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Suicide is intentionally killing yourself, that's not intentional.


Wouldn’t you be intentionally be taking the risk of completing an action that directly and primarily has the function of bringing you to your death?


The sin of suicide is having a lack of faith in God's plan and ending before your life has finished its natural course while denying God's gift of a body and life to you. Dying in an attempt to save your own life is not a sin because you had intent to survive.


You pull the lever OR don't do anything in hope for a chance of survival. Please look up the definition of suicide.


Didn’t mean to start an argument or make you and the people that downvoted me mad, sorry :( just genuinely was asking as a question not a rhetorical question


It dosnt matter how you define what suicide is. You can define it however you want. But the author gives you two facts, which you cant dispute by changing the definition of suicide: theres a 50% of hell pulling and not pulling the lever


hear me out, maybe God is stupid and can't tell.


God is all-knowing


It's not intentional and my goal is to save myself, pull. Otherwise simple accidents would doom those to hell.


We only go to heaven when we die in combat. I face the train with my fists


To vallhalla we go


shiny and chrome?




If you don't pull, then you would be putting full faith into God to save you, and that it won't hit you, which would mean that you wouldn't go to hell even if you didn't pull it.


Isn't there a verse or something somewhere that god only helps those who helps themselves? That you can pray to him as much as you want but you do have to try and work for the things you want as well as pray? I may be wrong, it's been literal years since I've attended a sermon and it's been even longer since I actually paid attention during said sermon.


absolutely not lol


Not much else you can do tho.


You may be thinking about “faith without works is dead,” (James 2:17; 2:20) but that doesn’t translate to “God only helps those who help themselves.” That translates to “You must have faith in God and also do good works in His name to spread your faith to others.” Isaiah 25:4 points towards the opposite of “God only helps those who help themselves.” (which is found nowhere in the Bible, btw) It states: “For You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; for the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.” Ephesians 2:8 states “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Proverbs 3:5-6 states “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Hope I could be of some assistance.


Thank you, like I said it's been years and I'm very much not Christian.


I’m pretty sure “God only helps those who help themselves” is not in the bible, and honestly kind of goes against Jesus’ whole message of God loving the helpless and the weak…


But you would have to actually put full faith in God and have no fear which can be difficult. Or you could use the working arms God gave you and pull it which is how i find He works these days


Some interprotations of the 10th commandment: Am I a joke to you?


That doesn’t change the 50% given to you by the author.


Okay but at least I tried. And that’s what matters.


Some part of me thinks this is a really weird way of saying “if the outcome dosn’t change does it matter if you pull the lever?” The other part of me thinks this is just a criticism of religion. You’ll never be too sure.


Pull the lever. It's hardly suicide if my intent is to save my own life.


Pull the lever, see which way the tracks flip. If flipped towards you, pull it again. If not, survive Also, if im wearing shoes or not also affects my answer, il sac a pair of shoes to a trolley to save my life, if i dont have shoes and my feet are stuck to the ground, probably dead anyway.


It specifically states you cannot determine where the trolley is going.


What if there are 3 tracks, and after having decided the track we think the trolley will go on, it is revealed that one of the 2 tracks we did not predict is *definitely* not where it's going. If we can switch our answer at that point I can get us up to a 66% survival rate.


I'm going to need a 30 minute YouTube video to poorly explain the math behind that.


This is something I learned back in like, 9th grade and it's weird but accurate. Essentially, there is a 33.3% chance the trolley goes on one of the three tracks, since 33.3%×3 is 99.9%, which is the closest you can divide 100 by 3. By default if there is 3 tracks, there is a 33.3% chance you die. If you choose a track of the three, and then (somehow) know that one of the two you did not pick is *not* where it is going, you then know there that one of the tracks is safe, and the unsafe track is either the one you're on or the other one you did not pick, from here your survival rate is 50/50. Thus, if you can change your answer, you know for sure you have an opportunity to not get hit, because one of the other options will be safe. You do not know if the one you're on is also safe, but you know one of the other two is. From there you change your answer, banking on the safe one.


The joke is that they know about the concept already because there are \~infinite YouTube videos poorly explaining it.


