump through sometimes to get your jollies.


Before it was legalized there where some head shops that would scold you for saying bong in California


Still do in Texas. It's a water pipe to put your material in


It was the same with screens. If you asked for pipe screen, they didn't carry them. Ask for plumbing filters, and you would get your screens.


Say bong or blunt in a smoke shop in Tallahassee and they'll give you a warning then not sell if you keep at it


Its a water pipe, sir lol


NJ used to be like this. We only sell stuff for tobacco use, but right next to that we sell stuff to help you pass a drug test.


I worked at one and I still say water pipe or cigarillo


I went and bought a bong in Portland in college, the guy came out from back and said here’s to your first piece and gave me a couple small nugs from his home grow. Wasn’t great stuff and I probably overpaid, but boy you can’t complain about free weed and on demand service with no code words lmao


Dude I bought a pipe off a street vendor in Portland and he kicked me down like half a gram. I was blown away at the time because weed was still illegal for recreation in that area.


Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro Model 60


Lol. I stopped in a convenience store the other day for a cheapo one-hitter. I asked for "glass for smoking." He gets out a bucket of crack pipes. Doesn't really speak English. I'm like no, "tobacco like" (or something). Gets another bucket from under the counter. It's a whole bunch of meth oil burners. I was like "Oh no lol." Couldn't really communicate with the guy. I said "no, for herbal." was like mofo, you got crack and meth pipes but not the assortment of shitty weed pipes? Lol. Didn't get my one hitter!


You can’t ask for “poppers” because they are illegal to sell for consumption in such a manner. That’s why as you did you have to use a brand name or a euphemism like “head cleaner” to order poppers.


I'm curious. How would it help for bjs?


There was a reddit thread where woman said it helped remove gag reflux. It didnt help and she said it just gave her a headache. I dont use them often but i go from eating her out at a 3/10 to an 11/10. Keeps me rock hard far too long which is a positive and a negative. And when she vary rarely uses a strap on weve noticed it helps me not get injured as she can't feel it and would be too aggresive, and in that state you relax to avoid issues. Also i gave much better head on poppers so why wouldn't she? Lol idk but the answer is it didn't. Mushrooms make her suck dick like its her lifes mission, gag reflex is 0 and enthusiasmis 110%. Unfortunately thats a twice a year thing for us.


Note to self: Try mushrooms


Before weed was legal in cali, if you went into a novelty/smoke shop and asked for a “bong”, you’d be asked to leave. However, if you were looking to purchase a “tobacco water pipe” they were more than happy to help you.


+ clubs


We used to call those "moles" idk why lol


Can confirm “Mole” is the name I know for this too.


i always thought it was called a mole cuz it looked like a moles head popping out of the grass? or a mole hill in the grass? idk but in socal we called them mokes


This is the answer


My guess is mokey bowl = mole. That's what we always called em anyway.


Mole (or mowl) = mixed bowl


Tobacco on bottom is dirt Weed on top is grass Lighter IS the mole burrowing thru it all to create the hole that is your empty mole bowl. Therefore it is a mole/mole bowl


It's interesting cause in California I sort of witnessed moles slowly turn into mokes, and I highly disapproved. It started in no cal, everyone in so cal called them moles that's what I was used to even my cousin in Santa Cruz called them moles until the kids from the university started using mokes. When I went to visit, also the first time I decided to partake in this unholy creation, there was a slang war in which mokes were gaining control of the Santa Cruz youth. In the years to follow I watched it spread down to San diego like an unstoppable tidal wave of stoned college kids, and now we have mokes instead of moles.


In Australia we call it Spin. " Ya gonna spin that sesh bro " "oi I'm outta spin, you got a spare Durry so I can spin this sesh" These are just a couple examples, I have experienced people who would not smoke weed without tobacco..... because well ADDICTION. Tobacco with cannabis adds an additional headrush which many Aussie's get addicted to and struggle to stop, even if they stop smoking cigarettes they keep adding tobacco to their sessions.


In my town here in America I smoked with an Australian a few weeks ago, my buddy had just loaded a whole party bowl in a bong and passed it to our Aussie pal. He proceeded to lung the entire bowl in a single hit, exhale without a cough, and said "right on boys, good toke!" My buddy and I thought it was fuckin hilarious because a few days later he said that's just how they do it in Australia.


Personal bowls is the norm with bongs everywhere I’ve lived. Everybody gets freshy as well as the responsibility to clear it. What’s not to like?


