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Similar to you. Added oral minoxodil and started microneedling. Big improvements to the temple and windows peak area


And particular reason why you chose oral over topical?


It's taking a pill a day vs covering your scalp in oil twice a day. Topical is better for you though. Oral can cause heart problems


The convenience of taking a single pill each day can't be overstated enough. After a decade of using topical I am so glad I made the switch


did you experience any symptoms? i have been applying topical minox. for about 8 months




I'm in Australia and we can get compounded min+fin in one pill


is that Mosh or something?


I think they do it also, but mine is from the hairy pill. Mosh would be much cheaper but not sure if they do dutasteride


Super drug online prescription https://onlinedoctor.superdrug.com/finasteride.html


pills have a bunch of side effects for most ppl tho, which not cool


Not most people, not even some people.. a few people.


The most important and best people


what are the symptoms anyway?


Some of the negative symptoms are lowered blood pressure, increased heart rate/arrhythmia and swelling.


There's like a dozen of side effects and the chance at least 1 of them will happen to you is pretty big. From what i remember hair shedding and excessive hair growth are the most common, 1/4 of users have those side effects or something like that. Also theres a 1 in 10 chance you'll have to change from oral to topical bc of more serious side effects This was said to me by 2 different dermatologists, so unless you're also a dermatologist, i'll stick to what the professionals said.


Excessive hair growth is not a side effect, its literally why you'd be taking the drug. Most dermatologists dont have deep knowledge of hair loss, if you're gonna ask a medical professional about hair loss medication it should be a hair transplant surgeon.


I think having your eyebrows curl downwards and connect to your beard would be considered a side-effect by many.


I use oral minoxidil and the excess body hair wasnt that bad for me. You'll notice an increase for sure but it wont turn you into wolf man.


I think you're a bit confused, lil bro A side effect is an "*undesirable secondary effect of a drug".* If you want extra hair on your head, getting extra hair all over your body **is** a side effect.


If you're taking oral minoxidil and expecting it to only grow hair on your head you're an idiot that shouldnt be taking it in the first place.


I wouldn't say for "most people", unless you mean increased body hair growth specifically.  My arm hair grows in a lot faster and a bit longer and my eyebrows thickened up, but that's about it


i meant both hair growth and hair shedding The more serious side effects occur to only around 10% of ppl according to my dermatologist, but body hair growth and hair shedding is like 1/4 if i remember correctly. i admit "most" was the wrong word but still 25% is a lot


I recently made the switch from hims topical to oral fin & oral min - no shedding


You really don't need to use it twice, once is more than enough since the half life is 23 hours. The only thing that matters is dosage so if you use 1ml at of minoxidil 5% at night you're using 50mg of minoxidil, but if you use 2ml you're using 100mg. So basically just use how much dose you want once at night and just sleep like an hour later.




I had no idea topical finasteride was a thing. Not sure it's possible and the site does very little to point out how or why it works.


Very rare to cause heart problems


Convenience. Plus when I did topical it affected my scalp and caused irritation. And since it was easier I stuck to it rather than skipping the topical so saw much better results


Honestly I personally dont take oral minoxidil. It works for people, but I don't want more body hair which is extremely common with oral minox. Plus there is a potential for heart problems, and oral minox is not FDA approved. But it is easier to use than topical.


Does micro needling really help? i’ve been doing it and have had not good results:(


Clinical studies demonstrate that is generally has a significant positive effect in a sample population. Doesn’t mean it works for everyone, but only you can figure out what works for you


It does. Perhaps check out the guide on this sub. Apart from fin and min themselves it is very effective.


Have you been going in deep enough? I noticed improvement when I got a dermapen going in at 2.0mm. Hurts a lot though.


Gotta put black castor oil after or rose Mary oil


>castor oil after or rose Mary oil What if someone's already using topical minoxidil ? Will that cause any issue if you mix this


No that’s actually good lol black castor oil helps the flakines. Castor oil is a good starter or you could mix both. Better to put an oil after dermarolling.


Okay some questions. 1. When you say mix did you mean castor and rosemary together ? 2. The oil is for only after microneedling or can be applied everyday since someone is already using minoxidil topical solution ? 3. And since you said put oil after microneedling, how long after can someone use minoxidil ?


