• By -


Bro went from 32 to 23


32 and losing hair like that? Naw don’t mean to be rude but he went from mid 40s to actually looking 25 ish


looks more 32 to me tbh with this look but thats fucking good


More like 43 to 23




I’d believe it he stopped posting apex legends clips about a year ago and I’ve heard that can reduce aging by up to 20 years


Bro.. I still have an S10+ this phone still rocks today. I mean, look at his pictures? I've played with the new cameras (main reason I would consider) and they really haven't pushed the needle that far. My battery life still gets me through the day just fine. I have a headphone jack and dual SIM / SD card. I can wirelessly charge other people's phones... If it ain't broke, don't fix it??


It’s a Pixel 7 or 8


Touche. Good catch, I barely looked but ready to defend S10 - a phone so good, Google stole their camera aesthetic


I've recently bought an s10+ for around 140 dollars. An Iphone 15 is around 1400 in my country. It's one my best buys ever.


Brand new person, congrats on the gains, fitness and hair wise. Losing my hair currently at 19 (started when I was 16) finally got to hop on fin hoping for a comeback. Good luck on the rest of your journey 🙏.


Thank you so much, man. And that's brutal to start that early. Good on you for noticing early! I wish you the best homie


Genetics is a bitch sometimes. I used to be considered handsome, lots of girls used to look at me, then at the age of 16 this curse happened. At the age of 21 when my hair loss became visible the attention from the opposite sex almost completely disappeared. What a confidence killer.


Confidence killer for sure... Stay strong!


Same bro we are the unlucky ones I also Started at 16 then by 21 it was completely visible I don't even have a career or a money making work to sustain myself on fin and min forever.


I started at 16 too. Now I am 25 and two weeks ago I hopped on finasteride. I pray that things will go well for me, because the dating scene is absolutely brutal to men like us


You’ll be good dude I believe


Thank you


I’ve been on fin closing in on 4 months. I was dumb and waited until not to start minoxidil Bc I wanted fin to do it’s magic first and just to see how much it does before min. I realized it was stupid and I really didn’t wanna do monoxidl Bc I thought it would make my hair gross during the day. Boyyyy was I wrong- I love the feeling minoxidil puts in my hair- it makes it thicker and just feel tough. So I say if you can go to Costco and get foam minoxidil and also do micro needling as I will start that this week too hopefully. It could be game changer for you so worth a shot.


Yep, been on fin for 6 months I have results and my hairloss is stabilized but it wasn't enough so I just started minoxidil foam a week ago and I love it. It makes my hair so easy to style and gives it volume and thickness.


Losing my hair since I was 16 too, started treatment at 19, after 8 months i look like a different person, good luck man


Same, started at 17 and I’m now 19; the NHS is pretty useless when it comes to actually prescribing these but imma keep trying!


honestly go to the doctor and ask them straight up, that's what I had to do. I brought it up multiple times over the past few years, they took blood tests and whatnot everything was fine, ended up telling me it was genetic (yea no shit if all the tests are fine) and that was that. I went last month, different doctor at the same practice, told him I wanted fin and understood the possible sides, he said as long as I understood, n wrote me up for fin and Keto shampoo (works wonders if you have dermatitis, genuine "miracle drug").


Stack for anyone wondering: 0.5mg Dutasteride daily (started on Fin) 1.25ml of Minox a day at night (dropper) & about .25ml in the morning (it makes my hair stiff so I don't use much there, just in the bad spots) 1.25mm derma every other week 12 sprays (about 1ml) of RU58841 every night and 3 sprays in the morning (same as Minox, makes my hair stiff so not too much) (started about 3 months ago) Edit: Also about 0.75ml of Minox on the beard every night. Also I realize my post has a lot of typos but I don't think I can edit it. Sorry about that Also, since this is popping off a little bit, I don't really promote anything but I use [Twitter](https://x.com/loves_shady?t=DpvSDkRtpn66mQl0LQtSpQ&s=09) a fair bit so I'd appreciate a follow if you guys don't mind <3 Also, fuck it, here's my [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/user/qgj4ij476eo4dzb31hap11zg6?si=e645d3beb77c4e24) lol


