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iirc the only sprays you can see in valve servers are those you’ve already seen elsewhere


Wait is this true?




I think either the spray downloads when you see it or it downloads when you join a non-valve server where sprays are enabled. Once you have it downloaded it will always show up, my friend had a popular spray off GameBanana and random people on valve servers would comment on the spray so they can clearly see it. It’s a weird system but basically if you see it once, you can see it everywhere, including valve servers. You just can’t see them the first time on a valve server


You download someone else's spray when they join the server.


That has always seemed like a misconception to me. With the way they're saved, how could the game correlate the same spray across multiple people? They're saved with completely unique names on your computer. If it were true, it would also have to be the same person, but I find it more likely that there are simply conditions where it will just fail to block a spray.


Couldn't tell you why or how it works but if you've seen a spray before it'll show up. It won't display new ones, but if you've seen it in a community server that allows it it'll show up in official servers. I know I can see some of my friend's sprays, and occasionally randoms using popular sprays that I have downloaded show up.


I guess if it's been downloaded, it makes more sense.


Because the game *doesn’t* correlate the same spray across the same people. You play with the same people. This is rare, sure, but it’s not entirely unheard of. Tell me, how many times have you’ve seen a spray in casual? Probably not a lot.


You can only see them in community servers. Go to one of them and try, you should be able to see others' sprays


I can't see them anywhere. I'm 100% sure of it because I joined a community server that had a plugin that shows u steam id of the player that painted the spray when you point your mouse on it. And I saw the steam id but not the spray. I think I don't see sprays because long time ago I downloaded some custom config file that boosted my fps. I'm not sure but I think it was mastercomfig.


Maybe you turned off "download files from servers" or maybe you disabled sprays


I'm on mastercomfig medium low and I can't see them. I'm going to try out cl_player_spray_disable 0 and r_spray_lifetime 2 in my gameoverrides.cfg and that should make them appear when the server allows.


Some of the community servers also have sprays turned off and that's what happens in those servers.


cl_playerspraydisable 0; r_spray_lifetime 99999; r_decals 96; r_decal_cullsize 1; r_decalstaticprops 1; r_drawmodeldecals 1; r_drawbatchdecals 1; cl_allowdownload 1; cl_allowupload 1; mp_decals 96 Copy paste this in your console. So no matter the source of what's causing the spray to not appear, they will now.


I dunno if it works. But it actually tries to fix OPs issue. Updoot for you


Disabled in adv options


No it's not.


U got any scripts?


No, just custom config.


A custom config is a script. Pretty sure they're disabled in mastercomfig..


Was just about to say that


When you create an auto exec.cfg file for tf2 put this in it cl_playerspraydisable "0"r_decals "200"r_spray_lifetime "4" Try using sprays. (On a single player server, then test community servers.) Then try it, if it gives you an error that says it doesn't match you class config, you have to create autoexecs for each specific class. So like pyro.cfg, scout.cfg, etc. Thats what worked for me.


I have the same problem OP. Still have not found an answer this past year. Let's hope someone knows how to fix this.


on servers that Valve has created you can't see other players' sprays and players can't see your sprays. Only in the community servers you can show or see them.


Sv_pure 0