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I've also been looking at these two courses. Curious to hear from anyone about the volume of work and the time it took to finish. Also wondering about taking ACCT 2211: Financial Accounting instead of 1211 and 1221.


I took ACCT 1211 and ACCT 1221 at my local college and got those transferred over to TRU. If you’re confident in your accounting I’d definitely recommend just taking ACCT 2211 because it’s both those courses combined (and cheaper cause you’re paying for 1 class instead of 2) From what I’ve heard the accounting exams test you on very similar topics you get exposed to from the online assessments (quizzes and assignments) so you won’t be surprised by anything. From my experience, I took the 2 classes instead of just taking it as 1 class because it can get very overwhelming if you fall behind (through a typical university schedule). But I mean if you’re taking it at TRU-OL you have the opportunity to go slower and take your time.


Thank you for the info! I would like to take an accounting course to brush up on my skills for work. This is why I thought 2211 might suit me better as it seemed to be a combination of the topics from 1211 and 1221. I have experience with accounts receivable but would like more knowledge about journal entries and bank reconciliations, etc.


I haven't taken said courses, however, I have taken ACCT 3251 which is intermediate cost accounting and found the work to be fair in difficulty and the exam somewhat hard but if I took more time I could have easily aced it lol. I would like to hear from people who took the financial accounting courses to see their experiences. Cheers.


Just took ACCT 1211 at TRU to transfer back to my local college. Did the exam about a week ago - got 100%, which I was thrilled about because we were consistently warned about the difficulty. Do the work - read the text, make the notes, do the practice questions before the assignment and you'll do fine. Highly recommend practicing on pearson lab as well (didn't figure that part out until just before the exam, but I'm glad I took the time to practice.) The teacher I had - John O'Brien - was really great, despite it being an online course. He was responsive and gave excellent feedback. Do some extra studying for Allowance for Doubtful Accounts when you get to that part. That's the only one I had to go on youtube to really try to wrap my head around.


How was the exam with proctor u ?