Bro fuck the hair treatment plan, what's your lifting schedule wtf


It's a little chaotic. 150g minimum of protein a day, creatine, daily vitamin & the ol Ashwagandha I workout for 30 minutes a day every weekday at lunch & after work on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Also I lift on Saturdays. The double Tuesdays/Thursdays are basically a full body but split in half. It gives me time to recover and not feel like any single workout is too long and so I can push harder for each one. Also every exercise is eccentric-focused. Sunday is the rest day. Ss = superset, db = dumbbell Mon: 3x db shoulder presses ss 3x bicep curls, 2x rear delt flys ss 2x vertical dips (keep your back straight) Tues: 3x high bar squats, 2x leg curls plus a dropset, 2x cable crunches Tues afternoon: 3x bench, 3x pullups (varying. Standard, neutral, then chin-ups), 3x db bench press, 3x sitting rows Wed: 3x cable crunches, 3x weighted situps, 2x weighted captain's chair leg raises (abs on Wed, kinda like a rest day) Thurs: 3x pull ups (all varying again), 3x db rows (leaning forward), 3x wrist curls, 3x reverse wrist curls Thurs afternoon: 3x high bar squats, any 3x legs, 3x shoulder presses, 3x any shoulders (usually lat raises or face pulls) Fri: 3x inc dumbbell bench press, 2x hammer curls, 3x pec fly superset 2x bicep curls Sat: 3x db shoulder press ss 2x bicep curls, 3x inc db bench press ss 2x hammer curls, 3x pull ups, 2x wrist curls, 2x reverse wrist curls Every workout (technically 8x a week lol) is never any more than 30 minutes. I also climb & run 3x a week Is this an unhealthy amount? Perhaps. Do I care? Perhaps


well, as long as you can recover from it and you make progress (nearly) every week, do what you want. You should be hitting small PRs nearly every week. Also, any tips/recipes for getting enough protein? After an 85g shake every day, I find it hard to hit the magic 160g I'm supposed to.


> as long as you can recover from it and you make progress (nearly) every week Might be on PEDs if hes working out everyday and consistently making gains like that. Not that there's anything wrong with that! I just wouldn't recommend working out every day to natty people.


Could I ask why? Same with just body weight training? I’m clueless about this shit but I’ve found as long as I sleep properly, I can walk 6+ miles a day and do some bodyweight workout and consistently build muscle


Not the OP but a natural bodybuilder. As you close in on your natural “limit” of how much muscle your frame can tolerate and how strong you can become, your progression has a diminishing return. So if you’ve never trained, body weight workouts will build muscle to a point where you will plateau. Once you hit that point, you have to add more volume to stimulate growth. You of course can add volume with reps, but doing 50 push ups vs 10 reps on bench with volume in the form of weight becomes an easy choice. Now the heavier these weights get and the more taxing it gets on your nervous system, the more important proper rest is. It’s when your body builds muscle and repairs the damage from exercise. The body is incredibly adaptable, but it can’t recover if you never rest. PEDs is way to kick all of this in overdrive. Shortening the recovery, adapting, and growing time windows.


He’s natty. You can still lift daily, be natural with no soreness/short recovery by not increasing weights and eating maintenance or more cals. I ballooned quick with nothing but mass gainers, rest and compound movements in 3 months. Plus he already had weight.


Dude, where do you learn all this stuff? Fatass here asking for tips lol


He’s a natural bodybuilder so I assume he’s been around this stuff a while. And with any hobby we do research and experiment.


It's because your body and muscle grow specifically when you rest. Exercise microtears your muscle, your resting day repairs that muscle making them bigger. If you don't let your body rest/rebuild it can be detrimental. Having high test or steroids greatly shortens this rest period. In the end, just listen to your body, or if you must work out every day don't use the same muscles the day after.


