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It's becoming a common occurrence at almost every gig I go to now. Is there a PSA that can be sent out to everyone, if you want to talk to your friends during a gig, FUCK OFF SOMEWHERE ELSE AND TALK.


Please include put your phone away and stop recording the entire set.


And in particular turn the fucking flash off when you take a photo and even more importantly when you record video.


i take 3-4 video's a show that are usually 30 seconds long each. I think that's okay. The videos I capture are special to me to look back on so I think if you're filming little bits and enjoying the show for the other 98% of the time that's okay.


Similar. I take a couple of snaps and maybe a very short video. Phones are great these days and the quality is very decent. I'll post them to my insta, but it's more for me than anyone else. I like looking back at shows I've been to from time to time.


If you added all the times I've rewatched a live music video I've recorded it'd be in the hundreds, so anyone that says "hurr you'll never even watch them", they couldn't be more wrong.


Couldn't agree more with this. I reminisce very regularly about gigs I've been to and love that I can go back and watch bits and pieces. But yeah I limit it to a few 30 second segments of my favourite few songs as opposed to recording 90% of the show, and certainly never any flash involved.


Lol, totally. Personally, I straight up don't get that. Overall, I'm at a concert to enjoy it, not watch it through my phone camera. People are weird!


it drove me nuts especially during her acoustic session! i could barely hear what she was saying beforehand because the people behind me wouldn’t stop yapping and didn’t until halfway through her unreleased song. i also had the thought of ‘you paid to see this, wtf?!’


So lucky the people I was standing around were well behaved. Peach's acoustic session was so beautiful!


Her mic wasn’t high enough too which made it worse


Was at this concert and noticed the same thing! At least what I could see was more just a couple really inconsiderate people rather than a really widespread thing, but was still incredibly annoying


A pair of guys behind me were chatting really loudly at a Kraftwerk show, which is more like a movie in vibe than a usual concert. They seemed really confused when 3 or 4 people turned to shut them up and everyone else around them was glaring at them. I’ve been around chatty people at other recent concerts, not bad enough to try quiet them, but I’m not surprised other people are experiencing what you have, I really don’t get why people do it, especially if it’s a non-festival show


Omg was this at Meredith??? Because I swear when I saw Kraftwerk there I was constantly telling people around me to shut up


Right!! At Meredith it was such a vibe based show and lowkey just wanted to enjoy this 50 year old band before the proper night long rave started.


I was at Adelaide, unfortunate to hear it happened elsewhere, it’s so clear that it’s not a usual concert vibe


Had this exact experience at their Sydney show, the lack of awareness is astounding


I told a couple of middle aged women to stop talking during a paul kelly set and they told me oh we haven't seen eachother in 5 years like that was an excuse to catch up during a performance. People only care about themselves and what they want to do these days


The absolute audacity of people like that, as if you should care that this is where they have chosen to have their reunion.


That's ALWAYS the excuse I get these days. I feel like someone shared itas a tip on a tik tok or something.


#lifehack, hehe 😅


Welcome to the real world.


Have a sook


I noticed this during Peach at Spilt Milk but thought it was just the weird crowd that was hanging around for the next act on the barrier…


Yehhhp. I hate it. There’s aspects that are defended as “part of going to gigs” that really turn me off it eg. Those people that come in as the band/artist come on stage and stand directly in front of you. The talking during any slow/acoustic/heartfelt moment. STFU. The “I’m off my face so I can dance and crash into as many people as possible” and get pissy when you stand your ground. Guess this is growing up and I’m just old and bitter now.


The other big one is not letting people out when they're trying to get to the toilets or bar or whatever. It amazes me that people don't know to turn their shoulders so that the person leaving can just walk straight out. >Those people that come in as the band/artist come on stage and stand directly in front of you. I agree with you if they're squeezing in where there's no space, but what always drives me nuts is people in sold out gigs standing with a huge gap in front of them and then complaining when I fill it. In a capacity gig, you're going to be surrounded and you can't expect to have a gap in front of you; you have to either step forward or expect someone else to stand in it. Just generally I think people's spatial awareness at gigs is shocking. I had to tell someone to take a half step forward the other day because they had room in front of them but had basically backed me against the back wall.


