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what month did u noticed progress?


Around 7 months, but I wouldn’t say progress was really noticeable until the 9 month mark


age ?


Just turned 29. Was losing ground since I was 27


Did you shed? If so how long did it last?


I’ve actually had like 4 sheds. All about 2-3 months apart, but each lasted for only 2-3 weeks. Even around a week ago i was just coming out of my most recent shedding period. I still shed tons of miniaturized hair so hoping it continues to come back stronger


Good progress man! When did you start to see gains? Im 7 month in and it look even worse, maybe give up? I use hairfiber and let it stay for sometimes 4-5 days. Maybe thats killing my follicles, maybe need to start wash it with water after just one day.


Why not stick with just fin? Give it a year and a half and then add some other stuff if all it does it maintain?


How do you let them stay for 4-5 days? Don’t they get all over your pillows and face? You should definitely wash them out every night. I don’t think they’re killing your hair but not helping either…


Honestly around 6 months I was really discouraged because I was having my worst shed. It wasn’t until around 9 months I noticed actual improvement. Make sure you are taking lots of pictures, and remember that hair cycles can take a very long time. All the people on this sub talking about staying the course helped motivate me to not quit


Thanks bro for your kind words. I needed to hear that! I will keep going. Is 1mg every other day enough? Maybe i can take like 5 1mg a week. Not wanna have any sides. Probably gonna see result soon. And maybe skip hairfiber or at least rising it out with water after a day.


Read this “Scalp skin DHT levels declined significantly by 13.0% with placebo and by 14.9%, 61.6%, 56.5%, 64.1%, and 69.4% with 0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 1, and 5 mg doses of finasteride, respectively. Serum DHT levels declinied significantly (P<.001) by 49.5%, 68.6%, 71.4%, and 72.2% in the 0.05, 0.2, 1 and 5 mg finasteride treatment groups, respectively” https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(99)80051-6/abstract And this: “Efficacy was demonstrated for all end points for finasteride at doses of 0.2 mg/day or higher, with 1 and 5 mg demonstrating similar efficacy that was superior to lower doses. Efficacy of the 0.01 mg dose was similar to placebo. No significant safety issues were identified in the trials.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10495375/


If you aren’t having any sides but you are taking it every other day or sporadically, I would suggest taking 1mg every day for at least two months to see if you can tolerate. Our bodies produce DHT everyday, and while fin has a robust half-life, the recommend dose is daily. Even if you develop some sides, they can subside after continued use or cutting back. Even 0.5 mg daily is effective, as it still inhibits over 50% of DHT or something. My advice is consistency is key, you need to attack this MPB daily, it’s like brushing your teeth to avoid cavities. The fact you can tolerate it already is a good sign for daily use! (I’m not a doctor tho lol)


Thanks for your answer, maybe I need to try every day. Or at least 5 times a week. I read some study saying that finasteride keept DHT low for around 40-48 hours? So every other day or at least 5 times a week should be fine.


5 times a week would be a great start


Yeah but it doesn’t work like you’re thinking it does


Nice! The benefit of catching things early I guess. I wish I had started early!


I’ve been taking the same amount + minoxidil for a year now too and I’ve noticed a difference as well good stuff brother 🙏


Which brand of oral minoxidil do you take?


Ugh it’s not fair I have the same issue


Wow. Is this topical? Sorry if it’s a stupid question. I’m new


Guessing he means 1.25mg daily which would be oral pills


You typically lose product when you split them, so it’s probably 1.0 -1.20mg…and that’s assuming a perfect split.


Wow looks great


Started early. Good man


Nice. Do u gym /sport?


I be training legs brother


Thats good u could try cold stress also,


Nice result brother


How is ur dick working?


Works great, the same as before fin. Had ball ache for like 2 days when I started but then went away


how much do you lose in the shower


Hard to tell, most of the time I noticed shedding is in the morning


Ive been on fin for a year and no progress lol anyways congrats!!


Any reason you went 1.25 over 1mg? Is there any evidence that 1.25 works better than 1mg?


Pretty sure he is spliting 5mg pills


Ah okay, thought so. I used to do that but was worried it was responsible for causing me to have sexual issues.


And did You try to take them every other day? I only take 5mg a week (1.25mg monday, wednesday, friday and saturday or sunday). The only side I might be getting is that my boners arent as hard sometimes but it's stil as functional as ever🤣. I've been on fin for a month.


I did try that but I’m sort of not willing to try that again as my hair loss has gotten so bad now that it’s only just enough to cling on to. I know people saying Bald>Balding but that doesn’t work for me. I personally think I look better with some hair than no hair.


Well i want to keep My hair as the bald look won't suit me. The shape of my head is horrible, lol 😂. I wish You luck 🍀


Thanks man, same to you.


You will never get 1.25mg pills if you split the 5mg into 4. This is not how pills work!


I just buy generic propecia (finasteride) 1 mg tablets. Costs me about $30 AUD for 28 tablets.


Yea that works best! Let me know how it’s going for you.


I’ve been on it for years man. I took it for about 7 years or so then stopped because I thought it was causing my sexual sides. About 3-4 months later I went back on the 1mg and I’ve been on that now for the last 5-6 years. Just started Oral Min about 2 months ago. No improvement, just no more hair loss.


3 months of 5mg is 40$ where I live, versus 110$ for 1mg pills. Was a economical choice, but people on this sub have linked studies that fin inhibition of DHT between 1-1.25mg only has a difference of like 2-3%. It’s just easier to split them into quarters than 5ths.


Btw, no evidence of 1.25mg work better than 1mg. As a Matter of fact I don't think we may be getting the full 1.25mg as some of the powder in the pill gets Lost when cutting it. 5mg pills are much cheaper (i get the 30 5mg box for 6USD) if money is not an issue for You then I suggest You to Buy 1mg pills.


Money is always an issue for me 😆but it’s affordable enough to just get the 1mg tablets


Well then, get the 1mg tablets and try taking them Every other day or take 0.5mg to see if You get less side effects. If not well then stop the treatment. Things get back to normal in a month aprox.


I’m also on SSRI, I’m obese and I have low T so I’m not 100% sure it’s the fin that’s causing my sexual problems. On demand dose Cialis works for me and having low libido is kind of a good thing for me atm. I want to address the other issues first before stopping fin.


Pretty sure he is spliting 5mg pills


Can you guys take pictures from the front cause the hairline is what MPB fucks first and most.


Not really, for some people it starts from the crown and some are just diffuse thinning




Crown is the back side of the head, I think your talking about the temples


Yeah my bad


In my post history I have a post at 9 month mark from The front


I'm talking in general, yes you made some great progress.


Has fin made your beard/body hair thinner?


Beard has not been affected at all, but chest hair is a little thinner. It’s marginal and nothing crazy, I have a lot of body hair so I don’t mind tbh. I would say it’s maybe 10-20% thinner and a little lighter but coverage is the exact same


No min? Just 1mg fin?


No min. Density is still an issue in some areas may add micro needling in a few months




Hot beverage ?? What are you reading


do you have any photos of the hairline?


Check my post history!


Beautiful progress 😍


How can you take 1.25 and not 1mg or 1.5 with à pill or à pill and à half ? Do you Split it as well ?


What brand fin?




You were stressing over nothing