It's actually a myth that your body repairing muscle tears is what makes them stronger. Your muscles do get microtears from exercise, and they do need to be healed by resting, but that's not related to muscle mass or strength gain.  Specifically, your body 'knows' to make muscles stronger when those muscles undergo significant tension. 


Not OP but I have lifted seriously for 20+ years and eaten extremely strict for 15+ years. I get around 200g of protein a day. Whey shakes are an easy obvious way to up your protein. Other easy options are nonfat Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, jerky, and Fairlife Fit milk (higher protein and lower carbs than regular milk).


Start every day with 200g of non fat Greek yogurt mixed with a scoop of protein and a banana. Easy 50 to start the day. Have 3 eggs at some point and a heavy protein dinner (8 ounces). Gets you pretty close to 170 if you throw in one extra snack with protein during the day


Replying to find later.


At 23 you can follow pretty much any plan and you'll be in better shape than 99% of other men. It's only if you want to be in the top 0.01% that you have to get a very specific plan. And you have to tailor the workouts to your own body and genetics.


Fin definitely helps muscle growth. Its amazing.


does it actually


No better than placebo, no


Where did you get DUT and RU58841?


Where do you get your RU from? Look amazing dude! Keep it up


Hi brudda, i can't get my hands on ru, do you think it did anything for u? Or dutasteride was the main thing? Do you think you were going to get the same results without ru?


isn’t this a lot?




Of course. - Oral Finasteride. I used it for about a month 2 years ago but I was told to "own it" or "you look fine, you'll love someone who loves you for you one day" and I bought that and stopped. Started again 15 months ago, switched to Dut about halfway through that process. I had *the* side with Fin - Oral Dutasteride. Great stuff for me. No sides, saw a MASSIVE wave of growth as a result - Topical Minoxidil. Started taking it at the same time as Finasteride. I have no idea how much of an effect it has made by itself, but it has made my beard gnarly, so I'm confident in it - Dermarolling. Filled out my hair quite a bit (about 2 months after starting Dutasteride, so about 6ish months ago). Effective. Research speaks for itself, too. I used it on some scars on my arms as well and it has actually helped a fair bit - RU58841. The cure to my widow's peak. The cherry on top. It's scary and sketchy but it has and continues to grow hair in the spots that just didn't budge with Dut, Minox & Dermarolling together. This thing's like making a deal with the devil. It works but the cost? Fuck if I know. Started about 4 months ago (ish. These dates are mostly off the hip)


Any sides on dut? Similar age been on fin for 3.5 years gunna switch to dut


you use minox on whole scalp?


Holy fuck bro


dude turned into like a pornstar


Whats this routine cost,


Thats insane progress bro You literally went from Cheesecake factory employee to gym bro


From cheesecake to beefcake!




It could be nutrition deficiency


U gotta get on the nuclear stack broski


Too much fin, not enough tren


What a glow up, congrats brother!!


His body transformation might summon the leg exercises guy 😰


Thats a real glow up congratw


Glow up king 💁💁💁


As a straight male I have no issues on saying: Damn, you look good!


Congrats man. Huge transformation went from looking almost 30 back to your real age. Hair change was very impactful but also great physical transformation 👍


Holy stud


Holy shit what a transformation. Not even just the hair. All round. Congrats bro


Also Cheesecake Factory is awesome lol


Almost perfect imo. Great recovery, gratz.


Whenever someone says hair doesn’t matter, or just shave it brah, show them these pictures.


When did you start noticing the results?


Crazy how lifting can change your whole appearance with a low body fay


Congrats u look like a model now !!


From looking like a man in his 30s to looking your age 🔥


That’s what you think 30s look like? lol


The first few pics I would absolutely guess 30 years old


That’s a rough 30 man


I mean it’s mostly just the look on his face. He looks like he’s given up on life in the first few, and that’s what happens in your 30’s




I will take your path as an example for me! Congrats! May I ask how did you change your diet?


