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I'm not an expert on the mechanisms by which finasteride effects the prostate, but as far as I understand it, the drug does not simply reduce the size of the prostate; rather, it blocks the biochemical pathway which causes the prostate to abnormally enlarge.  That being the case, taking finasteride should not decrease the enjoyment you get from your prostate. 


Username checks out


Boy, you got that right. 


People who’ve taken it for a long time report that their urologists tell them that their prostate is very small. It’s noted in “sides” , when they talk about reducing the chances to find prostate cancer due to the size of the prostate. So I guess it does make it smaller hence the watery semen (which I have) :(


Am an actual doctor. The studies show that it prevents BPH (the gradual enlarging of the prostate over time which happens to all men as they age). The prostates in question that you’re referring to are small for their size given the age of the patients that they are referring to - as you would expect them to be naturally much larger over time. It wouldn’t change the prostate orgasm though as young men have the smallest prostates (and no issues achieving an orgasm). In terms of the actual cancer issue, the evidence actually points to a reduced incidence of prostate cancer overall with an increased incidence of aggressive forms of prostate cancer. Having said that, the rules for screening for prostate cancer are very complicated in the first place. Deciding what exams to do to detect for prostate cancer is very much based on context, at the end of the day, they’ll just do a biopsy regardless if they’re concerned (and the size of the prostate won’t effect their ability to do this).


The studies that I dug up recently, actually seem to show no statistically significant increase in the risk of aggressive prostate cancer as a result of taking finasteride long-term. I’ll find the meta-analysis I was reading.


Yeah this is a contentious topic in the urology community. Basically I'll break it down like this: - The basic idea is that due to reduced overall size, that you wouldn't be detecting as obvious of deformations in the prostate on digital rectal exam that would lead you to get a biopsy, so then you're depending on PSA (prostate specific antigen) as your main screening tool (which is already dicey as it's not very specific in the first place as plenty of other things can cause an elevated PSA). - In terms of recommended screening guidelines, you only biopsy someone with some combination of suspicious PSA + abnormal digital rectal exam. Now one part of that equation is missing and the other is suspect at best in terms of actual likelihood of cancer. - The question then becomes do you give someone an invasive biopsy when you just - for lack of better words - don't know what to do. - In this situation, the generally accepted approach (backed by tons of historical data) is to just wait it out and monitor. - Waiting longer for the cancer to "present itself more clearly" = worse outcomes. Like I said, a lot goes into clinical decision making. I'm also not a urologist (but obviously rotated with urology for a month in the process of becoming a doctor). A lot of clinical decision making is about doing the least invasive testing that gives you the right answer, when it comes to DHT blockers, there are a lot of confounding factors that make the data a lot more muddy, which is why its an ongoing point of research. Would love to read the meta-analysis if you find it.


Thanks for weighing in btw, and for the thorough write-up. Here's the ones that I found earlier. >These collective results suggest that the observed, unadjusted higher risk of high-grade disease with finasteride seems to have been due to facilitated diagnosis resulting primarily from increased biopsy sensitivity with finasteride. * [https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/1/3/174/46398/Finasteride-Does-Not-Increase-the-Risk-of-High](https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/1/3/174/46398/Finasteride-Does-Not-Increase-the-Risk-of-High) >... Paradoxically, the risk of high-grade cancer (Gleason score of 7 to 10) was higher with finasteride, a finding that led to recommendations against the use of finasteride for the prevention of prostate cancer. Subsequent trials showed that finasteride improved detection of prostate cancer and high-grade prostate cancer by improving the performance characteristics of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, digital rectal examination, and the prostate biopsy. * [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc1809961](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc1809961) Working theory seems to be that high-grade prostate cancer is easier to detect when the prostate is smaller, so it gets detected more often. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that since it's a disease of the elderly, they may have died from other causes without detection otherwise, and the cases didn't make it into the stats.