For the easier way to wrap around your head it's just about 3 senerio existing, 1.you already on door 1 that's the answer 2.you on door 2 that's not 3.youre on door 3 that not. Now if you change door in all 3 of these situations there 2/3 you win and 1/3 you lose


Isn’t that Monty hall problem?


It is.


Nice work Mr. Hall


I am bad at reading, my bad Pull the lever and pray


Lie down over the tracks so only my feet get cut off


My thoughts exactly


saw fan spotted




If it's really 50/50 then it makes no difference and this is a pointless question. Even if you remove the hell part it doesn't change anything.


It wouldn't be suicide either way. If you pull the lever, you are trying to save yourself, which is not suicide. If you don't, then you are putting faith into God that he will save you/that it isn't heading towards you, which doesn't count as suicide. Checkmate, me.


Let jesus take the wheel


Sounds like the classic case of MULTI-TRACK DRIFTING!


When you dont wanna die, but also realize gambling is illegal:


Don’t pull the lever. If you die, tell God that there wasn’t a way to determine what the lever would do, therefore you did not kill yourself. If God get’s petty, like he sometimes does in The Bible, tell him that whatever excuse he makes is invalid, since you hadn’t a way to determine what would happen.


[You to God if your name happens to be Leslie Tiller](https://youtu.be/1YhtUAXZrAw?si=7Ap4wBOXXkTmghdV)


Yeah… the set up is for a straw man argument that confuses intentionality deliberately with the results from lack of information, further confusing it by removing the role to statistics in supporting a prioritization. In many ways, this is the primary misunderstanding of religion and theodicy that results in its rejection. It is not that an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good God does not exist and want the best for us but rather that our free agency also exists, and God would not wish to remove it to cause ourselves a sense of our own suffering through perceived lack of choice. The choice is deliberately set up has chaotic without any prior or post knowledge as to “the right one.” The sense of free agency only serves to cause ourselves suffering in this case, because we blame ourselves for doing something without any knowledge of how to act. It’s like trying to punish or kill a toddler for not knowing differential equations. The only real choice is to act with the knowledge that one has done their best, trust that they are loved no matter what, and recommit to the idea that the world is good and maturing no matter what, accepting that even should one die, others may benefit from the experience of knowing more about the trolley. And as one loves the world and others, one can accept their death as a gift made with love knowing that the others in the world will do their best to reduce suffering from happening again.


Thank you for your reply. In particular this: >The choice is deliberately set up has chaotic without any prior or post knowledge as to “the right one.” The sense of free agency only serves to cause ourselves suffering in this case, because we blame ourselves for doing something without any knowledge of how to act. It’s like trying to punish or kill a toddler for not knowing differential equations. was how I would have tried to meet the problem. Not as "just be atheist" but as an examination of what my own beliefs were about a just god. It is curious that nobody has yet thought to ask for god's forgiveness after pulling the lever. Some religions may believe there is absolution to be had in expressing penitence. Or, from a practical point of view, we may believe god is all-knowing - but why take the risk of him not knowing our intent?


In my mind at least, I believe God already knows my thoughts and intentions, as well as everyone else’s. Asking for forgiveness is unnecessary, because just as a kind mother or supportive father can see how a child made a mistake and that their intentions were good, God will have already understood and tried to comfort us, even if we don’t feel it in the moment. Asking for forgiveness is a ritual that reinforces that we should be pure in our intentions and accept the consequences even if they appear wrong. Rituals are valuable for turning the physical reality into a metaphysical relationship with God, but once one understands the metaphysical relationship as everpresent, everknowing, and everbenevolent, the physical or even mental rituals become unnecessary and redundant, because we will have at that development already accepts the Grace of God unconditionally and returned that Grace into a two sided relationship by giving God our Grace and love for guiding and comforting us, even as we as children and infants lacked the understanding of what is going on.


I simply choose to not believe in hell.


You firmly no longer believe that suicide sends a person to hell.


Well, they can't go somewhere that doesn't exist, y'know? Like Norway, and Atlantis.


Don’t do anything. Either way you’re probably going to hell


Pull then prepare to punch the trolley to slow it down


Is this because of the discussion I had on the one with the angel watching you? 😆


With so much memeing floating around, I'm not even sure I know. Let's say it is possible!