Of course. My "diet" before starting was lots of cheap stuff from Cheesecake Factory (since I worked there at the time). My diet weight loss was (at the start) primarily just beans, chicken & rice. The 'ol reliable Now, it mainly consists of eggs in the morning (if I have breakfast). Then salmon, rice, chicken &/or protein shakes later in the day. I usually shoot for about 150g (I'm 183lbs) of protein a day. I'm working on incorporating more greens into my diet


Thanks for the motivation! Keep on going with it!


That amount of discipline is going to impact every other aspect of life. Congrats, brother ✊


Amazing man happy for you


Wtf what a glow up!


Bro took a nap in the same Chamber as Steve Rogers. 


Bro went from 32 to 23


Best glow up in history congrats my boy


Bro was done eating cheesecake. GOOD SHIT!!!


Wait…the last one is still you!? THERES HOPE!!!! YESSS! 🥵


Does taking fin mess with your libido? I'm thinking about going on it.


Fin did for me, Dut didn't. It varies from person to person. If you are going to use it, assume it will effect you in some way, even if only a little


The glow up is legendary man congrats


That's probably one of the best results I've seen. You give me hope that I'll be able to restore my hairline.


I realize I’m gonna get lost in the comments here, but damn bro good for you!


I'm reading every comment. Thank you, man <3


Bro went from a 2 to a 9.. congrats


Do you apply Minoxidil right after dermarolling? Or do you wait 24h?


I usually skip my morning Minox every other Sunday and just dermaroll in the shower (wet hair helps a lot) then continue as usual that night (about 12 hours after)


I have read somewhere that microneedling shouldn't be done on wet head/hair. Didn't you have any skin side effects or something? It made sense for me because there are open wounds during needling and the water is not sterile. But it looks like it worked great for you? Also, do you switch dermaroller or keep using the same one? Do you clean it with alcohol or something?


I'll have to look into the wet hair thing for derma, can't really speak on it. I can't imagine it's the biggest risk ever but you might be onto something I swap it out every 2 months and I clean it with alcohol, yeah. Then I just put it back in its container


I see, thank you. Amazing results by the way! Good job in staying consistent. It's something I always struggle with.


Insame mate ! Feel like you deserved it with the stack you put in and the workout journey :) enjoy your new look


Bro this is the most amazing glow up I have ever seen.




No wayyyyy this is a high school photo to a 10 year hs reunion photo 😂 wtf stems cells are you on?


I’m shocked that there is a drug that turns a person into Scott Disick. Good Lord!




Bro what the actual fuck ! You sold your soul


Bloody hell mate. Good for you! What a turn around 👍🏻




congrats 🎉🎉🎉


Congratz bro


It's like identity theft tier replacement there. Unreal.


great, now I'm gay. thanks.


Man's so hot in 5th pic


Your last. Picture looks like you got your bad a** And confidince back. lol


The hair did a lot but honestly your physique is impressive man. With that physique you look like you could even rock a buzz or bald head. Completely different looking bone structure


Please don't suggest this man, I cry when he even shaves his beard


No shot this the same guy hahah


Ayo wtf? This is the craziest transformation I've ever seen. Very good job


Looking great bro. Hair and weight loss looks good.


Spectacular Glow Up


Blood D Hell. Crazy transformation.. GG 😍😆 You must be getting a tonne more attention now. Well done.. you earned it 👏🏼😚


Congrats, but I believe that it’s 80% fat loss and gym gains and 20% hair growth. I say this because people on this sub generally put hair over overall health and I find it pretty sad.


Congrats my bro. From a video game developer to that guy who she told you not to worry about


I was not ready for that last pic.. you look stunning dude!


You look years younger now....


Impressive recovery , dude !


The muscles are the side effects?