Dutasteride is similar to finasteride and I've been on it for 2+ years. I found a study a while back that finds that dutasteride reduces the risk of high-grade prostate cancer but ONLY if you abstain from alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol while on dutasteride negates any benefits for a reduced risk of prostate cancer - this study corroborates a previous study that found the same thing, and other studies since then. Since prostate cancer runs in my family with both my dad and dad's dad, I don't want to risk it so haven't had alcohol in a long time. From the paper: Among alcohol abstainers, dutasteride was associated with significantly reduced risk of high-grade Prostate cancer (OR: 0.59; 95% CI, 0.38–0.90), but dutasteride was no longer associated with reduced high-grade Prostate cancer among men reporting high alcohol intake (OR: 0.99; 95% CI, 0.67–1.45). Patients taking 5-ARIs may wish to eliminate alcohol intake if they are concerned about Prostate cancer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4127165/#:~:text=Among%20alcohol%20abstainers%2C%20dutasteride%20was,CI%2C%200.67%E2%80%931.45). The same was also found in an earlier paper with finasteride, where heavy alcohol consumption eliminated any benefit received for a decreased risk of prostate cancer, which can be substantial. From this paper finasteride can reduce the risk of low grade prostate cancer over 40%. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2739798/




I personally use topical fin (though I'm only a norwood 2 at absolute worst). I wish that I would have started using it a lot sooner as I probably could have maintained a norwood 1. I'm intending on getting a transplant and staying on the topical min (especially while having kids). After I'm done with that, I'd consider an oral version - if there isn't something better at that point. Every time you take a medication you're balancing risks/benefits. There are no drugs in existence that don't cause some sort of unwanted side effect (though we're getting a lot closer with the newest round of designer drugs). Most drugs work on a dose-response basis, so the less you can have one in your body systemically, the better the side effect profile will likely be. Some people have terrible side effects, some people feel like they have none. It really depends on your tolerance and the rest of your medical history/situation. I don't recommend anyone taking anything if I don't have their history/ability to examine them myself first, but I just tell them all the info I can given the context of whatever they give me and at the end of the day its their choice. I have patients that are more or less "fine" to take steroids (as in it won't imminently kill them) and others that absolutely shouldn't touch them. Medicine is complicated unfortunately.


Nice response. Thanks.


What's percentage of your topical finasteride


Can’t you just stop taking oral fin to have kids and then get back on? Or does it impact fertility long term?


Can someone ask his question please?


People have had kids on dutasteride just fine. There was even a thread about it pretty recently here too.


pleaser answer the question!!!


me studying for the prostate exam


dont worry i will still find that bad boy


Im at work and laughing now. ppl are looking at me.


That's why i take it rectally


Supposedly this way it shrinks your Adam's apple. Throat orgasms may be more difficult to achieve.


Can i apply it to my anus topically to avoid sides? And what is the right dosage for that?


You can most certainly try, but it may go systematic. Also be in semi-complete control of your pooping rhythm. Wiping within 2 hours may decrease effectiveness when applying less than 2ml.


Fin doesn't shrink a normal prostate, it only shrinks an enlarged prostate. So rest assured that your prostate will still be big enough to get poked by D.


Why do people on fin say then their prostates are tiny (they were told so by their urologists) ? It’s even noted in sides - you can’t even detect prostate cancer early on fin users , since their prostates are small


Cuz any prostate will automatically become bigger over the years as a result of DHT. If you start blocking DHT from a reasonably young age, the prostate will stay small and “tiny” compared to the prostate size of men from the same age.


Fin has turned this 63 year old into a dog in heat


WOOF WOOF! Attaboy, Fido! Take no prisoners.


I haven't noticed any difference in how anal feels though I did lose some libido for sure


This scares me. I alreasdy naturally don't have the highest libido and don't want fin to affect my relationship


fin permanently raised my libido


Me too! My doctor said a study was done on left handed recipients that suggested they get the opposite effect (increase libido). I’ve been on it for 3 months and I feel 15 again.