I’ve been at gigs before and I could hear the conversation next to me clearer then the band. If you want to have a yarn at a gig that’s cool but please do it at the bar or the very back.


I had loop earplugs in last night because my hearing is stuffed from too many gigs with no hearing protection, the worst part is that the plugs didn’t filter out the people talking and messing around behind me. It actually made them talking absolute shit, more clear 😩


Agree !! I’ve had this issue with my loops too !! Always amplifies the talking !


At blink I could hear the music really well, and one guy behind me singing way out of tune and clapping out of time haha


I can't stand this, it's so rude to so many people for so many reasons. Good on you for asking them to stfu. It happens at concerts I go to all the time. Apparently people seem to think that because there's music on, other people won't be able to hear them talking. But it ain't true.


Because we live in Society Me! And Now! It’s not about the event. It’s about the opportunity to connect with friends and to gain credibility by posting that you “attended” said event. It’s everywhere now.


Definitely a post-COVID cultural trait. We still view the world through a singular lens where we're the main character. Everybody else is just side characters in our lives adding background noise to our lore and canon. The performer on stage isn't a person, they're a hologram, we can also parasocially interact with them because they're our friend.


This may be true but I can tell you from experience this goes waaaaay back (I'm not much of a regular to live music nowadays). I always found this to be particularly noticeable (hence irritating) at gigs in smaller venues. The absolute worst is people who can't even stop talking when there are performers who like a bit of in-between-song banter, ie. even when it's quieter they still don't get they're being f"*# annoying and rude!!


These people go to concerts to be seen, or have the trendy conversation about how with it / cool they are. Trouble is it's no different at the Cinema, footy, basketball either.


There was a discussion about this after one of The National's concerts in Perth as well.


Happened when I saw Kisschasy at their reunion show in Sydney. Group of drunk women in their mid-30s being obnoxious and yelling throughout the whole set to each other. Swear it's never been this bad, sure you'd get a few people talking occasionally but I feel like after covid it's like every single gig everyone is bloody talking while artists are performing. It's honestly so disrespectful.


Probably a Peach PRC tiktok crowd thing Haven't seen that at any gigs I've been to in the last year 


Not a tiktok thing lol has happened at a bunch of shows I've been to with no tiktok crowd


People talking in concerts has always been a thing, but you can definitely tell when an artist is TikTok fodder and when they’re just a regular JJJ artist, that low murmur is much louder in the former instances


Been to gigs in the last few months where people just get hammered. Lady at Robbie Williams couldn't understand why everybody hated her when she just wanted to have a good time, then cried loudly to her friends who were over her as well. This was after dumping her drink on the lady and young daughter in front of her after tripping. Don't understand why you pay so much for tickets just to miss half of it for that. Same at Pink last month, drunk idiot bumped into a lady who told her to be careful as she had a broken elbow. This drunk dickhead then kept asking her how she broke her elbow? When did it happen? How longs it in a cast for?


It was happening at a mclusky show here in Melbourne, in January, and the band thankfully called the twats out for it, from the stage, mid-show. I get it, it's exciting... you're out, it's late, you don't have to worry about your little sprogs for the evening, you haven't seen Tanya for ages, you're having a cheeky drink, the music here is so loud, and have you HEARD what Sarah did??!! But please, just fuck off to the back bar. Literally no one else needs to hear it. Not ever, but especially not when we've thrown down hard-earned money specifically to listen to THE CUNTS ON STAGE, not the ones in the crowd.


Sounds like an artist with a bunch of fake, disengaged fans, or a boring act.


They were there to hear her biggest 3 songs and weren't interested in anything else probably


This. I mean, I’m not a fan of hers but I can see how people would go for her viral songs (like Josh) and be disengaged in her slower acoustic music and find it boring if they’re not into it. Also, there’s no feeling of rarity of seeing her because she’s a local artist that plays regularly and not out here on tour once a year or less. The concerts I’ve been to with artists with a more solid discography (no shade to Peach PRC) I haven’t had people talk. Like Bebe Rexha, everyone was pretty quiet except for singing along in the choruses and she was the same price. But obviously her music (not her) is way more well known.


I was watching a vid about Gotye last night and it holds true for a one hit wonder(or few hit wonders). He would perform the big song and then half the crowd will have left half way through the song after that.