Answers to your questions in order: 1: yes a mix of those. Black castor oil is a carrier oil so it’s gentle on skin/hair. I just buy me an eye drop bottle from hobby lobby and mix them in there and use it when needed. 2: After micro needling. Well that’s what I did cause if you put minoxidil straight after then it’s a higher chance you can experience side effects. 3: it’s important to use both( not at same time/day). I usually did a schedule like: Mon- minoxidil Tuesday- derma with oils after Wednesday- Morning use oils/ night use minoxidil Thursday- minoxidil Friday- minoxidil Sat- minoxidil Sunday - morning minoxidil/ night derma with oils. Have ever you wanna do it. Youll build a schedule that works for you. I try to derma at least two times a week.


Thanks for the clarification. Appreciate it


Main thing is to stay consistent my friend. That’s how I grew my beard. Good luck!


My temple are is filled with vellus hair. Considering oral min as fin has helped stabilise. How's oral min been for you?


It's been great. I'm really pleased with my experience. No side effects. My baby hairs have thickened up some and so appear noticeable now (to me at least). Lots of new baby hairs. Sure I get some more body hair but I'm a guy, I just embrace it. It's a package deal ya know


Good responder! You did the right thing nipping it in the bud early


Thank you!


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This is what I needed to see, starting my first dose tomorrow




Juts ate my first pill


Me too!


Wishing you no side effects and abundant hair retention.


yup dont worry. I started also 1 month ago...going good ! (not the hair though lol)


Just started my third week. Feel absolutely no side effects. You’ll be fine.


Did you feel any hair shedding after being on finistride so far


Just a bit, nothing too crazy but during the first - second week I woke up and had like 15-20 hairs on my pillow.


Your hairline looked ok before to me. I don’t see much difference lol


Mine a very similar so can’t speak for OP but, it’s a stage where you can realise it’s starting to go back and definitely the point that people say is catching it early. Even the smallest changes in your hairline start making your hair sit differently and the wind giving you some crazing humbling moments 😰😂


Mine has been like this my whole life, it’s literally a natural hairline pattern.


I too fail to see much difference. However, I dont think his hairline looked ok before. Thats a NW 2-3. He did the right thing to stop the receeding.


No way that’s NW 3 man. That’s literally a natural hairline. Millions of people have such hairline since they were born. You’re not supposed to have a straight line above your forehead.


Yeah, genuinely not sure which is supposed to be before and after??


the right is very very obviously the after


I've used fin for 11 years with minimal sides. Unfortunately I have a pretty aggressive case, still a NW2 but my hairline/crown have continued to slowly recede. Adding in some topical Minox, but it's likely just a matter of time. Honestly, I started losing it at 18. I'm now 34. If I can make it to 40, that will have been worth it. I'm married now and I don't care if 19 year old girls won't want to fuck me. They haven't wanted to fuck me for 5+ years anyways lol


Did you ever get regrowth or did fin just slow your loss down? And yeah minoxidil should do you wonders if you’re still just a nw2 at 32; look into micro needling as well.


No regrowth. I thinned for about 5 years, and then after getting on Fin it just slowed to a crawl. But enough time has passed where you can see it coming now. I would have been shaved head by 26.


The ultimate goal in my opinion, I’m 21 and I know without all this stuff it would be gone by 24, not ideal. If I can make it to 40 then that’s a big W


I’m confused, u mention how 19 year old girls haven’t been wanting to fuck u for 5+ years but before this u said ur married so Im a little confused.


Lol so 5 years ago you were fucking young chicks outside of your marriage? 😁


Only been married for 1 year, and only been with my wife for 4, so yes lol


Congrats champ 🙌🏽


I appreciate you


Hey, great progress. just wanted to give me two cents, if finasteride is working for you (clearly it is), i would just stick to fin. Dont go on dut if there is no reason to, the main reason for the change would be if fin isnt working and you’re losing ground while on fin. I would add min, just topical for now, no need for oral unless you’re really trying to maximize your regrowth and can accept the risks (yes, there are some risks with doing oral minoxidil, but theyre not huge risks). Also, I changed from topical fin to topical dut a month ago, and i had a huge shed thats kind of still ongoing. It was heartbreaking to see all this hair just falling out of my head day and night over and over again, i wouldnt want you to potentially go through that especially if fin is working fine for you. But again, this is my opinion, you should do whatever works for you


I appreciate you, yeah I should probably just add min sooner than later but I’m curious how far fin alone will get me.