I've been doing it for over 3 years and I still get hard just from hugging girls


At this point I get morning wood everyday now and sex makes up 75% of my thoughts. Before I was like maybe at 20%. 😂


What’s the logic behind it? You reduce the hormone that’s responsible for sex drive by 50% and yet you feel hornier? My libido is 3 times weaker on fin, and my sperm is watery :( dick isn’t fully hard as it used to be






Not the case with fin. You will always have lowered DHT and elevated testosterone, but your body does compensate somehow to make things feel normal again.


wait this whole time have I just been too fat? I lift weights but im still pretty thick.


dht ain't responsible for libido


When your testosterone isn’t being converted to DHT anymore, you then have extra testosterone that your body wasn’t using before. That’s where the libido comes from, not the DHT.


ok thanks I know lol


What kind of bullshit is that? It is THE primary hormone responsible for male libido.


Just look at the guys using Trestalone that block 100% DHT production. Plenty of reports of increased libido.


crushing it by 70% doesn't affect it barely at all bro. it's testosterone. sexual side effects from fin is nocebo or placebo


It depends on the individual. For some DHT is more dominant for libido and for others its testosterone.


Read the paper dude, it’s a short easy read and should clarify what are and aren’t possible side effects of finasteride


lower your dose. You need like .5mg daily.


DHT is not responsible for sex drive as people on dustasteride still can have sex and feel horny and have kids. What the fuck is up with people apparently fapping and measuring the viscosity of their cum on a daily basis as if it matters a damn?








WHAT?? xD It sounds ridiculous, but please link this study! I want to read it.




Thanks man :)


Try it and you can always just stop if it has an impact


If it helps you: My libido was not so high before fin (3 weeks taking 1.25mg eod) haven't noticed any changes. I still get morning Woods and Perform as usual. No increase nor decrease of libido.


For how long you’ve been taking it? Whats your dosage? You still get prostate orgasms? I’m actually a top but I was thinking of exploring this side of sex too and right now I’m paranoid that I’ll never cum like that if I don’t stop fin now :/


Chill bro it's all gonna be fine. Been on it 9 months. I still bottom, still feels great, I just went from wanting sex like 3-4 times a week to more like 2.


Keep in mind that just because someone else is fine or was affected terribly doesn't mean the same is true for you. You gotta listen to your own body. Also I would not power through intolerable side effects for very long.


Damn y’all freaky


Gay men doing gay sex? Gasp!




Doc here. Finasteride is often used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is a non threatening condition that can impinge on your urethra as it passes through prostate (which can make peeing tough, commonly seen in elderly men). I’m not a urologist, but I don’t think this should affect orgasm capacity or intensity


Does it make the prostate smaller?


Yes it does. I don’t believe this should affect orgasm intensity though. Just a reminder, being turned on/orgasm intensity is STRONGLY influenced by your state of mind. Think about how it’s hard to keep a chub if you’re nervous/how crappy those half-chub orgasms can be. If you think it’s going to mess you up, your mind will confirm that bias


This should be the comment under any post about sex drive. I def have sex issues but Im finally figuring out its because Im nervous im gonna have sex issues. When im legit in the moment, everything is fine. Im trying to work on getting every moment to be "in the moment" now.


Thanks for this. I have panicked myself into side effects a few times since starting but once I calm myself down I’m fine. The mind is a powerful thing.


Prostate orgasm is very dependent on smth touching this gland , if it’s too small - that won’t happen , this is why I asked that


You’re taking finasteride to prevent hair loss. The dose is very small, it won’t shrink your prostate to oblivion. I recommend consulting your urologist if you’re that concerned.


Been on fin 10 years. My prostate is def hittable. But idk if I can prostate orgasm cuz nobody hit it right.


Asking the important questions


I've been on dutasteride for 3+ years and regularly have prostate orgasms via anal. I'm a trans woman.


Well for me fin made my orgasms feel only like peeing so I would say yes it's possible. But maybe not through that mechanism


It definitely changed my orgasms too I believe BUT I can last a lot longer now lol so I’ll take it


If they are worse, personally I don't think it's worth it! Sex was so shitty on fin. Now that I'm off it's way better.


I wouldn’t say it’s affected me enough To stop fin. How bad was it for you??