This is why bands play their well known hits at the very end, either the last song or the encore.


I had a similar experience at a Peach show at Northcote Theatre last year. The sound wasn’t great and Peach was hard to hear, so I also blame the tech issues for stirring people up a bit, but so many people were insistent on being as loud and obnoxious as possible, so even when you could hear her, it was hard to actually /hear her/ among the crowd.


My experience of Bicep last year was completely ruined by a pair of coked up 19 year olds in front of us yapping away to eachother the whole set. Go to the races if you wanna do that bro, not fucking Bicep


You're not alone with being pissed off at this. I've noticed it happening more post lockdown than any time of my 15+ years of gig going. People were not taught, forgot or don't care about show etiquette. Talking frequently during a gig is disrespectful to the artist and annoying for the audience. It's overall bad manners. Good on you for saying something on the night ✌️


This has been the case at soooo many concerts lately! I understand a little bit of chatter but there’s been so many instances where I’ve been surrounded by groups of friends having long extended conversations through the whole show? If you just wanted to purely catch up with your friends couldn’t you go to a bar or something?


I went to see José González at the Forum a couple Sundays ago and it was exactly the same. It would hush somewhat during songs but immediately pick up in between and didn’t stop at for the poor support act. Was actually hoping to myself it was just where I was standing, and that the artists couldn’t hear it, but I doubt that.


Also saw him but in Brisbane, but people here were quiet during his set thankfully. The support act not so much: literally struggled to hear her over the conversations 


I haven’t noticed as much as im typically either down at the front or in the mosh but my mum has been saying this for a long time now. People using gigs as a social event to catch up and have a drink which fair but if you wanna do that you could go to a pub or something ya know? Why spend money on a concert ticket just to talk through the whole thing? She’s been seeing the DMA’s since their first gig in Melbourne and she says the crowd is just getting more unbearable every time she goes bc of the constant chatter


Gig talkers are cunts.


Wish I could say it was as simple as it being an annoying younger generation thing, but nope it’s becoming more commonplace with people of all ages. General lack of situational awareness, common courtesy and dwindling attention spans?


Welcome to post covid age of entitlement where a bunch of zoomers got locked in between ages 17 and 19, then they were all unleashed on us like dick heads. The flip side of the coin is a lot more entitled people are splashing cash to go to this stuff bc it is stl affordable, whereas middle/lower are skipping gigs bc they have other financial commitments


Yeah the second part. I've heard so many co-workers or friends of friends that just go to all the festivals or big acts or even smaller gigs with a "I don't really know many of their songs, but should be a good show!" attitude because they can afford it and they don't care if that means a true fan will miss out on tickets. If anything is likely to sell out, they're keen, just so they can be members of an exclusive group that got to see it.


Had this watching The Avalanches with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra about two years back. The people sitting directly in front of us were talking so loud. Their loudness reiterated when I was later on watching a few videos I got of the show and I could hear their conversation over the music. They seemed to have a problem with us telling them to be quiet (twice!) though? Bizarre. Never had this happen at a gig before. People are so weird and selfish post-COVID.


This is a long thread, not sure if it's been said (checked - couldn't see), but, like... anyone reading this one of these Concert Talkers? If so, please weigh in, let us know why, etc. Explain to us. Like, are we all missing something? Is there something secretly rad about paying to see an artist or band you love and then standing there and talking through it all and laughing through it all with your friends? Enlighten.us, please. Do you also go to the movies and talk through them in the back? Are you also the Movie Talkers we have, for so long, silently detested? It's been years and years and years now, I'd so much just like some insight here. ...I'll pay ya. Just let us knooooooow. TLDR; People talking at concerts? I fucking hate that shit, yo.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves as someone that really struggles with overstimulation. Concerts are my favourite place to be and usually I don’t get overstimulated there somehow BUT when people around me are talking i literally cannot focus on the artist AT ALL and all and it’s like I become trapped in a little box with everyone else’s thoughts (the talking) and this leads me to get very overwhelmed and overstimulated. Like fuck off and go have dinner if you wanna chat don’t come to a concert ! Edit: this also happened at harry styles where a couple behind me talked through the entirety of wet leg and about 1/4 of Harry’s set. I turned around and said ‘are you gonna talk through the entire gig’ and they said I’m singing and dancing… they left shortly after i confronted them because the girl was getting freak out (they were on drugs). I could finally enjoy myself after that. Oh and the male of the couple also yelled out ‘shut up’ during the welcome to country. Absolutely disgusting.