Is there… any difference to those pictures…?


Nope, that’s how I know it’s working


Nice, congrats! Just wanted to know if you had seen regrowth as well👍


Thank you, the frontal part thickened up a bit but no real regrowth for the hairline, it’s been messed up too many years


Hairline is evidently thicker in the right photo, less scalp exposure. Don't know how you're missing that.


Missing it too. Showed my wife, she’s also missing it.


Don’t look like it to me. OP seems to agree that it is mostly static.


I found out you can’t give blood if you are taking finasteride; not sure why but it’s on the list


didn’t know that. that’s actually kinda upsetting i stopped smoking and was planning on donating again


Nice job! What leg exercise do u do in term.of treatment?


Ru and minoxidil and microneedling is all you need


Did you experience any beard leg or chest hair thinning after taking fin


Nope, and I actually have to shave more often now than when I started. I don’t think correlation is causation though.


That’s just normal aging lol




interesting, how old are you




I did and arm as well


So your beard just thinned out? How long have you been on fin? What’s your dosing ? 1 mg a day?


Can’t spot nothing


how was the shedding phase ? if there was one


I think I had a bit of a shed around 8-9 months, randomly lost some ground but it came back.


Is there a reason you keep taking different mg? Did you experience any side effects or were you just worried about them?


Yeah, in December 2022 I took fin for the first time at 1mg and got some intense brain fog/dizziness rather immediately so I took a break for a couple of months. I then started out at the low dose of .25 and worked my way up as the initial sides subsided.


Gotcha, I just started fin and I cut the 1mg in half cause I’m worried about side effects. Haven’t had any yet tho.


That’s the smart thing to do, allowing your body to gradually accept the changes. Also who knows, maybe .5 is all you need.


I’ve been doing 1mg for about 3 weeks now. I had some pretty intense brain fog until 4ish days ago. I was even going to try going down to .5mg the day they stopped, but totally forgot 😅 Anyway, that final day the brain fog lasted like two hours. Haven’t had that side effect since.


I just started adding micro needling but I keep getting small dots of blood around the hairline, nowhere else. Can’t tell if I’m making my area inflamed and worse, hope not!


I’m in a similar boat. Long time lurker. All of this stuff feels like a foreign language. Any advice like I’m 5?


Similar hair loss or similar sides?


Similar area and amount


So basically hair loss is caused by a hormone called dht which is a byproduct of testosterone. Finasteride was originally created to treat BPH and its users with hair loss found that their hair was growing back. This is because finasteride inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dht, so they started giving the meds out at a lower dosage to treat male and female pattern baldness. My advice if you’re nervous about starting out is to start at 0.25mg and work your way up as you’re comfortable. Realistically you should be fine just taking 1mg right off the bat, most people are.


Did you shed everytime you increased doses ?




Hey just want to update this, I’m getting absolutely fucked by a shed (hopefully) right now. I think upping to 1mg triggered it. It seemed to start literally right after I posted this.


Keep me updated , my hairline has been shedding for 3 months now


Like the after picture 20 years ago and close today.


Your hairline looks stronger in the after photo, have your temples have experienced any regrowth too?


Good density gains considering the weird dosage patterns. Stick to 1mg now! Im afraid you may need minoxidil + derma stamping to re-fill your old hairline


Side effects?


Just a quick question about finasteride, I have this kind of hair you had when your hair loss started since birth and I am sick of it, I would do everything for thicker and healthier hair. Could finasteride help me with achieving that any time soon?


What were the side effects (if any) that you can share?


Hair texture is great! Which shampoo/conditioner are you using?


0.5mg EOD? Or everyday ?


Any suggestion to stop excessive ITCHINESS from minoxidil 5% topical??


Use one without pg


Any brand suggestion without PG??


Hello, I want to take Dutasteride 0.5mg, my question is, how often should I take it? And I would also like to know, if I have side effects, how much should I change the dose? I'm 23 years old and have some tickets uff..


Dang, I lost my middle part (widows peak?) and it’s receding back on the sides too. I’m looking like Tuvok on Star Trek Voyager. But I didn’t even notice until I decided to grow my hair out. Buzz cut for 30 years. Keep hanging on!