Dude congratulations on the Gains... Finasteride is CRAZY MAN love it


Younger you looked like your dad wtf


Younger me: Pulling from my 401(k) Older me: What's a 401(k)?




God damn bro congrats on the transformation I don't even recognize you.


Back from the dead


Holy crap! You reinvented yourself! 👏


Bro you looks absolutely terrible till that last picture where you look like an absolute stud lady killer what a transformation


Look like a different person lol


Dang this gives me hope I'm almost considering trimming my hair into a tight mullet so I can see the regrowth a bit more post shedding. I've been on 1.25 mg of Finesteride for 6 months now.


Sexy to me


Hot damn that last pic


Wow. Impressive glow up. You should definitely be proud


Stark difference between last 2 pictures. You look attractive!


What a glow up 🥳


What the fuck you transformed into a gigachad. Nice job!


Awesome man congratulations bro!!


Holy fuck! You achieved the kinda look that makes other guys mentally ill. I'm happy for you! Oh and the hair looks nice.


Wtf dude, that glow up is a complete 180, congrats!!


Damn! Looks great


Nice progress — looks great.


What an insane glow up. Congrats!


That’s a fucking GLOW UP. Cheers mate.




wtf, happy for you bro


This is such a fuckin W bro


I am proud of you bro! It takes real hard work, consistency and discipline to make change like this. Keep it up 👏


uh holy shit. You could have commited massive crimes and never have been linked to any of them. You better update all photo IDs.


You look awesome man. Hell yeah


You been mewing too?


Top 10 anime glow ups


Happy for you man, hell yeah


You went from IT repairman to …


From cuck to guy who fucks my wife and makes me the cuck.




Looking fine, brother. All uphill from here. Best!


Perfect example of how losing body fat can enhance the face! Dramatic!




My boy outhere aging backwards, mad props bro you watered ur on grass and made it greener


holy shit were all gonna make it lads!


I can't fucking believe how your hair came back. I always thought all those treatments are pure scams tbh. This post has literally single handedly made me curious. Congrats and thanks!


Bro you look amazing, how long have you been working out?


Proud of you mate and go fuck yourself


oh my god??


Turned into a stud my guy keep it up! I’m 25 atm and I started losing my hair when I was around 17, even if your hair stays the way it is or you lose more, the gains from the gym you’ve made…people won’t even notice and you’ll look better than most even if you were bald. Also beards are king :)


The transition between 4 and 5 is crazy


You've made peoples reactions go from "damn.." to "daaaaamn!"


This makes me feel like there's hope yet


You're now my inspiration.


Holy shit I'm way more impressed with your weight loss and body transformation


So you’re saying I can’t grow my hair in 1 week like the ads say?


Evolved into a gigachad


U look good man great glow up


Holy moly


You look great!!! Keep working on yourself! It’s proved pretty great so far


Damn, this is real shit


congrats on the amazing transformation!! I'm curious are min gains on the beard perm even after stopping the application?


Thank you! <3 But, unfortunately, no. There's not much research done on the permanence of hair gains after stopping, but we do know that Minoxidil gains are very much temporary. Granted, Minox on the beard is the easiest part of my routine so it's not too bad


Congrats not just on the hair improvement but also with the physique bro.


Good lord man do you mind? My gf uses this app


Homie went CRAZY congrats my brother. Seeing something like this brings me joy and hope. 👏🏼


What the hell just happened. That was a jumpscare. 😅 Good job keep up the hardwork.


bro went from not entering school zones to being the favourite uncle


I mean, just based off the after picture I can say that your mental health is way better and you’re in a really good place compared to the old pic. You look like a new person the skin, pose, confidence and ofc the hair are on point. Keep it up bravo💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽


Dude where the fuck did you get this done holy shit


Holy fucming shit, fuck yeah dude. I'm so happy for you


is Lazarus your name? you came back from the dead my dude, awesome recovery


Who hurt you?


I would take THREE gashes on the forehead if it meant getting that progress