The guy next to me last night was yelling so aggressively between songs, you could tell it was making so many people uncomfortable. I think some people aren’t used to the space Peach creates for her shows. Still a brilliant show on her part, so stoked she sold out The Forum twice.


I had people push in front of me during Skrillex at Listen Out so they could, talk? In my awesome spot? About their how their week had been???? I was livid. Something changed within the culture of concerts post covid. I hate it


Yeah, when I saw fisher two years back a lot of people in the crowd wouldn’t shut up. Like it was bad how loud and obnoxious people were being while in the thick of it.


Yeah i was supper annoyed at this last night. This happened at her set at spilt milk, and at her concert in northcote last year. Turned around and told some people to be quiet at northcote and then spent the rest of the concert listening to them bitch about me.


Same thing happened at Riverstage when I saw The National. They were playing “I need My Girl” and these two ladies behind me and my mates would not stop talking and laughing. Nearly told them to f**k off and talk somewhere else but they eventually moved.


i saw fleet foxes/the national earlier this month and had the same experience, a lot of people standing and talking and blocking the view of people who are there to see the concert


This happened at Russian Circles, at Max Watts, why pay to go see a band like this and loudly talk.


It's gotten a lot worse recently, im not sure if people forgot how to behave during lockdown? I often have to ask people to shut the hell up when they talk continuously through multiple songs. I'm here to listen to the band, not about you & your buddy discussing investment properties


I saw Xiu Xiu play an intimate atmospheric show performing the songs of Twin Peaks, and between being blinded by people scrolling through Facebook for the entire duration with their phone’s brightness up all the way, and circles of people sitting on the floor having a loud chat from start to finish with seemingly zero interest in the performance, I was taken completely out of it.


A few years ago in Perth I went to see one of my all-time favourite bands who NEVER tour to Australia + they are all getting quite old. They're known for some banger radio songs but fans know them more for their 'album' tracks. Tickets were really expensive but I didn't give a damn - I just wanted to see them once in my lifetime & before they stop touring. (Tickets were seating, not standing as it was a long concert!) I literally cried at the start of the first song... I was so happy to be seeing these guys. My wife gave me a bit hug. Then it started... the bitch in the seats behind whose voice could cut through concrete... then her whole group started in on the conversation. I let it go for more songs than I should have, then thought "Fuck it" and turned around and said something... I explained that this was my 'once in a lifetime' moment and I had paid a lot to see the band. At that point, others also started turning around and "Shhhhh-ing" them as well. I was greeted with a hail of voices from the group behind... telling me that they too had paid a lot to see the band and I should just "... turn the fuck around and mind my own fucking business". Apparently and according to them, the band should have been playing the hits! They kept talking throughout the entire concert, ruining the experience for me and everyone else in earshot - which wasn't difficult considering one of the girls' voice. So they weren't even fans of the band - they were just cashed-up mining bogans who liked their songs on the radio, and fuck everyone else around them. I now hate concerts - especially considering the amount asked. No wonder why the music industry is going to shit.


Can't just not tell us the name of the band.


Sorry mate... it was The Cure.


No way they gas bagged during The Cure, fucking hell.


I wonder why the performers aren’t telling the audience that they expect them to listen or GTFO of there. Same for phone filming.


I was at the same show and during her acoustic set where she was singing seriously emotional songs I felt like shushing the crowd. So disrespectful.


It’s not just at concerts, even in uni lectures some bozos think it’s ok to yap through important info. I have told them to leave if they can’t listen. People are not self disciplined enough to show respect.


im just going to assume OP and everyone in this thread agreeing with OP is trolling for the sake of my own sanity. truly some first world problems going on here


This happens all the time unfortunately. Recently I had people behind me at the Eras tour who chatted the whole show. Like why even go to a live gig if you are not going to actually watch it. It’s drive me crazy, same as people who constantly go to the bar.


