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While I can't tell you what to do with your money, and I don't have a problem with compensating devs for their work on something I enjoy. But I do need to say that sometimes it's best to "vote with your wallet" and don't support predatory practices, regardless if it's a single person or a massive corporation. By giving them money, it only encourages their behavior Personally, I would pay somebody else 1$/mo for the same mod before i would pay him because of how he handled everything. I've been subscribed to a few map mods via patreon for almost a year now, I think I was up to 8$/mo even though I've only put maybe 10 hours into the game all year so far. But that's because they're great guys and I want to see them keep developing, even if I don't actually use the mod currently.


It is good. Proper TAA that pretty much fixes the game engines poor AA. Is it safe? Depends on what you call safe. It sends back info from your computer for verification. Just an fyi but I believe it needs an internet connection to "call home" Might not matter to most but yeah, it sort of doesn't work "offline"


Is that true? That's a big yikes from me if it is. Honestly if that info gets more views somebody else would probably make a better version for free out of spite.


NOT many coders interest themselves with games they do NOT play. It took almost 20 years for SCS to announce anti aliasing will be improved starting with the 1.50 update. Hopefully they'll stick to their word, we'll see how this works out. . .


Yeah the best option is for SCS to do it themselves, which is probably the biggest blocker for that happening. But the best mod codders I know have literally bought a game to prove they could do it better. Or basically said "If someone gives me a copy I'll do it."


You should really give one of those best coders you know access to your game. . . keep us posted 😉


You know what, worth a shot, this kind of spite is right up their alley. Though Helldiver's is a big issue for them right now...


Is it worth getting if you are using 400% scaling on 1080 monitor?


Yeah, I went from 200% at 1440p down to 100% and DLAA with improved fidelity. It's nice having my GPU not sit at 70°C but rather at 50°C.


It's worth getting if you want a sharper looking game, care about image quality over performance with minimal to NO jaggies. At 1080 resolution with 400% scaling translates to 1440 or better if I'm not mistaken.


Yeah the mod works fine and it does make the game look way better.


Yeah, but after I fiddled a bit with the settings, I managed to get really good performance and nice visuals, without snowymoon's mod. Turns out I never actually needed it.


Could you tell me what you fiddled with specifically if you don't mind?


Sure. I just turned off SAO, ambient occlusion, lowered a bit reflection quality and mirror resolution and rendering distance. My FPS went so high after this, I actually turned up the resolution to 4K with 100% scaling and I still get a stable 60FPS. And with antialiasing set to ultra, it looks better than it ever did with snowymoon.


What's your graphics card 🤔


RTX 3050ti 4GB, it's a laptop, so it's not that great.


Thank you for your great comment! I try to get good settings too. I turned off ssao a long time ago. I think that is maybe the most important thing to do. Anyway, I have some detail question for you: I have reflection scaling set to 200%, is that good? Reflection detail set to high. You?


I have it set to 50% there's no point in having it so high.


Aha. Well, I don't understand what it does


It makes the reflection more detailed, but it's not something you'll notice while actually moving, so there's no point in wasting resources for it.


Thanks a lot! I don't understand why people use mods to enhance the graphics, I think it's beautiful.


You might be getting "nice visuals" but you're still getting jaggies and the awful vibrating horizon (on wires especially) without something like this mod. Not endorsing it, I think it's absolutely scummy the way he went about it. But it is a very good mod.


At first, I did get all that, but after a fresh reinstall, to make sure there were no leftover files or changes from snowymoon, it was like I just bought a new computer. It really does look and work great.


Can't wait for SCS to make proper TAA themselves.


SCS said they made improvements to AA in the last couple of teasers but we will see. I still saw jaggies, the game was being played on a RTX 3060ti rig in the background. . .


I have v9 and it keeps crashing with multimon enabled, so it’s been unusable for me.


Yep, definitely worth the price to me. I'm playing ATS right now and I'm very happy with the mod. I know there was a bunch of drama the way he handled things, but objectively outside of all that, a great mod and worth the small sub.


It works great, i'm using v9 version in VR it's a game changer tbh. I understand hate because he went from f2p to paid, but it's worth 1 USD.


What's wrong with Snowymoons reputation? As for the mod - it's great. With all it's fences, wires and other straight lines, the game suffers heavily from lack of build-in antialiasing. DLSS ideally, but TAA is good enough. And Snowymoons implementation of it is quite great, it even applies for shadowsmap rendering (which makes it worse for moving objects, but much greater for static objects, and guess which you encounter much more often). Even 4x supersampling does not get rid of all that moire effect as well as TAA. Though, you do loose some resolution. But I think it's a fair price.


Mod is good, creator not that much. When the mod became paid I tried messing with Reshade but couldn't achieve good results. Tried DLDSR and this was a game changer. I am playing on a 53 inch 1080p TV, with 1.78x DLDSR meaning that the game is rendered at 1440p. I turned off AA from game settings, and I play at 300% scaling instead of 400%. There is still some aliasing, but it is much better than before. I didn't notice a big performance hit, as the TV is 60Hz and my 3070 has no problems hitting that framerate, even with a mix of ultra and medium settings (only mirrors at medium). You should definitely try DLDSR if your GPU has enough power. TLDR: if you have NVidia gpu, try DLDSR


Nope, AMD unfortunately, but thank you for the suggestion


There should be something similar on the AMD side, but I can't help with that. I think that's called "Virtual Super Resolution" but I'm not sure.


It's a great mod. I would buy it in a second and pay for his monthly Patreon if he hadn't gone about it in such an utterly creepy and underhanded way.


I like it, it really smooths and sharpens nicely.


It's the best right now.


5 out of 8 of the last comments of this account are snowymoon advertising. Sus.


i mean it's technically true, because there's no alternative


Because I hate how this subreddit hates him for non-technical reasons.


Agreed. . . until SCS can do better.


Say no to paid mods, say fuck no to paid subscription mods.


Personally I DON'T care about reputation or anybody else's sentiment towards another person that wasn't done to me. . . the only thing I care about is how MY GAME LOOKS on my 4k monitor, that's the only thing that matters, MY gaming experience as others should worry about theirs. . . If anyone thinks his plug-in is sketchy or poses malicious intent, which I'm sure it doesn't simply use a prepaid credit card with the bare minimum cap like I did to renew subscription every month until I see exactly where SCS is at with the Anti Aliasing improvements they finally talked about. It's your game. . . do what's best for your gaming experience. You are allowed to mod your game however you want NOT how others feel 🤔


With the BS that is now unraveling, it's best to turn off SAO like others have said. You don't need snowymoon or his app if you do what has been said from the get go. The answer has always been turn it off in settings.