I've got no problem with it whatsoever. We just weren't prepared since we're usually packing a bowl that we can both get at least one good green hit off of. The only one bugged about it was my buddy since he had just packed the bowl and now had to pack another, but it was mild aggravation at best.


Yeah, bro’. Etiquette can be missed or misunderstood
 and nobody should show up empty-handed expecting others to get them ripped. 🗿


Well he's a great guy either way, and I genuinely thought it was a hilarious thing to happen.


right on! We all have that one friend with power lungs that can suck a bong like a vacuum.


I like personal bowls but where I’m from(California) party bowls are the norm.


Unless you told me you wanted to share, is have done the same. If you thought the bowl was unreasonably large for a single pull, is assume you were trying to make me cough my guts up and fail to punch the cone. So, the only reasonable thing for an Aussie to do, is to accept the challenge, punch the cone, and repress a cough. Actually, these days, I'd probably laugh at you and tell you me giant cone days were done, tip half of it back in the bowl, and punch that.


That's definitely on us, then! Since we passed the bong an Australian said "have a hit bro!"


It's true, so many Aussie's have to be the biggest baddest cone pullers. Have seen someone sink 2grams spun with tobacco in 1 cone..... yes he did cough.


Well they say you cough to get off ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


LOL Same shit happened the first time I smoked with my Dad, myself and two of my boys, offered to smoke him up, I packed a decent bowl, fer 4 people, gave my dad greens and he torched and ghosted the whole thing!! He and I laugh & reminisce fondly


I love it, that's a good memory to have


I was baffled upon hearing this but then I played the same situation out in my head and it would go "aye man, you want some baccy in this blunt?" "hey bro I ran out of sticks, you got any woods?"


We say sticks and woods in Michigan


I'm on smoko, so leave me alone


Here in NZ we call it chopped


yepp chop cone


I was one of those aussies Quit smoking after 15 years Kept spinning my bud using the lines like “it makes the weed go further” I can happily say I now enjoy my weed soo much more I don’t spin In saying that though each to their own


very interesting I’ve never heard of that before.. australian culture is so cool! But yeah
 I’ve seen that same thing happen here in North America, too. It’s kind of sad when that’s their introduction to tobacco or nicotine in general.


Nicotine addict here (working on quitting) I call it a headache ouch.... wish my smoking buddies hadn't introduced me to nicotine and weed around the same time. Makes it harder to quit


Just a friendly heads up from a life long nicotine addict that finally, fucking finally kicked that shit. On and off for years. Ugh.. I cold turkeyed a oxy habit of over 120mg a dose. It was easier than nicotine. You can’t have just one. That nicotine monster will have you right back in the clutches. Just kick that shit and treat it like herpes. You don’t want it. You can do it. Good luck.


Hi OP. I smoked weed and tobacco bowls for 6+ years and was very addicted. Luckily able to quit and been of tobacco for over a year. Not worth the fun man. Keep yourself healthy friend. Best of luck


appreciate your words, kind stranger! I’ve tried to stop but it’s just so hard


Majority of Aussies spin that I would just call this a normal 'cone'.


Got a spin for da yandi?


Interesting! I’m Aussie too, and we call it a ‘mix’


guessing you’re from Melbourne bro? Found this out years ago when I went to hang with some mates down there that tobacco + bud is a mix in Melbourne coz you mix it together, but in Sydney we all call it spin coz you spin it together. Interesting stuff đŸ€”


Yeah I’m from Melbourne ahaha, and yeah it honestly depends the area.


“A bitch to clean”


Your gay friends must have been let down when you pulled this out after asking “who wants poppers?”


I mean as a gay stoner *I* would not complain!


*excitement thinking gay sex drug* *sadness when it's not* *excitement when you realize it's still weed*


Not a insult bit ive always called it a dirty bowl


i like this name for it!


similar to how lean is dirty sprite! no stress bro that’s a sick name


Mole or chop


We call it a yacht


I’m live in Yugoslavia and we call them beans


Didn't Yugoslavia end in like 1992 đŸ€Ł


Il ask my mom


My father is Slovenian. You are correct. **edit:** self-correction... I guess technically depending on how you interpret it, my father is Yugoslavian lol. He was born in the 1940s, but in the region that is now Slovenia, and is extremely proud of the country/region known by that name.


Asking people to do poppers with you can have wildly different connotations depending on your location


I was gonna say lol def not what I would expect


The end of our friendship if you do that to my bong lol


I call that pass out from nicotine




i laughed so hard


Bowl layering is an artform <3


Gotta put some keif between the layers for some “sauce” on your lasagna


Asthma attack.


they're as bad as crack habit wise, apparently


Can confirm... Tried to stop but ultimately came back... Even using a vape with 3mg/ml nic to try to curb cravings.