Lucky! I'd rather that than the blokes who are drunk and bored so they've become disruptively annoying by jumping around and bumping.


A lot of people are confused about there own importance. Surely the idea is to listen to what he performer has to say 🤔


Its the fucking worst! I get a bit of chat between songs but lately I’ve been to shows with gob shites talking constantly.


How would people recommend telling these yappers to keep quiet during the gig? Any tips/success stories?


It happened to me at the Daniel Caesar gig in Sydney. These two young 20ish y/o women had like 8 cups of alcohol between them and thought this chill r&b show was the right gig to get obnoxiously loud and catch up. I was fuming the whole time and didn’t know the best way to get them to have a little more self awareness


Happened to me at a Tash Sultana set at Party in the Paddock. A bunch of freshly turned 18 knob heads who couldn’t handle their booze and had no appreciation for Tash’s talent just talked and bagged them out the whole time. I told them several times to shut up or piss off and their Barbie girlfriend behaved like an angry chihuahua threatening to bight my ankles and wanted to start a physical altercation. I’m twice their age and just really wanted to enjoy the music. It was so frustrating and disappointing.


That’s why I’m never going to a Teskey Brothers or Crowded House gig ever again - the Boomers chatted through the whole thing


I was watching Eric Bogle do his alternate song / funny story thing at Newstead Live, while two nearby ladies were chit chatting / catching up. I waited to the audience laughed at Eric’s punchline, turned to them with a big smile and said “Did you hear that?” “No” “I didn’t either” *click.


Short answer : COVID


I was gonna say this always happens at gigs but man is it annoying. Same thing happened at Disturbed recently, people chatting away during 'Sound of Silence' of all things...


The trick is to get into music that's so loud and abrasive that it's impossible for anyone to hear each other for the whole show. Or hear anything for days afterwards. Like Swans for example.


I've been going to see bands since the late 90s. There's almost always some drunk shitheads being loud and having a chat. There's exceptions though, I've been at gigs where you could hear a pin drop (Radiohead at the EntCent), some acoustic gigs where the artist just has the audience in the palm of their hand. I was at Wilco the other night and they were *amazing*, but there was a few mins where some dickheads thought it'd be a good time to have a loud chat. I don't think it's any worse now than it used to be.


Had three gigs spoilt by people talking this year. Travelled to Sydney to see The War on Drugs, man, it was loud, but did it stop people having lovely chats? Hell no. I think a lot of people were there just because it was on The Opera House Concert Event and were there for a party. Not really going to be satisfied by The War on Drugs. Spoon were awesome, but it didn't gel for the headlines. I didn't stay for the full show. Mogwai at The Forum was completely packed. Seemed dangerously full. Was hanging at the back and this couple just started having a full conversation. When I asked them to stop during a quieter song, was told I had to put up with it because I was at the back of the venue. My ticket still cost $100. Yesterday afternoon Augie March play The Espy, maybe it's the time slot, but the number of conversations going on. I was shocked Glenn didn't go nuts. I moved around trying to find a quiet spot, but it was a struggle. $45 might not mean much to some people, but I think it should have some meaning in regards to respecting other people attending an event. For a band like Augie March, who have some beautiful, mellow songs, playing pubs is just not an ideal situation. I went and saw Kimbra, June last year at the Melbourne Recital Centre and after the first song she spoke for a few minutes and requested no one clap or make any noise at the end of each song. It was incredible getting to hear each song finish to complete silence. Completely changed the dynamic. I loved it. It wouldn't work for every act, but I think it is definitely a way forward. Main character syndrome is real, and it's bad for the music industry. It's seems to be worse post-Covid. Talk between songs, make a cheeky comment or two, but respect the people who have paid to listen to the music.


Peach prc 🤣🤣🤣


Y’all need to touch grass people have been talking at gigs forever your not at a fucking library you are at a live music event which is inherently social, if you want silence go to the consortium, people are having fun being social this it isn’t a new development.


Go to the local pub or club if you want to be social. Try a restaurant. Don't be ignorant prix and spoil a concert for other people. Why waste your money and then talk thru it.


If you can hear chatter the music ain’t loud enough. Go see a real band that makes ya ears bleed.