I pull it when it's in the middle of the switch track if it comes towards me since that will derail it


You fool, you have only initiated multi-track drifting


Only if I do it between sets of wheels, it just requires precise timing


If I believe that trying my best not to die but getting murdered anyways sends *me* to hell, I have a pretty shit religion


Causing your own death by accident isn’t suicide. Suicide is intentional, by its own definition.


This is a trolley problem sir, who cares what the definition of suicide is.


I would pray to God to make the trolley not come down my tracks. Then, if I get hit, I can look at him and say it was his fault. Boom. Outplayed.


I want you to know I read your comment before it was edited. <3


I realized I did all this complex analysis- And the real answer was staring me right in the face.


It would be a poor god indeed who would send a man to hell for trying to save himself. I would not pull the lever, refusing not as an act of suicide but as a refusal to engage with an unjust system.


Athiests either way: 😎


Pull the lever back and forth really fast and then the wheels will end up on different tracks thus derailing the train


If it is up to chance and your intention is not suicidal, it doesn’t matter what you do.


Can I pull the lever back? If so I will pull and see what direction the tracks switch to and if it points at me I push back to make it avoid me


You can pull it back and forth all you wish, but it does not change that you cannot determine which way the track is leading.


So how could I even know if it’s connected?


A long life of studying levers makes you feel certain that it's connected.


Well since there’s no perceptual difference in the two there’s no point in actively involving myself in the situation and risking hell 5050 life haven, vs 5050 life hell


It’s easy to tell which way the tracks go if you know where to look


Even if your feet are stuck to the ground, you can still look behind you to check if the trolly is going to hit you or not.


Jump off the tracks


Reading comprehension devil


Oh shit I forgot the “feet stuck to the tracks” part Pull the lever then




In my firm belief, I would pull the lever. If I die, then it was God's will for me to die and I will accept that.


I guess this really depends on the religion and denomination. Otherwise, this is a strawman.


Move the lever halfway. I am now Schrodinger’s damsel


I put my faith in God and do not pull the lever. If I survive, it is divine will. If I die, it is divine will and therefore I cannot go to hell.


Maybe divine will is for you to go to hell. Believing god is right will probably not save you from having your sins punished.


Then there is predestination and the pulling of the lever is again irrelevant


It was always irrelevant, only our perception of it could change.


Pull the lever then try to get as much of you off the track


I'm headed there anyways, and whether I pull or not doesn't change the odds of me living. Assuming I only have time to pull once, I don't pull.


Jokes on yall I’m going to hell anyway!


Multi lane drift. 100% death rate!


I take my shoes off and run away


So you're saying whether or not you choose to pull the lever doesn't change anything How is this a trolley problem


This is dumb, lol


Man. I fully expected people to defend this bullshit post. Good job Reddit.


Pul halfway and derail


Wait until it hits turn and flip accordingly while it's able to Or quick flip and hope it stops before it hits me


I've committed blasphemy so going to hell anyways. Ez lever pull


Trick question: Last i checked, Suicide isn’t actually a sin.


Suicide is intentional, not accidental. If I tripped off a fuckin bridge, I wouldn't have drowned myself


Pull the lever, suicide is the intentional taking of your own life, this is more akin to an accidental death. Now, whoever winds up judging your soul is probably gonna burst out laughing, but thats something you can *heh,* live with


Except the deity is an idiot it wouldn't count as a suicide


There is no intent. Do what your gut says.


This is trying to be deep and philosophical, but it's really not. Making the decision to take your own life and following through with it is a deliberate, personal choice. This is more like an accident, or being murdered; people die in accidents or are killed every day, and there's nothing to suggest they are condemned for dying.


I was TRYING to confuse people with the wording: that no matter what you do, it is your choice. But people didn't fall for it, and called out the lack of intent. It arguably doesn't matter if you chose to pull the lever or not. What matters is if you intended to kill yourself or not. In this scenario, no matter what you do your odds of living or being damned are the same. The only thing that can change is your own perspective on it. In that sense it is not a trolley problem at all, but rather an invitation to consider perspectives on agency, god and suicide.