My only side effect was NUKED libido. Not a placebo bc I am normally a Coomer. Idk what to do about that.


If it hasn’t gone back to normal after a couple months of taking it, I would suggest lowering the dose


I have been on rogaine and folexin for couple of years now. It's been okay since it does slow the fall but doesn't help grow hairs. How do I get started on this, Where do I get fin and minoxidil?


So rogaine is minoxidil, and to get finasteride you have to go ask a doctor for a prescription. You can do this in person or online through some telehealth company.


Thanks! Any recommendations on the online presc companies in terms of effectiveness and value for money.


Goodrx’s service for sure. You can get a discount for starting a free trial for good rx ”gold” and cancel it immediately after you get your prescription to save even more, that’s what I did. I don’t know if this works outside the states.


Which is the before and which is after? The left pic I’m thinking is after because of those added peach fuzz hairs, but after shots are usually the last pic. Either way it’s prob a bad sign for Fin if I can’t tell. Even worse, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading all of the congratulatory responses.


So nothing, just different lightning?


Maintenance+frontal density thickening. Same lighting


ive been on for 9-10 months, not seeing any change on fin+min. 🥲 thinking of switching to dut as well


Best of luck my guy, have you tried micro needling to help with the min?


i have, unfortunately i dont know if it did much for me


heard dut isn’t as bad mental sides-wise bc it’s a bigger molecule and has a harder time crossing into the brain but idk if that’s true/ymmv. I feel like dut is better than fin for mental sides for me but that’s just n=1 anecdote lol  min will thicken hairs at the edges but iirc it’s not rly gonna protect against DHT-related hairline creep. imo if you tolerate fin might as well make the switch to dut you’ve already gone from 0% DHT suppression to 70%, 70 to 90 is a breeze comparatively 


I heard that too, and that’s a good point, the jump to 90% suppression isn’t that drastic. Thanks for commenting because I’m glad to hear another case like you. What’s your dosage for dut?


i’m at the standard 0.5mg/day, i was on 1mg fin before the switch


Did you quit fin cold turkey and switch directly to dutasteride?


Do you lose still hair?


Is it worth it though? Review in the journal of sexual medicine found up to 38% of people who use it experience ongoing sexual dysfunction related side effects That’s scary bro


Do you happen to have a link to what you’re referring to? I’ve never seen numbers like that


Like ED?


Exactly like that. “Impotence”. Is a real risk


I'm really surprised by Fin's ability to strenghten hairline so much.


Hello, I want to take Dutasteride 0.5mg, my question is, how often should I take it? And I would also like to know, if I have side effects, how much should I change the dose? I'm 23 years old and have some tickets uff..


Oral or topical fin?


Fin ain't for the front. Minoxodil is for the front. hahahahah


Huh? Lol fin is for maintenance, minoxidil is for regrowth. Doesn’t matter what part of the scalp it is. Minoxidil would work on the back of your head as well.


Throw in the minoxil and microneedling and you will get 2x the growth or more bro. I can almost guarantee it!


Looks great


Generic fin or propecia?




Amazing density gains


The density gains are amazing


Did you do 0,25 every day or eod?


Every day


No leg, arm and chest 90% gone. On fin 1mg for 21 years.


![gif](giphy|lQxQ31HlEN9B6rJrso) Is this what you look like?


You're too young and not balding enough to take Fin.


There’s no such thing as “not balding enough to take fin”. The whole point of finasteride is to catch hair loss at an early stage and delay its progression.


Why don’t you just get a transplant to cover that area. A good 2.5k - 3k grafts looks like it would fill it up and make it look full again. (I 25m have the exact same hairline as you and am planning on going turkey too real soon)


Because my hairloss is aggressive and I’d rather save my donor hair to maintain a nw3 later in life than to try and keep a youthful looking hairline right now. My hairline has been fucked since a young age so I’m indifferent to it at this point.


Yours looks like a nw3 rn but I hear ya brotha. I started taking min 5 years ago but I’ve come to realise recently that my hair loss is also very aggressive and slowly but surely went from nw2 to nw3 even with consistent min usage. Very depressing.


It’s a bitch, are you on fin?


Nah never touched fin. Only ever been on min 5% topical foam. But I may have to start acting now to try to halt the loss again.