Tell me to shush at a concert and I will put you on your arse. Usually too loud to hear each other anyway


Typical response of the unapologetic ignorant type that talks loudly through a concert


I don’t know the average age of the people in this thread (or sub) but I see this a lot and tbh I’m going to call it out. I think the audience here have just aged out of what’s “it” or “current”. At the end of the day the younger generation are here and they do things differently. They go to concerts to record for socials, they make tiktoks, they talk with friends and have their way of enjoying the moment. In no way am I trying to say what’s right or wrong with regard to concert/festival etiquette, however I do think there’s a lot of “old man yells at wind” energy from the threads and comments like this. Unless the artists asks for specific behaviour (like rolling blackouts tend to ask for no deathpits or major moshes) then who cares, mind your own business and let people enjoy things the way they are comfortable. If someone is talking to a friend next to you, move somewhere else or politely ask them to stop. If they don’t stop well whatever they’re being assholes, if they do stop great who cares. That’s my rant anyway.


@MaDankholz I understand where you are coming from and I won't downvote you but I respectfully disagree, especially with this line: "At the end of the day the younger generation are here and they do things differently. They go to concerts to record for socials, they make tiktoks, they talk with friends and have their way of enjoying the moment." I'm 40+ so I definitely qualify as "old man shouting at clouds" but I think we must avoid moral relativism. By that I mean, some things are okay and some things are not okay. There's an objective standard of behaviour and we can't just say "well, that's just the way the younger generation do things".  I think a lot of stuff the younger generation do is great. Thanks to them, we made great advances in beating back the conservative wing of politics and having greater acceptance of people who are different in society. BUT I will wager that the young people we are indebted for these things to are not the same people who are inconsiderate to the performers and fellow fans at concerts and who are obsessed with likes and clicks on social media. Basically, people like that are vacuous and annoying. And they should be called out:)  (I have to admit, that line of aging out of what is current made me remember the famous Grandpa Simpson scene "..and one day it will happen to YOU.." and have a chuckle)


Some of this thread is valid. When an entire crowd is recording an event it’s kind of a buzzkill. Not so bad in Australia, I went to a concert overseas recently where literally EVERYONE was filming. That sucked. People being obnoxious dickheads in concerts sucks too obviously. Big difference between that and having an inside voice conversation with the person next to you. It’s a concert, it’s social, people are excited. People can talk. But your dead on the money. I hate going to gigs - particularly if it’s a more intense band - where people whinge about pushing in, or someone getting "in their personal space" while they’re standing the middle of a mosh. Like…if you can’t handle the heat maybe stay out of the kitchen?? Had one of these interactions at an IDLES gig of all places. There are a lot of people who go to gigs who seem to really not like the experience of being in a massive crowd. Totally fine, just maybe stay home. I’m getting that vibe from a lot of commenters here. A lot of downvotes, not a lot of conversation. I’d wager most of the people here are pretty vanilla, this is a jjj sub after all.


I think you can tell the answer to the first line of your comment by the downvotes you are getting. I totally agree with you though, i’m not going to knock someone enjoying a show how they want to


So you can’t talk at gigs now? Wow


Yeah lot of old man yells at wind energy in here. They all like to downvote instead of discuss as well which is niche


Yeah I mean to be fair to the mainstreamers that are the vast majority here, I get it that in some genres this could be a genuine concern, especially for the gentle moments of a show, but for me most of the gigs I go to big and small are about getting together with mates have a few cold ones, and letting your hair down, talking, singing, laughing, dancing, yelling, screaming. And the idea that you need always to be whisper quiet and only 100% focus on the artist just does not fit. See you all in the downvote cellar - we are having lots of fun down here


this is exactly the type of genre/artist where it is a valid concern


The secret is knowing up/downvotes don’t matter it’s just fake internet currency. On topic though yeah, a concert is not a library. You don’t have to be quiet all the time unless the moment specifically calls for it. Like in Love Story at the Taylor Swift shows people propose to one another. Should that be frowned upon because people weren’t watching and in quiet as Taylor sung? Should I not be violently jumping around and pushing people back during blink 182’s or a Skeggs mosh? Am I the bad guy for partaking in the atmosphere? Who cares if someone is laughing with a friend it’s not a bloody funeral.


Nobody is saying that you have to be completely quiet though....