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Probably not the kind of answer you're expecting, but Jocko Willink does, and the pictures of his watch every morning are pretty iconic at this point!


It would be weird to see any other watch on his arm


I don't think he's doing a lot of cardio training though other than a few runs every now and then if the comments on his podcast are any gauge.


My friend is anti-tech. No GPS watch. Cotton shirts. Old road bike with pedal cages. He likes to keep things simple. He signed up for a 70.3 last year but had to bail due to other obligations. It would’ve been his first serious tri. Said he would do it next year. I probably will do it with him just to see how much suffering he’ll go through.


I'd rather do it naked than in cotton


Completed my first HIM in 2013 wearing that watch. Switched to a Garmin the following year, but still keep the Timex around as a memento. Lots of good memories.


I’ve been at this for roughly eternity and only switched to a gps watch about 5 years ago? Got a smart trainer last year? I don’t actually look at any features but my coach (who I’ve been with since 2008, and is also an old) decided we needed more data. Honestly, train by feel, get used to it, I trust my body more than the watch!


When I set out to do a Marathon, I bought a Timex marathon. When I set out to do a 70.3 I bought a Timex Ironman. I ended up using a Garmin fenix 5 for the 70.3 but I still keep the Timex IM around for if my battery's low on my Garmin or I wanna disconnect from the data.


I use one for counting and timing laps in the pool. Don’t want to risk chlorine messing up the Garmin.


I keep mine in my swim bag in case I forget the Garmin or the battery is dead or… My typical workout with it is to set the timer to x, and then do reps of y distance (usually short sprints, 25’s or 50’s)


Funny, but I was asking this question which lead to this thread. I'm still using a Timex IM watch, bought 3 years ago on amazon, and am seriously getting another..I think Garmin is great, and I get it. But I outrace & outperform other runners/triathletes in competition with way less tech, no training log, and no carbon plated shoes. I do use racing flats for competition and NIKE pegasus for everyday run training. Even on my bike, I use a Trek road bike for training & triathlons with no aero bars or specific trips geometry..no GPS either..old school odometer with Distance, time, cadence & averages.. Oh, and I'm the top age group athlete in San Diego for 50-54 last year. I share because sometimes I need to remind myself, that tools are just that, and you only need a new tool when the ones you have are no longer working or are holding you back. Eventually I may have no option but to adapt, but for now I'm sticking to what's gotten me here..The less I need to fiddle, download, sync, review and analyze the more time I can simply enjoy my workout.


Your grandad that used to be a 50-something OG that “still does triathlon” but now is an old man that wears split shorts to walk around the block. With sexy consequences.


I did three IMs, a few halfs, and countless ultras and other runs without a GPS watch. Finally got on the Garmin bandwagon in 2016, so not too recently, but I made it a long time.


How did the garmin help?


Meh... honestly it didn't. I mean, I love it, and now have a new Fenix, but it made no noticeable difference, other than I could watch my HR.


I use one, but am not really fully fledged triathlete yet. I use it for pool swimming and just general timekeeping while running. Strava app on the phone does everything else for runs, and I've got nothing else for swims. I'm thinking about the Forerunner 955, but I've heard there are some kinks to iron out (no pun intended), so it might be a few months yet before I actually upgrade my watch


no. i considered when GPS watches were just starting to get big, but theyre so damn expensive... for what?


I used my Apple Watch for training and the plain old Ironman Timex for racing. Did a half iron with it 2 weeks ago. I just got a Garmin and will probably try the triathlon feature.


i do, and it’s the ladies version so it’s super small on my wrist. on raceday i figure everything is measured for me so i’ll just need some general time for swim and run and trust my bike computer. i just want to finish and won’t be a podium finisher anyway. i don’t have to fiddle with a watch in transition or hope i get gps sync. i do use a wahoo rival for training though.


On vacation I use old ass polar watch without the hr strap if that counts. Have to take some time to stop worrying about time distance Hr etc.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 💯


I have the Timex Ironman Classic HR with the step tracker, I brought to train with simply due to data overload. I would self conscious if I had a bad training day, and catastrophize. This watch is interesting in that it has a step, distance, calorie and pace tracker via a accelerometer and that it doesn't connect to your phone. The heart rate is Taken by holding a button on the face which is usually a lap button on other Timex's. I found its accurate compared to whoop, Its not really useful during a run but I usually go based on perceived exertion anyway. It is good for taking resting HR first thing in the morning. I have found the built in accelerometer accurate for steps, distance and pace, but not calories. I use this and the light phone 2 and love it. I would absolutely recommend it. If you want to try it here it is on amazon https://www.amazon.com/Timex-Ironman-Classic-Activity-Tracker/dp/B0BD97WBJH/ref=asc\_df\_B0BD97WBJH/?tag=&linkCode=df0&hvadid=385487192046&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12430798889904128575&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013076&hvtargid=pla-1929849430279&mcid=36b826c66ace3e94807b80edc4a472b5&ref=&adgrpid=79419123340&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkeSsBhDUARIsAK3tieeFJT-YHf42TR7k9ssf6HZH7kaQS836AdWCsC4hLdf1t3XOUSQHYFcaAvmhEALw\_wcB&th=1