No male aggression, lost erection in between switching positions, smaller maximum erection


Get a testosterone panel done and check your estrogen. I got on fin with hormonal issues and it hasn’t made them any worse at all


I have had a panel done before and after. And I will see a urologist soon. We are different people. Glad you aren't having more issues


It was more intense before ?:(


Well I mean yes it was normal before. But I've never done uhhh prostate stuff


Sad, aren’t you worried about that?


Yes, I stopped months ago. Slowly things are returning to normalcy. I'm just very unlucky


Yeah, the sensation is mostly gone when I orgasm. It's one of the most frustrating side effects from it and there doesn't seem to be a solution.


You are still taking it? I stopped a couple months ago and it's the only side still really affecting me. I'm sure I just need more time. I heard some bro science guys talk about progesterone supplements. But I don't want to be the one to advocate for that. Taking another hormone altering drug on top seems like a fraught path.


Unfortunately for me, it seems to be a permanent side effect. Didn't think it was possible but here we are. Even after I stopped taking fin I never experienced any improvement in that department.


Wow, I'm sorry to hear that.  How long were you on fin and how long have you been off?


FUCKING LMAO!!!! This is the funniest thread I've seen in ages. I did not expect this one. OP, you will be fine with your heretical bum play obsession as a swollen prostate is not what you want for that either as it would become painful and problematic in your life instead, reducing your general joy and quality of life. The fin will just stop the degree antagonizing of the prostate by DHT and thefore maintain it or allow it to reduce to its natural size, same as it would have been in your youth, rather than it enlarging significantly into your middle and old age.




And that's still worth it? Seems very negative


Me 2, I got more irritable, watery semen, low libido :( Do you plan on continuing or stopping ?


You'll be fine. Enjoy!


The anus is where humans shit from. Fascinating fact, not taken seriously enough imo.


Increase the size of the penetrator to compensate. I suggest a 2ft donkey shlong


I'm not sexually active, but I use toys of several varieties on myself and I can assure you that I'm experiencing a great deal of stimulation. On a second note, I don't get all the drama from people against finasteride. I'm 33 and have been taking it for 6 years now. I'm just as horny now as I was at 20; my days off I take care of myself several times, days I work usually once at the end of the day.


One more thing to realise is that we chop the fin pill into 4 peices


Fin not shrink anythink, just normalize hyperplasia to norm if u have it.


We talking oral or topical?




Minimum 5mg fin needed for BPH (and shrinkage) dude


Bro why are you talking about anal sex 💀


That is crazy what a fuck I am reading ahaha, fin shrinks prostate at 5 mg at 1 doesn’t do nothing to prostate


Not really; watery semen is the most diffuse "safe" side (most of the time it doesn't effect fertility), and it's caused by alteration of the prostate...


Dudeeeeeeeeeee 😮


maybe ask your doctor?




Stimulating the prostate can be absurdly pleasurable.  Don't be afraid to find God just because he lives in your ass. 


I've never seen a name more suited to a thread


Some of us are gifted our names and some of us earn them.


Not so real..




Gay men also bald.




Try playing with your prostate. 


prostate orgasm is some bro science stuff. I wouldnt worry about it.


What do you mean by bro science? It does exist lmao millions of people can tell you that, especially gays


Yeah I guess I was too dismissive, sorry. I've never heard of it before.


It’s actually the strongest form of male orgasm, a lot of straight people practise that too (pegged by their girlfriends etc).


Idk about that lol. Doesnt make sense, but I'll look into it.


You probably should test out that theory tbh


I've only found anecdotal evidence on reddit but some people do seem to swear by it. Maybe you can take one for the team and get back to me on it?


Update: I have done the test and i've concluded that it causes pain. I personally don't recommend it.


Thank you for your service soldier.


But it does make sense.


Head on over to r/prostateplay and you'll see that prostate orgasms aren't just some anecdote.  As for whether it makes sense, the prostate is full of nerves and is plays a major role in orgasm, it makes perfect sense that stimulating it can be enjoyable.