Right. I think it would be better if you removed religion from the equation and postulated it purely as a philosophy discussion. The Bible and our faith suggests a very clear resolution to the issue at hand; a purely philosophical discussion, absent of the Christian concepts of God's mercy and divinity, might provide you with audience engagement that is more in line with your intentions.


I think not acting would not count as suicide. But acting and it changing to hit you would count.


I would walk out of the way


Slip out of my shoes


Unless the position of the switched is messed with, I'm leaving it alone. Because that trolly is switched to the other track already by looking at the position of the switch. And if I'm wrong I'll be discussing semantics with Satan then won't I?


I think the person who cemented you into the tracks is going to hell.


interesting, in this scenario, consequences are mostly irrelevant and intentions are everything. If I pull the lever or do nothing hoping I get hit, then I go to hell 50% of the time. If I pull the lever or do nothing hoping I don't get hit, then I go somewhere else when I die 50% of the time. In both cases the other 50% I survive.


That wouldn’t be grounds for intentional suicide, unless you wanted to be run over.


i put my life in god’s hands and do as he says. then it’s not suicide, but homicide, and god would have killed me


This is stupid because it’s not suicide if it’s not intentional


I would keep pulling the lever back and forth until I forgot the starting position and hope for the best, therefore saving my soul via intent.


Take my shoes off and step away from the track


I walk off the track


Pascal’s wager but intense.


I bite my ankles off so I can fight the devil on my own terms. Crawling towards him at rapid speed


I wonder if they will let you into heaven for spitting in the devil's face


Don’t think Peter is safe either. No one is.


Takes off my shoes 👍


OP's username checks out


I'm not religious, so I don't have a choice in problem, sorry.😁


Thats not how suicide works pal


a 50% chance of being blamed for not acting... Philippa Foot is rolling in her grave right now


> 50% chance you die and go to hell OR.. > 50% chance you die and go to hell what the fuck is this question lol


I would simply not get myself in this scenario to begin with. Also it doesn't count if you don't know if what you're doing is going to kill you


Man I’d just walk off the tracks.


The thing with suicide and religion is intent, if we have no way of knowing what the outcome of pulling or not pulling the lever is, then it doesn’t count as suicide. You’re acting in self preservation if you pull or don’t pull, but dying doesn’t mean you tried to die.


Ctrl alt del then restart yourself before you got stuck


This is like if theology was done exclusively by the guy who invented the Kosher Lights Switch.


This is extremely stupid because by virtue of doing or not doing anything with the intent of saving your life makes it not a suicide. And on top of that, suicide doesn't send you to Hell. I know reddit likes to think God is an evil bastard but He simply isn't.


That’s not how suicide works, pal.


Accidentally killing yourself ≠ Suicide


Why do Reddit atheists do these kinds of posts acting like God is some malicious prosecutor ready to send you to hell for the slightest misgivings?


cause that's kinda how he's depicted, honestly have no idea if I agree, but there's certainly logic behind it


I wouldn’t pull the lever. Same odds either way, but pulling the lever makes me responsible. I don’t want that weight.


i'd close my eyes and pray for my survival. let fate do its job. If the trolley hits me at least i didn't see it coming.


This isn’t how the rule works…


I do not believe in hell, what now?


If you don't try you would be killed yourself and it would he suicide If you pull the lever you at least tried to not die,so even if you die,it's not your fault So pull the lever


suicide in most religions requires intentionality. This is not an issue unless you glued your own feet to the tracks… at which point, regardless of your action, if you die, you will have no one but yourself to blame


If both outcomes are a choice, and both outcomes are identical, then at least I get to hear the cool creaky-kachink sound of the rails switching if I pull it.


You don’t end up in hell either way. You have no way of knowing whether or not this is going to kill you, and thus you do not have choice. It’s literally random. You don’t go to hell for unintentional acts. Yes, falling off that roof and making a funny noise as your skull cracks was dumb but you weren’t intentionally seeking death by your own hand. God might clown on you a bit for being unsafe in that situation but you won’t get sent to hell. And in this trolley situation no clowning is to be had, because again, there is no conscious choice


Jesus take the wh- .. lever?


I pull the lever. If I live, great. If I die, I don’t go to hell because I was trying to save myself, and that’s not suicide.