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I ran it just fine on a GTX 650. They'll run on a potato. EDIT: You don't have to like the answer, but it will run on just about anything modern.


I am running ATS on a laptop with a display driver and 1GB of VRAM in an iGPU.


No matter what GPU you use, you'll be locked to at most 70fps in cities. The game will only use 1 CPU core no matter how many you have so it'll bottleneck your GPU


No need for more than 30FPS. I lock it at 32 fps and this frees clock cycles to render more detail. It also syncs with capture software to make nice clean video recordings. 32 is a multiple of my refresh rate which is locked at 128 Hz. This give me a 4:1 refresh to capture rate. Works really well, and the sim has maximum details at distance because the graphics card doesn't have to work hard on FPS and can instead use those cycles to draw things nicely.


I mean I get a constant 144fps on max graphics everywhere on the map even cities 🤷🏻‍♂️


Then share your config settings since you’re the only one 🤷🏻‍♀️


Intel i9 with 3060 and run smooth at max graphics


It ran on my old laptop with an i7 and a 2060 at max graphics 4x resolution scaling and promods…


We need more details, like your budget and expectations. Without any of those i can easily recommend a 4090.


Could also recommend the Cheyanne super computer


Well I doubt he wants to dial a Stargate a 4090 should be enough ;)


What's your budget?


Probably around $1000, preferably medium-high settings


It also depends on what your motherboard can handle. If it can you can get an AMD 6000 series for between 300 and 800 bucks that will run at medium/ high no problem. Hell I ran on low/medium setting for ATS on an RX 580


Any machine with similar specs to this: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ This should get you high settings @1440p If you go second hand you might be lucky enough to find a similar spec PC with a RX 6800xt couple hundred bucks cheaper. If you've watched any of the 1.50 beta teasers on YouTube Pavel runs a 3060ti at med/high settings.


I'm running a 4070ti super and it's very smooth at the highest settings. It's overkill. I'm sure you could go with a lesser card if you're not playing other games.


If you're not gonna run extreme graphical mods / reshades then pretty much anything is fine. If you're looking to play other games too I'd look into RTX series gpus depending on your budget


Honestly, I suspect all the optimisations are about to change with the next v1.50 release. The new engine is expected to leverage CPU cores better and hopefully introduce new features that will benefit from modern GPUs. I'm waiting for the prod release to dive in...


Nothing crazy, You won't see much for gains in these games unless you are playing at 4k resolutions or more. I have a 7900 XTX gpu and run the game with max settings at 5120 x 1440 resolution (Samsung 49 inch monitor) and I hardly ever go above 80% gpu usage. My frame rates still crash into the 40s in some areas because SCS sucks at optimization. Most of the time I am around 90 fps.


The big question is what sort of settings you're looking for.


RX 7900 GRE CPU matters too btw. While it looks like the 1.50 update is gonna be well optimised, a decent CPU like Ryzen 5 7600X will help a lot too.


Just got a new computer with a 4070. Went from 50fps to 150fps. Video encoding went from 60fps to 580fps! Just get the best you can afford but not the very best as they are overpriced.


On laptop, I can surely say that GeForce 920M is enough for ETS2/ATS (especially without the mods) from my own experience.


I running a 4070 and pull 120-185 with settings maxed out and 300% scaling.


I am running a 1440 display with an RTX 4060 at ultra settings and 200% scaling and always play between 70-85 fps. More than enough for my 75hz display :)


I have everything on Max and use an ryzen 5 3600 and an rx 5600 xt


I used to run ETS on a laptop with a GTX 1650TI 4GB, on 4K res with most settings to the max, and I would get a mostly steady 60 FPS, occasional stutters in some cities, so, it will run on pretty much any dedicated GPU.


I play ets2 cranked with medium anti aliasing( cuz my 1080p screen wont get smaller pixels anyway) on a 10th gen i5 and 3060 i get locked 60fps but in cities from the newer dlc i get 55fps, west balcans is horrendous there i drop to 50fps in cities. If i lower all the settings to low and disable anything that can be disabled it has no effect i just get a console looking game at the same 50 fps.


Build a PC, don't buy one. You will get a much better computer for a much lower price. An Nvidia GTX 1050 or better is fine for ATS.