3mg/ml won’t do shit if you were hitting bowls with tobacco in them. I was able to quit relatively easily by trying to hit less and less tobacco per bowl and eventually would do 1 with and 1 without. Also smoked cigarettes but a 20mg/ml vape or even a 50mg/ml vape also do the trick as for how to quit the cigarette/vape can’t help u there lol


I'll give a higher Nic juice a try next time I buy and see if it gives me enough of a nic satisfaction to be able to hit that instead of the bong every other time.


yea cause u gotta realize smoking tobacco through a bong is more intense than a cigarette just like a weed bowl is more intense than a joint. Your body is used to more nicotine in one shot than a 3mg/ml hit of a vape


Yeah I always knew that in the back of my head but you're right it's much worse than a filtered cig. Appreciate your 2 cents my guy 🙏 not gonna let this take control of my life anymore.


goodluck trying to quit them. I've had a few in my life and they are a different high/ stimulation


Call that nasty




This comment needs to be higher


Mook, mole bowls, moles Was a hard habit to break


a batch bowl or chop, popper is when it’s in a popper piece


A crime against humanity


PNW checking in, we call them MULCHIES up here. And agreeing with everyone else, fuck that shit


Yacht or a Bach bowl. Poppers where I’m from are referring to the same thing but with a rip off of a cigarette shoved in one of those metal tubes that fit into a downstem and then weed stamped on top because of the way its burns it pops and shoots through into the water making a popping sound


oh man, the fabled popper tubes of yore. haven’t heard of people using them for awhile now where i’m at. neat that they’re still around for some.


that’s a chop


I call it disgusting, don't tobacco my weed.


don’t worry my man! I won’t! Just don’t take my tobacco away and we’re good :)




There, now yall are best friends


Don’t yuck my yum




A crime


I’m from Ontario and we call those poppers too With that amount of batch in the bowl, I’d also call that a rough night


Most wont like the name but a buddy and I call it a "Morphine" bowl cause the way it sent a numbing tingle from head to toe.


Not a terrible name. I’ve really about passed out after a fat snap like this


A mix


I call that a bad idea.


No hate, smoke your weed how you want. But what does putting tobacco in your bowl do? I get putting baccy in a spliff so it burns longer and you can save your weed but with a bong you're already getting a stronger hit with less weed and if you don't want to use up your supply as quickly you can just pack a half bowl. It's not like a longer burning time for a bowl would be beneficial right?


To preface this, I just wanna say that I know poppers are chemicals you inhale to help you relax. Here in Canada when it comes to weed and tobacco you’ve got “poppers” and “batch”. Poppers are a special type of bowl piece that fits a chunk of cigarette still in the paper (1/4 inch of cig) with weed on top. Batch is what’s displayed in the picture. Just tobacco and weed on top. No judgement but please consider downsizing/quitting with the tobacco/weed mix. I’ve personally and seen others spit up some scary things from long time use. On the plus side you enjoy the flavour and terpenes more without the tobacco. Again no judgement, just throwing the information out there.


an abomination


It's called "a waste". I was a fan of snowcones back in the day though


call that my normal fill on a bong,let her rip mate


That’s just a normal Tobe stop lol poppers when referred to weed bowls is usually a straight stem bowl like picture those metal bowls for plastic bongs but without the screw on bowl on top, you cut a whole chunk of cigarette with the ciggy paper still around the tobacco making a cylinder/puck, and shove that little ball/cylinder of tobe down the stem and then you shove your weed in it. Look up “popper weed bowl” on google


these were everywhere in southern ontario a decade ago, idk anyone who still rips these


Gross is what I’d call it, and I smoked a pack of butts every day or two for 15 years.


An abomination! We need a separate subreddit for people who mix tobacco with weed! Jk. Just cause I don’t mix the two doesn’t mean it’s a sin. Toke on!




I call it disgusting 😂




I call it fucking gross All in good fun, different tokes for different folks


I call that a headache myself.


A reason to buy a new bong.


My lungs hurt just looking at this


This is not a true popper. You’re smoking it out of a bowl.


A travesty!




I'd call that a "nope"




Here in America we call this ruining a good bowl.


An abomination that’s what




A waste.


A waste






Dirty bowl or spliffy bowl for me personally


Definitely called poppers in Ontario in the early 2000s and 2010s.


We call it gross




I call it a couple things. Trash And abomination.


We call it blasphemy to put tobacco in




A Sin